Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 May 1900, p. 4

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J72 IVâ€"Gem-ge Miles, Elmore Rea- mnn, Aluuza Watson. Sr. IIIâ€"7Poarl Penn-son.- Jr. [IIâ€"Fred Miles. Nun-ma Fisher. 81-. Ilâ€"Birdie Riddell, Ethel \Vhit- mow, Estella Reunmn, Jesse Farrell. \Vilkie Buwes. Jr. Ilâ€"Beatrice Reamau. Part IIâ€"Tvnn Vunderburg. Allwrt anes, Jesse Bmves. Sx. Part lâ€"Ellu Remu:lm.Ross Fish- or. Chas. Bowes. Present #9va dayâ€"Ernest anos. Edgar Bowes. Aloum “'utsnn, Flora Gnllnnd. Fred Miles, \Vilkie Bmves. Chas. P0an. Mary Golland, Pearl Miles. Tenn Vnndellmrgh. Followng‘ls Concord school I-epnrt for mmth ‘nf April. Sr. IVâ€"Ada Miles. Ernest Bmves. Edgar anes. Jr. mun, Sr. Jr. Arhnr Day was observed at the Pub- lic School by a genelal cleaning up of the grounds and planting a large number-of young maples. Quite a nmnher 0f our young men intended leaving here this spring, but some of them have deéideél to remain until after the next general election. There seems to he a plague of musk rats in certain parts of the village. as the cellars of some. uf the houses are infested with this troublesome little animal. Miss Noble of Harvey. 11].. is visit~ ing her uncle, Mr. J. C. Mchnu‘rio, and other friendx‘. Miss Keith of Richmond Hill, Visited nvarSunduyut Dr. Sisley‘s. and her sister, Miss Juan Keith nf Lindsay, :uls“ spvnt the past week there. Mr. Fred Rumble and his friend Mr. Paton, wheelm‘l out home from the city on Sunday. Fred has securod :1 good pusitiou in the pnst office at Tor-unto. The South Afrieanleainpaign under Lord Roberts as Commandor-in-Chief is being planned in such a way that the Boers have become powerless be fore the British forces. The enemy". has made stubborn resistance in sev- eral places during the past week, but in every case it seems that they have been forced to retire. Acts of brav- ery and heroism are reported time and again, and it is cheering to know that the Canadians are keeping well to the front. Aggregnt-e attendanc‘é 440. Quarterly services ere held in the Metvhndist church on Sunday. In the mornin'g‘the pulpit was nccupied by' Rev. S. L. Hal-tun, and in the evening Rev. J. \V. Stewart, preached a power- ful temperance sermon fmm Isaiah l\‘.. 2. The Budget speech recently deliv- ered in the House of Commons by Hon. W. S. Fielding, Minister of Fin- ance, makes very pleasant reading. The speaker showed the total trade of the Dominion for the past 30 years by means of a diagram, and this mode of comparing the years was a complete successs. The Hon gentle- man seemed to have little difficulty in showing that the Dominion had just closed the most prosperous year in its history. The trade for the past four years was given as follows : 1896, $239,025,360; 1897, $257,- 168,862; 1898. $304,4?5,736; 1899, $321,661,213. A deputation of farmers interview ed the Ontario Government while the House was in session a few Weeks ago, afi'd urged upon the members the necessity of ti twision of the list of Justices of the Peace for the prov- ince. The deputation had" no diffi- culty in showing that the roll con- tains the names of many men who here appointed as far back as 1863, and not a few of them are long since dead. It is to be hoped the Govern- ment will look carefully into the matter and revise the lists, as doubt- less in eVery county there are men on the roll who are physically and mentally incapable of properly dis- charging their duties. In such cases new appointments should be made, and men should be selected with the ‘ greatest of care. RICHMOND HILL. bangeâ€" )L C, Bulky, Imageâ€"Canals Cyc‘lo and Motor Co. haugeâ€"lekius a Co. Horses Wantedâ€"A. Mnroim Co t o! Revisionâ€"M. Teefy, Pub ic Nou’cdâ€"LB. McLean. ill; 2 fiihé’ral. New Advertisements. attendance for Immth, 40. J. A. SHE’S-5703', Teacht-r. Concord. Maple any for month. 1900 Lot ‘ZSnnd pan n! ‘29. “ear of the Vaughm. 001151511112 of H55 acres is The 50.! is S uuly lumn. film-re is g. ‘nn two b: was (one a luuk ham). and gum] iugs. lhe mm is well \\ncercd,'wn good 8 ate of cultivation. For particulars applv n;- che premiss JOHN SLINYX. THE - LIFER AL The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by a“. druggists in Canada. On] rel! L able medicine discovere . SI ‘. ~.\.3“».»r1.' lpackagc‘a guarantczd to cure 21] forms of Sexua Weakness, all effects of abua or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To b11000. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on recelp o; prgce, one aokage 51, six. 55. One will plum on and cure. amphieta tree to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, 03X IS' Wood's Pbosphodine is so'd in Richmnm‘ Hill by W. A. Buudersnufiruggxat. HOUSE to RENT An eighmrromed brick hm-se r with $11 convehiguces. arm} stems. hcuao ; an acre of land with all 15 Possession at once. Al'pl) to __ On the prmnisvs, Richmond Hill. :1 thumughbred Shul’t-hm‘ll hull. Terms $1.00 cash. ]OS. HALL, A. MOOle -â€"-AN Dâ€" High Grade Family Fleur Any Flour will nmkv Broad, but we will guarantee MERGBA BELLE Mr. and Mrs. S. Mn-Bride- of Dairy- town whu were suddenly callvd away to VVurre-n, Ohio. tunttend the fnnvml of the wifv (if their wn. Frnnk. have decided to spltle there. and M’ngc- niems will he made shortly fur remov- a - Eld. S. Baker and RM. F» Ellintt leave home next Mnndziy fur Dumwls- ville, Ohio, as delegate's to the: Gvnvral Conference uf thrir ch‘nrch (Ttinkel ), which canVene's tin-rev May 16. Mr, Ross Hafiey of “'nndstm-k, has been spending»: few days Here with his aunt. Miss Rum, and with his uncle, Mr. Jun. Hath-y. at. Puttm-mm. Torontu Glnbenâ€"Mfi’s. Gihmm. of the rectnry. Rich and Hill. whn was in tuwn some uys last weuk. has re- turned home. UJURA FLOUREEG WELLS. FOR SERVICE Mr. J. H. Brydon left Tuvadny fur Tm'nntn fiber? he is acting a» u jm-ya man in‘ “he of the courts, Prloe. St; six for 35.. As a liniment for famil “sen-hasno ual. Askgourdruzgist (or. ENDAL‘L’S SP VIN CU E. also “A Treatise on the Herse." book free. or addrms wow Womwwm Mrs. Gzlflcird of Tm-«mto. 3 EM Sun- day and Mdrnday with Mm. . \Viloy and family. ' Oshawa. Mlnn.. Feb. 2'3,1898. Dear Sin:â€"â€"Plena'eaend lnu one of) our'l‘l cause on the Horse. your new book as mlverthed on .your bottles. English print. 1 have cured hm lip'ntlnn and one Curb with two bottles of your Kendall's Bpavin Cure in four weeks. This man knows what he did and how he did it. Such endorsements as the following are are a sulficient proof of its merits. Tn makn‘ more bread, lighter ln-vad and bread that will keep (wrist, longer, and better flavor- ed hH-ad with less 1:11)- 0': than any other flour. DR. J. B. KENDALL 50.. ENOSBURO FALLS. VT. 3. S. BLAB‘VW. Made to suit the people :mwl Su‘rd at a reasonable price. It is strictly NAUG HTON BROS. Farm for Sale S nhseribe for 41-7 Don’t Guess At RESUNSAV 32-tf PERSOIV 31.16 f- Wood's Phosphodinq SELL IT. T. LUDFORD, FRANK JCBEIIIEN Richmond Hill. .xdc of Vouhord (1 driving : of fruit. (Home OPTICAL cc; He is also still keoping ALL KINDS 9F T‘UHBEli-m llhud anulalu a. few days will lie Drepure l tu supply DRESSED LUMBER rrf ull kii-lls and do PLANH'G AND MATCHING 01 (\ll‘lu‘uds at lowest prices. Patronage solicxted ; satisfaction guaranteed The Next Sitting of Division Court for N0. 3, County of York. will he held in the Court Ronni. The suhscn ihr-r would rospex-tfully intimate to the public that having rebuilt. the chomuug mill M 31 A-PLE _0N_ SATURDAY. JUNE 16, 1909, BHflPPEENG - Mill. Mona-«y. “'(‘sluosdny and Sas- nrdny of cavh week. Aasures on all the modem plans, and is que of the must prosperous and pruyi‘essive companies in existence. Premiums low, policies unconditional and nonforfeitmble. Take a policy with the district agent, LIBERAL OFFICE. Of Turmllo, Canadaâ€"{he coming com. pany fur the farmers of Yul'k Cd. Business Snlic’ited. THE SUN Life Assurance 00. OF CANADA. And douhled its capacity. he will during the busy chopping season nuduuul lumber uotico chop RICHMOND HILL: DMSEBN - GSURL GORE, ()F GA LT. Manchester, of London.Eng., B RITISH AMERICA, J. T. SAIGEON, (0f the firm of Eckm-dt & Prentice}, agent for the Massey-Harris Lnlmr- Saving Machinery, \Vaguns, Flows, Scufflers, &c.; also the Snwyvr & Massey Engines and Thu-shors, the Bruntvfnrd VViud-Mill, and the Up-tu- Date Tux-(mm Fanning Mill. All Mussoy-Hm-r'w repairs kcpt by H. A. Nichnlls. Richmond Hill. Businvw solicited. For particulars as to terms apply at THE LIBERAL OFFICE. April 12. lm J. H. PRENTIGE For recommeudnnicns apply to Cottage of Music ~1“. H. Torriuglon or Frank S. Wolsmrm. Graduate u! Ton-Mn Cullege or bin-dc: pupil of Prof. \\'elsumn. Puviu prcnniod, for College 0} Consgrvgion ' ‘ mannmfious. ‘-' ~ me propoa‘ty (3 I). blunuh, King City, I")! t-rmal .Lbrnnuh h‘mu durum: than Mam]. Terms <8. pm ulna Feb. lat, 1001. ‘ . . Bunny": 81mm: ~~ Pura brad imparted Clydes- dnlolmllivm.1|m pm‘y‘env (1! Donald WM- mmpMunlanvfll trowel tllmmzh Fishen‘ille. Fulrbauk, ank Mills, Lansing, 'l‘hr-rnhill, Concord. Vellum. Terms, 9'11. A. Powns. mnuugor. 'Ml§s EDITH M. DAVIS, Harman gattiambeu bull. or curds winged ' I Tm: hummus». um has n he. mmtv! aimilnr to the {ollomnu Luring ma “non $â€" Mouorosyâ€"‘l‘ho thoro'bred scallion and "we: h0ra«,1bo prulmrly of Gen. Robinson, Bit-b- mood Hm, \ul) nqu thro -h Hon-Hard. Driller;Lunamm’l‘MnIo-towa, (Ina/[hom- Rm. 'l'umyu'uh'crville Kemab-y, Sc umhem. Kleiubnrg, Mlipla, in. ’I cum; $10. Fofixs'fi Butâ€"TIN t‘yvlflnu-erud scallinfl, the lit-many of her: anpet, Nichmurn Hill, will [nuke the senwu in this section 0! Fntmuv. Tormn 4w. YOUNG MACqm-zrx-«T‘he autumn chumpinun! America over all dmuuhc eds,» Hm pn-p enyufthe Richmond Hm Home firemrezx’ Auocintinn, win travel ‘hrqnuh lflrhmmfll Hill anchixbermm Tfimtfiml, Bnmu'n Cnrfiem. Unmnvnm. Markham "illnule, Vic- n-fln Squdro. Oak Riugrs. ’l‘u'ma H5. Jnu. Palmpr. (ieuarul Manager. , _1 805mm Kma-Purebued imported (Jydew‘ulc. :' um pnv'pmy or :2 muscle mm 11 wusum y will travel w run 9» Maple. Klrinbmrg. hoblr' 1 ton. Hall's Luke. im: “My, “at “High. Vic; ' wrin 'iqum-c, and Richmond Hill. Terms ! $12.‘ walmn‘ Murmur)! 5 Puma GnLhâ€"TBE nelfifmflun trotting stalfink me propmy d I). blunuh, King City. «m 1 guns! wbrnnuh» lining during the: gamma. I jâ€"va<A- ---.... -.. T. F. McMAHON. 1‘ iclnnond 11 ill. Agent fur the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz; Piano hush-notion; also Then" of Music. 93 Yonge Street. Toronto. v Solid Goldiifi’fs. 'Best Gold Fill 1.5( 5 yrsGold FiLl 1.05 7 Best “133868... 10! We guarantee perfect satisfaction. YORK MUTUAL, OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€"ALSOâ€"â€"-â€" mun-mm Hm, A First-clans Cash Mutual. Commencing at 10 a. m. Un ion ville. Hor‘é‘e R agisae’r '. F. MCMAH N. CLERK RICH \IOND H114) vu râ€" i In! "we: > . nub-‘1 ‘ anullurd, ? ,'l'hmnâ€" ‘ umheml he 1L” \Ve make a specialty in 'leixcq best makers. Dry Colon Raw Oil pure. T-urpcnti Furniture Inpans Paj WALL PAPER! \NALL PAPER! ARTlSTEG DESEGNS-i and Hardware line. HAREWABE 1% icfiunond Iv] ill. Easy terms of payment. Samples always on hand. Daisy Chums, Quick Meal Oil Stoves, Milk Pans, Pails, Cream ers, Nails, Locks. Hinges, Fence C. NIASON, Wire. and everfihing in the '1 in Repailing promptly attended to. Gentlemen’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes. Hemp Carpet, 10, 1'7 and 200. a yd. Floor Oilcloth, 250. square yd. Stair Oiloloth, 12 1-20.! 3 ya. W. 3'. CLARK, And so can afford to give you bargains for your money. Custom work a specialty; repairing promptly and neatly done RGBERT SEVERS Eavetroughing a specialty. arga’ms Every Day! RIC You cannot fail to be pleased with your selection. Shoes to suit everybndy, both young and old. We are doing a strictly HMON Goods â€"SELLS-â€" (DASH BUSENESS Come and inspect our new lines of ND H. O. BAILEY, MAPLE STORE HILL Any customer presenting this Coupon and 500. at our store on Saturday. May 12 will ' receive 65 cents worshn of Print. SEWIfiQ EMBHINE PIANO, ORGAN, P. G. SAVAG E IF YOU \VANT TO BUY A Richmond Hill CALL ON OR WRITE OR colors from the Boiled and arriage and sizes, in

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