VOL. XXII. QgE" . 97 “ @112 @133va IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHiNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. D R. L ANS-STAFF. Ofï¬ce Hours : p, m SBI per Room 12, 124 Victoria. St., Toronto. Best ï¬tting teeth, also I-oplating, at lowest prices. Good work. 51?. T. A. 011mm, ‘Vill be in Richmond Hill ever-y \Vedm'sday. Oflice:â€"-Next dour south of Public School. Dr. W. Cecil Tums, B. DENTIST,- Telephone 3358 for appointment. BleuBto o! the Ontario Veterinary Colleno. with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dant3183bool, will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 p. 11:. Calls promptly attended to Diseases of horses.cnttle and other domesticat- ed animals named by the latest, and most up- VETERINARY SURGEON [grieved methods Member College Phasiciuus ind Surgeons. uh. Cor. Bloor mm spadunn Ave... Toronto. Ramodelled,und newly furnished throughout. One of the most cuuvenicnb and comfortable hote‘s on Yonge Street. Every modern con- venience. Sample rooms for commeruiul tnvellars. Anideulstoppiug place for riding or driving parties.bicyclists, ox farmers going to or returning from market. Electric curs passthe door. ’FTJ. GALLANDUGH, Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. PALMER, HOUSE, RICHMO ND HILL, RICHMOND HILL. RICHLIOND JflllN VALUE“. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. L. LAWRASUN, HULSE HGTEL, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotte Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. OFFICE 'llOUiSï¬ Sm “bum: {Hogpn j“. McMAHON. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules: pleasant léL'clatiYé‘ VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, VETERIN ARY SURGEON, rfl'aornhill. . T. Mcï¬lroy, REAPLE. THOROUGH LY REFITT ED. EDITOR & Pnormmon. ï¬cntal. \V m . Bogus B mï¬ls’t, annum, in advanCe.] Dentist, TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. mam. rttrinnry 8 to 10 a.m.;12t0 2 7 'to 9 p.111. ‘ Prop ELF. B. JOHNSTON J. I) Money to loan at; Barrister, Salicitcr. Notary, 840. Suite 77 and '78 Freehold Loan Buil ings, cor. Adelaide and VicLuriu Streets, T01 onto. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issu‘ir oi’Marriag LicenSes RICHMOND BILL POST OFFICE. N OTA, RY PU 13 Li (7. JOHNSTON, ROW FALCONBRIDGE Hj" urn-i ï¬te 1's , LEN Nrii‘ix?’ MORGXN, ‘: Money to loan on ‘mud and chattel mortgages at. lowest mtes. Aurora (mice-Removed bathe old post ofï¬ce. one door west. of the entrance to the Ontarlu Bunk. Newmarkct ofliceâ€"Three doors south of the 'past: ofï¬ce. T.HERBERT meox, G. S’1V.MORGAZ~7. Aux-om. Newmarket COOK & Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 1. Adelaide St" East. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. mm 3 mm nu «In LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. East Toruut') Ofï¬ce, Mr. Grant's residence, Woodimdup, everv evening. Thornhi]l.euch Wednesday from 10 to 1‘2. JAS. N EVVTON SALEM Ecxmm‘. 63 \Vindhester St. Toronto Licenseu Auctioneers for the County of Yoxk. Goods sold on cunsigument. General bales of utock.etc., promptly attoudeï¬ to at reasonable rates. Gr. R. Gouldmg, Newton Brook, agent. for the above. A. G. F. LAWRENCE, LicensedAucbicnours for thoCuunty of York,re- spoctfully solicit your patronage and friendly Influence. sales attpuded on the shortest. notice 1111’? A reasonaberates. P. 0. mluress Kins: JANES BUILDIN s, TORONTO. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York Salesattended to on shortest, notice and at rear sonublerates Patronage snlicited. J‘ '1‘. Snigaun. Richmond Hill Licensed Auctioneey for Gener lgales of implements. mrnituroï¬ bimber. etc. .attended on the shortestnot: 0.1: reasonable rates. Patronagesolicited. P. 0. address Maple ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN NE.II_JL§S Licensed Au and Ontano. tended to on race; Mort: Residence‘ S RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL I :1“? '1 In I’Altll HOW we may be secured by ou: aid. Addres, IRE 0"ENT REOORO Banknote. I C STOKES Bal‘n‘iSFE‘I'S and Solicitors. MONEY TO LOAN AT 570. 95335133†Qflmé'l’ $3 ï¬KEi! are; at Emhnlmu's, [Ind er KmG STREJT WEST, TORONTO. liekzu'dt & PI entice Bahisiers co n & NicEwcn. '. h .v Wï¬ï¬m‘ B .’ COMMISSIONER IN THE Stakes a; fluough. J . D. “ca (1 man, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, APR 513mm. All sales of farm stock the shortest noting and j :tmuesrfnr the Countiqs o_t Yer}: per ( eut‘ N. L‘. Smith. 26 and bhilm’ ‘uffville. Out. In E LCUNRRIDGE aerfm‘ the County 01 York. aplements, tumicurobmnding led on the shortest notice and MACDONALD Essentiais, Um'ty; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all’tki; To PATENT lined ,Idaas Tolerhcuc 298-1 J. H. lanancn Unlonvnle 2 a'ï¬vrfâ€"rbursoï¬able (5 attended to. J. IL McEwen. Weston. D BLOUGE EAES DO At the close of the tenth week of the 31 session finds public business very little D1 advanced, for the debate on the. budget still drags weariedly along, and the f! stock of “ oratory †is still apparently l)‘ far from being exhausted yet. In :t P quiet, but nevertheless effective mans . her, the Conservatives are doing cm- 0, u.) 1 side. ‘able obstructing, for scarcely a. day passes without the introduction of some frivolous and unimportant matter. upon which the entire after- noon and a large portion of the even- ing session is frittered away in pur- poseless talk. Tupper cussing newspaper rumors respecting ‘commissions in the Imperial Army, another day Mr. Cartier, occupies a whole hour in in- quiring of the Government what they intend to do with Mr. Tarte, in \'l(‘“’ of certain newspaper articles which have appeared so far it has been impossible to either afï¬rm or contradict. in, and day out. public time of public money worse Agriculture this week the Deputy- Miuister of the Interior, Mr. James A. Smart, took the opportunity to set at rest the various stories which have been circulating in the Tory ress ~ ant-n1; the. Wholesale de arture 0- re- cently arrived Doukho or imigrants to California. matured report, many of these people. had already left Canada, and thous- ' ands mole were preparing to leave shortly, and the oddest part of it all is that the very papers that had been do- ing the most howling at the Govern- ment for bringing them into the coun- try, though the iieasury. Were now making most noise at the prospect of their go- ing out again. however, appear to be simply that a l Russian connected with some Cali- ‘ fornia. railway having heard stories of the people who had come out to Man- itoba being destitute, started work among them through some Russia: 3 One. day Sir Charles will spend an afternoon dis- Monk of Jacques about him, but. which And so on, day Hours and days of and thousands of dollars than wasted. CRYING BEFORE THEY’RE HURT. At a session of the Committee on According to the most at no additional cost to the The facts of the case, i who had followed them and among whome were. a couple of Nihilists. However, he only succeeded in getting nineteen Dmikhobors in all. men, wo« men and children. to leave. These were stopped at the border by the United States Government. under the aiien labor law, and the Northern Pai- ciï¬c Railway was compelled to return them to Canada, and they are now in Emerson. PROSPERITY PICTORIAIJ.Y_ PORTRAYED Ma L Luv The value of pictorial aid»; in educa- tional matters has always been recog- nized, but while it has been a cmnlnun thing in the training of children to aid the ear with the eye. it is u smnewhnt new departure to introduce it into ublic affairs. The innovation was 'i-sb introduced by Mr. Fielding in connection with his budget; Speech last year. and so excellent “fas the result that he repented it this year. \Vith the aid of a number of diagrams the growth and development of Camier in many directions is seen at a glance. Among other facts of considerable practical interest it is shown that since Confederation the total trade of the Country increased from $131,000,000 to $321,661,000. The increase in imports has been $89,000,000, and in experts $101,000,000. Shipping has doubled in tt'mnage since Confederation, and the tonnage of the coasting trade has‘ trebled since 1876. Railway mileage has increased by 15,000, or nearly eight times since Confederation, railway trafï¬c has increased ï¬ve times since 1876. Business failures are $2.000,000 less than they were 27 years ago, and of course bear a similar proportion to the total business of the country. Deposits in the chartered banks were $33,318,000 at Confederation. and $258.402,000 in 1699: deposits in the savin 3 banks increased in the same perio from $4,300,092 to $66,135,000; deposits with loan companies and building societies from half a million to nearly nineteen millions, and so on. Maugham Council. The Markham Township Council met at Victoria Hall, Uninnville, on Tllesday, the 17th inst. The members all present, the reeve in the chair. Minutes read and CUUfll'lllg’d. A petition was received fmm Mount Joy mud divisiun asking the council Our Ottawa Letter. a“, u...“ W U to appoint- J. Runner 1-. 0. for What 56. Dimmaâ€"EckardLâ€"thut the treas. pay Simon Baker $10. being two~thirds the. value 0f two sheep killed and three minted by dogs. a ‘1‘ LL ,4. If... nun-‘1‘. VJ “ Dimma â€" Summm'feldt -â€" that Mr. Eckardt be commissioner to repair washout and renew culvert, if neces- sary, opposite 11, (-(m. 5. Suuuuel-feldt; â€"â€" Dimma â€" that the x-eeve be commissioner to repair rail- ing on roadway opposite lots 13 and 14, con. 2. __-. .‘ .i‘ V, A‘Sisleyâ€"LSnmmel'feldtxâ€"that thereeve be commissioner to improve 3rd c0n.. opposite lot 20; also hill bet/ween lots 20 and 21. piile'fgl-{lyl‘li «as: accepted“ as follows :â€"- 3x8, $19 per M.; 10x12, $20; cedar, prgspnt slog?) ‘$14. A \r, o....‘...,_.., r Dimmn-Sisleyâ€"lhut Mr. Summer- ft‘ldt be commissioner to put. in culvert betWem lots 20 and 21, con. 5. and re- pair hill (.ppnsito 10L 2], con. 5. Sisley â€" Snmmex-feldt -â€"â€"â€" that the clerk be instructed to have the town- ship safe xepairvd. .‘ , ,.___._L1..,.. The by-law regulating the operating of road grader was amended by chang- ing the time of miday’s operations from 10 to 9 hours. A tender from Harrington Bros. for 28 u L l Jos. Teeson 40 John Jackson 20G. “'Jiohinson 42 Albert Smith 2wJohn Dean 43 Patrick Carrol 3 .los. (.‘omisky 45 G. McKinnon 4 John Hart 40 Daniel Rainer 5 David Lvnett 4’7 John Gowland 6 Roht. McLean 48 W. H. Meyer 7 John Klinck 49 Jas. O. McCall 9 Samuel \Vilson 50 Samuel Hoover .0 Geo. Robinson 51 John Fuller. .1 Geo. Gohn 52 A. H. Crosby 2 \Vm. Ness, sr 53 J. \K’. Cowie 3 \Vm. 'l‘isdale 54 Tilman Shank L4 Iii-my Bond 55SJonas Ramer if) H. Ileiw 55lth‘U. Morrison [6 David Hoover 56 Peter Byer [’7 Daniel Doner 57 Joseph Hoover l8 H.0unningham 55 J. A. Mitchell 20 \V. (I. ()rmerod 59 I). Connor 21 Ohms. Brodie 60 J. G. Freeman 22 W. F. Nicol 61 John bheinhoi‘f 23 Henry Hopper 62- D. ()lendeniu 24 \V. H. Lever (53 John Postill 2-6 A.. Donaldson (5% Her. 0. Reesor 27 Joe. Payne ()5 Henry Grove 28 Th<=s.}iageirnan07 Isaac Reesnr 29 Hector Patel-$01168 And. S. Dimma " 30 Joseph “MN; 69 Frank ReeSor ‘ 31 Richard Frisl)y 70 Jas. Maxwell,sr. 32 Levi Grove 71 \V. J. Ramsay 33 J.Crui<-kshank ’72 J. F.Burkholder 3:! \N'In. Brown 73 Isaac Realnan 35 Pioht. French 74 John Reesor 36 Joram Eckardi ’75 Jas. Boyd 3? \Vin. Pingle 76 Ben Hagen-man 38 H. S. \Vilsou 77 J. Medill 439 \Vmfleu‘ruthersw Ira Brown Dimmaâ€"Eckardtâ€"thab the treas. pay for the use of the municipality 12 stone hammers. The Yonge Street account was pass- ed amounting to $42.75. Sieleyâ€"h‘ckardtâ€"that the treas. pay the following nrconnts: T. F. MrMalioii.pl-inting hy-Iaws . $50 00 \V. Teasdale, removing culvelt. 3 00 F. Peal-Son, repairing washout. . 2 50 R. Malcolm. half day’s work. . . . 50 Stonlfville Corporation, work . . 80 J05. Ham, digging grave . . . . . . . . 2 50 Corson & Son, prinLing . . . . . . . 3 00 R. McLean, drawing lumber. . .. 1 25 H. S. Reesor, hauling plank . . . . 1 50 H. S. Iteesor, repairing culvert. 1 50 B. Baker. gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 84 D. & G. Harrington, lumber. . . . 8 50 R. Campbell, unloading cezlur.. 2 0i) Eukardtâ€"Summerfeldtâ€"that when this council adjourns it stands ad- jaurued until Saturday, May 26th, at 10 a. m., and Court of Revision at 2 p. m. n .‘. n L._.14. Hund- My. 33 35 36 Snmmerfeldt â€" Eckzu-d Sisley be commissimvxer bridge between laps 25 am u y. un. Snnimerfeldt â€" Eckardt â€" that Mr. Sisley he cmnmissitmer tQ. repair bridge between lots 25 and 26, con. 2. Dinmmâ€"Eckurdtâ€"that whereas the Schumberg and Aurora R. R. Co. are seeking legislation in the House of Commons to enable them to build a. freight railroad to connect, with the Metrnpolitnn R. R. 00., therefore be it resulmd that the rceve and D; James be uppninted to oppose, in conjunction with the representatives of other mun- icipalities, any legislation which they may think detrimental to the interest of this municipality. 1. LL._L LLA “no IAAu ..... r ..... UL [4 J . Sunnnerfeldt, â€"â€" Eckardt â€" that the trans. refund $1 dug tax to J. E. Miles, levied through error in assessment, roll for 1899. Council adjourned. Mr. L. Smlxtenburgh contemplates taking a position with the ï¬rm of Massey-Harris Company. Mr. Hislop’s horse ran away, caus- ing serious damage to his buggy. The 1'0;de are getting in pretty and ‘ shape for wheeling, and Alex. eid now makes use of his bicycle to and from High School. Cecil Khan has been laid up with mil-(isles. Frank Nichols haul a taï¬'y-pull last Saturday evening in the hush. By the time, they got through the guests were sugar-coated both internally and externally. The remains of the late Wm. H. Lundy were interred in the Buttou~ ville burying-ground on Friday. The funeral was largely attended, deceas- ed being well known and highly reâ€" I spectrd in the township. For a num- lber of years he wus- a. member of . Markham Municiple Council. \Vm. Timlale Ih-my Buud H. Heiw David Hnnvor Damel Doner R.Gunniug‘nam \V. (I. ()l'merod Chas. Brudic W. F. Nicol Henry Hopper \V. H. Lever The East York License Commission- ers met; at the Clyde Hotel on Satur- day, April 21. The three who consti- tute the Board were present, viz.. G. F. Morgan, chairman ; D. Lynett, 31L ‘26 East York Licenses. [z z ngs Vicboma Square Charity.†52$ 59 61 1900. secretary ; and Mr. Harrison : also the inspector, Mr.Jas.EckardL. There were no requests for shop licenses. After the reading of the Inspector‘s report, the Board disposed of the ap~ plications as follows : East Torontoâ€"~S. “'. Harris, J. Lambert, granted. Richmond Hillâ€"J. Palmer, granted; J. Ellstou, held over Markham Villageâ€"Mrs. O. Pitts, Mrs. J. Torrance, J. Torrance-granted. Markham Township ~- N. Button, Hughes Bros.. R. Joyce, and “fun. Meek, ranted; VI. R. Hemmingway and J. ‘. Huiues, left over. Seal-horn Townshipâ€"A‘Vm. B. O‘- Learv, E. Sanderson, R. A. Andrews, and J. Maxwell, granted ; Geo. Hayes, left over. York Townshipâ€"G. Empringlxzun. J. Evans, F. H. Schmidt, J. Gamble. Mrs. T. \Vall, Mrs. S. Huckvtt, R. W Bachelor, D. B. Birrell, M. O’Sullivzm and R. H. Crew, granted ; A.J.'I‘ymon jr._._“left' pver: OH The concert in the Masonic Hall last, \Vednesday evening was flairly waltz attended“ The program consisted nt' solos, recitations, and :1. muck trial, uiL' given by the members of the Literary ‘nciety. The p1 oceeds amounted to about $14. > ' . - -- 'v u'v u v v--. Those who attended Mrs. V. V. Moore’s concert at; Hope last week, express themselves as well pleased with the entertainment. V Mr. A. Shunk’s sale last Saturday was weli attended, and all the articles went at '4 gopd price. There has been a good deal of mm- ing here this week. Mr. G. VVilsou and family have come back from Davenport, and Mr. M. Moffat has. moved into the house lately occupied- hy Mr. M. Duffy. Mr. R. Baxter has gone to Penetang, Where he hasoly mined a situation as engine driver in a, mill, and Mr. J. Folster to Fort, \Villiam, to take charge of a section there. Mr. Charlie Chestnut left on Monday eVening for Barrie, where he purposes taking a. situation. u u ........D " -.--.;.~ . Business appears U) be booming with Mr. H. G. Bailey,as he hasen- gaged Mr. Hum-y Rumble to assist him during the summer. Vnugban, consuming of 165 acres is The suil is Sandy lumm. there is n. {m two bums (onea bunk barn), and gum! lugs, The farm is well watered. a! gum] amt» of cu‘tivation. For particulars apply on thelpwmiï¬ JOHN S 312N153} The Gnu! Englis Remedy. Sold and recomm dad by 1 druggists in Canada. 10p? re able medicine dtioverq . 8 I . v {atkages guaranteed to bare 11 forms of Sexnn Weakness. all (‘flncts 01451)!!! or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use Qt To baoco. Opium or Sï¬mulants. Mailed on receipi of price. one EDmkuze $1, 317. $5. One willle Mun“ cu_'r_e. amphlets tree to fly addrem. ‘ in “I. -u , , ; n..._......u ‘ l » Hill by 'u')’ Lnï¬ 28 and par§ of 2.9. rear of [Single copies, 3 cts; WWWW4MH Farm for Sale u’re. rtuupumm “cc w “u, ..__,, The Wood Company, Windsor, fl“ Wood's Phaï¬p'hodimu Maple Sauuenuun, Druggxat‘ No 43 Eigiï¬ Mina. 9.0 the and was to ind can u: an] a mm; in a.