Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Apr 1900, p. 4

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.-~A DASTARDLY ACT. A most daring attempt was made ""Sunday evening about 7 o‘clock to - blow up with dynamite one of the lock -gates in the Welland canal. Fortu- r-nately the damage is not great, but had the attempt been successful the ~weter would have burst through, ..eausing serious injury to the canal : and surrounding country. and in all probability loss of life. Three men were arrested shortly after the ex- -plosions, and in all likelihood the « dynamiters have been caught. The country around is naturally excited over the unfortunate ocourenoe, and v. conjectures are many as to the mo- ztives of the depredators. Some = people lay the erime at the door of ‘Boer sympathizers from United States «othels to feulauism, but strong oppo- sition to the Connors Syndicate is ssidemd the_;post .probable solution After several futile attempts at an agreement the Metropolitan Railway Company and the City Municipal Council have failed to come to terms relative to the former making a, con- ineetion with the C. P. R. at North Toronto. The matter was again re- l-ferred to the Railway Committee of the Ontario Legislature on Tuesday, but the proposal was voted down. Without casting any blame on the Legislature for not passing the bill in the face of much opposition, we think it is a pity that an understand- ing could not he arrived at between the rival corporations. Villages sit- uated as Richmond Hill, Thornhill, and seine other places are, stand at a disadvantage in getting their coal and freight commodities. Richmond Hill had in view the building of an elevator for a grain market as soon as shipping facilities could be assurâ€" ed, but without connection with a steam railway nothing of the kind need be thought of. From the dis- cussions it would seem that there was little objection to allowing the Metropolitan to carry local freight, but those who opposed the bill ob- jeeted to Yonge Street being turned into at railway freight track, and the electric railway- a. branch of the Many useful points are given as to 2he best methods of getting rid of the destructive weeds, and of keep- ing the land clean. The pamphlet should he in the hands of every farmer in the province. The Ontario Government issues (from time to time pamphlets which tare worthy of careful perusal. Those from the Department of Agriculture 'are particularly valuable to the farm- ing community. The last pamphlet issued treats of the common weeds of Ontario, with instructions as to the “best-means or destroying them. The pamphlet was prepared by Professor Harrison, of the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph. In this volume of 80 pages is shown that noxious “Weeds are spreading rapidly over farms. For this reason farmers re- quire all the information they can get to assist them in preventing further loss from this very serious. ’hindrance to successful agriculture. The pamphlet shoWs that most weeds do much injury to the crops in which 'they are found. They-absorb soil moisture. They use plant food. They shade, crowd, and choke use- :i‘ul plants. “They increase the labor and expense of cleaning seed, and they interfere with the use of mowers, binders, and other implements in taking oh” crops. Changeâ€" H. C. Bailey. :8hmngeâ€"Wllkins (in Co. . , bangsâ€"Canada. Cycle and Motor Co‘ ‘Rxcmxoxn HmL. April 26, 1900' New Advertisements. lav fliberal. WEEDS OF ONTARIO. NO CONNECTION. (Of the firm of Eckardt 8: Prentice). agent; for the Massey-Harris Lahor- Saving Machinery, Wagons, Plows, Scufllers, &c.; also the Sawyer & Massey Engines and Tln-eshers, the Brantfm‘d VVind-Mill, and the Up-tn- Date Tm-unt‘o Fanning Mill. All Massey-Harris repairs kept by H. A. Nio-hulls. Richmond» Hill. Business solicited. J. H. PRENTEGE Glazier, Grainer and. Paper- Hanger. 1:? No. l and No. 2 5011 in Richmond Hill by W A. Sanderson Druggifit. Is successfully used monthly by over 10.000Ladies. Safe,efiecsual. Ladies ask your dru gist for Cook’s Cotton Root Com- nnd. Take no 0: er, as all Mixtures, pills and mitotions are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 er box‘ No. 2, 10 degrees stronger.“ per box. 0. 1 or b, mailed on receipt of price and two B-cent 3mm 5- The Cook Company Windsor. Ont W as. 1 and 2 gold and recommended by all responsible Druggtsts In Canada. w. HEWISON, Graduate of Toronto College or Munic: uupil of Prof. Welsmgu. For recommendations apuly tn Comma nf Music â€"F. H. Torriugton or ank s. \\ man: 10. For particulars _tQ 1: ms any Pupils prenarod for College or Caneervntmv Examinations. A quantity of Red Elephant: Seed Potatoes for Sale. Applyg HOEJSE ta Au eightrnomed [nick house at Headtord with all sonvcniencas. gnod stamp. and drivinq hLuse; an acre of land with all kinds of fruit. Possessi )u at once. Apply [59 _ April 1?. 1m Minutes of the 26th of March were read and approved. The following accounts were read : H. Blanchard and others,shovol- ling snow . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . $ 3 10 Jos. Blanchard, attending rink. 11 50 J05. Hall, account for oil for lnmps.......;.... . . . . . . . . 1062 W. E. \Viloy and A. J. Hume. music at rink . . . . . » . . . . . . . . 24 25 Moved by Mr. Tunes, soconded hy Glass, that‘ the treasurer do pay the above :1ccounts.â€"Carried. Mr. Innes moved, second-rid by Mr. Glass, that the clerk is hereby in- structed to write the Councils of Vaughan and Markham and claim one-third of the rent, of each of the tollâ€"houses collected by them, as pub- lished in their printed accounts.â€" Carried. T0 HORSEE‘EEN The Council met in the Clerk’s office on April 19th. Present, the Reeve, and Councillors Gluifis ant‘l Innes. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL. The war has been going more fav- orable to the British forces during the past week. Lord Roberts reports that Wepener has been relieved, that the British are sweeping lower "sec-' tions of the Free State and that the retreating Boers are likely to be n- tercepted and captured. Our brave Canadians are reported to have been in the thick of the fight. y mail promptly attended Both the Canadian and American Governments are looking into the mattergand itvis hoped no ill-feeling will be created between the two coun- tries. G-alryo‘lr route bins and cards priu‘od at Ten: Jul-11ml. uflice. Good selection of cuts. Orders MISS EDITH M. DAVIS, Pater}; {SEEK ‘Efimu E'mh‘fi'lfcbfim" in magic! 90M“, fining)ch fie. in the_ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS ac. 'Anyone naming a sketch and descfiguon my quickly nst'e’rtain our opinion free w ether‘an lnventmu is probably patentable. Communica- tlona sulcuy confidential. Handbook on Patents sent. free. Oldest agency_tog_secur§nzflpatentg. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir- ouhnlon of any sflentxflc journnl. Terms. 81, a year: {our mopthl. 3).. Sold by all_ 5191136391911. can four months. SL 84 UN?! 5180.395? The Council adjourned calls from a distance promptly attended to. Piano instruction; also Theorv of Mu c‘ Séiéiitific Emerican. HOUSE-PA INTER, ‘UNH'EVCEISVIBEREHéw Yuri Brach Office. 635 F St. Wuhl;;f«:~n. D. C. Seed Potate 41-7 flew @amtiscmeuts. Cook's Cotton Root Compouné‘. Unionville. Village (‘ounml LIBERAL OFF [C 308N SAVAGE lot 25, 2nd 'mn. Vaughan Richmond Hill, P M. TEEFY, Clerk. T. THO )ISON. Hendxmd P. O to REET «til at THE 4 rCents per Bao'. Oi Turonfn, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany fur the farmers of Yolk Co. Business Solicihâ€"d. Ahundance 1‘ Power J. T. SAIGEON, 'TA‘E Llflgfifiéo ' $1.00 if! AIWANGE. Manchester, of London.Eng., B RITISH AMERICA, GORE, ()F GALT. general Banking Business Transacted. HIGHEST OUHRENT HATES PAH] 0N DEPOSITS. GLOBE opncm. cog AURHRA FL'EUREFEG ]OS. HALL, A. MOODIE, -â€"-AN Dâ€" High Grade Family Flour Any Flour will make Bren will guarantee Mill in operation every day except Monday. Richnlond Elill. On account ofasurplua of water W‘ Mager purposes To make more bread, lighter bread and bread that will keep moist 1011 rev, and better flavor- 9 bread with less lab- 01‘ than any other flour. Hots Agent for the fullowing stock Fire Insurance Cumpanies, viz.: Grinding Grain Made to suit the people and sold at a. reasonable price. Rest YORK MUT U AL, It, is strictly NAUGHTON BROS. 93 Yonge Street. Toronto. - Solid Gold. Best Gold Fill 1.36 ' 5yrs Gold Fill 1.06 as; Best Classes... 10{ We guarantee perfect satisfaction. OF‘ TORON ’10, CA NADA. â€"â€"ALSOâ€"- A Firstrclass Cash Mutual. J’. F. ROWLAND. ()f Canada, mom getting Lueu' mm or an LIBERAL ulliue will buva & to the following during tho 5 Come One‘ it:ll Horse Register of all kinds at SELL IT. Acting r Aggnt. Come All :31 -s 00.000 600,000 Hm.’ ’l'el'u' (flydésdalo D. \VlLLHuu 'm-g. Noble- but we SLLS. prin‘e nulic Newest Colorings at lowest prices from 50. up, Border and Ceiling to match. Special line as low as 3c.,; good value at 5 to 106. per roll. We make a specialty in Mixed Paints in all colors from the best makers. Dry Colors in all shades. Boiled and Raw Oil pure. Turpentine, Varnish, Carriage and Furniture Japans. Paint Brushes all sizes, in fact everything needed for painting. Large stock of Furniture, cheap for cash. Picture Frames made to order. ers, Nuns, Locks. l‘imges, Fence Wire. and everything in the Tin and Hardware line. WALL PAPER! -WALL PAPER"! ' ARTISTEC DESIGNS! Daisy Chums, Quick Meal Oi Stoves, Miik Pans, Pails, Cream ers, Nails, Locks. Hinges, Fenc‘ G. MASON, Riclunond Hill. Easy terms of payment. Samples always on hand. IFEEM HARBWARE E avetroughing a specialty. Repairing promptly attended to. Gentleman’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes. H. o. BAaLgv, MAPLE W. 3'. CLARK, UHDP‘E “‘DUEN £232? And so can afford to give you bargains for your money. Custom work a specialty; repairing promptly and neatly done ROBERT $WERS mv ‘ .vI Full stock of Mangel, Danish im- proved Sugam Bees, Garden Peas, Timothy 80 Clover Seed. Also Steele Briggs and Feely’s Garden Seeds in Packets. Seed ammm RICHMOND HILL You cannot fail to be pleased with your selection. Shoes to suit everybody, both young and old. W'e are doing a strictly ME. Stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand. â€"SELLS-â€" CASH *USNE Come and inspect our new lines of STGRE Evegfiy Day! Any customer presenting this Coupon and 850. at our store on Saturday, Apr. 28 W131 receive one doz. spools Coats’ Cotton thread. No. 21 Oil SEWNG MACHINE P. G. SAVAG E IF YOU WANT TO BUY A Richmond Hill AP CALL ON OR WRITE N0, ORGAN,

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