Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Apr 1900, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL, The schor Easter hulk, day, 23rd of The vital statistics fur the Tuwnship of Vaughan fur the mmnh of Mm-ch were 14 births, 6 man-ridges and 3 deaths. ' The sprng finmls hqu n' opening in th" (lam at \Vi :md wo understand the < nut} re-(lum Llw place. Th: :1 bridge over the opening. A meeting of (.he Dil'PCtOl‘S of, the R. H. & Y. S. Agricultural Society wiH 'hv hold in the Lorne Hnllon “'01.!- 1nesday, April 18, at, 2.30 p. m. The Junior League will drawn this \vevk owing to 459v, $9.5 ww The Railway cmumittee in the Log- islntm-e yvslm-duy dvcidod in favor of H bwn-cmzt-n-miln rule 0n elm'tl'ic} mil- ways. The bill is being chmnpinnvd by Mr. XV. J. Hill, M. P. 1)., for \Vcsb Ymk. , man’s Missionary Sodivty their Thank-Offering son'iuu This \vevk “'9 continue h‘fLers m] “Richmund Hill and Vicinity" by a CUI'I‘GSDUXK‘PHE whuse coutrihutinns are always welcome to the readers of THE LIBERAL. For Eustvx- why not wear one (-1 thOSe new ties Aiklusun S: Switzer an showing. An emergent meeting of Richmond Lodge, A. F. & A. M., will be he'id next Monday owning, on which occas- ion'nn official visit- is expected from the D.D.G. M. of this district. Neigh- boring lodgvs are invited. qualit 1511’s., Hon. N. C. \Valiace has been far- wm-ding to his West, York constit- uents Lwo speeches delivered in Par- liament on the sending of Canadian cuntingenls to South Africa. THE LIBERAL is pleased to acknowledge copies. Friends of the sick children in Vic- toria Hospital, Toronto. will please leave their Easter Offering at THE LIBERAL office Good Friday fox-enoon so that the fruit, jelly, eggs, oranges, 9120., may. be packed in the afternoon and sent, down Llle following day. Tum LIBERAL h that Miss Long h: repeat lwr Kinda and will probably She x-equvsts that were {mim‘d may part again. Mr. H. C. Bailey of Maple writes thanking the Gore District Mutual through their agent, Mr. J.T. Saigoon, for the prompt and courteous maunpr m which his claims for damages by fire has been adjusted and paid in full. Thursday and Saturday, our; opening days for lm'n’s Huts. Atkinson «S: watzer. Twenty pupils are candidates for the Art School Exams. at the High school on April 27th and 29th inst,s.. ...The new bookcase for the High school Lih- r-m'y has been put in place by the con- tractors, Messrs. Innes and Sons. For Easter try a bnx of our bon bons, 30 (ct-s. Atkinson & Switzer. Many people would read with re- grets the news published in Monday’s :ipers that Pte. \Vallzice. sun .Of the on. N. C. Wallace, who went, to South Africa with the first contingent, was lying dangerously ill with enteric .fever. The \V. M. S. desire to thank the many friends who so kindly - donath “useful and fancy urticlus and choice ,edibles to their buzzu‘ held last week. They also extend their thanks to Mrs. (Dix) Sisley of Maple, Miss Teasdale of Toronto and all the townspeople who so willingly contributed musical selec- tions, and to tlu- public 101' their Very Public School Leaving, High School 'Leaving. Matriculation and Commerâ€" cial examinations will be held in Rich- mond Hill, Nuwmnrkeb and Aurora. High Schools beginning on Tuesday, the31‘d of July. Entrance examina- tions begin on .W'edncsduy, the 27th of June. Kimberley blue ties, Imperial shape in crown, battle-axe and shield pat- terns, 50c. Atkinson & Switzer. Easter eggs in chocolate anveI-ing filled with Bun Buns and put upin fancy boxes at 10 & 15c. Atkinson & Switzer. generous patronage. Tun net receipt‘s were $61.43. The Epwm-th League will hold a Lenten Service on the evening of Good Friday. Addresses on “Elbe Road to Calvary” will be given by Messrs. W’m. Hurrisnnund J. A. E. Switzer, Miss Ethyl Switzer will sing “Cal- .vary,” and Miss Mary Trench “Salem‘s Daughter.” There are seven numbers on the mgrumme. The service will be hel in the school-room of the church. - 1 Boots and Shoesâ€"Boys and girls‘ school boots, ladies’ and children’s fine boots, men’s solid leather working boots $1 per pair. \Ve sell for cash. Naughton Bros., Elgin Mills. ‘mmt L()(3‘ A1195. hy y and C wd, any (1 :in Mills. :15 close tn-dny fur the lays. to I‘D-Opt‘ll 011111011- April. has been asked to say has been requr‘sted to ergm'ten concert here, Clnvm' Seed, good quantity. Naughle muo will he. Wilh- Ida so early in May. all the chiidren who be permitted to take hau- mudn a large at, \Vilsou’s [mud l the cmnuil will a. They will put, pril 12‘ tho “’0- holding 1900 Prof. Shaw of the Toronto Cnllege of Music, and Mr. anbers met the (-utermimnent committee Saturday evening, and arranged to give an enâ€" tvl'tuimm-nt in the Agricultural Hall after the fair on the 24th of May. They will give us a play “ An Arabian) Night " which is said to be bright and full of humnr. A special cur; Cuntninin’g gentlemen from Tux-(min. passed through Monday evening on their way to Bond’s Lake and Ne\\’m:n'kvt. The car §topped hero and tnnk on board Reeve Saul e, Councillur lnm-s, County Councilor l’ugslvy. :md ox-Cmmcillnrs Palmer :uulJ. H. Sanderson. The company report; “ a jolly good time." Seed Oatsâ€"100 bush. White Oats, clean seed. for sale. Naughtnn Brns., Elgin Mills. Romvmbm- the Easter Festival to be given in the Temperance Hall next Tuesday under the nuspicm of St. Mm y's Church of England Branch of \Vumun's Auxiliary, Refreshments and music will he provided, and an address will be given by Miss Oslor. of the Toronto Brunch. There will also be a sale of useful and ornamental articles. Doors open all 6 o'clock. Ymu- suppm- and un entm-tninmont by gnud local talent for 15 cents; child- The VV.M.S.uf the M (atlwdist church will hold their Easter 'l‘lmnk-Cll‘uri115,r 5m \vicr in the Sunday school-room t0- umrrow (G-nod Friday) afternoon at three o‘clock. Mrs. (Row) George. Brth of anonto, who organized the auxiliary here, will address the meetâ€" ing. Music, suitable to the nccasinn, will be furnished. Members will plouso bring their contributions in the onveloprs provide by the Branch. The service is open to all and it is hoped that many will attend. “I gave may life to thee what hast thou givod to 1:10?” zit-moles. Doors Your supper and gum] local talent 11m 10 cents. On the sixth day of April in the year 1830 2L quiet Wedding Lnnk place at Nz‘wmm-kot in the office of \Yn‘.Rnhin- snn',Esq.,J.P. The contracting parties wm'e Mr. Jvhn l-Iutuhinson and Miss Amy Lloyd, both residing in the Township 0f \Vhitchurch. near the present Town of Aurora. They now reside in this village with their young- est» daughter, Mrs. Isaac Crosby. EASTER SERVICES. At the Methodist Church on Sunday at 10.30 a. 111., Rev. N. VVellwnod. F. R. H. 8., will preach on “The Fact of the Iiesune-ction.” Music, Resur- rection Anthemâ€"F. Martin Towne. Eel-stm‘ hymnâ€"Novella. At 7 p. m., Rev. R. S. E. Large, B. A., B. D., will reach. Subjecb. “The Lngic 0f Paster." Musicâ€"Chpist is Risenâ€"C. E. Leslie . Christ our Passoverâ€"Chap- ple; Exulting Angelsâ€"\Vhite; Mutu- ing Breaks upon the Gloom. XVATCH THE TENS. It is important that people pay at- tention to all the $10 coming into their hands. A circular has just, been iSSu- ed by thu Dominion Bank which st‘aLes that the unsigned $10 taken from the Napanee Bank, are now being circu- lated. The bank cautions people in regard to the same, and requests peo- ple to try and truce them to the (ix-ig- inal holders. T119 stolen series an- Nos. 46.001 to 47,000, dated Jan. 2nd, 1598. Look out for these bills. hu'i‘y lhe numbers in your pocket. dim-y. The village was all astir yesterday morning between 7 and 8 o’clock when the fire alarm sounded. A fire had broken out in the back kitchen of Mr. W. H. Pugsley’s double house, occu- pied by Mr. 1. Hoover. The fire seem- ingly worked through the chimney, and when discovered the shingled roof was all ablaze. The neighbors, both men and women, worked diligently and judiciously, and when the fire on- gine arrived it was pretty well under control. The loss, which was covered by insurance, will probably be $50. It was most fortunate that the discovery was made before the fire had made more headway. Next Monday evening at. the Ep- worth League Reading Circle MLVVm. Harrison will talk on " Thomas Cran- mer, Latimer and Ridley.” That, por- tion of the chapter on John Knox which was unfinished two weeks ago will be discussed the first half-hour. Members Will try and remember that the circle meets at 8.35 sharp. A very able address was given last, Monday evening by Mr. Ed. Sislcy on, f‘The Citizen and His Politics.” An inteu esting discussion followed making the evening one of the most profitable. A cordial invitation is extended (.0 all to attend the circle next Monday evening in the vestx-y. There is no other way to measure the Vulueof seeds than by the value of the crop. A good crop simply can- not come from poor seeds. Second- rute seeds will waste good land, ‘ good fertilizer. and good labor. and the crop won’t pay expenses. Now, as the practical farmer cannot alford to waste time testing seeds to find out whether they are true. to name, sound and clean, it stands to reason that the only safe way to buy seeds is to seek the protection of a. name that has stood for reliability in the past. The great. seed house of D. M. Ferry & 00., of VViudsor, 0nt., has sold seeds all over the United States and Canada for the last forty-two years, and the steady growth of thehusiuess is a. sure indication that Ferry‘s seeds have given satisfaction. Ferry‘s Seed An- nual for 1900, a standard guide for farmers and gardeners, containing much valuable information, is sent free to persons writingforit. 70 YEARS OF MARRIED LIFE SAFETY 1N BUYING SEEDS READING CIRCLE A SMA LL BL LAZE. The auctioneers, Messrs. Suigeon & McEwen will sell [110 Ulyds-sdulé stal- lionsqu other thorough-bred stock, togs‘ther with implements, &(‘..belnng- ingrtnAthg gstate of the late Jnhn Bell. “ Clydesdale Fin-m,“ Amber, on Fri- day. 20th inst. Untaloguus describin the animals :11 e beng distributed, an buyers are expected from all parts of the province. Terms for pedigreed stock. cush. SPven months‘ credit: for implements. &c. This promises to be u. very large sule. Miss Daisy Saigm-n is spending a couple of weeks with her grandmother. Mrs. Coulh-r, at TOI'IIIOI‘O. Mr. David Boyle over Sunday with l‘ N. Boyle. “ Brueside Little Miss Eva. Hill wont to Hills- dale nn Friday, whore she pllt‘anPS staying with relatives for a. few months. Mr. C. Chnmhorlin who hns'heen in \Vinnipeg. British C(‘rlumhinand other parts during; the past; six yours is at present home with his family. Mr. James Taylor of Goldwater, spontava days last week with his uncle, Mr. George Smith and returned home Munday. Mr. A. E. Unomhs. M. A., Principal ‘nf the Newmm-kvt High School, gave nfilecturo on “ India," in the church at VVillowdale, Friday «waning. A neat sum was realized, which will be for- warded for the Indian Famine Fund. Tho Tmnsfvr Cummittve has trans- ferred Rev. J. C. Spver from British Columbia to Toronto. The British soldiers have had an- 0thPX' hard week, and despatches speak of a couple of reverses. Jnlm Hnnlnn. well known in marine circles at Toronto and Haulan’s Point, (lie-d on Snndfiy, aged 41 ypnrs. De- ceasch had rescued over 100 persons from drowning. The 39th Im-pting of the Ontario Ed- ucationalAssociation will he hold in the Normal and Modul School Build lugs, Toronto, on the 17th and 18th inst. Trinity Church. Bradford, was du- stl'oyvd by iii-v (m \Vednosday of hst “7991;. Th0 origin of the file was a defective fine in the vostry. Loss, $3,500: insurance. $1.200. ééaaméasma 3? Mar 4 Celina-s per Ban: License District of the East Riding of York. Published in accordance with the R. S. O. 1897. Chap. 245, Sec. 11, Sub-Section 6. 'l1 Total number of licenses granted for 1899-190'Jâ€"Hutol. 29; Shop. 1. Total number of applications for 1900-1901â€"Hntel, 2-9; Shop, none. LrEJ‘All petitions and protests agninst granting Licenses must be lodged \ath the Ins ector at least. 4 days previous to the first meetin of the Board. By order of the 03rd. JAMES ECKARDT, Inspect»; R. York SATURDAY, APRIL 21, ’00 For the purpose uf granting for the ensuing license 1 Dated at the Inspect-01’s Office, Unionville, April 3rd, 1900. THE -- LIBERAL Mill in operation every day except Monday he Board of License Commissioners will meet on TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. On account. ofn surplus of Water W. Muger purposes Grinding Grain CLYDE HOTEL, TORONTO At 10.30 a. 111., Subscribe "for PERSONALS AUCTiON SALE. Come One‘ N ews Notes. Boyle of Toronto onnt with his cousin, Mr. J. Ofull kinds at THE- Come All. ye a]. icense ‘ 166 an EMOPEE Trunks, Valises, Mitts, Gauntlets, and other supplies as low as the lowest. MILUL‘QULU .l.‘ Alnxgeamountofprivntefuuds to loan on! improved farm property. Five per cent. in-‘ tenet. Easy termite: repsvmem. N0 com- mission charged on loans. Apply to A. G. F. LAWRENCE. Freehold Loan Building, Tomato 0: at Richmond Hill on Semanys. I amprepared to dd Famny Wanhings. Gents’ and Ladies' fine linen a sperin 'ty. Work gmu~ anteed and patronage solicited. 52M TILLIE Buxwglflé MONEY I MONEY! Is the place to buy your Harness and other supplies. Single Harness from $10 up. All work guaranteed first-class. Saskaichewan and Black Galloway Robes, $8 to $20. Jute Stable Blankets, 35 cents to $2.50 each. Shaped Wool Blankets, $2.25 to $5 each. Dutch Kersey Blankets, $1.25 to $2 each. Best, English Kersey Blankets, 80x80 inch, $4 to $6 each. " E‘LWMW fit fimflzem. 136 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, ‘Toronto. Ground Oystershell makes: Hip han Inv‘ an lbs. for makes the hens lay. 20 lbs. for 25 cts. Concertina; $1, 31.25 and $51.50. each, (ERIE-m gut Gfipmiugvg On Thursday we will lmvv both our centre tables left exclusively to the display of Men's Hats and Caps. Our Hat trade has had :1 steady increase during the past few years, and this season we have made 5 coin] pre- paration for a, big trade, and have placed in stoc the most chic and novel things in the trade. The makers, Ymmmns, Heath, Stetson. Knox, Miller and Christie, are suflicient proof of the quality and style of the Hats we are showing. We want, everybody, young and old, to come and ex- amine our stock, whether you wish to buy or not. We Will show a nica range of Men’s Yacht, Tennis, ’Varsity and Hook-down Caps in all the newest, shades and shapes. Also a large range of Children’s Talus. 133 epairim g Pronxpfly Done. Efimmx‘mg mm gmmmmy April 12 and 14. RICHMOND WILKENS & CO“, GEi). EICDONALD - SflOP at less than wholesale prices. at prices which will astonish, you. Richnlond Hill Sugar Kettles- Sap Buckets, LAUNDRY. "FI'TT. g cts. each. N . Ems

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