Women as Astronomers. ' A venerable lady who died at Pan, France, eight years ago. provided in her will for a prize of $20,000 to be given to the person who will find a means at communicating with astar, m improved tnsuuments now avail- Ible and the universal application of photography to astronomy has opened the door wide for the woman computer Ind astronomer's assistant. At all the Iotable observatories and those more or las newly established in what used ‘0 be considered remote parts of the ï¬rthâ€"India, Mexico, at the Cape of Good Hope, in far Srandinavia and up tn the East Andesâ€"there are women Working in the laboratory depart- ments of astronomers. Some of these women are able to make original in- vestigations, being in sympathy with the science and having studied its prin :iples. Others are purely calculators md accurate measurers, measuring the photographs and computing and reduc- Im the alimates obtained as dispos- Iiouately as any schoolgirl plods at her equations. Both classes or workers are valuable [or astronomy as a science is absolute- y dependent upon mathematics. No Mars, for example, and receiving are- ply to the communication. The prize money is held in trust. But the quaint bequest is a reminder, most substan- tial, of the interest that women of the present day take in scientific ud- vancement. The number of women who contribute out of their private means to the nmintenance of observa- tories and who equip poor but zen]- nuï¬ astronomers for individual inves- tigation increases every year, and at I0 time since astronomy was have ihore been as many women Constant< »y engaged in the mathematical part it the work. Westm Assumm Mammy nu ¢;,Auv‘wv.uv. Taking into account the {not that aux-in the year 1890 the ï¬re lhssos In the Unlt-t States were exec clonal], heavy, the dlrec- ton! feel that t ele results mun be mâ€" rarded as eminently ntlnfnctory. For sonny time pnu your director. have had under coualderltlon tho quenlon of extending t e agendas of the eompuu lio- yond the ll tn 0! the North Ameniean con- tinent, and shortly baton the clue of the ram nn‘unflmants were com ltted (or the utal-llshmeut of a branch of m In London. England, under what appear to be 11â€!- ahle unsplwz. ‘Tomnto, 26th l‘eb._ 1900. Bulance ... Divideut decluod l‘otal undue . . . . . win!“ Habnitios (including cap ta!) . . . . . Summary of ï¬nancial mtemem 'otal cash Income . . . . . . . . . . $2, ‘otal expenditure, including appropnugl'on for P081198 un~ er adjustment 2, In um eonan It may not b. wt of mnl :ioi A. Cox, President. .. ....3 115,642 so .. 100,00000 32.5311“ 50 "321.702 :45 1,221,332 35 2.!14,(fl8 90 ja number of years, calculated the ephe- meris of the sun for the Nautical Al- manac, a publication of first interest to navigators and explorers There are ‘volumes and volumes of the Almanac bearing -leslimony to this woman‘s calculationsl The advance sheets have to be got ready three or four years ahead of time to forestall the needs of those shops‘ captains who essay long experimental voyages and who may be away for years and deprived of such assistance. The! woman calculator ahoriens the formulas, makes explanâ€" atory noies and does an amount of work involving much astronomical and nautical deduction, besides much proof reading of mathematical text-books. Then is one matter to wh'ch I wlsh par- ticularly to rotor at this time. It is now within a year of half a century since the eompnny commenced business in Canada. ma twentyrflve yen. ago it completed system of agencies throughout the Unit- cd States. and I think I am warranted in flying that it ll now established over the lwhole of the North American continent on n favorable footing, with an efï¬cient fox-co lot branch maugemxpeciul agents and ‘ucal agenta working in its interestl. Under ‘lhese circ‘mltancu your directors have ‘l'urumi thclr attention to she tonddern‘ion lot the question or the desirability of foi- Ilonin‘ the example of the majority of thc “curs-Yul British fire ofï¬ce. and .ubrxc‘ng ‘ larger Enid of operatioul than we It pre- ‘oent ocvupy. In wiew of the efforts which ,are being Ifld&happ‘ly with. no small manure of successvto enlargv the trade minions bvtween the mother country and lher "If-KOVMMBK colonlu, And to culti- vuto Iniercoioniul businon conupctlonn, we have hit that the present is an oppo"lune luau for making I. similar efl'ort to 30mm Home manure of reciprocity in the bminos. l o? are issuance. As I rncticai step in this (recolo- it wu doci ed to estabiiaa A branch ofï¬ce of the company in London tum-d. ’M mu opened on the 1st of iprcl‘mbor int. and plï¬ood under the nun- :ngement of Mr. W. B. Mamieâ€"n “ml-mun i who, we believe. menu: all the qnnll'lol ï¬t I sworn-full Insurance mnunzar. A iBMrd of Motors h" been lppoinwd in London. upon which we have been fortun- lto in seem-hm use following gentlemen to torn, Il-DQLVI The R In Hon. the Earl of igbordcgn. G.('.M.G: in Rigilt Ron. Su- place to refer to the fact that during the past your a numbetr of new companies have come duto the ï¬eld, offering fire maul-[Luce at lower rates than those current with the old established ofï¬ces. It will be interest- iu to observe wlwther these experiments wll prove more sllccssufui than previous attempts which have been made to afford indemnity against loss by tire on more fat- vorable terms than companies which imvo been tom: engaged in the bmlness feel ate in offerln“ \Vhlle as insurvrs we mny lu p0 these new companies may have discovere‘d the secret of combining dampness w1th security, we cannot overlook the fact that the record of the tire dusurnnue busincsg in Canada during the put twenty years sh AV. :1 loss of upward: of two million dullnm or capital, Whfl'h was lnvested in companies organized to transact business at whut‘ are termed "cl". rates." We may at. least ‘ feel assured that companies worklng upon 1 these lines, whose entire cash assets are‘ limited In ï¬fty or sixty thousand dollars, } are scarcely in a position to assume anyl considomble share of the many millions of lllblllty which the insurance compnulel‘ no carrying or the protection of merchants and ropcrty» oldcl‘s in Cnnndnmnd will It has e n shown that, with due regttrl for the u at of stockholder. 1nd the sceur'rtyl of policy elders, any material reduction can be made in ï¬re insurlncc rates in this country your directors do not {col war- ubt'cd In ulrocntmz any departh 'rom the policy we have been following 101- umy I'ng past. t sex-vatpry at Washington. She has for . n Kélinwuy. Bart, Mâ€"j’Z, and! Mr. J In; Sin-unno- of Messrs. Grahams (c 90.. rltid and East In“: Inerr-hunm, and In our canning: from Interest there uns been a falling off. such as might naturally be looked for owing to the reduced rates obm‘nahle. pnrtlculu'ly u n the class of securities whhh ire held Boy thls cqmpany. But To rvturn to the communion of our business during the vent under rerlew, ï¬t will. no doubt. be interesting to share Iflden to learn that the marine brandy wh'ch has been responsible In some former your: for rather senlous losses. has shown I prom upon the buslnm of 1809. and 1h“ the genera] ontlook in this brunvh uppnnrs to {ac more promising than rm- some time pus . Y : planed to any that we feel that we live every renson to he encouraged at the “In which we have mad! ha the 1-510! Icflopolla of the empirn 9nd It tho 139nâ€" elu which have thus far been established hi eongegb! with ghuwnrw hrnncb‘ Mr. J. J‘ Kelly. the ViotPrmident. we oldml the lMtkm of the report which wu. curled unanimously, Th1- elm-tion M «II- roctm to the owning your wu then pro- truded wtll~ resulting ha the unanimaua :- -nleoflon of the following gentlemen flu: 9n. Goo, A. Fox. Hon. 3. (‘ Wood M’Rd‘ï¬. Rotten Bony. G. R. R, Pocklmn. :60. goflun‘ivh. H. N. Billl'd, W. R. Brook, J. . Osborne and J. J. Kenny. At a meNlnz of the Board or Dlrootom. holq mhsoquently, Hon. Geo. A_ (‘ox wan Pé-NPNI-(I I‘runhï¬h .13}! Mr: IJ, iemfy Vice~PNsldeut for the canning year. mattar what thrilling revelations the astronomer may discover with his glass, his work is almost valuelesa to science unless subjected to mathema- tical proof. Now he photogmphs those views verbatim and preserves the plates, to he examined at leisure. The authorities at several observatories habitually exchmnge the photographs taken out the some stars and planets Ln .order that comparisons may be made regarding their aspect from dif- ferent latitudes. ThoUSands of such photographs are measured and comâ€" puted in any single observatory dur- ing a year, and women do the work, laborious, patienoc~taking. but as ne- cessary to the development of scienca as to growing a crop. The most UquUx' mathematical cal- culator of the gentle sex in Amorivn fo-dny is Mrs. Elizabeth P. B. DaViS. who works at the government ob- We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for thy case of Caturrh lint cannot be cured by : Hall's Cararrh Curca r Many women compwiors are employ- led at the Harvard observatory, and lamong them four original workers en- l‘gugetl in making investigations with {the Draper telescope under the direc- ll’ion of Mrs. \Villiamina Fleming Mrs. Fleming is a native of Dundee, Scot- .land. Her responsibilities have stead- ily increased, and she conducia much limportant invaligation, having dis- I covered a number of variable stars and The forty-ninth annual report of the above company will be found in another column of this issue. It will be seen by the financial statement that the counpany has had a most satisfactory year’s business. After payment ocï¬ losses and expenses there is a profit balance of $118,642.60 on the year's transactions, a result which must be highly gratifying to the friends of the institution. Two halt- yearly dividends will be paid at the rate of 10 per cent. per annum. and the reserve fund has been increased to $1,100,380.50. We notice in the report of the directors that they have established a branch office in Lon- don. England, under proimising aus~ pines. We congrmulate the Presi- dent, Geo. A. Cox. 15,341.. and the board of directors on the continued prosper- ity of the Western Assuranue Com- pany. The estimated cost of the projected memorial bridge across the Potomac in Washington is from $1,000,000 to $2,100.01â€). Hall's Cntarrh Cur. i! taken internally, lob- lng directly upon the blood and mucous sur- hoes of the <ystem. Price. 75¢. per bottle. Sold by all drug st-l. Testimonial: free. Hull's Family “II are the bash. Marguerite Palmer has done much computing in the Yale observatory bulletin of transactions. She has oom- p~uled a definite orbit for the romet discovered by Maria Michel, l,’p to a few months ago Hannah Mace was as- sistant at the United States NnvniOb- servatory. A woman. formerly ohtief computor at. the Goodsell observatory, Northfield, Minn, is one of the associ- ate editors of an astronomical month ly. Among the amateur astronomers who have private observatories in Miss Rose O‘Hallomn, of San Francisco, who makes a study of eclipses, me~ teors, variable stars and general as- pects. Miss Dorothea Klumpek, of the same city, is one American woman who puts her energies to foreign service. She is now director of the bureau for this measurement of the plates of the Astraâ€"Photographic Catalogue of the Paris observatory. Of the six women computers in the department, she is the only American, having become identified with the observatory in 1887, when she entered it as a tudent. Her advancement has been rapid. and her observations of the. minor planets and of the Temple-Qwift comet have been published in the French scientiin journals. It was her remarkable the- Wo. the undersigned have knnwn F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years. and bellevo hlm erl’eotly honorable in all buslue-m transact- om. and ï¬nancially able lo carry out nny obll- Orion In -de by their ï¬rm. VEST & ’l‘nL'Ax. Wholeulo Druggints. Toledo. 0. WALDING. KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholeealo 05918.1"; 1‘°!9d9.0- éis 35' the time of her examination in 1893 that first opened the way for the employment of women in the Paris observatory. ‘ Poison & 00., Kingston, Ont., will after the insertion of this notice withâ€" draw the very liberal offers, they have been making to send a 25 cent trial size, FREE, of their marvellous guar- anteed Cat'arrh and Bronchitis rem- edy, "Catarrhozone." If you are a Sufferer from any form of Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Throat Irrita- tion, write at once; it is positively the. last time this offer will be made. En- close 10 cents to pay postage, boxing. It is a. source of regret to all women that the Johns Hopkins University continues to exclude women from ad- mission to its graduate courses. W'L‘STERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. He, sentimentallyâ€"I wish I were a star. Sheâ€"I wish I were one, tool Heâ€"May I dare to guess why! Sheâ€"Because it is known that every 5131‘ is millions of miles away from the next one. She is the wife of a seafaring man, who is often detailed on government missions, and ï¬he mother of two charming children, who have no rea- son to bewail their parents‘ devotion to science. confirm-ed the discovery of several new stars to be accredited to her assistants. the Misses Leland, Maury, Stevens and Wells. Nearly all of the discussion of photographs taken] at the Harvard ob- servatory and at its minor stations. will displace all Japan Tea the same as Salada black is displacing all other black teas. POSITIVELY THE LAST GHA NOE. CEY LON GREEN TBA if. jibumgmy & 09.. Tolodg, Q‘ How’s This ? REPARTEE New Jersey has expanded $2,637,000 in making 440 miles of good roads. Massachusetts has spent 82.637300 on 250 miles. The subscription list of the Dewey Arch Fund shows that the sum raised so far is less than $200,000. Cardinal Gibbons will soon make hln ï¬fth visit to Rome, where he wlll be granted an audience with the Pope. Commander Egerton, the young naâ€" val officer who lost his life at the beginning of the war was an ardent cricketer. "That puts an end toall my crickqt l" are said to have been his . York received nearly $5,000,000 for their apple crop last year. IaIst words ‘61; 9:142:14) mans or Lunaâ€"mm kn: burn and (tune hum. with yorggg orchnrd; Innd‘? 0021 state of cultivation: price 53 . Apply Box . nieley. 01:9...iftalen I! once, OHIO†ll ‘ mu 30‘ 5 Bus" Kauai-(fl S"- 39 d I, I“ u m 3 . or Oil Quin W: Ole-h. m. u gumorul.†Free In. :55"; at... Mon. Xiiiill H603? “ Pharaoh 109.l ï¬réfilâ€"Ghrslakg, 32‘"; O'KEEFE'S “$33, MALT mnlwwggxï¬u. 41 mm. ‘l'nko'lnxndvo one Quin o leloh. All Egg-m- refund: 0 no“: I it (Bill to can. . 15'. W. Grovo’n lignnun {I on no]: box. Seven counties in western New TheseThree 1.H'epurmions 1'. (III. A COLD I! CHI DA! This triumphant. victory dver the deadly bacilli {a far reachin in {u effects, for their is no longer room for doubt that the gifted sped at his giveg to wo§1d_a bpon Quit win aaqu‘impns 9f pggcloug lives. Lr. Slocum, the famous scientist, whose lectures and do I Afloa- in New York and London this winter have astounded medi git es, at last perfected his new system of treatment {or the abso nte cure of tuberculosie and all pulmonary diseases. to 07317 gudgr shin Baper: Dr. Slocum’s System of Treatment is both sciesfiiï¬c and roéresalve goinï¬u it does to the very source of the disease and perform ngthecm step ste . F rst Emuâ€"Killing the life-destroyinggenns which invesi the Inn . Second Step.â€"Toning the entire system and strengthening nervgjâ€"ï¬llipg the Zeihg _with_ tinghngjleyv life: attacks. The Slocum Treatment is remlutiona because it rovidea a new application (or every stage of the disease. he failures 0 inoculation by Paris scientists are overcome by Slocum through pro eaaive drug force. The diseases leadin§ to consumption are also master: no that once the bacilli are removed tom the lungs there remains no other germ-breeding menace. It makes weak lung. sound, stnngthen. them against any ordenl, and given endunnce to those who have inherï¬ed hollow cheats, with then; long tgnjn q! attquing dingerl. To curable despairing wsuit-fern everywhere to obtain speedy help before too late, Dr. Sbcum oflcrs. FULL FREE TREATMENT Tho Slocum Systam cures grip and It: palnlul anemmcb, dangerou: coughs, bronchitis, and every known form of pulmonary disease. 81-191 wrke to Tn: ’1". A. small Cnuncn. Co.. name. I79 may. ‘7 0!. Toronto, 3! :13 st ofï¬ce and expreu emu nddreu. Ind the he; an no ( he Slocum Cur. w“ he prom tly sent. ' lulerera should tuke netautndvautlge of thin generous proponmon, and when WEI for them alwn I mtndon thin paper, Per-on: In Can: i suing Sine-m" {no ofl‘u In Ann-inn plpcrl win pkg-e send !or nmplec m the ll‘oronto hbormorles. Let nan-dons discourlgnnenu prevent your taking ldnnt-ge 0! this upload†hm o‘er are too late. Third Sipâ€"Building heafihyuflesh and fortify‘lng against future Hutnsl ï¬zz-3&3.qu an“! m"".â€" EST-r315 "mgm.ilt Damâ€"0011." Avun I}, Em! nt- .1 in? £13). W A- RAMSAY 8‘ so“! } Paint Makers. â€" MONTREAL Est'dl842. ‘ ‘M‘ In»... in. At Easmr time you see the need of: lush touch of paint on nearly all of your buildings. Ramsay’s Paints IE“: pr! u. and. I'll- csnlomofloollhl tn II nsll tun. rih us Mr Ilnhln‘ In Music or Iluolou Inotrumonu. "hIIOy Royce & co" Tor-mo. o c, . Winn m. I. “rhoâ€: Dlalnfoo‘t-nto. Inna, moat, Tooth Fund. at... 1:170 “var-dad 100 moduli and d 910-" for I? o excellence. Tinlr regulu' mo provolt on: disease. Auk our deal :- ugh! . mpply. Lint- mule (no on nspllca on. â€" if» He u if E'Eï¬ï¬g an": ° 3": Mm,“ ° . 45.7.17 Idle.“ “ll-u fropw‘ A. A- _.___,_._- Ivory Town can have a Band nit-'15: Fu'iï¬' 613.; ’6': ï¬rm-BIBS} in? was. ?u¢hu. uhooll. an. nl n b. wldon on 0 km. Anal: h ‘ ww‘smwmmmr Brass Band "go guanngzyAq llohlgan Land for Sale. give a freshness, a beauty, 3 tone, to everything they touch. Guaran- teed for strength, durability, and economy. luau-can. Dru-u. Ullhrnl. Etc. F. 0. CALVERT & 00., HAIOHIOTER - ~ ENOLAND. CALVERT'S A'sk your dealer. \V P C 1019