Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 May 1900, p. 8

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These agents also keep on hand in their shop, 0; Fire Prool store, Binders, rakes and twine of th imake, as well as repairs for all kinds of mac All kinds of Repairing Promptly Done. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Leavec P R Crossing at 6, 7.20. 9.40. um a. 111.; 130. 2.40. 440 5.40. 7.45 p. n). have mchmond Hill 8.05. [0.35 n. 111.; 12.25. 215 4.55, 6.35 8.30 p. m. GOING SUUTH unvoNewmal'keHASJ,11.25 a. In; 1.53, 3.15 .25. 5.55 7.30 p. m. 581% Richmpudfix‘ll 7. 8.15. 9‘40. 11.50 u. m. .. nan "A: .. Until further notice lluils will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post came as followuâ€" M )RNING .. 8."0 EVENING ......... 6.15 N.B.â€"-Regiswred Lockers must be handed in It least fifteen Minutes outlier than the above mentioned bouru tor closinfi. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P M Episcopal Churchâ€"Services at 3 p Sunday. ». . n,,,:,~_-“v Buuuuy. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 1‘. a. m .nnd zvp. 1n. Sunday School 1192.30. Prayer meeting 0 dnesdny evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on anar- nate Sunday-gs at, 9 31. n). my} 10.30 a. m. A man _ m .m.‘ nnw Duullnyn uua u. H W Methodist. Churchâ€"Services at, 1030 Kim” and '1 p. m. Sunday School at 3.30. General payer meeting '1‘bu33dpy. eyening. . ‘1 A1,“... ‘r'nv‘ Rich'uonuLodno, A F at dav on or before full moon CourbRichmond. A O F fourth Fnday Ivy Lâ€"oa-geilA 0 U VVâ€"rMeets fourth ansdny of each moulh Camp Elam, S O S ~â€"Meets second and fourth Wednesday 7“ T70! Temperanceâ€"Mch first Wednesday of each unnum- Fire Brig mnmh mu“-.. Public binary and Reading Room â€"- l‘uesday. Thursday and Saturmw evenings Euwortb Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. The residence and groundsknnwn as the FM- coubn‘dge propeny, ()ne of the most pleusun: summer residences in the villnae. 4444 Apply at THE LLERAL OFFICE Q BUM ° INTQ K/Q’ ' a w v v'r- 0 ' w ' MINE? n. . i : <‘\.';“<.‘“-_ "- - ‘ [Jr-15 _ A call. “Akacn . POST OFFICE NOTICE Between Toronto and Newmuhn. GOING NORTH 30 P R Crossing at 6, 7,293.40. Ripans T Ripnns T Ripaus '1‘ Ripans T: Ripans '1‘ Ripnns 'I‘: DERRING MOWER Village Directory. pans ipans 71363363150. 6.30. 3.05 p. m T0 RENT IuI/u Luneâ€"Meets first Monday of every Tat Fab JACOB EYER & SON. M. TEEFY . Postmastet. 'fi'Tfiia A M â€"Maets Mon VVâ€"rMeets fourth ansd 3y 0 Fâ€"Meeta second and .___, iW/_»?-y / The above is a cut of the iru :eep on hand in their shop, opposite the Bm‘ders, takes and twine of the above LS repairs for all kinds of. machinery. Room "Opuu 11.30 a. m In. every sold by BUURT of REVISIBN RICHMOND HILL 1 un \vluuu u, ..... J FIRST SITTING ufiffififio'fiRlfioF REVISION fur the Village of Rich. mund Hill will be held in the Cmmcil Chamber on MONDAY. MAY 28th,1900. At. 2 o’clock p. In. To hear and determine on appvals against the Assessment, Roll for the current year, of which all persons in- terested are required to take nutice and govern themselves accordingly. M. TEEFY, ()lork. Clerk’s Office. Richmond Hill, May 10th. 1900. ‘fifiéLIc NOTICE mumcwnuw 0F vauem THE COURT OF REVISION for revising the Assessment Rolls of the Township uf Vaughan for the year 1900 will be held at, the Town Hall on At 10 o'clock a. In. All parties intewsted are hereby re- quested tn take notice and govern themselves uccm-dingly. SATUR DAY, MAY 26, 1900‘ Maple, May 8, 1900. HEAVY DRAUGHT AND CAttRIAGE HORSES. Draught borsrs v eighng from 120C to 1600 lbs. The horses must bu sound, in good condition 6: from 4 to 8 yenusold. Willbe at the tolluwing plucefi, viz.‘ Royal Hoh-l, Newmarket. Saturday \fav 19 Deacon’s Hotel, lirnwnhdl, a. 111., Buveushoe ‘uu\ D", ' .14. Royal Hoh-l, Newmarket. Saturday \fav 19 Deacon’s Hotel, lirnwnhdl, a. 111., Buveushoe at 3 p.111. Mummy May 21. Su.Ge :rge's Hutel,vit-homberg, Bond Band at 3 p. m., 'l‘uesnlny, My»: '32. Palmer House, Richmond Hill, Wednesday. May :3. Central Ho‘el. Bradford, Fniduy, Mav ‘15. uunnvn The underrigucd will L9 prepared to purchase IUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all whom ipflnlay concern that thv ,_._ ...--n nnI’Vnr‘l‘ [In TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPVRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and descri tlnn may quickly nscermin our opinion free w ether an Invention ts probably patentuhle. Communicat- (ions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest. agency for scouring patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without. cbnme. in the A handson‘ culution of year: fog? unmun year: four mofifixskl. Sdld by an newsdonlers. MUNN &(‘.u.ae1$wadwavaev-:Yg3rk annch Omcc. 1235 F ' .. \V'nshington. D. Horses Wanteci gfiififié Vfifiéér’igcaigg, aim gdvmistmmts. Branch 511159.:625 F S 45â€"2 MUNICIPALITY OF -1y “lush-uteri weekly. Largest. ch nny scientific journal. Terms. 83 months. $1. Sold by nlLyewsdfnleri 5H) JAS. B. MCLEAN, Clerk of Vaughan. 3-3 EDA E‘zknrmifi. my, Mav ‘15. A: MARQIfiS, WAOGONS. 45-3 Mo'u tree.) [.0 (0rd" by Number) 1â€"115“. gunman, “any? y- Ekfixiidnâ€"Cflitmmud 3-â€"Cabbugo, Winning-mun 4â€"Clbhugq. Fowler's Bruns f "7 wihk ‘ ‘ a- 36!?aner :10 ,nchM dâ€"Eurrpcfls gag? M" ‘Gucrq (.‘0 nude - 'I â€"Cncnmber. (thicngo Fielding Bâ€"chnmbuv. lung green Iâ€"Culogy. Golden Sou-Blanch- : 1B5 WM. R ENNIE, TORONTO. Any 12 Varietiesâ€"â€" vzamh Buss I H. A. NICHOLLS. Canada Cycle & Motor 00., Limited, MASSEY-HARRES The '1‘. F. MCMAIâ€"ION. Sanada Cycle 85 Motor (30., Limited, THE BRANTFORD “ RED BEBE " is A BEAUTY. W. A. SANDERSON. Canada. Cycle & Motor 00., Limited, W ELLAND VALE Canada G THE “ CLEVELAN D” But at no point in its construction is strength sacrificed for beauty ; in all its parts one finds a happy combination of both these desirable elements; the “ Red Bird " for 1900 has some very important- iniprovements and new features: they’re lighter in weight, narrower in tread, stronger reinforcements, new crank bracket. new seat post fastener, Chainless wheels and combination coaster and brake. The Cleveland Chainless is practically a perfect wheel. Simplest, safest, cleanest and most durable; the most. speed. for least effort. chainless idea. ‘Tlieoretical speculation reduced to fact and put practice. Agents everywhere. Call on one and study the special Features mm. m- write. for catalogue. See the combined coaster and Agents everywhere. Call on one and fur 1900; 01' write for catalogue. Se brake. .1900. bicy'clcs for ladies; give‘swthem a graceful appearance; ’eVery wheel fitted with the fullest cdmplcment of equipment in its particular class; options enough to please every class. A Bicycle built on the correct chainleSS principleâ€"the be It is the highest type of bicycle construction. The Well Vale is built on this principle and it combines in its strength, durability and rigidity, and perfect mechanism part and detail of construction : gracch models, beautit'i ed, light and easy running, has a handsome triple crown NOTE THE. LONG CURVE Agents everywhere. Agents everywhere. Regular 5C. PKCfiItfié’flâ€"»Mh‘h§7 réfhhdvd ih‘ n'nt snt‘isffltftury ‘ 10 Ber-ha Bane nâ€"‘Hudlalhknfi 53am, \Vbitu - Hâ€"Herlvl,‘%lflnr1 Tyrj'nd“ ' ‘ w )2- Herbs, Mn rum 2: thma ». Bub! um itsâ€"1mm". xunhrm (Clbc 'IDâ€"Jl‘omntn, Mm: link, At.- Chainless I“Wheels. 1 “ Going the past one Better.’ Head office, Toronto, Canada. Head office, Toronto, Canada. Head office, Toronto, Canada. .1. F. MCMAHON. vcle 6‘23 3501201: (’0, BICYCLES In the lower tube in the 10 fierhn Bum "â€"Heflfll,ԤIVOr1 )2â€" Her», Mn [mm ISâ€"Letmce. Nonjmrlel (“be bane] idâ€"Lannce. Den'e! lurk“ (Canon? 16â€"Muqk Melony'inflrn Km" ‘ l â€"\\'Mcr “all Y I (‘3 “4.0 19â€"01mm Lung! taJ; m: arsfinhl lflâ€"Uhinn,Yelluw Globe. nan- V67! Wopnrsuip. llnnuw Crown zoâ€"BndML French Bra-Hun -uca] representative. gocal representative. Local representative, ocal represcntaaive. UL Write for catalogue. Write Ior catalogue. BYMAI'L POSTPAID. ORDER TO-DA y; 1 :rincipleâ€"the bevel gear. ion. The Welland Vale mbines in its make up, i'fect mechanism in every models, beautifully finish- »me triple crown. 75 Antoni. Mixad . ‘â€" Mfuhuhatlvn av: 60‘ Q â€" f’nnm 315%}! m â€"Pucnn5n, Mixed Nâ€"Nunturuumm ‘l‘nIl “110d 30â€" Sweet Pens. Flue Mixn-nl alâ€"WIM Flower. Gurdon Minn! lnmir V. . . Tomnto. iiwnrf V( hlmvion fact and put into FLOWERS _‘ : ;3 we GUARANTEE “ .Ao‘ J; n . “Egg _ £11031de this am: ’0 is ('3! out uan want to mum! an order for napavketsm'gwin include 1 packet. New liinm Yuflnh‘ mwbt SulMuâ€"Pl'we‘ln' chmâ€"â€" 7mm uF'memm ru'ruu L'nxmu. REAka @amtal Banking Business Transacted. HEGHEST flURREHT HATES PM} ON DEPGE'ITS. RICHMOND HILL HST ARRIVED No. 18, ONION YELLOW DANVERS \Vhich we will sell on a very margin for cash. \Ve have in stuck u full line ( kinds of dressed and rough Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bases, Grates, Etc. XVe also have fox ings, size- lefio ft., one stable, 20x55 ft one small office These buildings an thu lumber and m) f: and suund. A Branch uf this Bank has been opened at, Re st Fm every description of exfm'iur find. intoriur decoration. SHINGLES Strictly fil-st-class,rendy for use. ounvenient,dur- able, henutifnl, easily applied, econominal and ex my variety Hf shade. () 1" Canada. J“. F. ROWLAND. Acting: Agent. ROBERTSON’S LUMBER, PAlNTS g SET) GQRN. PURE READYLMiXE-D OUR REA D Y-MIXED PA lNTS !:ll of best XXX and No. 1 :55 ft-.. two stories : also fice building. 9x16 ft. ;s an" in good repair and md Limhe: in them is sulv two old build two stories high 55!,060‘000 600,000 and we load of very close md l QHNQ h:1 ll'lll

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