The “(X 0 1“ U\ will met-R. at the lume nf MIG. J. Grant next Tuesday k-Vehmg at 8 o‘clnck. Children‘s pinafures in flnv lnwm pleated fmnb. We. Atkiwmn v8; Swit- First pmctitgeigiï¬the season by the ï¬re brigade next Monday (Wetting. fol- lowed By a husimm meeting A full account of the ï¬rst“; conï¬n- grutiun at Ottawa MM “ll will he fmmd on one of the inside pages of this [rapt-r. A meeting of the Brushy Hull Tpnms Club will he held at, Mm J. A. E. Swiuel-‘s nvxt, Monday Waning at, 7.3) n’clnck. Ladios of the duh specially I-equvsted Lu attvnd. Tm: LlBEHAL begs to thank Mr. John Richnrdsnn. M. P. P. for East Yux'k, fur a pamphlet containing the spew-hnf the Hon. G. W. Russ. being [110 Financial Statement for Lhe pros« out yem'. Eh: “gihrml. RICHMOND HILL. May 8, [900 Imdies‘ OM31}: Hrs. assorted colors. Smmnexset stylus. 50 cts. Atkinson & Swit-zer. Mr. Hugill has sold his farm tn Mr. Pauliu of Arthur Village. Wellingtun )uunty. The new proprietor with his wife and dnughtm- will move here Hlmut the ï¬rst of June. Sm» the host churn on the market, at C. Mason‘s. ismw. Quarterly religiuus servicv-s will he held in the Methodist Church m‘xt Sunday commencing at 10.30. The business meeting will he held in the School Room on the following day at See the range of men‘s negligoe shirts in ï¬ne cumbric. assorted sizes for 75c.-. Silk fmnt style, $1.00. Mix Geo. Rnhinson has exhibited his thorough-bred stallion and race-horse. Monutnuy, at three of the spring fairs and he has secured three prizes. At Cluirville he got ï¬lst prize and at Thistletnwn :md I‘m-nut†he, won second money†Note carofnlly the pm mm of next, \Vc-dnesday‘s Concert. w ich ap- pears on the editorial page (of this Th? new arrivals since last issue are Mr. \Vall:me Michael and family of Aurora, and Mr. Rum-rt Gal-butt and family of Elgin Mills. The farmer have taken the ubttnge directly north of the old Presbyterian Manse: the latter Mr. Skeele's house an Church street. Are yuu fund nf music and elocu- tion ? Gratify your taste at the con- cel-t in the Methodist thumb on May 9th. \Vinduw and dour scmen at C. Mason‘s. E PW'ORTH LEAGUE. The annual election of nfï¬cels will tlke pluce on Friday evening. Reâ€" ports from the ofl‘lcers of the past year will be received. Fqu attendance at members is expected. Favorite shoe dressing 10c.: Old Sol Tau combination, 10¢. Atkinson & Switzer. Everything in the tin and hardware line at right prices. 0. Mason. Two young fellmvs from Toronto who had bt'é'll imbibing [no freely yvs- terday, got themselves intn truuble by taking a home and buggy that was tied on Yonge street and driving around the tuwn. They were after- wards taken by Constable Brownlce before Mr. Teefy. J. P.. and Reeve Savage. and ï¬ned $1 each and costs. Two of our citizens were united in marriage on Saturday last in the per- Suns of Mr. Frank E. Sims and Miss Florence M. Hopper. The ceremony was performed in Tux-unto by Rev. G. L. vacll. and the young couple r9- turnrd home on the fulinwing Monday. THE LIBERAL joins with their friends in congratulations and best wishes. 0. Mason sells the best wickless oil stove made. Call and soc it. PRIZE LISTS. The prizv Lists for the fair on the Queen‘s Birthday Were finlshed on the ï¬rst of May, and are heng distributed. Persons interested who do not receive u copy should apply to the secretau'y. Mr. H. A. Nirholls. The prizes in sevvml uf the clnsaes are larger than in former years and should induce a large number of exhibitors to compete. OHANGE 0F TIM E. Tin-re has been a slight change this Week in the Metmpnlitan time table. The mu- which fnrmerly left the C. P. R. Crossing at 3.30 p. In. for Newman-- kot nmi' leaves atrhr'clnck. And con- l-‘equvntly this Clll' will leave Newman'- lief nu ifs return trip half an hour Int- er than formerly, reaching Richmond Hill about 6.30. Teaâ€"Just received Japan ten, 25 and 30 cts. :1 1!). Great value. Special pricas fm‘5lb. lots. Naughtnn BI‘OS.. Elgin Mills. Poultry netting 2c. pu- yd. up, at C. \Iuson’s. $1 AND COSTS. MARRIED. The ‘fun'eml nf the late Juhn R. Aruuld umk plilCl' fmm Tomnbu no this village n‘n thduy «(ten-mum The n-nmius of deem-used Were accom- lmuivï¬ by a number of rPlMives und wvru interred in the family pint in cunneutiuu with Sh Mmy‘s Church prwinus to which n serice Was held in the rhmch commuted by new Mr. Gihauumld Rev. Mr. Mnm'e. Deceas- ed was 87 years uf age. Lace Curtains, 3 vds. lung. gopd width. nim- flue net. 5m pain Amm- sun & Switm-n A \'01 y pleasant Wedding txmk plnce on Tuesday. the lat, impâ€"24M“)! Dayn M (be Iwiduuce of the «BMW of the ln‘idegmnm Mia Davis‘ [48 Nor-theme Awuue. 'lhmmxx The mnu‘nctin rues New M \\ \Vurren Hewison an iu‘Llycinda ‘Villiums. hum of Rich- mnnd Hill. The cemmm‘y was pvr» formed by the Ben Gauge Brown. Methodist, minister. The lu-ide and g‘l-rmm have the cmdial good wishes of '13:: LIBERAL. Because it, is the‘ highest type in the art of bicycle ennstrucbinn tu-duy. Its popuhu-ity is world-Wide. Some of its newvst and must imphrtant features and improvements for 1900 are : Hard- ened block and pin. which prevents chain [mm wan-mg: (:Ulnhilu’d ball and “Mel-bearings; aumumtic oiling hubs; dust-pnmf skeleton gvar case: ilflgruvvd ball head spokes; dust-proof p als; im mvvd sprockets: im l-ov- ed lmndlu- mr and seat post a just,- ment: chuinlvss models; combined (master and brake. ' Always fresh and sweet, are tlw chocolates and Bun Buns we are sell- mg. Atkinson & Switzer. Now is the time to place your order for a new suit, and now is the time we are showing big range. of black and colored worsteds, Scotch twevds.C.~um- dim) and Halifax tvweuds, sergvs and striped pantings, in all the new put- terns at prices to suit your purse. At- ! kiuson & Switzer. Much of your enjoyment in listening to a good pmgramum depends on your Iocatinn in the auditorium. Sernre a reserved seat for “’Hlnvsday evening May 9th.l»efure all the choice locations are sold. Seeds. Socdsuï¬muthy. Clhvanm gel. Turnip‘ Carnot. Garden seeds Union Svts, nod unlity. Close prices fm- «cash. my; tun Bum. Eight Mills. In the Review of Reviews fur May there is oditm-iul cuulluvnt on Admiral Dewey’s candidacy; un the overn- ment of Pun-tn Rico under t e law recently passed by Congress; on the proposed government of Alaskm and on the developments of the munth in ï¬nancial and industrial circles. Other to ics treated in “ The Prugl-ess 0f the \' orld" are the rush t0 Cape Nmne, fox-breeding in Alaska. the April elections, the epidemic of btlikos the opening nf the Put-is fair, the mili- bm'ynperatinnsin Smith Africa, and the Delagua Buy award. Royal purple ties with Khaki com- hillatinn in Imperial shape, 500. At- kiusnn & Switzer. This evening the general prayer- meeting will he in charge of the \V. M. S. Two papers (in “ China and the UhinPse" and " Our Missioualy \Vm-k in China,†will lw read by Mrs. Proctor and Mrs. Ed. Sisley respectively. Mrs. \Villmotc’s Responsive Sci-i ture Readings will he used. Miss Lhel Switzer will sing a solo. after which a shurt rnyer service will beheld. The Rev. . S. E. Lurgv. B. A. B. D., will conduct, the meeting. The subject. for prayeraud study for May is "China and the Chinese.†The W. M. S. will be pleased to see the congregation well represented to-night. After an enterttimnent is over it is tantalizing to hem- others speak in the highest terms of what they enjoyed. while you entirely n9 1H:th it. Avoid such regrets by spen ing an evening with the artists who will appear in the Methodist, church, May 9th. California Naval Oranges. sweet, and juicy. 400ts. dun: good Messina lem- ons 20c. duz. Atkinson & Switzer. Good Canadian nilclnth. 1 yd. wide in nice floral designs, 250. Atkinson & Switzer. The Aurora. High School football club has le-urgauized for the SEHSUII. A good black imported clay wax-sud suit, made up with the ï¬nest, imparted trimmings and :1 ï¬t gu-lranteed for $16 Atkinson & Switzer. Yesterday Mr. Justice Street decid- ed that York County is to pay its share of furniehing the new City Buildings and Court House. The vote in Essex an the local up- tvion by-law. which has been in fume there for thre: years, resulted in a majority of 33 i1) favor of the hy-luw. “'ehzu‘vthe nicest range of $1.00 fedm-ns’s that is shuwn anywhere, in brown. ten-a, fawn. mule, black and pearl shades. Atkiusun & Sw1tzer. Twu incendiary ï¬res :mcnrred on Sunday night in the Township of Georgina. Mordecai Chapman lost his stables and ham and a few cattle. The damage amounted to between $1500 and $2000. and there is no in- surance. At preciser the same time ï¬re destroyed the Egypt school house one mile away from the hams. There seems to he no dnnht as Lu the incer dim-y origin of the ï¬re. BROUGHT BACK FOR BURtAb \VHY RIDE A CLEVELAND ? HEW‘ ISON-\\’ILLIA MS. MAY NUMBER. News Notes. \V. M. S. Mrs Alex; melip is spendmg a ample uf “mph! with her answer. Mus. \Vm. Glover in Meafonl. Newman-th Emâ€"‘Mias Mumh hf Richmond Hill is visiting Miss Primfle. Mr. W. A. VVrighc has been sum- moned to appear in the city next. Week as a jurym'am Rem J‘ A. Grant Was mllvd tn Gnlt nu T‘li’ï¬lfly to uttf‘nd the funeral of a. brother in that, place. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. E. Switzer are visiting relatives in Meuduwvale and Vicinity for a few days. Miss Maggie Fmek. of Ban-l» made a shut-t visit, with reluLiVea and friends in the. ville yesterday uftvrmmm Miss Dils, of Attercliï¬v, Lincoln County. arrived 0n Satnnlay. and will s end a. (cw months with her uncle. r. '1“ F. McMahon. and family‘ Hugh McConaghy, the wall-known lncusse player. lvft, ymtvrdu after mmn to bake up his residence in va York. Mr. McGonaghy Was at, une time secretary of the C. L. Axmnd last year \vus viw-cuptain uf the Thmntu Lacrosse Leann, a position he ï¬lled “mat, «mmmhly‘ At last n 1163 meeting of t e 'Dnmntu Lacrosse C ub‘s Executive, a resolution was adopted regretting Mr. Mchnaghy‘s de :u-t- ure and wishing him success.â€" ues- day's Mail 65 Empire. i MISS EDITH M. DAVIS, For Saleâ€"â€"-A hug y and set of single harness. both excel enc articles of their kind and both nearly new. A bargain for cash. Apply to F. J. Johnston. Palmer House. Nmaouâ€"Al Victoria Square. on‘l‘uesdny. April 24. the wife of Frank Nichols, of a daughter. WIDEIIANâ€" On the 5th can. 0! Markham. on Sat- nrday. April 28. the wile oi Christal Wide- nnu. o! a. daughter. Smaâ€"Hmrun-Jn anonm,1u Saturdnv. April 28111. by Rev. G. L. Powell, Mr. Frank E. SllnE.Y/0Miï¬s Flareuce M. Hopper. both of Ricumt nxl Hill. Hwasoxâ€"WILLIAnqâ€"At 148 Northcote Ave. l'nruucu.un Tuesday,Moylst~ by Rev. Geu. Brown, llr. Warmu Henisou, to Miss Lucinda. Williams, both of Richmond Hill. Then, why have we tn mourn for him, He, who has gone hefure To show us that a life- for Christ Has great rewards in store ? Then. let, us wake and gain the prize, He giveth at our call. And struggle manly to the end Like He, who died for all. T‘will not; be long our parting here: When a few brief years have past Together around that colestrinl throne Loved friends will meet, at last. The mists of lite have rolled away Life’s troubles all are o’er By duty and his faith in God He rests on the golden shore. The Spring of the year will come- and g0 ; The Lrevs will bud and bloom: Our souls may take their winng flightâ€"- \Ve cnmmt tell how soon. Lumenâ€"Suddenly. on Saturday, April 28. Jacob Luhmer.5l.h nun. Vaughan. aged 72 years. AmmLDâ€"At. 97 Sundina Ave..Toronts, on Satur- day. April 28, John R. xrnold. lane 0! The Hermitage. Richmond Hm. Lines composed by his grandson in memory of Jacob Lahmer, who died April 28th, 1900. Friend after friend i§ dragging away, \Ve see in Lhe home a vacant chair. Such grin wherever we 11 M m ; ' And the hand of God has bereft, us here To adorn his Heavenly home. Like leaves in the fall of iheuyear : 7 And sorrow stands at our wwu'y hem-ts. When we think of those so dear. Gnyluate 0! Toronto College of Mneic: pupil of Prof. Welsmw. Pupils preuarcd for College or Conservatory Exammunons. For recommendations up 1y to College of Music â€"F. H. Torriuglou or raulg S. Welsmuu. For particumfgnas to terms apply at THE n... . v nvu-vn April 12. lm. Piano instruction 1 also Theorv of Music Don’t Guess At Resuits. PERSONALS. Gone to Rest. ‘VIAICIKIAGl-Is iiBEBAL OFFICE: DEA'I‘IIS lllll'l'lls. : MONEY I MONEY! ‘ OX BALLS, made of solid brass, only i 100. pair. All cattle owners should use them. \Ve are selling them at, anuutrhulf their Value until all are sold. SOLID SI‘EEL HAMMERS. only 35 cents eaéh. NAILS. 3 in. wire, only $3.30 per keg. Is the place to go for ï¬rst-class harness at rignt prices. Good Stock, Good \Vm-k and Satisfaction guaranteed. BUGGY DUSTERS, FLY NETS, TRUNKS, VALISES, and other supplies ways in stock. ALSO AGENT FOR The Scotsman, Stems, E & D. and Columbia. Bicycles, at from $35.00 to $85.00. All fully guaranteed. HARNESS - SHOP REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Almgeumouucnfprivnefuuds to loan on improved farm, property. Five per cent. in, tel-est. Easybermsfot repuvn-euz. No com- mission chargedAogloE énply to WILKINS & CO. ' ‘Fr'eenold Loan Bililding, Toronto 0: at Richmond Hill on Saturdays, 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, Toronto. A Raid On Blouses The neatest things in Blouses are to be seen here. Ludies' Print Blouses in Broken Plalds ..... ....... . NECKYOKES, fully imued off, ready for use, only $1.00 each. Muslin Blouses, with tucked from and insertion Ladies' Zephyr Blouses, in blue and I white and mauve and white 'stripe Ladies' black & white percale Blouses I with white tncked yoke .................... I Black Satin Blouses, tucked. front at $1, $1.35, $1.75. Ladies' Striped Blouses, in blue, pink, and mauve stripes ........ 9 tancy muslin fronts ........................ Ladies' White Lawn Blouses, with I A. F. LAWRENCE Ladies’ White Blouses, checked muslin yoke ....................................... These are all new goods and worth seeing. :ztgtgwwww: [l ICII DIOND HILIJ WILKINS & 00.. Atkinson Switzer G} E 0. M0 DONALD [liolnnond Hill LAUNDRY if??? 85c. 850. 85c. $I.00