Mayor Macdonald of Toronto, at the desire of a large number of the citizens, has written a letter to the Hon. David Mills, Minister of J ustiCe, asking that the. execution of Wil- liams, the murderer of Yarcoe, a Toronto Grocer, be postponed from Friday next (Good Friday) to some more appropriate day. The Mayor and his supportelsxoertainly show a proper consideration for consistency under the circumstances. Where is our Christianity seen if on a. day set :ayart by all our Christian churches Such a compilation of comment and criticism would make exceedinglv in- iteresting reading. HEre is a brief clipping from the Catholic Register, “for example, which should be perused by everybody regardless of personal 1predelections. “ It would sceem†says the writer “as if Sir Wilfrid *had reserved all his latent force for 3the supreme moment which Mr. €Bourassa’s amendment led to, and 3’6he manner in which he discharged *the double duty of defending his iGoVernment’sCourse of action and of ‘winning the House to practical un- ‘animity, is the most powerful and teloquent eulogium that could have ibeen pronounced upon his patriotic and convincing address. The Pram- sier of Canada has passed through a ttrying time ; much has been said and writtenthat for the dignity of the 'country had better never have been published. The people whom he loves, and of whom he is the fore most representative, had been tra- -'dueed and goaded to the verge of rupture; he himself‘had been the butt of euery so-called loyalist who thought his pen sharp enough to in- dite a venemous squib on the ragged lines of disloyalty. Like the large loyal-hearted man that he is, and as now he is universally admitted to be, he bore all with fortitude and manly forbearance; he bided his time and when it came, it did not ï¬nd him wanting.†ed. The principal result of the de- bate so far has been to draw the lines of demarcation very clearly between the trade policies and the two politicâ€" al parties. The Government’s policy is clearly deï¬ned as :â€"a revenue tariff secured in part by a substantial preferential reduction upon British imports, whereby its promises of re- duced taxation are fully redeemed and inter~imperial trade encouraged and . developed. The Opposition policy is to give no concession to Great Britain unless an equal conces- sion is made to Canada in return. This has been very properly called “The Pound of Flesh Policy." It is an exempliï¬cation of the principle enunciated twenty years ago, “ If British connection is imperilled by the trade policy known as the N. P.; so much the worse for British connecâ€" tion.†‘The debate upon the budget has ’made considerable progress in the House of Commons during the past. week, and seVeral important speech: es on each side have been contribut- A good-sized volume might be compiled of the newspaper and plat- form comments that have been made throughout the civilized world, upon that historical speech by Sir Wilfrid Laurier upon the Bourassa resolution some three weeks ago. It is no ex- aggeration to state that not for many years has any statesman in the em- pire created such an impression as was produced by that-one half hour effort. leCHMOND HILL. April 12, 1900 GIB‘IZE'I‘SVNOVBiiéeâ€"C. Ii. Stiver‘ Change-H. C. Bailey. 'Cbangaâ€"Canada. Cgclggud Motor Co‘ In ‘ï¬ihernl. SIR WILFRID AND THE EM- PTRE. New Advertisements. WNirtlogaeT- accepted unless considered sasisâ€" factory. ‘Tnnders for the purchase of two acres of land, at the west. end of lot. 12. did con.Vn.u.1han (lying bvtwoeu the Lutheran Church and the Parson- age), will-be received by Jesse Keï¬er, Concord P. 0‘. one of the administrators of the estate of the 1350 Anne Eeï¬er. up to and including the 19th of April, 1900. Far Saie by IBM? take. I am not; anxious to give bonuses, but, when an offer is made I think the citizens should be called to- getbe-r and consider the prhposition. Newmm-ket and other places are al- waysnn the lUOkOllt for nuv indus- tries. Let, us also keep mu- (‘yos Open. Those who believe in froo dismission are not necessarily enemies of village. HATEPAYI- Richmnnd Hill, April 11, 191)“. Sumâ€"I was sorry to observe from his letter in your last. issue that Reeve Savage felt hurt because I asked the Week before if :my action had heen taken by the. council in referencelo Mr. Panel-Son‘s proposition to open :L shoe factory in Rinlnnond Hill, on certain conditions. The offer made by Mr. Patterson was pretty well under- stood by our citizens, lmt I was anx- ious to know what reply had been s‘I-nt from this village. Our Worthy reeve says he sent a. reply, hut insteml of ghing it he printed Mr. Patterson’s letter. As a ratepayer l thLught, nod think still. that we should know what reply was sent from the village. No doubt Mr. Savage would keep a copy of the letter sent, and if he will pnh- lish it, the citizens will know all about it. Possibly he will do this after consideration. He says he (lid not consider my letter worthy of an answer because. I did not Sign my name, but he afterwards changed his mind. Surely it, is not a crime to ask infornmtion on any question relating to_the alfaixs of the village. The reeve says he thinks I am the man who wanted to “ hmms the village- for $6,000 †last year. This is a. mis- take. I am not; anxious to give hmmses, but, when an offer is made I April 4. 1960 Sumâ€"I his letter Savage ft W991; be! To The Enhmr of THE Llr for fasting, humiliation and prayer on account of our manifold trans- gressions, when the heads of our whole Dominion are supposed to he ‘bowed in supplieation as the throne of God for the forgiveness of our sins, if in Toronto, 9. city ofchurches, ‘some of its citizens in accordance with law should be engaged in usher- ing a fellow sinner into an awful eternity. The Other Lester Wanted Dan’é ï¬wess At Ramgï¬Ã©ag ARTHUR QUAN'I‘Z, . . mssr: KEFFER. }5dm‘“‘“m°†40a RAY (1111 Lot 9.8 and part of 29. rear of the 2nd con. Vaughan. camisting 0! 165 acres is for sale. The soil is Sandy loam. there is a. frame house, two barns (one a bank burn), and good outbuildâ€" ings. The farm is well watered,»and is in a. good stats of cultivatiqn. For particulars upyly on the premises to. JOHN SLINEY. chse, stable and 2} acres of land to rent on Lucas St... Richmond Hill. 5742f H. A. NICHOLLS. @33ng Banking 3115‘ ngsaetei. On the pr mises, Richmond Hill, a thoroughhi- ,d Registered Jersey Bull, and a thoroughbred pedigreed Berk- shire Boar. Terms $1.00 cash. 32-tf T. LUDFORD, :3 Nu. 1 and’No.2 501'! in Richoud Hill by W A. Sundarson Druggist. HEGHEST GURï¬Ei‘éT HATES PM!) 8N DEPGSITS. HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. s Is successfully used monthly by over 10.000Lad1es. Sale. effectual. Ladies ask &our druggist. for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. he no other, as all Mixtures. pills and. imitations are dangerous. Prioe.No. 1,51 er box- No. 53, 10 degrees scr r,$8 per box. '0. 1 or ,mailed on receipt of ice and two 8-ceni'. stnm s. The Cook Company Windsor. 0m. 3%“ 05. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responstble Dmgglsbe In Canada. RICHMOND HIM W. HEWISON, jOS. HALL, A. MOODIE, -‘â€"AND=â€" NAUGHTON BROS. Eigh {311334319 Family Flour 0mm 1mm SATU} THUR‘=DAY. April 12â€" Cl'odit sale of drn‘ing hm'ses. (Mule. vehicles. sheep. harness A1,, at Llcllmund HIâ€, the property of W. R. Pl‘m‘tmu Sule'atl o'clock elmrp. Terms 7 months. Saigeon a McEwen. auctlnueurn. Fawn. April Iiiâ€"Auction sale of blackmnit tools. household Iurmture. etc.. at Engaly, the mower“; of A. Martin. Terms bash. J. l). llemlmnn. unctimmm'u SATURDAY. April l4-â€"Auct!0‘n as e of village lots In tua Village of Weston. Sale M. 1 o‘clock. Sniuoun & Mc mwun. auclinueers. WEDhEFllAY, April lBâ€"Uredit sale of horses and vehicles neur Pmo Grove. the property of J. Hnslmu. Terms 7 months. Suigeuu Any Fimu- will make Bread, but will guarantee RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL. 7539‘ FOB. SERVER To make more bread, lightm'h'vad and bread that will keep moist longer, and better flavor- ed brand with less lub- m- than any other flour. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. A Branch of this Bank h opened at, Made-t0 suit the people and sold at a reasonable price. Rest '0!“ m t. Sui; Farm for Sale J. F. ROWLAND. 1399ng Agent- Cook's Cotton Root Compouna T0 RENT is strictly ()1? Canada bB-Bm‘ 31}qu Sale Register. l 20â€"Am-ri0n M16 0'! at. " Clydesdale'h'nrm,’ Yurk,1mlnngiug to I! John lien. Sale" at 1 at Maple, the proper! nk. Sale at. 1 o'clock. Ten :nigeon &. 310E wunmuttinnm ebtmg their bills printed at ive a. notice simiiu to the u SELL IT. IV MoFZwen 2lâ€"Crodit as: .000.0c0 600,000 Richmond Hill. Elgiu Mills. RU : no the 95mm 5 at 1230. TS , auctioneers. sale u! her the property o'clock. Term ilS (‘ETydez been 3 ï¬ E ’1‘ mm s this 4t C. MASON WALL. PAPER! W’ALL PAPER! ARTISTIC DESIGNS! Newest Colorings at lowest prices from 5c. up, Border and Ceiling to match. Special line as low as 3c. ; good value at 5 to ICC. per roll. We make a specialty in Mixed Paints in all colors from the best makers. Dry Colors in all shades. Boiled and Raw Oil pure. Turpentine, Varnish, Carriage and Furniture Japans. Paint Brushes all sizes, in fact everything needed for painting. Large stock of Furniture, cheap for cash. Picture Frames made to order. Stock of Fresh Groceries always on han¢ Richmond Hill. Easy terms or payment. Samples always on hand. Gremtlemen’s, Laéies’ and Children’s We havejust opened up a, paretiouâ€" larly nice line of up-to date Wall Papers, With Borders to match; prices 50. per roll up. Do not “purchase until you have ex- amined our stock. @333 Every Day? :1 a dig. a , And so can afford to Custom work a specialty; repairing promptly and neatly done RGBE‘ERT §WERS You cannot fail to be pleased with your selection. Shoes to suit ever) bndy, both young and old. We are doing a strictly Pamm 3'. C LARK, (DASH 2&1], ome and inspect our new lines of H. G. BALEY, MAPLE give you ba mmme I». ahaes Daisy Chums, Quick Meal Oil Stoves, Milk Pans, Pails, Cream- ers, Nails, Locks. Hinges, Fence Wire. and everything in the Tin and Hardware line. Repairing promptly attended to. I§0.19. i jlny'oustonler' presexndng this Coupon.and.25cu at our, store on! Saturday, Apr. 14 Will receive 5 lbs. best cleaned Curâ€" ‘ i rants. ! E avetroughing a specialty. SWIM MflGHENE PIANO, ORGAN, RICHMOND EENESS P. G. SAVAGE IF ‘YOU WANT TO BUY .A Richmond Hill gains for your money. CALL ON OR WRITE â€"SELLSâ€"- STORE 'FI'TT