Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 May 1900, p. 5

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57.2": ' .:' "i"; - i" I ‘ Ricumisn Hum, May ' 1?). #"_ "A "" “ r400 A Ls. ' Mr. A. Mantis. ,thr Mtiiiii‘i‘al horse . buyei. will be at the Palmer House to buy. draught and carriage horses on the 23rd 'of May. (jood heavy working shirts in 0x- , ford sliirting for 50c. Atkinson and S‘w'i'tzei‘. Since the rizc list was completed Mvémiav‘les \ 'ilson. soda water inan- . ufacturer, Toronto, has donated for the Fair on the Qllt‘t‘ll‘v‘s‘nl‘l‘fglldfiys. T l ial line lilac. andb'u iihibiiown prints. Ashton‘s make. regular 12.5C. for 10c. Atkinson \k Switzer. 4 Mr.- Wari-en ll'ewison has pili‘chased wandjuoved into Mrs. Barker's resi- dence on the corner of Centre and Elizabeth streets. ' ' ' ' A - special line of men‘s summer bow lies. in nice patterns. our regular 25c. Iine,S:it.iIi-day 404-. ouch. ‘ Atkinson dc ’ Switzer. ‘~ J..LBrillinger, sr., figured in the To- wimg _I’olice Couit on Monday. A colored woman named Moigan was sent'tojail for 30 days for stealing ‘35 . from him. iKhaki duck for ladies‘ blouses, chil- ~dr'43'ij’ij suits. etc., 32 in. wide. at 13c. per yard. Atkinson .K: Switzer. "ladies of the Presbyterian Church met-a few evenings ago and decided to give their usual dinner and. tea'on'lthe Queen’s Birthday. Further particulars will be given by bills in a few days. - See the range of ladies” cotton hose in fast black dye at 10. 12, 20 and 25c. per pair. Atkinson (v Switzer. * 0 Hon. E. J. Davis and Mr. John Rich- ardson, M. l.’. I). for North and East! Talk-respectively. are billed to speak ‘ at a public meeting at Stouifvdle this (Thursday) evening. Bargains at Savage‘s in furniture. wall paper.inixed paint. paint brushes. etc. See our 3 cent paper. Owing; to a. change in the time "the car from the north reaches here in the evening the mails in the Richmond H.“ P. 0. will not close until (5.15 p. m. Mails close in the morning at 8 o’clock. Newland’s Copy Books, vertical system. 5 Cents, at THE LIBERAL ntfice. "The Presbyterian congregations of! Richmond Hill and Thornhill have. through their pastor. Rev. J. A. Grant, forwarded contributions to the India Famine Fund amounting to $50.00. Mangeliseed:LoiigfiRFdizhid Yellow Intermediate in quantities. 184:. lb. Atkinson & Switzm: The Leader and Recorder which for the past year has been published in Toronto. puipim‘es remov ing its plant back to Toronto Junction in the course of a month. .._ .. .. . .w# I Purple top Swede turnip seed in .‘uantities, 14c. a lb. Atkinson (v . ‘witzcr. Several of our citizens a few days agoreceived letters invitingr them to purchase tempting lottery tickets. The postal authorities warned the re- ceivers by printing 1);) the envelopes, “Suspected of containing matter of a fraudulent nature." Bewarel Ladies’ blouses in print. gingham. muslin, and percale at 5t), (5.3.5.). $1 and $1.20. Atkinson & Switzer. Messrs. L. Innes & Sons have, dur- .ing the past week, been putting in new joist and hardwood floor. and new store front, with plate glass for Mr. C. Mason. Mr. Mason is also erecting a new oil and store room at .the rear of his buildings. Boots and Shoesâ€"«A snap in ladies' boots. sizes 25. 3 and buttoned and laced. 50c. per pair. Naugliton Bros, Elgin Mills. Frank Leslie‘sFopularWMontth for May is a bright and dainty springtide number, full of timeliness and variety. t P “ A Klondiker's Diary.". from Seattle to Dawson City. pictures step by step the hard road travelled by the gold seeker in Alaska. Joaquin Miller writes upon the thoughtful and poetic side of life in a Klondike cabin. The Epwortli League next Friday l evening will be in charge of the Read- (‘ii'cle. -‘\ddresscs.readings and essays will begiven on the four books lead by the circle duringr the winter. The literary programme will be iiitcispers- ed with solos by members of the ‘ .League. All are cordially invited to 1 attend. ‘ A new form of needlework. very . beautiful in its results. is Sllln‘ll ii’. the ; May Ilclineator. Instead of accoiu~ l plishing embroidery by colored stitch- is of various lengths, as heretofore. ‘ very pretty results are obtained by sewing carefully to a proper back- i ground small strips of colored silk cut out in the shape of l “:|\'t‘5 or petals or stalks. A most attuwtive feature of‘ the article describing this in ‘thotl of Work. is that there is a full page print- I ed in colors showing the \‘lft‘l'L. of this dainty idea. i Place your orders now for 8. new suit for the Queen's Birthday. WVe have a large stock of tweeds,worsteds, ' etc.. that cannot fail to please you.' Atkinson & Switzez. ' . Nicholls, Mr. A. ‘ (loliuhl. i , maneiit pastor. ‘ CORRECTION. By mistake Tun LIBERAL said last Week that Rev. Mr. Grant. had been away tittt-ifilihg the funeral N; u. brotheix “’0 should have said : Ham) fiister. widow of G. \V. San‘dilaiids, Esq-.1 who died in Guelph on the lat of Muy. aftel- a shout illness. ' TENNIS CLUB. (‘vinsby Hall Tennis Club re-organiz- ed at the home of Mes. Switzer, Mou- day evening with the following om- ‘Cei's: _ . '. Hon. Pres. Mr; I. (lrusby. President. Dr. Langstalf. Vice-l’rcs., Miss'May Storey. _ Sec'v- I‘i'eas._H. A. Nicholls. . . . “Hill. of Management. Mr. H. A. eck. Mr. N. .S. _ L". . \ :7" MR. SAVAGE PROMOTED. A letter from the North-\Vest shoWs that Mr. Ai inand Savage is well satis- fied with his prospect.» in that coun- try. Shortly after arriving in \Vinni- peg. about a month ago. li got a posi- tion with the C. I). IL. ant \veeks he was promoted. his Wages ad- vanced $15 a month. and he was sent as a. clerk in the G. P. R. store rooms at Medicine Hat. " House-cleaning season and the time for you to think (I new curtains. Winds, curtain __poles. carpets. etc. You have only tii come liei'c‘itiittmiiki- a. selection from the. large stock we ‘are showing;- _ Atkinson dz Switzer. EXCHANG E or PULPITS. Rev. J. A. Grant, of this place. and Rev. C. A. Campbell of Maple. had an -excbange of'pulpits last, Sunday; The latter gentleman. who has accept- :ed a call at. Laketield. ncarnl’eterhoro'. will preach his last sermon on the Maple circult next Sunday. Rev. 'Mr. Grant, as modeiator, will attend to the supply and till the vacancy until the Congregations decide upon a per- BADfY HURT.. Master Ed. Dennison, whose parents live on Storey's farm at the footof Richmond Street. was badly injured near Newmarket. and brought home. The boy who had been ,working at; a dairy was utting down straw for the cattle. on in reaching to shut a (knot- fell eight. or ten feet. From the in- juries received it is suppcsml that he fell on a cow’s horn. His injuries \vere attended to by a. Nt’flfilltll'ket" l doctor before. his removal home. 7 For showery weather you should buy one. of those umbrellas we are. showing in all silk and silk and wool mixed,with steel rods and natural wood handles, ranging in price from 95c. to $2.50.‘ Atkinson & Switzer. . OFFICIAL BOARD. At a meeting of the Quarterly Board of the Methodist Church on Monday. a cordial invitation was extended to the pastors to remain for another year; Messrs. J. Switzer and G. Gee. were appointed delegates to the Dis- trict Meeting: and the appointment- of Mr. E. H. Sisley. Mr. N. Carver. and Mrs. Clark were confirmed as gatassidents of the I‘lpworth League-s at Richmond Hill, Victoria Scuare and Headford respectively. HIGH SCHOOL PICNIC The High school teachers and pupils are lllHkliI‘)’ arrangements for a picnic to be held at Lake \Vilcox on Satur- day, the 19th inst. A conveyance will leave Thornhill about 9 a. 11).; another will leave Maple about the same time ; and at Richmond Hill four others will join. when all will proceed to the pic- nic grounds at 10 o’clock. Refresh- ments will be provided by the lady pupils. All exâ€"pupils and ex-teachers of the school are cordially invited to ' attend. EMPIRE DAY. The teachers and pupils of the Pub- lic Scoool are preparing an attractive program for Empire Day. May 2.3. In the forenoon the teachers will address their pupils on patriotism, and in the the afternoon the children will partic- ipate in patriotic exercises, such as singing choruses. and reciting suitable poetry and prose selections. Mr. J. H. Sanderson is drilling the children in their music. It is also expected that addresses will be given by trustees and resident ministers. ASSISTANT MASTER ENGAGED. The Board of Education met Mon- day and considered applications for the osition of Mathematical Master for the High School, made. vacant by the, resignation of Mr. F. J. Johnston. The position was given to Mr. Geo. R. Anderson of Seaforth. Mr. Anderson is an Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni« ' versity. a Specialist in Mathematics. and a Graduate in the Ontario School of Art. He has had 11 vears‘ experiâ€" ence as a teacher, and comes highly" recommended by High School Inspec- tors. During the past year he has as- sisted Prof. London as Instructor in. Physics at the Toronto I‘uiversity. PREiEiuNoron TH E m I a. The posters have been distributed ; announcing the pi-ogiam for the fair on the 24th of May. Nearly $1000 will be given as awards in the unions do partuients. The sports start with a football contest at Ll a. “L. for a cash ‘ prizoof $16.50. Speeding contests in Mac- raftcr'three. ‘ EIWVOR’I‘H LEAGUE OFFICERSJ Last Friday evening the followinpl i '. were elected officers of lllt' Epwort League for the ensuing year; l Trench l Pies. Mr. F}. H. Sisley. Ist Vice~I’res.. Miss Millie -2nd Vice-Pres. Miss E. SwitZer. l 3ixl Vice- Pres“ Mr. \V. Tiench. ' 4th Vice-Pres... Mrs. A. J. Hume. Sec'y, Miss E. \Vellwood. Treas.. Mr. A. J. Hume. Organist. Miss l. Glass. :‘Stipt. Junior League. Mrs. \Vs lhAtkiuson. Bvsmns‘skm) PLEASURE. Prof. H. R. Playtuec, [)irectorhf the Canadian Hoi-ologieal IllstrltllLv-‘Tlfll’tw to. and about 15 of his students. came up by electric car Smurday ant-imam. and spent a." few hours pleasantly with l Mr. Jerry Smith.. watch-maker and ljmveller. The object. of the visit. was to show the students the model of a I watch and some other line wurk Mr. lfiiuith had done when attending the school. The visitors found everything Satisfactory. and the Professor con- gratulated Mr. Smith on the neatuess of his shop and the work he. is doing. DEATH OF M RS. F. MCBRIDE. The fuueralof Mrs. [.uella. Bullard McBride. wife of Frank E. McBride. held yesterday at 1.30 at her home on Yiwugstown avenue. Was conducted ivy her pastor. ReV. H. S. Jackson. (of the First M.‘ It}. Uhurch. A quartet-to composed of Mrs. Butler imd' Miss Alice Graig, Messrs. Brainard and Lathan furnished the. singirfg. The. flood tributes were beautiful. The pail bearers were ‘ Messrs." Walter -'Qnaiii-i-ell. Fred Moon. Chas. Musser and Itirlliii';.l;lilties. 'Relativesgfrom abrdada‘vere Mr. an Mrs. McBride of Lahogue. Ill.. and Mrs. Hoard of Troy. The remains of Mrs. McBride were taken to Troy. wheie further services were held this afternmm. and the ! Richmond Hill. ntario’,‘ lanada, father and mother of Frank and Charlie McBride; Mrs. Farmmer of Chronicle, May 1. NARROW ESCAPE. Miss Olive Kinnee of this place, who has been living at. Mr. Fred Legge’s, Larclimere \Vest, Oa‘li Ridges. had a narrow eseape from diowning on Fri- day last. She had gone out for a pail of waterat the cistern when one of the boards gave way and she, fell through. The cistern, which was 7 she was wet to the waist. but she. pluckin managed to keep hold of the boards; until assistance came. The female members of the house tried in vain to extricate her from her unCoinâ€" forta’ble and perilous position, and it was not until ten minutes afterwards that. one of the. farm hands arrived from the field and released her. Miss Kinnee came home for a few days after the accident. but does not antic- (lip. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The Maple Literary Society after a very successful term of nearly five inoiithsclosedon the night of April 26. The society gave se\ cral concerts during the. winter which \vere well patronich by the public. the proceeds being devoted to charitable purposes. The financial report sliowsz~ RECEIPTS. From Mcmbers’fees and concerts$77 95 EXPENDITURE. Rent of Hall and Piano . . . . . . . $23 00 Printing and General expenses 13 95 Grant to Patriotic Fund . . . . . . . ‘25 00‘ . . . . . . . . it) fit) 6 '00 Local (lharity “ India Famine. Fund. . .. $77 95 W. {it ROBINSON, Treasurer. I“ “1 us. WELmeDâ€"At the I’u-sonayr, May 9. 1100, to ltw. N. “ellxvood and Airs. \Vellatod. a. so... DEA'I‘IIS IiANsHNâ€"neiir Einmood, t‘nss Co. Nebraska- U. S, anion, belineit vita of M1. Iv'uud Hansen. aged 35 years Deceased was a. daughter of Samuel Breed! 11. formerly of ~Iii’oin. now ol Max. NHL. uso a hull-Sister of Rev. 1“ l'illiott near this villuge. Auror': Maxine-i- [neat-e copy FinsoYâ€"At Vll'itil'lfl. eqnni'e on Thursday, May 3rd_ 1900. litmtl‘l e, l't‘lllb daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frisby. preservative or new leather and the best. renovator of old leather. l't oils. softens, black- on: and protects. Use Eureka I, Harness 0:! on your best harness. your old liar- ness. and your earriogctop, and they wlll not only look better but wear lancer. Sold everywhere-in cansâ€"all 0.2:: from half pints to tive gallons. Madr- by bTAVbAll'J OIL ('0. Abundant Gi his: Grinding Graig. the ring will be called early in the afâ€" ‘ ternoou when purses of $100 and Still : respectively will be offered for a free- ' for-all trot or pace. and a 2.40 trot or pace. Also prizes ."or Farmers‘ trot and a running race. The Newmarki-t ; Citizens~ Band wdl contribute the: music. and in the evening a musical and Dramatic Entertainment will be given in the Agricultural Hall by Mr. H. N. Shaw and his company. He- tnin tickets from Toronto and New- market will be issued at 30 cents. For paiticulars see large bills. Ofall'sinos at 4 Centss par 133g. Mid in operation ever; day excep‘ Monday. Come One. Come All. 713101133] to iLoan’ Money to ion: on first mortgage farm proper- 35“ at rive per cent, :94! En rise at ' THE LIBERAL Office burial will be at 'I‘roy.â€"\Varren Dain feet deep, being nearly full of water,’ ipate any serious results after her cold ' On Blouses The neatest things in Blousas are to be seen 501:. 851:. 850. $l.00 $I.35 t.‘.‘.‘..i‘.‘.‘i‘:Â¥ffif 858. Ladies’ White Lawn Blouses, with I Ladies' Print Blouses in Broken Plaids Ladies’ Striped Blouses in blue, pink, and mauve stripes Muslin Blouses, with tucked from and msertion.-.................-.- ..... Â¥%W%fi: Ladies” Zephyr Blouses, in blue and white and mauve and white stripe at; Ladies’ black & white nercale Blouses with white tricked yoke fingfi E. Ladies’ \Vhite Blouses, w muslin yoke.... as: .m- g.» lancy muslin lronts ........... ,9 .{ti‘ Black Satin Blouses, tucked front at $1, $1.35, $1.75. 4“" rÂ¥dETv / These are all new goods and worth seeing. A34?- iETs A Atkinson &: Switzer §. §’ § i P t t ? 9 g (“gas 515 _____4- RICH MO'ND 1111.]. EARNESS - SfiOP Is the place. to go for first-class harness at right prices. Good Stock. Good \Vork and Satisfaction guaranteed. BUGGY DUSTERS, FLY NETS. TRUNKS, VALISES, and other supplies al- ways in stosk. A LEO AGENT FOR The Scotsman, Sterns, E «k D, and Columbia Bicycles, at from $35.00 to $85.00. All fully guaranteed. REPAIRiNo PRUMPTLY ATTENDED To. C; E 0.310, {)0NALD fititiss it Go. BARB \Y RE and plain twist wire, only $3.51) per 100 ll 8. l.‘ A. BLACK ()II. D and Annealed “'ire No.9,$3.35 per 100 ll 5. . .10 “ n u H u n m u H PLAIN GALVANIZED “Willi. No. 9, per 100 lbs. ll kl II n |l .. .. .. .. H. u .. ,. .. .. I: .. Vv'lii Ii NAIIiishiiiglefiitfi‘) per keg: I} to (i in.$?.10 per keg. ("CT NAIISmliiirgle, $2.‘.’) per keg : 3 1o (5 in. $2.50 per keg. .VI.\NI";lE FORKS. lprozig, 5') an iiis I'.l’.'li. wakaiis a co. ‘4 l itifi and 105‘ King t. 7.2137. doors west of (jet‘ii‘gc Street, Toronto. ,MGNEY: MONEY} A 13;:2 amount of i Y‘. .ate ‘uiolr improved farm property. l".'. e per tern-L. Easy terms for rep'o‘zoeix. mission charged on loans. \1-1\‘.;. to A. 6.13. L \WRENL’lâ€"l. Freehold Loan Handing, Tow-31.1 Or at Richmond Hill on 58$an 3 5 idiolnii on (l I Hill LAEEDEY l‘ t o oi; II.‘ In: t’ulli» .i'n’. 12m: prepare 1 to atd Lathe! lllw ll untecrl ' ri pathway-4.. ., v ,1” rhinga. Gents’ \Vork guai - ; MAXWELL

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