Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 May 1900, p. 2

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A HAIR RECEIVER. Is there any arthLle more of a ne- cessity to feminine comfort than some sort 0! awnvenience as a receptacle for hair? Every bedroom occupied by the gentle sex should be supplied with a hair receiver. How many girls have spent a night at a friend's, and, af- ter making the morning toilet, looked Ln vain for something in which to de- posit the objectionable little roll of hair one wishes to put out of sightl Nothing to be found I Not even a sump basketâ€"another useful article usual- ly considered superfluous in bedrooms â€"30 she is forced to leave the unat- tractive reminder of her dainty pres- ence in bold relief on the dressing table. To make an inexpensive and pretty hafr receiver‘s take a butcher‘s cuff they are about five cents a poir_â€"and put in a bottom of oarboardji neatly covered with silk. Line the cuff with colored silk, gathered with a narrow ruffle around the top. If red silk is used, sew on the outside of the cuff uuou, no" 9.. u”. v_-___.- a bunch of poppies or red roses, and suspend the receiver by a rod satin ribbon, with a small bow, at the top. The flowers may be varied with the color of the lininvgâ€"daises with yel- low, roses with pink, forget-me-nots with blue. It is always desirable, of course. to have such things harmonize wilth the prevailing color of the room. Eton jacket of cadet blue cloth triti- med with stitching. The scolloped revers and deep collar are stitched at the edges and inlaid with dark blue velvet. Sleeves cut with shaped, pointed cuffs, which are ornamented with stitching. Material required, cloth, 50 inches wide. 13-4 yards. An old farmer corns beef by this recipe: To pickle 501bs of beef, put 2 gals cold water in. a kettle, add 4 lbs salt»- 1 1-22 lbs sugar and 1 oz salt- peter. Let boil 10 minutes, skim well, take from the tire and set aside until cold. Put the pieces oi beef in atub or’fismull meat cask and cover with brine, weight l’he meat under, cover the toy and set in a cool, dark: place. The meal.- will keep one year. The best cuts {or coming are the brisket and pieces adjacent to the backbone. though ribs and any refuse bones can be corned. Then Lhere's a. knack in cooking. Many make the mistake of putting it into cold water. They take it from the brine, just wash it, and being in haste, pour cold water over it first and keep it boiling until it fairly grows hard instead of tender. A bet- ter way whether vegetables are cook- ed with it or not ls to cover- with boiling water. This will coagulate the outside and retain the juices. Then set) it over the fire, let it come to. a boil and summer slowly. An old rule L5 15 minutes for every pound of meat but more the is necessary. When done set off the fire and let stand half am hour before taking up. If it is to be served cold, place under weights and press for four or five hours. Slice very thin, garnish if convenient and serve with some tnrr sauce. Corned Beef Omelet â€"E51Lmale 11-: lbs meat, remove bone and objecuon- able scraps. mince, add bread crumbs. stLr in 2 eggs, season with pepper and salt, dip, mm a frying pan of hot salt flat: or dripping and allow \0 fry (we minutes. Do not turn. Suth- cleut for eight persons. Corned Beef with Potato.â€"Chop fine a. quantity of beef and season With butter. salt and pepper. Then mash hot potatoes, add milk and butter and a well-beaten egg and stir together then placa upon the bottom: of baking dish a layer of potatoes, alternating withI a layen of the minced beef until the disln is filled, cut, small bits of butter upon the surface, sprinkle over a little pepper, bake until the top browns. This is “variety” for a "snug little dinner.“ recipe, though, Insufficient cooking 18 generally the secret. of all failure. The beat and cold potatoes should be chopped separately, add half of a minced onion, melt one tablespoon but- ter in the frying pan. dust in stea- ' Corned Beef Hashâ€"This mmple but damty dish, being often carelessly done, warrants the repeating of a FARMER‘S CORNED BEEF. spoon otl flour, stir- until brown, pour in tho potatoes and meat and 1 pt of hot. water, mix thorOughly, season with pepper and salt, cover and let aunmer half an howr. Have a care up- on u, stir, add water. let simmer, send to table hot. Farmer's Luncheon Salad.â€"Bollun- til tender in salted water, cabbage, Lurnipa, beets, upland crass. Chop beets separately. mix and add lpt minced beef, season with. white un- g'round mqstqrd. serve cold with a Ekésifig'of vinegar, pepper and salt and ground mustard, having first been scaided. Cornedeeef Ternâ€"Put. lean mean in soak over night in tepid water, in the morning cut in small pieces or chop let stand upon the stove until noon, let simmer five hours, sift. then boil in fine oatmeal. rice or crushed crack- er. This is ‘bcxh nourishing and stimulating. quned Beef Sandwmhes.â€"Chop well cooked corned beef very fine. season hghtly with salt, pepper and mustard. m‘lx thus with melted butter, spread upon ample slices of brown bread, serve wiLhI cold slaw or cucumber pxckles. To Press Corned Beefâ€"After the meat has been well cooked, remove bones, tw securely in a cloth and press mto a basin: beneath heavy weights and let: stand 8 or 10 hours. Cases of canton flannel for silver are desirable properties. Make each one to hold a dozen forks or spoons. ivith two lengths of flannel laid one on the other, and divided into com- partments by machine-stitching. Have the piece which forms the back of the case wider than the front to furnish a flap to fold over at the top, any from three to four inches deep. Measure the size of each case by that of the article it is to hold -table, dessert. tea. or coffee spoon, dinner or dessert forks. etc. The mistake most parents make is trying to provide a school luncheon that}; shall take the place of a noon- day meal. That is difficult without putting up a bulky package, and a large quantity of cold food eaten in the middle of the day does not pro- perly fit the child for afternoon study. A hearty meal at half past four may break up the household routine, but it is proper for children to be hungry on getting home. if they take a “bite of something and run out to play" after the usual fashion they are not properly hungry at six, and. besides. six is too late for a child to eat the heartiest meal of the day. Don’t be the first to discard your heavy underwear. Servants of Wealthy Englishmen Must Be skilled In Sports. Many times during the Last twelve months advertisements for men aer- wants in London papers have set forth that applicants must be good golf players, the advertisers in such case being gentlemen living in lonely places where they found it hard to get re- gularly any nelghbor who could enjoy a. game with them. Don’t take too much spring medi- cine In your haste to beautify your complexion. Don‘t forget that wind blows in May as well as in March, and pro- duces tan. freckles and hard. rough skin. Don’t start your house-cleaning too soon. Don’t forget your rubber shoes on a damp day. Don’t be too ready to put on lighter wraps Such advertisements excite surprise in the mind of the general public, but in connection with minor yachting, and in cases where the owners of small yachts are enthusiasts of limited means, the same rule has been observ- ed for years, a man servuul who could not only perform his domestic duties efficiently but “ hand, reef and steer" as well being regarded as something of a treasure. And for yearsâ€"as all professional cricketers knowâ€"a cer- tain nobleman, whose principal resi- dence and estate are in the south of England, has engaged no indoor male servant who was not an able, all- round cricketer, his very valet being Don’t be afraid to carry an um- brella even when it is claar. a. once celebrated county bowler. It is only a very few years ago that a. match took place on this nobleman's grounds, in which all the eleven on one side were personal servantsâ€"four of them indoor (mewâ€"of the gentle- man in question. THE STIMULUS OF YEARS. This is asad world; people lose all their enthusiasm after 50. Tfiat‘s not so ; look at Cousin Georgi ana. "What Es she enthusiastic about: Why, stupid. keeping everybody from knowing she is 50. What sort of a legal lighjt is apet- tifogger? asked Dimling. when a dis- cussion arose about lawyers and lawyers. A“ rrpettifogger is a legal lightâ€" weight, replied Larkin. SCHOOL CHILDREN’S MEALS. A FEW SPRING "DOD-“TS.” SPEAKING OF LAWYERS GOOD GOLF PLAYERS. SILV ER. CASES. Temperature and Ralnrnll us They Were Thonmnds of Years Ago. We find the "early" and the "later" min toâ€"day in Palestine precisely as described 3,500 years ago. “Jordan overflows all its banks" in February toâ€"day exactly as it did in Joshua's time, .thirty-three centuries ago. Plants taken from mummy cases in Egypt, which must have been gather- ed more than 5,000 years since. are practically of the same size and have the same appearance as those grow- ing to-day. Records of vintages in France for over 700 years show practic. ally the same dates as toâ€"day. Actual observations of rainfall for over 200 years at St. Petersburg show no change appreciable to us, though, of‘ course, the earliest observations were extremely crude and somewhat un- reliable. Facts of this kind might be adduced to fill a small volume. 0n the other hand we have records of most extraordinary cold weather in ancient times. One winter the light wine in France froze. Another winter the river Po froze over so as to bear teams, an unheard of phenomen- on to-day. In this journal £01- June it is stated that "Parnassus and Socrate, now free from snow, were covered with it in classic antiquity." Also, "the name Greenland which strikes us as singularly inappropriate, was not inapplicable at the time it was named. ‘in the fourteenth century. It is entirely probable that descript. tions of the cold in ancient times were much exaggerated. Parnassus and, Socrate have snow at times, and in earlier days, when protection against the cold and snow was much less than now, a little snow would go a. long way. The earlier voyagers from Iceland, more than 1,000 years ago, leaving a land of almost perpetual ice and snow and reaching a land in the summer with its beautiful green color. to the unaccustomed eyes would very naturally give the name of Greenland to it. In the summer time, it is said, Greenland presents a'most beautiful green near the D.1n'sh sett emvnts to this day. Our oldest inhabitants, who have been wont to describe the terrible cold and deep snows of their boyhood days as incomparany greater than any thing which does or can occur toâ€"day, completely loet their reckoning in the last winter when reading ofa ship that had sunk in New York harbor by weight of the iCe ,upon it; also, that Washington had {thirtyâ€"four inches of snow on a level, land the lowest temperature ever noted in that city. 1A careful study will show no appreciable change in the climate of this earth since the early historic times. Of course nothing here adduced touches climatic times, which changes have been established beyond Question. While the Emperor of Russia has been seeking with noble ambition to reform the warlike habits of Europ- ean nations through the reduction of military and naval outlay, the Em- press has also been at work in another field of operations. She has been setâ€" ting the example qt” slunplicity and economy in dress at a luxurious court. The Emperor as a man of peace found himself surrounded with sol- diers who were guarding the ap- proaches to the palace. He disliked military reviews, and reduced the number of battalions, employed for the purpose of protecting him. It was a practical method of letting his subjects k j that he took little pleasure in he pomp and glory of military power. The Empress, as the daughter of the late Grand Duke of Hesse, had been broughl up at a quiet German court, where there were few great func- tions and where princesses were no- customed to dress plainly. She be- came the central figure of the Court of St. Petersburg. where there were large and magnificent ceremonials, and the great ladies Were arrayed in the costliest Parisian costumes. she has astonished them by the quietness and plainness of her gowns on state- ly occasions, and by her lack of in- terest in the luxurious pleasures of a rich and powerful court. The Empress Eugenie, when Na- poleon III. was at the height of his power, took a different line. As mis- tress of the ’l‘uileries, she ordered the fashions of the world, and never counted the cost of a costume. As she had a true eye for color and re- markable taste in dress, she was well- fitted for her position as queen of the world of fashion. The Princess («f Wales has the re- putation of being the best-dressed woman in Eugl.t11d, but she has not encouraged habits of extravagance. Her costumes are remarkable for simâ€" ple elegance. and she wears few dia- monds and jewels. The Empress of Russia has no talent for dress. She is like her mother, Queen Victoria’s second daughter. a. woman of simple and homely traits; and she is trying to set an example that will be useful in a capital where women of the upper classes are not- ed for their extravagance. I am certain that Sue is engaged to Mr. Dinkey, S'iid )Iis‘s Kittish to Miss Flypp- Why, she never mentions him. That is what convinces me. She used to [nuke all manner of fun of him. N0 CHANGES IN WEATHER. EMPRESS AS REFORMER. SURE What An Old (‘hler Sufi About the Elm- llshâ€"l-‘uu and 6.0an liven Amld lhe llall of Bulletsâ€"Two lrlnh Soldiers Have a l-‘l~llc Runle. Writing to a London, England, paper, Mr. Bennet Burleigh sends the following criticism passed on Buller’a methods by an old Zulu chief who had fought against the British under Ceteâ€" wayo: I CORRESPONDENTS TELL 0F DEEDS DONE ON THE BATTLEFIELD. "'What do you think of the tight-' William?‘ It was at Spearman's'l ‘after Spion Kop, Vall Krantz and the rest, William was questioned. The old inegro groaned and wearily rolled his 1' head and eyes about fora minute or‘ so before answering. 'Umpih,’ said Wil- liam. ‘Zulu, when he fight. he give Boer no rest; he no wait for things; he go all night, all (lay. Zulu don’t mind what he eat. Zulu give Boer no time make ready; he beat him and kill ihim, every man. Your generals from :England, they no sense make fight. They sit down, one day, two day, three day. Then he fight, one day, two day, and then he go away again, Your soldiers, I see thousands of them everywhere. They go ’bout, all day doing nothing, no fight. “'hile they go ’bout, Boer come make plenty big holes back of hill; than you can’t get him out. Damned foolness. Oh, ‘your generals from England, no sense make tight. Zulu, when he can‘t fight hereI there, he go around him Boer indicating with his fingers, this way, ithat Way, and gives rascal no rest; land old Willie groaned again in spirit ’and flesh. The conversation really ‘took place, and this Is but an outline 'ol’. the Zulu Othello's criticism of British methods.” ‘ TO BE IN THE FRONT. STORIES FROM THE FRONT. as it may seem to their Home Rule] friends, extremely patriotic. devotedly] loyal to the Queen, and intensely re-! sentful of any doubt of their loveand‘ loyalty toward her Majesty. I chanc.’ ed ‘to have acopy of a disgraceful cartoon issued by one of the Dublin weekly papers, depicting lrlshi soldieia] dragged by the scruff of the neck in.‘ to battle by their officers. This I carried to the front, and show/ed to a 1 party of'Ii'ish privates. It would have shocked you to hear the cursesl which they heaped on the heads of all those who were responsible for that! cartoon. It is as good as a tonic to get into conversation with the ‘Dubs,’ Dublin Fusiliers. After the battle of ‘Colenso there were only about 400‘ of‘ these gallant soldiers left, and these were sent back to Frere. Having re- gard to their terrible losses, it was‘ decided that the remnantâ€"all that ‘was left of the Dublin Fusiliersâ€" should remain at Frere to open comiâ€" lmunication. VVh‘en told of this, how- ever, parade they became a crowd of madman, and vowed that they must ‘be in the very front. The rucvtion was so great that they had to have their way. That’s the spirit in which the remnant of ‘Dubs' went forth again to try conclusions with1 the Boers." KNOCKED HIM DO\VN. One Ladysmith correspondent, after relating many incidents of Boer "slim- ness” in regard to the misuse of the white flag, gives the following ex- lample ‘of Boer hrumanity:-â€" The samé writer, speaking ofthe Irish soldiers Bays:â€"â€""[ have had many conversations with men of the Irish Brigade, and found them,strange "\Vhen our cavalry reconnaissance was pushed forward after the success- ful night attack on Gun Hill the Hus. sars got intoavery tight place, from which they extrica‘ted themselves by bfwlruce. As one Hussar was being carried on a stretcher a young Boer jeered at him, using epithets that were a dash that cost many lives, and some wounded were left on the field with their dead comrades. Ambulances were sent out for them under a flag If so urlo aold polson I: In your system and your sufferings will be great untIl you set the kidneys rlghtâ€" Dr. chase's KIdnoy-Liver Pllls make tho kldnoyo healthy and ours all uric acid troubles. The most painful, the most fatal and consequently the most dreaded diseases of the human body are caused by the pre- sence of uric acid in (he blood. Uric acid is the name given to the foul. poisonous impurities which are left in the blood when (he kidneys are deranged and unable to perform their duty of filtering the blood. So long as the kidneys are in perfect health thP uric acid is passed out of the body by way of the bladder and the blood is kept pure and clean. is It the Kidneys That Are eranged ? When there are severe body pains. headache, bachache or weakness in the back; when the skin becomes yellow, dry and hard, when the urine contains de- posits, is thick, or irregular; when there is stomach trouble and pains about the heart; when you feel weak, dizzy and become languid and despondent; you can put the cause down to uric acid in the blood resulting from deranged kidneys. The nature of your ailment will be de- cided by your constitution. The poison left in the blood will find lodgment in the weakest part and 'set up :ome dreadful disease. It may be Bright's disease, diabetes or dropsy. It may be the twang- ing pains of rheumatism. It may be chronic stomach troubles or bladder ail- enlsf haEéQer the form of disease this To chivalry ot a s'unilar kind Capt, Paley owed his life when wounded after the night attack on Surpxrieo Hill, according to the story told by; one who heard it while the wounde‘ officer was being brought back to camp next day. In the confusion and darkness Capt. Paley’s men did lnot see him fall directly after the had given the order for them to charge. He was left there sorely wounded, and one of the many for- eigners now fighting against us in the enemy’s ranks levelled a rifle at him, but was stopped before he could pull the trigger by a blow from the 1butt end of a rifle that sent hLm reel:- ling. Again it was a gray-bearded veteran who had come to the resent, let an Englishman.” so coarse and cowarde they roused thy ire of a bearded veteran, who prob- ably fought against our troops ll years ago. With one blow he felled the youngster, and thereby gave him an object lesson in tho treatment that is meet: for those who abuse 3 helpleu foe FOUGH'D WITH FISTS. Here is an account ofatigh‘t withh- inafight, writlen to his father by: iNaLai volunteerzâ€""There was atunny :incident during the fight at Oolenao. "I‘he Irish Fusiliers were making that: "way towards the Wehman's left itlank, amid a terrific rifle and shell ‘fire, and at one spot they halted for cover and a little time to regain ibreath. ‘Here two of the men quar- relled, stood up amid the singing 1anound them of hundreds of bullets, yhada regular set-to with their fists, fwith their comrades looking on, and, iwhen (the best men won, they coolly resumed their march to the river ‘fronL, well satisfied with their littl. Anteriude." Everyone knows that vertical stripe! give length of figure. and horizontal lines width. Only tall and slim fig- ures, ihreefore. should were horizonr tal trimmings on their skirts and bodices. These are fundamental rules, which even a. novice in the art of dress knows, and yet how often we see them disregarded. Another ruleâ€"also frequently (lis- regarded-is to choose a style of drag: in harmony with the person and fea- tures of the face. ““Eor instance, a sLout woman should never dress like a slim girl, or a slim girl like a stout one; a divergence from this rule pro- duces discord and offends the eye. Then, again, a differeni cut of dress is required for a classic profile and a round face It is by the profile. however, that the face must be judged, if your dress be chosen as an adjunct to your personal appearance. And whar gives the profile its parâ€" ticularity? The noseâ€"yes, the nose. Therefore, if the line of your nose is long and pure, like a Grecian statue. you should dress with sewers and noble simplicity If; on the con- trary, your profile lines are irregu- lar, giving you a. little impertinent air. then your dress may be fanciful. with a dash of originality in it, not to say caprice. Being a wise man, he desired to take no chances. cfoiurrrsie, you understand, be said by way of preface, that I have plenty of female relatives. A ‘4 Certainly, she answered. somewhat nonplused. I have four sisters already, he went on and any number of cousins. f realize all that, she returned, but I fail to see how it interests me. Oh. only indirectly, be said. Before saying what I have to say I merely desire to have it understood that I have my full quota of relatives of that description. Do 1 make myself clear! I grasp your meaning, she answered. case, he announced, I will ask you to be my wife. the water into the first of two new] underground reservoirs constructed at E‘airlight. poisoned blood may cause the cure can only be brought about by setting the kid- neys right. The experience of tens of thousands of men and women in Canada and the United States points to Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills as the most effective means of settin the kidneys right. No other kidney med - cine can produce so much irrefutable evidence of its wonderfifl curative virtue. No other kidney medicine has receivo‘ such hearty endorsation from physicians. Nor is this to be wondered at when it is remembered that Dr. Chase is a prince among physicians. Nature has only provided one means of keeping the blood free from uric acid poisonsâ€"the kidneys. Nature's most elTec- tive invigorators of the kidneys are con- tained in Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills. Purely vegetable in composition, suit-ud- fically prepared from the great formula of Dr. A. \V. Chase, thoroughly tested in thousands of severe cases, wonderfully efiicient in all diseases caused by uric acid in the blood. Dr. C ase's Kidneyâ€"Liver Pills stand alone as t e world’s greatest kidney medicine. They prevent and cure disease by ridding poisonous impurities from the blood. One pilladose, 15¢ a box. at all dealers, or Edmanson. Bates & Co., Toronto. The mayor of Hastings turned on BY WAY OF PRECAUTION‘ T0 DRESS BECOMINGLY.

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