1WMYJN'D HILL, Mr. John Duncan miss nu Saturday. Regular meeting of C( to-morrnw evening. Miliinm'y for the multitude can be fnnnd at Atkinson & Swifzm"s store. Tn-mm-mw (Friday) at the Junior Epwurth Lemng :1 talk will he gin-n by Mrs. Provtm-nn “A Chinesv Mis- sionary Scbrml in British Cullllnbimh \Vindow and door screen at Mason’s. ' The Duke- nf Argylv is dead. Hifl eldest son. the Marquis of Lm'nn. a former Governor-Gvnorul of Canada, succeeds him. They’re very fast, tho colors in At kinson & Switzer’s summer hosiery. The funeral 0f the late Mr. Ball of Oak Ridges, took place from the resiâ€" dence on Tuvsduv ufu‘rmmn. Deceasâ€" ed had bevn kirkod by a hmse a short time agn,:m(l sulfored violent pains un- til death rvlvnsod him. He leavvs :1. wife and six children to mourn his 1033. Much sympathy is felt for the family in their sudden and sad hownvemont, ‘ Flour! Flour lâ€"«VVP have ï¬rst-class flour in 3-hurre1 lots. $3.50 per ban-rel†fm‘ cash only. Naughton Bros, Eigin Mills. The auctioneors, Messrs. Saigon“ 8:. McEweu. had a successful auction sule of Clydesdale stallions and thorough-bred cattle, (hr property of the estate of the late John Bell, on Friday. Stallions wont beyond $1400, and IliilCl] cows $50. The proceeds of the sale were about, $8900. ,Mr. J. H. Sanderson allowed a. lamp to come in contact with one of the drawing mom curtains Sunday even- ing. resulting in a blaze which might have lwen sm‘ious. Mr. Sanderson Erumptly extinguished the ï¬re but got is hands considr‘rahly burned in the nperatiun. The loss, about $25, was covered by insurance. Everything in t1) line at right. prices The Methodist, Chm-ch was lighted by acetylene gas on Sunday evening. The light was fairly satisfactory, al~ though the system is not, yet, complet- ed. he Trustees have added a centre chandelier of sixteen lights in the body of the church this week, and when the system is thnmughly under- stood they hcu‘o no doubt that, every part of the building will be well light- ed. Achandelim-nf three lights has also bven placed in the centre of the School Room. You are in the fushi'm when you are in one of Atkinson A; Switzer’s sty- hsh suits. SP? tho best chum (m Puultrr netting 2c. pm 0. Mhsmi's. UNIONVILLE. The mmnbors of the Luther-an Joint Ladies†Aid Society hold their regular 1nnnthly meeting’hnst‘, Thursday at the home of Mrs. Jacob Stiver. There was wqu attendance and the result of the meeting was encouraging and sun- isfactm'y. The. next regular meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Pingle, on May 17. Farinosu, Swiss Food, Quaker oats, Jersey Oats, Rice Flnkvs. Flake Beans. Flake Pens at Atkinson & Switzer’s. About, 4 o’clock Monday afternoon a ï¬shing party consisting of eight of our citizens started on a ï¬shing excursion in the. Holhmd River. As they drove two of the best horses from the stables of the butcher establishments, the party arrived at †The Landing " in good time, and after securing nets, guides. &(‘., started operations. They ï¬shed from 8 p. In. to 2 a. 111., and HI“- rived in Richmond Hill about 5 a. m. The catch was about 100 good large ï¬sh. About, 100 of the citizens of Aurora are in training for an entertainment to be given in the Mechanics’ Hall in that town on Friday evening, the. 4th of May. The play to he presented is “The Temple of Fame," and is in aid of the Public Library. Mayor Duville has received a letter from the manage- ment of the Metropolitan Railway, saying that :1 specile car will convey passengers to Newmm-ket and Rich- Inund Hill after the entertainment. Douhtless, a number of our citizens will take advantage of _thc opportu- - nity presented. Master Frank Lyons. who is looked ' upnn by the village boys as an export in hmsemzmship, got a severe fall from a hrunchu pony on Friday even- ing just-about, dark. He was gallop- ing his pony along Yonge Street when l he collided with Mr. Isaac “"alder’s rig. The buy was thrown violently t0 the ground, and received a severe shock. Dr. Lawmson was called, who found that a gash as deep as the skull had been made just above the eye. Four stitches were inserted, and Frank is able to be out again. Boys should remember that busy Ynuge l Street is not a safe track on which to ‘ ftry the speed of their holses. IJ()(j A! u Oh “ THE TEMPLE OF FAME.“ FISHING EXCURSION. A NASTY FALL he i%§rai. April 26, tin and luu'dwam C. Mason. m-t Richmond 0 market at new hm-u yd. 1900 111), at A resident of Langstaff rode into town a. few evenings ago, and Went into Hull's stm'e. leaving his wheel nntsfdl-I. W'hr‘n he came out, shortly afterwards he found that the wind was completely out 0f one of the tires. H0 touk it. across the load to Sandor- son’s drug stmo, and on examination it was l'unnd that the tire had been cut with a sharp knit'o. Nnhmly likes tn accuse unnthur of doing mean tricks, but as sumo hays were. seen standing armmtl, it is ft‘fll‘Cd than nne hf them must have fm-gnlton himself at the time and made improper use of his knife. This is to he regrettod. Buys should now-1' forget. their hnnnr. Children’s yurht caps in navy blue with leather p9.ka at, 2:30. Atkinson & Switzvr. RUN A\VA Y. Mr. Eli Shiork. manager M J. Bril- linger, jun, had a run-u-way on Sutur- day. He had 'nsL harnessed up a tram 0f colts um taken them outside pit-pul'atmy to hitchng them to a. cul- tivator who!) something frightened them and they started to run. Mr. Shim-k grabbed for the lines and was (hugged a. considerable distance, but coming to plowed ground, and not having a secure hold of the lines, he was forced tn 10a ve go. and they ran towards the orchard. The team was stripped of the harness by running one on each side of an apple tree, and were ï¬nally caught not much the worse for thei; escapade, but, very much fright- enu . Seedsâ€"Timothy and clm‘er, mange], cal-mt, turnip, and garden seeds, gund quality. right; prices. \Ve sell for cash. Naughton Bros†Elgin Mills. Massey Hall was crowded to its ut- most, capacity on Easter Monday night with an audience eager to hear “ ' ‘ne Festival of the Lilies.“ In report- ing it a. Toronto critic says: “ MasLer Glut-one? Glass sang with much sweet- nvsn ‘ The Uhuir Buy.’ He was most heartily applauded and encnred. It almost seemed :L pity that, after he had rendered a long and difï¬cult song with such excellence, he should be compelled to sing again.†Hear him on May 9th in the Richmond Hill Methodist Church. mun“: and l punk, boys5 at bargain Elgin Mills. The regular meeting of the W. M. S. of the Methodist Church will be in the Sunday School room Thursday after- noon, May 3, at three o’cluck. As a business meeting. only, will be held, it is hoped that all the membership will attend. In the evening the general prayer meeting will be in charge of the \‘V. M. Society. Two _pa.pm's, “ China and the Chinese,†and. “ Mis- sionary \Vm-k in China,†will be read by Mrs. Proctor and Mrs. E. Sisloy respectivply. Appropriate music will 9 provided. inchldim: a solo bv (me be provided, including a $010 by one of the members. Mrs. \Villmott’s Re- sponsive Scripture Readings will be used, and a short prayer service held. The subject for prayerqu study is “Uhinuuud the Chinese." The con- gregation and all interested in Mission work are cordially invited to this service. A nice range of Men’s colored shirts ranging frum 50 to $1 can be had at the Concrete. Atkinson & Switzer. The following letter of acknowledg- ment of Easter Offerinn‘ has been re- ceived from Victoria. Ifospiml : Haspital for Sick Children, College Street, Toronto. Mrs. M. Wiley, Richmonfl Hill, . DEAR. MADAM,â€"Yonr fa vnr duly r9- coived, and I beg to acknowledge re- ceipt of the generous Easter Ofl'ering of the friends in Richmond Hill. \Vill you kindly convey the gratrfnl thanks 0f the Trustees of the Hospital for this donation of eggs, fruit, butter, &c., which are most acceptable oriftS‘. Again thanking you :Lna asrurin you Of our appreciation of your kim remembrance of the wants of this In- Stitution. Good Figs, 5c.lb.; Best, golden dates, 70.; Green Coffee, 12c.; Best Patras Currants, cleaned, 8c. Atkinson and Switzer. ' THE CLEVELAND QUICKSTEP. Any person wanting a good bicycle at; a. low price cannot, do better Lhan get a No. 10 Cleveland Quickstep, $40, with a liberal discount for cash. This model is as neat in design as any Cleveland madeâ€"constructed to meet the demand for a lower priced wheel. It possesses many of the features of the highestgrade, and will be. found in detail and appearance the equal of, and superior to, many of the so-culled high grade bicyclesâ€"is durable. and strong and easy-running, and for a general purpose wheel is as good as’ any man need ride. Made with the greatest. careâ€"excellent quality ma- terials, and the list. of options will enâ€" able any rider to gratify his own par- licular taste in equipment. The ladies' Model 11. in all its parts is the equal of the men‘s model, and as thoroughly constructed. The lines are the neatest, and the ï¬ttings and ï¬nish are all that, could be desired by any! mutiny: Special Valueâ€"Men’s woo] pants, '21." and huys‘ overalls, boys’ knee mt x, hoys’ suits. udd coats and vests, : burg-‘11 prices. Naughton Brns., Xgéï¬cyv it. T171712 me’muoi’flce. Call and get a catalogue giving full par- ticulars. - Boots and Shoesâ€"Our spring stock is complete, many job lines at half rice. Your money back if not satis- ï¬ed. Come and see us. Naughtpn Bruit, Elgin Mills. ' A VERY MEAN TRICK. ACKD I remain, yours truly, DOUGLAS DAVIDSON. SecreMry-Tx-eusurer. PRESS NOTICE. KNO VVLEDGMENT. W. M. S. A very enjoyable program was given at the Epwm'th Lon no last Friday evening. Rev. Mr. V ellwnud occupi- ed the chair. After the opening exâ€" ercises the following program was presented : ..n - . m! - ,, u 1.3.. Recitation, “ Seein’ Things," Miss Minnie Sr-e. Toronto. Solo by Mr. Hume. Rei-itutim), “ The Bridge of Tay,†Miss See. 8010 by Miss Mary Trench. The solos and recitatinns were V'er lunch appreciated. Miss See possesses considerable ability as an oincutinnist, and has no Lronhle in holding the. at- tention of her hem-91's. During the evening Rev. Mr. Grant gave an ad- dress on the subject, “Serving God Juyously." He showed that the Christian life was far from being a gloomy life», and that the faithful Christian has the privilege\ of serving God juynnsly. The rev. gentleman‘s remarks were listei‘od to with much attention. At the close of the meet- ing Rev. Mr. V’Vollwood, on hnhalf of the League, thanked those who had CUntl'lbllth in making the entertain- ment :1. success. A mzm’s hat is one of the most par- ticular parts of his costume, then why not, have an up-to-date one. \Ve are showing them in all the new blocks and shades at prices within reach of all. Atkinson & Switzor. THE COMING CONCERT. It is seldom that residents of any municipalityâ€"other than those of our largest citiesâ€"have, the opportunity of hearing a program of such rare excel- lenceas that to he presented in the Methodist Church on the evening of May 9th. Note the galaxy of contrib- uting artists: Miss Alice Fieldhouse. soprano solmst, Carlton St. Methodist Church Choir; Mr. J. F. Howitt, elo- cutionist. also bass in Sherlock Quar- tette; Clarence Glass, hoy sopiano, Sherhourne St. Methodist Church Choir; Mrs. Arthur \Vitvhrow, mezzo- soprzmo, Sherhourne St. Methodist Church Choir; Mr. Jos. Dale, tenor (Toronto Conservatory of Music) ; Miss Juanita Chambers, soloist (Toronto )onservatory of Music); Mr. J. King Chambers, tenor, St. Peter’s Church Choir (Anglican); Miss Swanzey, so- prano, Broadway Tabernacle Choir; Miss Ruby Chmnhers, elocutionist; Mr. Buley, ’eellist; Mr. Chas. Savage, cornetist. The, Hon. E. J. Davis has kindly consented to preside, over the proceedings. Reserved seats may be secured without extra charge by buy- ing your tickets early. A special car will leave North Toronto at 7 p. m., and return at the close, of the «meat. low rates all along the line. Tickets will he issued in a few days. Watch for large hills. Apply to Messrs. P. G. ‘ Savage, J. A. E. Switzer, J. H. San- ‘ derson and Rev. B. S. E. Large, com- l mittee. Nice range of Children’s tnms to be found here, 25c. each. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. R. Mondio 19ft. Monday to spvnd the summer with an uncle at St. Mary’s. Mr. J. K. McEwen, :Lur'tinnoor, of \Vestnn, spent, Friday night and part of Saturday with his partner hex-9, Mr. J. T. Saigmm. Miss See of 'l‘nrontu, who took part in the program at the Epwnrth League entertainment, Friday PVPning, was $1119 guest of the Misses Harrison while ere. Mr. F‘. J. Johnston, B. A., who has been a popular and slmm‘ssful tencht 1- in the High School for about, three years past. has tendered his resigna- tion, to take effect the 20th (If May. Miss Johns of Wiarton. who has spent L119 past, seven months in Brook- lyn, N. Y., stayed Friday night. with her friend, Miss L. Gertrude Wiley. Mr. J. E. Skeeie,Pi-incipal of Cayuga. High school. returned ziftm spending art of Easter week with his parents. Vhile here he was visited by Mr. Bruce Fi-nnch, one of his assistants. C. Mason sells the best wickless oil stove made. Call and see it. INGRAMâ€"~WILLIAMSâ€"At the Christian parsonâ€" age. Stuuï¬viilc, on “eduesday morning. April 18th. 1900, by the Rev. 0. H. Rainer, Mr. Rum. Ingram. school teacher. of the 6th concession 0! Markham, to Miss Jennie Williams of Lake View Hunse. Jackson's Point. THOMPSONâ€"AtLausing, Golden Linn Hotel. on Sunduy.Aptll 22. James ’l‘humpsuu m his 53rd year. Interment. Vinrflt: John’s cemetery, 021k Ridges. Tiesday. 2-1ka ï¬cuse. stabln and acres 01 Inud to rent on Lucas St... Richmond ill. 73-“ H. A. NICHOLLS. Lzldios’ \Vmppers. 850.. $1,551.20 and [.50 at Atkinson & Switzer’s. hipans Tabules: atdxuggists. EPW’ORTH LEAGUE. PERSONALS. TO RENT “Seein’ Things," Miss NIARHIAGES DEATHS Is the place to buy your Harness and other supplies. Single Harness from $10 up. All work guaranteed ï¬rst-class. Saskatchewan and Black Galloway Babes, $8 to $20. Jute Stable Blankets, 35 cents to $2.50 each. Shaped \Voul Blankets, $2.25 to $5 each. Dutch Kersey Blankets, $1.25 to $2 each. Best English Kersey Blankets, 80x80 inch, $4 to $6 each. Trunks, Valises, Mitts, Gauntlets, and other supplies as low as the lowest. .ytflEflh a! Dress 3W9"? WEEJKENS _& CO. OX BALLS, made of solid brass, qnly lOc. pair. All cattle owners should use them. We are selling them at uoouthulf-thoix- value until all are sold. SOLID STEEL HAMMERS, only 35 cents each. NAILS. 3 in. wire, only $3.30 per keg. A la.) ge amount 01 pnvue funds . to_ loan on improved farm property. F’ive, per cent. in- terest. Easy terms {or repavment. xl‘iq. com- mission charged on loans. Apply to A. G. F. LAWRENCE, Freehold Loan Builgling, Tprcnto 9! “Richmond Hill on Saturdays." " MONEY ! MONEY! a?†Switz er K wmwwwwm: 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of GeorgetSt‘reet, Toronto. Black Figured Alpaca, 40 in. wide " “ Crepou, 44 “ Blue Serge, all wool, 44 in. wide .4 Black and Blue Serge, 38 in. wide Fawn and Grey Homespun Snitings, 52 in. Wide, in small check patterns, and combined colorings of fawn and brown, fawn and grey. and light blue and green, at . . . . . . $5 a suit Also a full range of Colored Sel'ges, Cashmeres and Fancy Dress Goods. NECKYOKES, fully ironed off, ready for 1150,,0n1y231.00_§aqh. IRopairiu g Pronnptly Done. We have caught the popular fancy in the selection of Dress Goods this season. Every- thing new in Dress Stuffs, Trimmings, Linings, etc. Here are a few of our popular lines: RICHMOND HILL Homespuns are in good demand and we have them in all the new shades : Herringbones are much in favor. We are showing them in green and fawn at ................ $3 a suit WILKINS & GO“ Goods’ Atkinson (1} E (). RIO DONALD I am prepared to do Family Washing!" Gonta’ and Ludien‘flue linen a. specialty. Work gun!- anteed and patronage solicited. ' 51M TILLIE M‘AXWE‘IJ. R icinn 0nd _H;il_l News LAUNDRY . . .25c. per yard 500., 750. and $1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c