Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 May 1900, p. 4

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Purchased experience, it is said, is the hest if the price paid he not too high. The General Manager of the Leader and Recorder said in last issue that the company had looked carefully into the matter from every standpoint, and, after a fair trial of over two years, decided that publish- ing the paper at Fifty cents a year wasa failure. In future the paper will be $1.00 a year. No local news- paper, worthy of the name. can be published at a lower rate. The home of Mr. E. J. A. Johnstun was the scene of a pleasant guthm ing on Thursday evenin , April 26th.when the scholars of the guhlic school pre~ Speaking editorially of the Gov- ernment’s preferential policy, the Montreal Witness says :â€"“ If the Dominion Government steadily pur‘ sue their policy of increasing the Im- perial tarifi‘ preference they will some day place Canada on the basis upon which only, Mr. Chamberlin says, a zollverein for the whole empire might be establishedâ€"that is, free trade be- tween different parts of the empire. This was what Sir Charles Tupper used to call Chamberlin‘s offer of a preference to Canada, and he used to denounce Sir Wilfrid Laurier for his alleged rejection of it. Sir Wilfrid Laurier was not prepared to abolish the Canadian tarifi‘ against the em- pire at one sweep in order to encour- age such a zollverein. Is Sir Charles Tupper ready to do so ? If he is why is he now demanding a modifi- cation of our Imperial preferential tariif in the direction of protecting manufactures ? ” The principal business befere the House is still the debate on the bud- get, and hon. members on both sides continue to provide their respective constituents with what they consider good campaign material while the Printing Bureau is kept so busy ruslr ing out extra copies of their speeches by the tens of thousands that depart- mental reports are seriously delayed in consequence. The debate has become inexpressively tedious though it must be admitted that occasionally it is relieved by interesting passages. The section devasted was princi- pally occupied by the small homes of the poor, and the loss and suffering entailed has seldom been equalled in the Dominion, but prompt measures are already being taken for the re- lief of the destitute. The Federal Provincial and municipal authorities, the religious and charitable organiza- tions are all actively engaged in or- ganized relief work and generous offers of help are coming from all parts of the Dominion and beyond the Dominion. The benevolence of our people throughout Canada has nobly responded to many a call for help in the past, and there is no fear that the response will be less liberal now ; but every dollar will be needed for the distress is very great. The business of the session wan rudely interrupted on Thursday af- ternoon by the awful fire which has devastated the City of Hull and a large section of the west end of Ot- tawa. I; is estimated that over 3,000 buildings have been destroyed and probably 10.000 to 12,000 persons rendered homeless; she momentary loss is roughly placed at $15,000,000 while the disturbance to business,and the complete paralyzing for the time being of many of Ottawa’s chief in- dustries is an addiconal loss, the ex- tent of which cannot be computed at all and worst of all there has been considerable loss of life. Rxcunoxn IIth Change-B. CI Bailey, Chemoâ€"causal: Cycl- and Km (:0. Cbmgdâ€"Mklnwnl Bwltxer. Changeâ€"G. Manon-1d. To Bent-P. G. Snags. Pannraâ€"Nnton-Tnnmug Ca, me ArrivedIâ€"L. Inna: 1: 80m! “famedâ€"Mu. M. Brown. To Bentâ€"LIan anew @112 ‘fliheml. TH URSDAY’S AWFUL FIRE. New Advertisements. Concord. May 8. 1900 Next mm'tiug of Council will he held at Temperance Hall, Kettleby on May 26th. Messrs. Lemon. Burns, Legge and Rogers Were nppninted to inspect, hill uppositv Int 31 in 3rd 001).. also hill nppusite Int. 18 on 4th en‘n. and hill on sidt-line- between lots 15 and 16 in 6th con. and order any grading they may deem advisable. Burnsâ€"Gallnugherâ€"tbat Mr. Le‘gge he and is hereby authorized to engage Joseph Billings fut-(me year to work on Yuuge Street; at a salary of $29 per munth term to end April 24th, 1901.â€" Curried. Rngersâ€"Loggeâ€"thnt M9ss1-S.Lemnn. Burns. Rngm's and Galiaugher he a committee to purchase a. road around O’Neills Hill, 11th con. and tonmke provision fur grading samenâ€"Carried. Burnsâ€"Rogersâ€"that the statute labor in the Village of Kettlehy lw commuted at 75¢. per day for current, yea1-.â€"Carriod. Burnsâ€"Leggeâ€"thut $50 he granted A. McClure tn grade hill on sideline between 10t55&6 at, Mill Band. and that the grant for gravel un sideline he (ann(-elled.â€"~Czirri9d. J‘. Ballard”, repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 W. Proctor, man and team .. .. 2 50 W. Davis, repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . I. 1 25 J. Billings, salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 00 G. Mills, repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 00 Gr. T. R. freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Clif \Vhite, damage to buggy .. l 50 J. Pringle, blacksmith bill . . . . . 1 00 H. “'ehl), salary . . . . . . . . . . V. . .. 60 ()0 J. Watson, salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 00 Gallaugherâ€"Leggeâ€"that ruad divis- ion Nn. 4i116th con. be extended to inâ€" clude west half lot 1-1 in 5th con. and East half lot 14 in 6th Con. The following bills were passed : H. Robinson. serving writs .. . .$J G. Harper gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ J. Egan. opening pit; . . . . . . . . . . . . l \Vilkinson Plow Company . . . . . . 2 W. S. Bogart. repairs . . . . . . . . . . J King Council met at Nobleton. April 29th, 1900. DEAR TEACHER,â€"\Ve, the scholars of Concord Public School. desire. to expless our sincare appreciation of your services as a public schmil teach- er. We fully realize that your duties as a teacher are very arduous yet we have found you diligent and faithful in the discharge of your duties amid many discouI-agemeuts and ditficulties with which you have had to contend. Your ardent zeal and cheerful selfâ€" sacrifice have won for you the respect and esteem of all. \Ve ask you to ac~ cept this chair as a small token of the gratitude and esteem with \xhiuh you are held by every scholar of the school. We do not ask its aceeptance for its intrinsic value but as a memen- to, trusting that every time you look upon it you will be reminded of the many kind wishes extended to you by the scholars of the Concord School. We all join in wishing you a happy and prosperous wedded life, and trust i our relations as teacher and scholars may he as happy and pleasant as they have been in the 38*. Signed on beha f of the. school, ELMURE REAMAN EDGAR Bowns ETHEL VVHITMORE sonted him with a handsome Anne-d Rocker and the following :l(ld)'e§s :â€" MR. JOHNSTON : King Township Council MR. CHAS. SAVAGE. Accompanistsâ€"Mrs. Chas. Savage, Miss C. G. VVullnce, Miss 1. Chambers and Miss Edyth Switzvr. Hun. E. J. Davis, M. P. P., Chairman. Concert to commence at 8 o’clock. Admission, 25 cents ; Children. 15 cents. A limited number of seals may he ream-v01] without extra charge. Plan uf the Church M \V. Sunderson’s Drug Store. A Special Car will leave Norlh Tux-out,» (O. P. R. Crossing) at, 7 p. m., and return at close 0f concert. Toronto to Richmond Hill and return, 25 cents. Gui-respondineg low rules along the line. 9. Duetâ€"Selected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . MRS. J. A. Wx'rmzow AND ME. J. KING CHAMBERS. IO. Cornet Soloâ€"Serenade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Readingâ€"Ordm'mitothe Fm..t.,.1,..).} ',,.,,,,..nenry Hamilton Mm; Busy Cuhumuéé. 10. Duet-«My Faith Lacks “p to Thee . , . . . . . . . . . , . , . . W. K, Bunion! MRS. J. A. Wrmnow AND M159 Juan:er 011mm”. To be presented in the Methodist Church. Rivbmtm'd Hill, on the wefing of “’edmndny, May 9th, Soloâ€"Selected . . . . Soloâ€"- Readingâ€"“mat Days Them Wus,. .. . . MR. F. J. Howrn'. Soloâ€"Selected Soloâ€"Selected MRS. J. ARTHUR Wrnmow. Soloâ€"When the Children are Asleep . . . . . ‘ . . . . MASTER CLARENCE GLASS. I’A R '1‘ I I . Soloâ€"Selected . , . , . , . , , l . . ( . , . , . . , , . . . . , . , , Mrs, J. F, Howrn’. ’Cello Soloâ€"Simple Ave-[1A. . . .> . . . . . . . . . . . Soloâ€"Selected . . . . . . . . . (fl) Serenade ..,,.....,....~ur ’Cd‘osoh‘hh) Paine Pied In. . u . . . . . . , . , . Mn, A, M. Bum-n". Soloâ€"\Ve'll Fight for the Grand Old Flag. ' , .. sts ALICE FIELDHOUSE. Soloâ€"The Choir , . . . . . fiuloâ€"King o1 Eternity, “M, F SOIIF'The .lll. 4 I 14 Reading-â€" Cornet SUIoLCuImubin PROGRAM 0F CONCERT (a) Nearer My God to Thee. . ‘ (h) Sleep Luge Baby of Mine Mlsa‘ T. SWANZE’Y. (a) The A‘YSMC'C’ 0'! Little Wes‘lé‘r (h) The 01d Mm: and Jim Mn. J. F. Howm, 11.4mm CLARENCE Gum‘s. Mlss ALICE 'FIELDHOUSE. MB. J. Kim; CHAMBERS. Mn. A. M. BULEY. Mn. (June, MISS SWANZEY. MR. .103. DALE. l 50 1 00 6O ()0 60 00 M11, 3029) I '3' Wood's Pbosphofine is sold in Richmond 5 Bill by W. A. Sandersonflmgglst. L r kayo: guaranteed to cure :1 terms of Sexuam'eakness, All efiects of abusl or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To baoeo. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on rocelp' of price. one 50km 3!. six. 55. 0M willpleas dz wilt cure. amphlets free to any addre. The Wood Company, \Vlndaol; 0d An Improver and an Apprentlce in Dress Making. Apply to 44-2! MRS. M. BROWN. Thornbill A House and two acres of land. a. number of apple trees. pear, plum. and other small knit. Apply to P. G. SAVéGE. The xesidv‘nce mad gruundsknnwn as the F3]- coubridge property, One of the most. pleasant ~nmmer residpuces in the village. Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bases, Farm Gntvs. Etc. \Ve ulsn have fur sala- twu old huild~ ings, size 24x60 ft., two stories high : one stable, 20x55 ft., two stories ; also one small office buildin . 9x16 ft. These buildings are in gun repair and the lumber and timber in them is good and sound. Our Grist Mill Is running every day, and we have just got in a car load of best No. 2 This corn is sweet and dry and makes the best of meal. Call and see it. and you will not fail to buy. L. INNES & SONS, EUST ARRIVED Which we will sell an a very close ma) gin fm' cash. We haw in stuck a full line of all kinds of dressed and rough il-H Parties requiring pasture for stock Apply tn ” THE NEWTON TANNINQVCVO'Y. FEED CORN. SAVAGE. DALE! 4 L" A car of best XXX and No. I SHINGLES 112w @dmtifirmmts. PASTURE LUMBER, 3";- WOod's 1=‘11<>¢ap'hodi1wg TO RENT WANTED TO RENT The Great [is]! Rama! . 4 Sold and niggnmended I}; a drugglsta in Canada. 0111 re? \ able medicine discove . s Richmond Hill Mills. Apply at THE LIRI‘IRAL OFFICE MRS. M. BROWN. Thornbill Pnul B. Armstrong I . . .Hal’t-Well Join"! Whitmmbe Riley Albert J. Hv'lden ....Chas. Dennee , [Major Dim” , , . . . .Thm'ne . . . .F. Shirley H. Hutchison . 1111.60th , . . .Schnbort I r I l I DUIM’QIS Richmond Hill. Rum mum Elgin Mi‘ls. Newest Colorings at lowest prices from 5c. up, Border and Ceiling to match. Special line as low as 3c. ; good value at 5 to me. per roll. We make a specialty in Mixed Paints in all colors from the best makers. Dry Colors in all shades. Boiled and Raw Oil pure. Turpentine, Varnish, Carriage and Furniture Japans. Paint Brushes all sizes, in fact everything needed for painting. Large stock of Furniture, cheap for cash. Picture Frames made to order. Stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! ARTISTIC DESIGNS! Richmond Hill. Easy terms 01 payment. Samples always on hand. Daisy Chums, Quick Meal Oil Stoves, Milk Pans, Pails, Cream ers, Nails, Locks. Hinges, Fence Wire, and everything in the Tin and Hardware line. C. MASON, HARDWARE Eavetroughing a specialty. Repairing promptly attended to. Gentleman’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes. ' Straw And so can afford to give you bargains for your money. Custom work a specialty; repairing promptly and neatly done - ROBERT SIVERS We have just opened out a large Stock of Straw hats-prices vary from 50. to 500-. Come in and see them. argains Every Day! RICHMOND HILL You cannot fail to be pleased with your selection. Shoes to suit everybody, both young and old. We are doing a stxictly â€"SELLS-â€"~ CASH BUSINESS Come and inspect our new lines of H. C. BAILEY.MAPLE :iats STORE SEWING MAGHINE Any customer presenting this Coupon and 500. at our store on Saturday, May 5, will receive 12 lbs. extra Granu- lated Sugar. No. 22. PIANO, ORGAN, P. G. SAVAG E IF YOU WANT TO BUY A Richmond Hill CALL ON OR WRITE OR

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