$1 per annum, in advanced VOL. XXII. (WWW! _ . , “177. ES . uznms‘ttr'i Julia-ls, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Libérty Richmond Hill and Vicinity ; in all things, Charity.†“mgâ€"nun...“ [Single copies, 3 cts. No 46 members to hurry on proi'ogation. ,. . . . . . Ibis is not surprising. for tho session possibility of getting throuin bol‘ore supper was partaken oi. oi toasts were afterwards A number‘ proposed. were among the speakers :~Messrs. ' ' ~ ~ ' \vM. HARRISON. is now well into its fourth month. and and responded to when many witty IS PUB‘JSUEDE‘ Eli-Y j i\ t: N FX\7'I‘ f) t #777. (law-n if every expodieia-y is used to speeches were given and humorous L ’ ' ' . ‘ 1 4 “'eddniï¬s :1 1i ‘1 takes ll'.ll'\' on the work. there is scarcelv a anecdotes related. The following 'IZHUBSDAY MORNING r ‘ ‘ s ‘ ‘ _c- ‘ - i" LT I'llE LIBERALPRINTIIIG & PUBLISHING HOUSE rt v1» u.‘ A . RICHMOND HILL, l I l I I '13.? i l IS"U :R MARRIAGE LICENSES Les: 1N MiLEa‘s JOHNSTON, ROSS C I I "I There are men Who me so constitut- ed that. it matters not how out of place the opportunity may be. or soleirn the occasion, who cannot resist their pro- pensity to perpelra to a~joke. The prm'licaljoker is ever with us the end of next month. So far. apart from the evident desire in Opposition ranks to waste time in all manner of frivolous discussions on side issues, the proceedings- of the session have been marked by better foe-Iingthan McPherson. IIon. E. J. Davis. several members from True Blue Lodge, Bol- ton : .I. T. Haigoon anc J. F. Rowland, Richmond llill; members of the home lodge : Mr. Hhouldice of Toronto, and others. f‘\ V i " T - w - . N -7 7 . 11 - 1 -< l ‘q ~h~1w in i-‘u-vi :1 x \ves ‘llllivl ritcil It is tl‘lt‘ th‘ ii emâ€" I a .i i .I, v 7 i v ,‘7)) ,1 1 am it<iitsitsat ,. . ’ng .u i 4., . a I l ‘ i a 1 . (J h 9 A L “111(le , gravity of many solemn C(lllllll‘nilllt‘vx‘, bors on )lr. Speakers left have been I Eamon & pmmumum __, _ provoking from many of us a ready llllllllg'lllg Ill ninth-rings loud and deep , Maple __._.__._~.. ., , and“ . ,, ,, E~§531'1'iP-ï¬id‘i‘tdq smile even when we cannot endorse oi the horrible (lirir'lnsures they were BUSINESS CAR 3. JANEJSK lii‘ii.oi:<r:s, 'l‘oizowro. his eceonti-icities. In the early history of mn- ï¬ling“ going to make, but nothing could broken success of the (Iroveri'imenl‘s more conclusivon demonstrate the un- i The entertainment. which was to have been given on Monday night un- . ‘ . V I . . ' V \ > _ » i l ' v \\ x 4‘ v . H I- V "a <<<<< 7 ~ 7‘ m Err. B'JOMWN Q. C. Gumâ€. in“ lime In etl and died 1ringing us -i \ ( iy , V . V , , , ‘ i ‘1‘“ me ‘l‘f‘lmâ€˜ï¬ "f. ‘1“ LI’““‘.‘11 "N h 1m 7 H J m i 7 J. D I,“ “mum: mm, “m woman. Lmia “m1 1m. pnllC} In M ery direction. and its League. Will he givvn in the Methodist anu‘ltnfl N ~ ~ â€" r 7 known †she was to many of her acknowledged strength 111 the country. (‘hiireh next Monday night. The er- †. Money to loan at 5 per cent. Telex l:f’i.0 1.8-1 I A t I BR. L AN G STA F fir-RICHMOND HILL. 'flFi’SCE I30Ul§§ R to an =3 m: (Ho 8 pm " DR, L. "LAii/RASUN, Member Collage Plivsicians and Surgeon 4, Out. ‘ 'RICHNIOND HILL. TOfl‘icc Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 12 to 2 p ru.; 7 to 9 p. in. " ‘ \i ,‘ A. G. F. LAWHEL Ci, Barris‘cr, Solicitor. lictaiy, 576. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings. cor. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Toronto. LIBERAL (liliee, il('lllil(>lltl Hill on Saturdays. a? gnaw. NOTA RY PU Bid C. CUMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE, dc. iici libors, but. as usual. many gath- erei at the “wake. The remains of . the departed one were laid out in the death room, covered with a _winding sheet, awaiting the arrival of the, vil- lage carpenter with his homely con- structed receptacle for the dead. Adjoining the room where the body lay was a. much larger room in which Were. gathered a large number of sym- pathizing friends. Among the mourners was the little brown jug, the popular citizen previâ€" ously referred to, which shed so much sympathy on this occasion that it had frequently to retire for a fresh supply of consolation. , As the night \voi e on. so many mourners could not be always weeping, especially when the little than the complete failure to imple- ment any of these threats by delinite action. together with the repeated at- tempts which have been made to drag insignificant issues before the public and magnify them into al’fairs of im- portance. THE (xvu'i‘wrtitiii't BANQUET. The notable event. of tho week has been the banquet tendered on \Vedâ€" nesday ev citing: by the Ontario Liberal members and Senators to their grand old leader, Sii" Richard Cartwright. From evory point of view the event was a notable and signiï¬cant one. Sir ilt'lluhd has been a tower of strength to Liberalism for many a de- ratio, and hTs Self-sacrificing labors for his country and his party are well un- tertainment will consist of moving pictures of the South African \Var from the Bioseope, and selections from the electric Alidoidione. Rev. G. A. ("ai'npboli concluded his. pastorate of St. Andrew‘s last Sunday and leaves for Lakeï¬eld this week. He carries with him the best wishes of his many friends to his new field of labor. Some of our young people who atâ€" tended the “Temple of Fameâ€coii- cert in Aurora, are thinking of having a similar entertainment here. ' Mr. Win. Knight and family have moved into the house lately occupied by Mr. A Shunk, and will live there for the summer until their new house is completed. t,“ (_.4-3E T W†or cwâ€, . .. - ($111“ (lerstnod and \Vitlluly appreciated ; :‘Inld ï¬mRf‘f TEEOHM’ - »- \ " 3' ’ “5 . 'l" v "'5" . “ ‘ " . " . ‘ " ' ' but howover well a condition ( r a fa‘ I A i ‘ D i ‘l " - 1â€â€œ es “n aclital. 5:)â€L1V‘ Q“ «Natl- “*renmâ€"“b‘ sation became more lively, Jokes were ' ’ Lt RICHMOND lIlLL POST OFF} ventured, and the irrepressible laugh is known and i‘ccognized, it does no Sunday. \Vv is would sometimt' viiit itsilf in sub hum] ()Nuhimmny t“ give it sped?“ A . i in. 0s 0: -**~ ' d r - "s ‘. -. ' - 1.1.9:. "I ~ v; 3 7 L d I FNKTOX Q; r if) (i * dued tones. Forgetting all propriety Kilï¬lifiimvl Egg? :5“)? ‘illftpstgtllutl‘l NEWS Notes. ‘ J“ L‘ 4 ( i ~ ‘3‘!“ \I - 4 the larger room was cleared for a ‘ . ‘ ~ H (n’ (m 1 {Tue 16 â€" X3c\‘~‘i\$xs ’ dam.“ OPPԠllmlly “’1 ‘1 g“l)91"‘l 9XClmng*‘ “f LieuL-Col. Cosby, commander of the Room 12, l‘ZI Victoria St., Toronto. Best. lifting torth, also replating, at. lowest prices. Good work. Barristers :t isqi FHEISI‘EEOE’S. Money to loan on land a nil elm the! {mortgages at loncst “ates. inrorc v‘mi'erillemm'eti to the nll past (\{Tirix one door \\e:t of the entrance to the Lounging at one of the hotels that evening until after the midnight hour was a young fellow whom. in defer- ence to the more fastidious of our road- eis, We will call Shaw. Shaw was a congratulations on the splendid work the party had accomplished for the country in the past, its enviable posi- tion in the (:oiii'idences of the nation in the present, and the magnificent 48th Highlanders. died at his residence College St, Toronto, aged 60 years. The E. B. Eddy Company of Hull have decided to re-erect all their man- .__ , , ,, _ m, . a - . . I 7 . “. ' - . .' ' ' . ' . . . V, ‘ ‘ Oman“ v ML ‘ . _. _; r H I“ (r outlook foi the futiiie. bLtiIllg aside ufactuiing,r buildings which it etc. buin- rf A I i‘~€Wll‘I‘.}:li(’ti y eâ€"Tliri‘o doors S‘Olltll of cm I 1(1):)1‘ï¬sllgicfï¬xillglxvlï¬ dye- A“~““““3 l“ all party prcpidioes no observant man, ed down in the recent, ï¬re. . a A17. / 7 A s r M ail-n ‘ H ‘ 3‘ who values his reputation for common I ‘1'. Eicnnmcr Luxxox, G. SIY. M B 1% (\ Batikâ€"3t M c _ ,, “‘\'_- > †Ru?“ Colupk’und "f OdtlliéVfl'UllC “ml sense and calm judgment, will hesitate Oscar Thompson has been committed. , .. 9 not. i u\\.,l'.1‘.l\<'t T film,1 _ L I I l - to admit that the verdict of history for trial charged with having burned ’ . 7_._f f .7f W. 7 . â€" 01.0 [S 1 a 1,, 1‘, m- gua- 1 “f, a pun," will m. in i1“. wurdg “mm-ed hv tho, the barns of Mordecai Chapman in the . c.‘o"t ‘. m' .‘t‘ "t i n ' ‘-' ‘ . . ‘ . t? . . ‘ v - . . (Sum Sb ‘ “0 D1 coca l I out ) L438 ii Oi ACDC‘ A He gloried in a practical Joke iri-espec- glu‘st “f “'9 “"“lllllg. When he, declar- EOWUShIP Of 9001311â€- Oddfellow’s Bldg†Toronto, oor. Yonge and College Sta, Toronto, \Vill be in Richmond Hill every VCQLIIM-silay. Ol’ï¬cc:â€"Next door south of Public School. Dr. W. Cecil. Trotter, ‘3. 1L, DENTIS’I". Cor. Bloor and Spaduaa Are... 'E‘orouto. Barristers, Soin-itois, etc. TORONTO OFFltE: No. 1. Adelaide Sh. Fast. Mr. Cook will be at, Manic on Thursday afternoon of each \\'(’('i.i. MONEY TO LOAN AT 55g. seams, a Barristers, Solicitors, 510., ‘25 ENG STREEvLT WEST, TOEONTO. 1. iive of time. circumstanros, or surâ€"' roundings. That night heliadimbibed just enough of the "ardent" to make him daring. Returning to his home Shaw passed the house of mourning just when the excitement was at its height or as in Tam O‘Shanter, when the “ fun was fast and furious." Familiar with the premises he siipprd around to the rear of the house, entered the window of the room where the body lay. Pick- ing up the corpse he wrapped the sheet close around it. Setting the. door of the larger room ajar he waited for a ed that the four years which had elapsrs-d from 12»th to lllllt) had been pre- eiiiini-ntly fruitful years in the. history of Canada during which she had made gigantic strides both morally and ina- terially. In these four years. said Sir Richard, we have shown our American friends that while we aic willing to carry on trade with them, still if they l shut their doors to us we are not mere» ly able to stand the blow, but to pros< per and develop oui trade and com- merce in a greater ratio than even they can do; and we have showu our friends on the other side. of the Atâ€" Richard‘s pure soap, 6 for 250. ; Comfort soap, (5 for 25c. ; Cameo soap, 7 for 250.; Sunlight soap, 5c. 21 bar; Lit'obiioy soap, 3c. a bar ; Castile soap, 2 cakes for 50. Atkinson (K: Switzer. Rev. B. Martin of Markham, has been the unanliiious choice of Erskine Presbyterian Church. Hamilton, as Rev. J. G. Shearcr’s successor in the pastorate. Mince meat. 100. ; kippered herring, Me. 2 pure gold jellies, all flavors, 10c. ; John Bull pickles, 10c. Atkinson & Switzer. . Eï¬strporont of“. 'M . vi. .. - lullin the noise. It came. ’l‘hi-usting lantic that Canada can send to the ' releph‘me 33“; for Pi’mntment- “voogbngzi Him}: :vnetnl‘rfsldence’ the head and shoulders of his inani. field soldiers well Worthy of taking The plant of the \Velland Vale Gom- statuary _J. T. Mommy, VETERINARY SURGEON -â€"-AND-â€" VETERINARY DENTIST, RICH MOND HILL, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Colloze, with diploma from the Ontario Dental School, will visit Maple on Moialgv Veterinary and Friday of each week. and Concord on Fralay [ Thornhillï¬ach Wednesday from 10 to 1‘2. SALEM Ecxnnn'r. _ J. H. Pizizs'ricn 0:: Winchester St. Toronto. Unionviile Eekardl dz Pi entice Licensed Auctioneers for the County of Ymk. Goods sold on consignment. Gene 5.] sales (.f Machete†nroniptly attended to at reasonable rates. G. It. Uoiilding. Newton Brook, agent, for the above. ‘ C STOKES Stokes (is Slough. License Auctioneers for the County of Yorkieâ€" specttully solicit your patronage and triendly ntluence. stiles attended on the .-l_ortest notice and a roascnalrcratas. I’. O.adtlIess King D BLUEGE mate protege in a leaning position in sight of all the companyâ€"imitating the shrill cracked voice of the old lady when in life, and assuming her most indignant tone, he shrieked “ Heigh I Heighl An is that. what yer a doin’, an - an me dead? Huinph l" One look at, that. cadaverous face and the iii- stinctive dread of a closer interview caused a panic. The whole crowd with pallid faces jumped for the fiont door. hustling and tumbling,r over each other in their frantic efforts to reach the street. The room was empty in less than a minute. The house was as silent as the grave. Shaw replacedï¬he body on the stretcher covered it carefully their place alongside the greatest vet- erans the empire can produce. (‘on- tinuing Sir Richard uttered a \vell- timod note of warning; against over- cont‘idence in preparing for the ap- preaching,r election, with the reminder that. however good and righteous a cause might be, it might easily suffer defeat, if thorough organization and strenuous work were neglected. Eter- nal vigilance is the price of liberty. REAPING THE BENEFITS. The advantages of the Sonlangcs Uanal with its greater draft, of water is shown already by the fact that the Canada Atlantic Railway has ll'lClE‘ilS~ ed the size of its barges’ cargoes from pany’s works, and the Canada. Cycle and Motor Company‘s works, at St. (J'itharines, were destroyed by lire. early “'eduesday morning. Loss neain half a million. The Dominion Government has setâ€" tled cases against Thouret, Fitzgibbon & Co. and their successors Fitzgibbon, Tcliafheitliii & (Jo. of Montreal, for customs uiidervalxiation,each firm pay- ing $10,0UU and costs. Mr. YV. J. Hill, M. P. P. for \Vest York has secured the contract for the erection of a large pulp mill at Sha- wenegan Falls, Quebec. The contract involves a large amount, of excavation, 1 3 I. . c ii: i. u czv rm liito . . ' . . ,. i - r ' w ' ,-- - r . . stoneworl' and the la 'in of '1, lllllllt n ileiiaeutsliasdtiildi‘sesxicdii‘eiiuii oiifcihdiiiésticat- , S‘uge‘ml'jz“ J~ 1*; M0)? ï¬ghtï¬he Th“); ‘1?Phillflflélil‘ilgllt 1‘ f“; 25 to 00 per cent., while the distance i hrickq " . 3 g ‘ ‘ ad aultnnlssrencedbytne latest and meet up» 1 10““01" ‘l ‘ ““WJJ- L ‘9 mu“: “5 59"†3 ‘lb 1‘ 1‘“ from Coteauflthe head of the canalâ€"â€" “' proved methods. F. J. CAL'LA’NOUGH, VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to 1110. ii PALMER OUTSE Saigon“ 6%; RE (-Eweu. Licensed Auotionecrs for the (liiiiiili' of York. Sulesattended to on shortest notice and at rea- sonablcrates Patronage-solicited. 7 V]. D. Rea. ] icensed Auctioneer for the f‘oiintv (.2 Yeti-1 (‘wnoruisalcs of implements, turnitiii‘e.~t&iiiling timber. e:e. attended on the shortest notice and atreaso‘nable rates. I’atroungt-sol .ed. P. 0. address Maple Til. E. Smith. man, Licensed AllCthIIOZ-T for the Counties of York and Oumrio. 1\ll\'t‘ll'~.<nf farm stock, dun, at. ten-ltd to on the >llt)l‘h“r uotiro and irlt' unable entered it. As soon as sufï¬cient courage could be mustered some of the more venturesonie returned for their wraps. Looking into the little room and seeâ€" ing the remains of the old lady lying as serenely as it) the earlier part of the evening they went and told others. A few remained until the morning. Next day theie \‘as much myster- ious whispering among the villagers, and many awe-stricken countenanees. The solemn topic of batedâ€"breath ron- versation was of course the old lady's wonderful post-niortem, activity of to Montreal can now be roves-ed in half the time. that was formerly re- quired to go thiough by way of the Beauharnois Canal. One of the (Tomâ€" pany‘s barges on her first trip this season carried 34,000 bushels of wheat. drawing nine. feet of waterthrough the canal, but on her second trip she went through the Soulanges Uaiial with 48,000 bushels of wheat; and a. draft of eleven and a half feet, this latter cargo being the largest ever taken down the Lacliiiie Canal. A further illustration of the advantages of the new locks is the fact that barges Ladies’ black full fashioned cotton hose. special, 12c. a pair; ladies’ black heavy cotton hose, 10¢. a pair. At- kinson .v Switzer. Peter McIiityie, freight agent for the Richelieu Navigation Company was 'l'hiiisday liiorning shot and kill- ed by his thirt(en year old son. The. reason given was that the father would not consent to the son leaving home for the, summer. Pepreseiitati\‘e Sulzer of New York. (‘hairiiian of the committee to receive the lioerdelegatos iii \Vashingtoii,says .. ._ . ‘ e night. before. That day manv . - -, . . . . 7, ~ - ~ - \ â€" 7 rates. nor “itndlnlili‘i s-wos ‘U'crdcd to til . - .~ can no“ he llllIlL thiitv feet loirrei ihatacnmmittee consistnigof Lnited ’ ~ > ‘ i u. . s i - - . v . .. s i O . ~ ‘ r, u ' ’ . l. D HILI“ RESI‘l91|°9~ Stilum‘ll19- ‘lht- [‘Lmils 13301312: 1:11:12 “(Dali than the maxniiuin length navigable btates Senators, three Represciitatives r 7- {J l} 2".) '2,i ( Al I ,. , , . , ‘ _ ,".,w . , .v. . , _ _ , . . . iiou rii the old (. tnal. and a. numbei of noiiiini nt (ILIM ns hemodellednuid unï¬t.) (MIL-shed tluniichanyt. W ,. mf‘z‘rm'ï¬rmï¬mwa supmshtlous thoughts occuplul 1}“. L 59 ‘ ‘, \_ ‘ _ Y i ‘ . ' I Idllj‘ one at the must coiimiiiom -uil comfortqu ‘ p. _ “‘4‘ ‘ . d f 1 JV ‘ _ 1 ’ f 11 V d 1“ «owâ€"aâ€" “Ill go to - L“ '.l lutbtoltl it L L- hotels on Yaiige Street. livery modern t‘Ull- , VVRICIlii BHOS, , "'m ?“ “L “15 "5 l “‘5 " 0““ t “ K- ,~ 0-1.) I gates to \Vashiiigtou. vanteiice. Sample minus (or canniiorrnii ‘ remains to the grave. 111%. 1 y- “"'~‘l"l“.°l':- i":‘.“l“|"‘.‘ï¬â€˜ï¬‚‘igmg1:13;: Eudora-fliers é: Emhamnrc. . The secret. him-ever, could not In) â€"â€"â€"- Orll‘lVll) par 1v“. [we > ». 0' the? at ‘ ., v . . .. 7 , ‘7 ‘ . . 1 .. ; . ' -; y w .; ' - _ tom. returning :_ am market. illucti-ic cars“ M D p c ' W H , i kept. .Jlian bad to ttll it. 50,. \\ hat An lgltgllllité t‘iinov islsptp t into}; passthe door. Livery in connection. l n i L LA 1 .I‘. ll I Li might have been a iiiysteiious cirriiin- llt‘(‘t10ll “it i o iiitson .oi, go. I; .“ . - , i . . ‘ . . o . . i V , c _ istance in the annals ot our early 8: A. )I., on Monday ev ('lllllg.‘ t. I .. Tl‘l“‘1†sum PER DAL A ling" >1“t‘l\"f Funeial 1' lll'l:l 1? history and the foundation of an ex- Bro. McPherson paid an otlicial visit aggr‘iifggaï¬gmg‘; 01:23:: tgï¬lï¬jï¬ Joï¬y PALylgig. _ Prop li-‘p! at both plat-rs. 2 citing ghost story had it been written to .the Lodge on that (Welling. and and the has; repovmm Mom ._..___,, 7,, ., .7. 7-,_A_.,_ . - .7- 77 . 7 7 l in the Book of the Chronicles of the quite a. iiiiii;oer of visitors were presâ€" leather. 110115. softens, black- ‘ “’ 1 Pg; ‘7‘, if: gen; 1.»? l Village of llicliiiiond llill, was un- I out from Bolton. Richmond llill. and e“ and Drona!“ L36 . H LS-1 3‘ , f “3’ 'l ‘42 Hp"? 5" 9 l l‘iu'elled and long~ ago forgotten. other places. :1 he lodge was opened E r j ‘N Saga-‘3“. \ . I (To BE (“STDâ€"me 21li(l(‘l(ist‘,(l in the three degrees by the - u a )3 j Uém d ___74“,_ 7 7 \V. )l., bro. A. I). (.irley. and (luring,y ; 1 411‘ ‘ 15> xzxo siititsr the evening a candidate was raised to THOROUGI‘ILY REFITTED. i i I I Everv Accaaninodation {or the ti‘av-l elliiig~ DIIILIIC. Ripans Tahiiles cure liltllk me. Bipans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Every accommodation in" Le): .le. 1 To FATEilT Eï¬ï¬tl Ideas may be scented by our aid. Address, THE ° "ENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md. 1 1’- 1‘:Sil.s Our Ottawa Letter. Although little or no privg'rrss has been made in the consideration of the estimates, the pas hr; of which seldom takes less than six S'on, there are already indications of s desiie on the part of tie weeks of the se-z- ' . the, third degree. the impoitant Work I being pel'foi'liied by Past Blaster Bro. ‘ J. \V. Cross'ley. The otiicers rceoivod well merited praise from the D.D.G..\l. for the way their several parts \vere done. Leaving the lodge rot-m all repaired to Hogan’s Hall when: an (deï¬ant giantess Bil .‘ir bust harness. your old har- . and your carrlagemp, and they wnl i. it only tool; letter but wear tun ;~.-r. Sold (‘\'('I’}'“’ll“l’ulll can‘t-all 12.42.: train of pints. to ï¬ve gallons. 3, rain 3