Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Apr 1900, p. 5

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KEEP TH IS DATE IN MVIND. A concert of unusual interest is to be presented in the Methodist church on the evening 0f May 9th. The contril)~ uting artists are all of high repute in the musical and literary circles of T0- ronto. The Committee of Manage- ment are resolved to furnish the people of Richmond Hill and vicinity with a. program excellent in quality and at a popular price. No one can afford to miss it. Proceeds will be used to defray the expense incidental to changing the system of lighting the church. \Vatch for further particu- Jars. The auction sale of Mr. W. R. Proctor’s drawn very large crowd of people last Thursday, and in the finer- noon the premises and surroundings had the appearance of aspi-ing fair. Auctioneer Suigeon was in his-best form and voice. and he experienced no diificulty in disposing of stock and chattels at, gem] prices. The pro- prietor was more than pleased Wit-h the result of his 8311’. Ladies’ white skirtsfine collarswith vandyke flonnce of lace and insertion, $3.35. Atkinson & Switzer. LADY BALL PLE’Eâ€"I‘zs. The lady pupils of the’ NPwnmrket High School have Organized a base ball club and have instructed thoir secretary to write to the neighboring High schools to make arrangements for playing matches during the com- ing season. This is a good. move, and it is to he hoped that the vamarket ladies will find worthy opponents in York County High Schools at little later in the season. Master Frank McDonald and his friend Stan- McMalmn were playgng in front of the Lorne Block on Saturday when the latter shode the former off the stops. Frank full on a piece of glass inflicting a, cut in his left knee- which nocessitntvd three stitches be- ing put in by Dr. Lawrasm). The stit- ches were removed yesterday and no bad results are feared. "Corset covers. plain and fancy trim med at 10, 1-1, 17,-‘35 and 700. Atkin son & Switzor. ." Serving God Joyol gentleman’s ability z ought to ensure a goal addition an excellent, p and instrumental musi ed. The Epwm‘th League Reading Circle will discuss at their meeting next Mon- day evening the last two chapters or “ The New Citizenship.” “ The Palace Beautiful” and “ Gaining tho Crown.” Mr. Ed. Sislvy will be the leader. The circle hopes to see a number of nut- siders. The meeting will open at 8.35 sharp. Members will try and he in time. ’ At the Epwm'th I evening the Rev. B will give an nddI-e 'The Agricultural Society met yes tel-dayafternoon, amended and con- firmed the prize list, appointvd di rectors fur the varinus classes, and ap- pointed judges for the. Fair. A com- .mittee was instructed to engage thr Newmm-kec 1mm}, 20 pieces. and the directors decided L0 give slwcial prises for best team of agricultural horses. Prepare for spring showers and buy a n9w umbrella, 95(:, $1, $1.35, $1.50, 0 an Inn n- n Cnptuin T. \Vull ously ill in Smut sing favorably. Hon. N. G. \V: gram fwm Lord saying that (In Cnptuin T. \Vull Everything new in men’s we ties, collars, shirts, Bellbr'iggzm Wear, &c. Atkinson & Switzc The Wheeling season will soon be here. Those Contmnplulring purchas- ing this spring should call :1 ml exam- ine the Cleveland wheels at THE LIB- ERAL 011100. Prices ble\v.$40. Old wheels take-n in exchange. Lynx, Horseshoe and Maple Leaf Salmun, 2 for 250.: R. R. R. Salmon 11 cts. a can. Atkinson & Switznr. The cold winds this hard on hov-kwpers. of this \‘ilhngv. lust tw J». Rcumzm of Unn'vill Marblehmul lap four ply linon. 20L Switzer. F11 mim day Sc Sundry The Rev. N. \Vvlhvmr the Junior Epwm-I h lmu at, 4 o’clock un “ Light: U‘lldilllce is l'vquostml. "ant & r at. $1, $1. Switzcr. tim'l RICHMO Th( fly, 4 ‘()( 'nl defray the eifiéfigéflinc'i'cigntyl’ ging the system of lighting the \Vatch for further particu- n 0 \V M m [no rm School April collect LIVELY BIDDING. "H mol at mu mutiu {ORRO\V EVENING pwm'th League next inday L! Rev. Mr. Grant, M. A., .111 address on the subject, God Joyously.” The rev. 5 ability and popularity Isurea good audience. In l excellent program of vocal H411 millix Ulihsnn \' ACCIDENT {try \Vn [lace 1 13k 5; 1nd lLI ill Mintu «'1 sun of m nsmx & Switzer a whu Africa ictt ‘iculbufal hut-505‘ n men's wear, nev lelbriggzm under LU 1c \{Iill be provid \cl) id of U10. India {en in the Sun- )I-"L_ fiqum‘e last I'(’( spling has bran Mr. O. Rolleu n hives, and Mr. 9, 10 hivea $11.30 md will address lgue tu-mnrrow ,s.” A full ut- CU”;II eivod a fewduy: the fol was da] , is pm fen I-l fed oi‘us Atkinson & Atkinson ll( nurth on xt. Mm]- a tele- nys ago 11] 0 l1 1' Lvy ers 6n the magnificent spread of the home lodge, and expressed his pleasure in meeting the brethren from surrounding lodges. The speeches were interspersed with songs and recitatious by Bros. Savage and Mc- Glin. To say that the supper was good gives a. poor idea of its excellence, and the caterer, M r. John Palmer and his energetic assistants. was highly complimented by several of the speak- Am A“ L]... .__._s_:a_ U, ,, V_V .Vvv\,u.‘_,(ouALLl UllU D. D. G. M. from the city by specia car, and brethren were also present from Thornhill, Maple, King City and other places, to the. number of about sixty in all. The distinguished visitor Was introduced by W. Bro. Skeele, and welcomed on behalf of the lodge by W. Bro. Coombs, the presunt W. M. During the evening the officers exemplified the. work of the First - De- gree to the satisfaction of the Right j \Vorshipful brother. In his after re- marks Mr. Inwood complimented the ofijcers on the Work done, spoke of the leasure it gave him to be introduced By a. Mason past the age of four score years, and said that outside the city he had not entered a prettier or more comfortaple lodge room than the one in whch he was then speaking. Leavâ€" ing the lodge room the brethren all repaired to the Lorne Hall, wherea. supper was in waiting. The usual toasts followed, and a ‘very pleasant hour was spent, althou h the speeches were somewhat. hnrrie as the car had to return shortly after 12 o’clock. R. \V. Bro. Inwood responded to the toast of the Grand Lodge, and gave a. fine address. “‘ The Visiting Brethren " also brought good speeches from “C Bro. Drew, \V. M. of St. George’s Lodge; Past Master J. \V. Crossley, of Robertson Lodge; XV. Bro. Wilson. of Stevenson Lodge ; \V. Bro. \Vettson, District Secretary; VV. Bro. Gnutt, of St. George’s Lodge; Past Master J. T. Saigeon, of Vaughan Lodge; Bro. Dr. Dome, of Patterson Lodge, and others. 1 \V. Bro. Coombs 1'9spopded on behalfi Richmond Lodge held an emergent meeting on Monday evening, on which occasionfR. \V. Bro. Inwood, D. D. G. M. for District No. 11 A., paid an official visit. About; twenty of the members of the craft accompanied the n n n n: r n w ~ All arrangements haVe been com- pleted with Mr. H. N. Shaw, who pre- sented “Under Two Flags” for the benefit of the Firemen on New Yea r’s Night, to provide a musical and dra- matic entertainment on the. evening of the. 24th of May, in the Agricultural liall, under the auspices of the Rich- mond Hill & Yonge Street Agricul- tural Society. The program will con- clude such altists as Miss May Ma- whinney, the popular soprano: Mr. J. ‘ Murphy, bass soloist; Mr. \Vill Yule, ‘humorist; and Mr. H. N. Shaw, in reeitations and dramatic sketches. The entertainment will conclude with a three act. comedy entitled “An Arabian Night,” splendidly costumed and with appropriate scenery. This is one of the funniest comedies ever written, and was presented with great success at Daly’s theatre in New York and the Strand theatre, London. At both places the success was so great that the play enjoyed one. of the longest runs of any of the modern comedies. The story of the play is that of a man who is blessed with a suspicious and inquiring mother-in- law. In his endeavors to deceive her he becomes involved in all sorts of (lifii<:ulties and absurd complications, from which he is finally extricated, and all ends happily. Those who en- joya hearty laugh will find this an excellent opportunity of indulging in a continuous one. Mr. Shaw will play the part, of Arthur Hummingtop, a. part which he has played many times with great success. Those who sup- iiort. him in the play are Misses Louise ’roctor, Marie Geldart. Pearl O’Neill. Messrs. Leonard Lumbers, Grant; Gordon, W. Yule and others. A guud black clay Worsted suit, im- pm-ted, made up with host, quality nf trimmings for $17. Atkinson & Swiizer. The l-rwfvipts for over $800, and a 1 on hand after p: ding the chm-ch, pairs. The follm pniutva : \Vm‘d Newbory and E Messrs. Nummn Kai-swell : Doleg; Thomas Beyuon. ppltt x . 7 I I " â€" a ' ' 1111,me lwmg made to the nmtor to lm run on Ynngv sulpcmmnictee cmnposed of Pym-. Graham, Dulf, Davis. Mist-umplwll, Richardson, SI Hill wz-w appointed tn 9le tummy and prucnrv :Ill avai fm-matinn on the subject for {it Of llu- Railway Committee. LENTEN SERVIâ€"CE Tl}!- l'l'lvqylh League Servi fit. of t l‘(‘l’lll(lllfi' ST. JOHN’S CHURCH. A Vestry Meeting was held in St. ‘hn’s Church, 0sz Ridges, Monday (-ning. Thoclmil'wus nccupiod by 1-. Thus. vamm. The financial l'e‘ rt. 0f the “Gardens showed the urch to be in IL flourishing condition. Iel‘I‘CPiDLS for the past year were m mmxn Th1 ELEX The Me MASON‘IC GATHERING. ST. JOHN‘S CHI AN ARABEAN NIGHT.” v um. Duff 1, Richzu tppuinted prucnrv n the all!) a neat iittlo 'bnlance is mum)on muittet Davis. Marten «m, Smith and n examine tht 1 available iu‘ 3t for the bone l)‘ bf '3 N u. 1 and No. 2 5011 in Richmond Hill VA. SILIIIIIHEOD Dgngglst. ’ a" ‘1305. i Efidâ€"SVBVOTchEFééBMélâ€"laéabi 3i responsible 131115519175 11: Canada. your dru gist for Cook’s Cotton Root Com- ake no 0 er, as all Mixtures. pills and mutations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 er box ' No. 2, 10 degrees stronger. $8 per box. 0. 1 or ,mailed on receipt of price and two Bâ€"cent stamgs. The 9001;: ‘Coqlpany \VinQBQI', 0n}2 ‘ Is successfully used monthlyâ€"by over 0.000 Ladies. Sate, efieczual. Ladies ask and. T PALXERâ€"At Richmond Hill on April 18th. the wife of Wm. Palmer, of a. son. Canadian Lacmsse Association hold in The Temple Building on Good Friday Mr. H. B. Clemes, of Port, Perry, was elected president, and Mr. \V. H. Hall of Turbnln (late of Markhmn), secre~ tary. Men’s good-cotton working shirts 50 Chan; Heavy black and white me- chanic’s shirt with reinforced hack & front, 750. Atkinson & Switzer. At ‘Qhe funmal convention of the See the display of ladies’ whitowear, skirts, , cal-set covering, night robes, drawers, 550. Atkinson 8: Switzer. At: a. mortgage sa-le held at the Queen’s Hotel, Aurora, on Saturday last, Mr. \Vul."i‘homas purchased the Spencely Farm, Oak Rldgos, consist- ing of 50 acres, for the sum of $2,490. ‘Villiams, the murderer of Vzu'coe, was hanged in Toronto on Saturday. In respect, to public opinion the hang- ing was postponed from Good Friday to the following day. Miss Beals of Toronto spent a couple of days with her friend, Miss M. Har- rison. Miss Louie Harrison of New- markeb also spent over Sunday at home. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Coombs and baby of Newmzu-ket are spending part of Lhe Eastet vacation with Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Elliott]. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mchnaghy and baby of Toronto spent, Good Friday and over Sunpuy with relatives here and returned Monday. The Misses Elmhirst of Krone, Pet- erboruugh county, spent; Easter \VL’t‘k with their sister, Mrs. (D12) Lawmson, and returned yesterday. ‘ arrived Friday, : sunnme with he and Mrs. G. \Vile Miss Olive Kinnee of Oak RingS. spout Easter Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kinuee, and returned on Monday. Master J. Beverley \ankei- of Tn- mnto is spending his holidays with his g1-und~pm-ent,s, Mr. and Mrs. John Culliiel'. Miss Graham and Miss Clift of Aurora spent a few days with Mrs. XV. lanes and returned Tuesday evening, Miss F. M spending Eu Miss Brown Mr. Charles \Volls of Vandorf, spent over Sunday with his ln'other-in-luw, Mr. M. Ransom. Mrs. Rubt. Punch uf Guelph, spent Easter with relatives in the village. Mrs. Jno. McDonald of “7oxfm-d, spent Easter with Mrs. G. McDonald. Miss. E. Langstaff of Rochester, N. Y., is spending :L week With her broth- 01',’D1‘. Lungstnff. zer; Duet, Mrs. E. H. Sisley and Miss Smart. A number of cakes which wore left over were afterwards sold, Mr. J. T. Suigeon acting as auctioneer. The proceeds amounted to upwards of $33.00. l’ U"““ l’“"""’_ 'el‘l, Rmx Mr. I’ultcrson of Deer Park, gzwen pleasing: address, and the re.- frcshxncnts which wore scrvcd in the rear of the hull were delicious. The ladies also (lispost‘d of :L number of pretty nrticlcs which hild been special- ly propaer for the occasion. Rev. Mr. Gibson, I-cctor, presided at the en- tcrtainnwnt, when the following numbers were given : Piano solo. Miss Davison ; vocal solo, Miss Smart ; piano solo, Miss Switzcr; vocle solo, Miss Ida Glass: recitation, Miss F. M. Brown ; Vocal Solo, Miss ELhyl Swit- zer; Due-t, Mrs. E. H. Sislev and EASTER FESTIV Notwithstanding the dl min Tuesday evening then fair attendance at the fosti the. Temperance Hall in Mary’s Church of Emrln erusity and 53 Richmond Hi always r‘e‘ady have been s( winter, it was Miss‘L'I‘llglfiYiley nf Bmznklyn, N Ogok's Cofipn Rgot Compound FOR THE SICK CHILDREN . w Fmdny, and Will renmm the Iithstanding the downpour of lesdny evening there was a. very yendnnce at the festival held in mpe‘mnce Hall in aid of St. Church of England. There -hnice musical program present;- R Mr. Pultersrm of Deer Park, ERSONALS News Notes. Langstaff of Rochester, N. 11dng :L week With her broth- :mgstni‘f. M. Brown of Bnhcaygenn is Easter week with her sister, DEATH S BIRTHS. g day. h‘m' grandparent A L {in by M 1 Alalge amount of private funds to loan on improved farm property. Five per cent. in- terest. Easy terms for repavupenb. No com- mission charged on loans. Apply to A. G. F. LAWRENCE, Freehold Loan Building, Toronto Or at Bighmond Hill on Saturdays. MONEY I MONEY I WILKENg Is the place to buy your Harness and other sup Single Harness from $10 up. All work guaranteed Saskatchewan and Black Galloway Robes, $8 to $20. Jute 35 cents to $2.50 each. Shaped \Vnul Blankets, $2.25 Dutch Kersey Blankets, $1.25 to each. Best Kersey Blankets, 80x80 inch, $4 to $6 each Trunks, Valises, Mitts, Gauntlets, and low as the lowest. RICHMON D ' HILL EEfiEEEfiS - SflOP 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George fiW' Dress Q; I‘Eep q: L Also a full range of Colored Serge Dress Goods. Fawn and Grey Homespun Suitings, 52 in. check patterns, and combined colmings of f‘ fawn and grey, and light blue and green, at V_Â¥L.-.., A; Blue Serge, all wool, 44- in. wide . Black and Blue Serge, 38 in. wide Black Figured Alpaca, 40 in. wide “ “ H Crepon, 44 “ 1'“ n WILKINS & CO“, Herringbones are much in favor. We are showing them in green and Iawn at ................ $3 a sult Homespuns are in good demand and we have them in all the new shades : We have caught the popular fancy in the selection of Dress Goods this season. Every- thing new in Dress Stuffs, Trimmings, Linings, etc. Here are a few of our popular lines: airin Atkinson Switzer }E(). RIODON ronnptly Done. Suitings; 52in. wide, in small I am prepared to do Family \Vnsbinga. Gem: and Ludiea' fine linen a specialty. Work gum nnt'aed and patronage solicited. 51-,“ TILLIE HA‘XW‘ICIJ each. 1Alilk I’ans. 7 cents each. Coal Scuttles, only 15 cents each. Soldering Irons, 10 cents each. Richlnond 'Hill mess and other supplies. work guaranteed first-class. ‘$r8__to‘ $20. A Jute Stable Blankets. I‘vvist l)rills, IO & cents each. s, Cashmeres and Fancy [3race and 6 Best nger Bit 5, only 50. LAUNDRY ish 133.113. 15 cents News 'mvu and brown, ; . . . . . . $5 a suit 50L other supplies as Street; Toronto 250. per yard , 75c. and $1 , . . . . . . . . . 40c l'lLLIE MAXWELL to $5 each. English Z‘Ic ‘ALLD

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