Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 May 1900, p. 4

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at New Adgeriisements. Chan eâ€"H. C. Bailey, Changeâ€"Canada Cycle and Motor Co. Change-Atkinsond: switzer. Clerk's Noticeâ€"0.11. Stiver. ""lie beta O i 1; “1311900 RICHMOND Ma RATHER SELFISH. The Markham Ecomonist last week contained the following editorial paragraph bearing on the Metropoli- tan Railway, and incidentally took a 7fling at York County Council :â€" “ The Richmond Hill LIBERAL la~ ;1nents the fact that the Ontario Legis- lature threw out the bill authorizing the Metropolitan Railway to connect With the C. P. R. and run freight down Yonge Street. Many electors ‘are of the opinion the York County Council made a grave mistake when they gave the Metropolitan Co. the privilege of laying their rails on Yonge streetâ€"they should at least have compelled the company to run ’their track close to the fenceâ€"with 'out any compensation, and thus ren- der the best road in the county un- ‘safe for vehicles. If the Metropoli- "ytan desires to carry freight it should buy a right of way through private property for its roadbed.” No doubt most men are more or I’less imbued with the principles of ‘selfishness, but if Bro. Economist will ’stop to think he must come to the con- ‘clusion that he possesses that quality "in a remarkable degree. Our cotem iiinsinuates that the County Council ‘made a “grave mistake ” in allow- ing a railway track to be laid on Yonge Street without “ compensz - 5tionf” if our County Fathers could *have got a few thousand dollars out ‘of the Metropolitan for right of way 1no doubt they would have been glad ’to accept it. Everybody knows,how- “ever, that nearly every'eitizen along Yonge Street was extremely anxious to have the road built without any compensation, and people had be- come impatient because the company would not push their road northward 'mueh sooner than they did. Then again the company should ‘have run their track “ close to the fence." If the Economist owned a farm on Yonge Street no doubt the editor would say the same thing. We surmise, however, that he would then be even more definite as to which fence, and would have the track laid on the opposite side of the road to his farm. "As to “ buying a right of way through private property ” in order “to be in a position to carry freight, we shall ask the Economist to name " one freeholder along Yonge Street ‘ between Toronto and Newmarket who would not rather have freight carried along the present line than to have his farm crossed by another railway. The part of the Nipissing Railway which passes through Markham township is probably 12 miles in » length, and if the amount of the bonus is divided by 12 it will be seen that Markham township including the east half of Richmond Hill gave J a. pretty nice sum per mile for the road bed. Everybody knows that the Metro- “pdlitan Railway on Yonge St. is of no use to the citizens of Markham Village, but we would be sorry to think that our sister village would wish to deprive those who are differ- *cntly situated from the advantages and conveniences of our only com- munication to and from the city by rail. THE WAR. s.â€" The Boers, apparently. are on the *the run. Since our last issue the despateheS'from the War Office show that although the enemy held a strong position twenty miles long at Zand river, they were defeated by , Lord Roberts after a severe fight of six or eight hours. It was expected that strong resist fiance would be made ‘by the Boers! l when the British endeaviired to enttr ‘ Kroonstad, but no diiliculty was ex- ‘ pel'ienced at this place, where 300 Free Statcrs remained and surrender- 1 ed their arms. In Natal General achieved more than one victory, the ‘ Boers have been driven from tlicii" positions, and the l’ritisli cavalry are in hot pursuit. Lord Dundonald , and his mounted horse have again lluller has i distinguished themselves, and Dun- dee has been recaptured. l The relief of Mafcking may be ex- pected at any time, although Colonel ' Baden-Powell that if neces- sary he can inako the food supply last until the 10th of next month. .___._._. The Mail and Empire of Tuesday ' contends editorially that Canada has no reason to be grateful to Sir Rich- ard Cartwright, but that she has I, thousands of reasons for living grate;- l ful to men like Sir Charles Tuppt r, “ who have consolidated us as a. .peoâ€" ‘ plc,” etc. If The Mail and Empire has for- gotten the fact so soon we are sure the people of this country still re. member that at the last General Election Sir Charles Topper, instead of “consolidating us as a people,” might have driven the Manitohans into rebellion by endeavoring to co- erce their province and compel the people to restore Separate Schools against the wishes of the citizens. If Sir Charles” policy was meant to “ consolidate Us as a people,” why did such men Hon. N. C. W. llace, M. P., and Mr. W. F. Mealcan, M.l’., turn their backs upon him at the last election ? reports The immigration returns for the month of April indicate that both in numbers and quality the influx of settlers into the North West is de« cidedly satisfactory. No less than 6.530 persons registered at Winnipeg as new comers settling in the 'West, being 1,000 more than the number received in April, 1803, and exceeding also the total of March, which was itself an unusually heavy month. Of this 6,536 no less than 1,175 came from the Spurs. The total of immigrants which have pass~ ed through the Winnipeg i!i:;‘_i'=gra- tion office during the months of the present year are close upon‘12,000. Canada is a great country, and this fact is being more fully realized every year. \VCI'C G». I‘ . [119$ lLi‘dl The Metropolitan Railway Com- pany have at last issued Time Tables which are eagerly picked up by, the travelling public. These time tables are a great convenience and should have been printed as soon as the cars were making regular trips. And if T. F. MCMAHON CLERK the fares between the ’arious " ’ " ‘ " l 7 4“ places along the line could be given » 1‘ LVV in the Time tables it would often be , g, a g l , a great satisfaction to travellers. If ' . ‘ y 4,. l __,_ the company, however, purpose ad- hering to a three cents a mile rate we admit that it would not look well in print. We never did believe in advocating a one cent a mile fare, but if the president and directors ’would make the rate, say from To- ronto to Richmond Hill and return 50 cents ; from Toronto to Newmark- et and return $1.00, and other places in the same proportion, we know it would greatly please the public, and we believe the company would not be one cent poorer by the end of the l year. ' very great, but it would show that f the railway authorities were getting ' more in touch with public opinion. M“ W'- Wood’s Illiosp'lio(11119,i ’ ~ 7 The Great English Remaiy. - Sold and recommended by a drugglsts in Canada. On! re able medicine discove . .21 ... .v‘ . large: guamnlced to cure ormso Sexus Weakness, all effects ofabua or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To i homo. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipl ackageSi.six.:5. 07wqu mw‘ucure. phlets tree to any address. The Wood Company, \Vindaonoll l3 Wood‘s Phosphodine is sold in Richmond Hill by W. A. SundersonDruggist. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. l This reduction would not be ‘ . Horse Register l Horsemen geltinctheir bills or curds piin'iul ‘ Till-j Lllll-thALnllive will have n flee lll'llt'i' - niilur to the following' curing the hens-rut - MoNn’l'i SYâ€"Thc tlioro‘ lii'ed stallion mid Infie- hoisi-, the property of Ge». Robinson. R24 liâ€" inond llill. “ill travel throuin Hon-ll vru.; llnliur, liniising, 'l'hisiletmvn l-nglev, ‘l horn- liill, 'l ('llilltl'llllx't'VlllU Kettlebv, Srlininlurg. liloinhnrg, Maple, d‘e. Terms 61”. Fontq‘ hon-Hie ti‘nttiliarlvrul smiliun tho pl'wpi‘l'l) iii‘ lleri- lliii [)l‘l‘, ltivliium d "ilil, vv'ill Ililtliu the .«mison in this section of 0 vunirv 'i m s <10. Yva<. 51/.ch tn. r'lliu unbeaten elinnirinr of Atheer I'l't'l iill drought breeds. (he pimp. criy «lithe lill‘lllIlI'lI‘l ".11 Horse lift-rim" Abriit'lullull, “ill travel through Riv-hm in! Hill, Mupuu l“i~hnr\'il o 'l'iioiiil1ill, lliovi ‘r , ('iilllf‘lF l‘nvonvillr-. Maiklmni Vlllf‘iLO, \‘i.~-‘ lurin Silllrtl'l‘, (mi: Ring: 51. 'lkllllfl e15. J in. Pdllnn'l‘, (ivncml A'ziiuiiizer. Bop. ii K Kim; l‘nre lucid zmpm‘tcil (‘lydcs 'nle, ilieprupi-iiyi (1)12 Horde and l). \\'Ms..n, ,’ “111 travel [brunch llinple, liminhi‘d'ghnlni‘ I Ion, ltn-li's Lake. Kim: ('iH, Unk Rid-hes. Vic-i inriii Mpiuio, lLilIl Richmond Hill. Irina. i -’ 1) “Mann Manager. PERL: Currie ’l'lic m-lclnntl-vi trotting stallion LllO]ll'<I|l"L_\1f|l. lilouLh, ling City, \iiil tl‘ruel through li'ini.y during the season. 'I‘tl’lllfi ~z-,1:iyn‘ilvI"cb.lst,l'l_lil. BALMrlHlâ€"Z vasli‘ l’ure bred imported (‘lfvdr-a llnliifilllllliill.lllu1|l'(‘]ll‘l'liV of Donald \\'nlr soii..\laiile.“ill irnvol thinth FIELE‘l'VlllU ‘ Fuiibiuik, Yolk Mills. Lansing, Thmnliill, (.‘onminl, Vellure. Terms, :11. A. Powers, manager. 5‘. sesame ’ Unionvillv. (Ofihi-fii-ni of l‘h'kHlTlt & Prenlirol. agent for the Massey-Harris Labor- Snving Machinery. \Vagons, Flows,- Scufllors. &i‘.; also the Sawyer N Massey Engines and Thresher-s, the lirantl'ord \'\'iud~l\lill. and the Updin llalv 'l‘oi-milo ll‘aiming Mill. All Masseyâ€"Harrisrepaii-skept hy ll. A. Nicholls, Richmond Hill. Business solicited. J. T. SAlGEGN; lfdiohniond ,Eiili. Agent for the ivvllouing stock Fire Insuaance Companies, viz.: Manchester , of Londonhng, B RlTlSH AMERICA, ‘F TORONTO, CANADA. â€"-â€"â€" ALSO GORE, ()F GAL'l‘. A First class Cash Mutual. YORK MUTUAL, 0f Turunhi, Canadaâ€"the coming chm. paiiy for the farmers of York Co. Bli‘llllefls Sdicited. THE 'SUN “ hife Assurance Co. OH‘ CANADA. Assures on all the modern plans, and is one of the most prosperous and progressive companies in exrstence. Premiu as low, policies unconditional and nuni'orfciiaide. Take a policy with the district agent, in. McMAHON, RICHMOND Illuli m is LIBERAL OFFICE. t The Next Sitting of Division Courtfoi- No. 3, County of York. will be held in the Court Room, , tint, SATUiillli'. .lUliE id, 1393. Commencing at 10 a. in. TI M'OND HILL ll == litillil. The subseiiber would respectfully intimate to | the public that having rebuilt the chopping mill M RIAPLE And doubled its capacity. he will during the busy chopping season and until iurthcr notice chop Monday. “’ednesday and Sal- lhl‘dlly of each week. He is also still keeping ALL KIN. ,OF LUMBE touhand uud in a few days \ i be preparel to supply DRESSED LUMBER of all kinds and do l‘LAhIVG AND MATCHING of all kinds at lowestprices. Patronage solicrted ; satisfaction guaranteed Henry Marsh. Solid Gold. ...$ Best Gold Fill ‘5 yrs Gold Fill » » Best Glasses... 1 We guarantee perfect satisfaction. GLOBE ‘OPTHCAE. 062 93 Yonge Street, Toronto. w l Farm for Sale ’ Lot 283ml part of ‘29. rear of the 2nd cou.’ Vaughan. conSistmg of 165 acres is for sale. I 84 5e 0t 0( '2. 1. 1. l The soil is Sandy loam. there is a frame home. two barns (one a bank barn), and-good outbuildâ€" ings, The farm is well watered, and is in a good state of cultivation. For particulars apply on the remises to. JOHN S INEY. Elgin Mills. P.0 l l 38-8111. Subscribe for I THE LIBERALI “.nr. ...»_.- Inc 1'31 INC. 24. Any customer presenting this Coupon and 250. at our store on Saturday, M ay 19 Will receive 4 cans best Toma- "*‘l s. ...... VJ maddest . in.) EGGS. ! : __....â€"-â€"- wmnm‘m w \\’e are selling agents for the abo've cele- ln'aicd Paintsâ€"looks well. wears Well and goes laiilzer that any other paints on the market. This paint is what you want. H. G. BAELEY, mmu . “*1. . 4 17fm2X13m‘x‘amta-z"tâ€"rrxr‘rmfiminWZ' "33(323': t3.” ar‘t'm Every anl Come and inspect our new lines of Gentlem , Ladies and Children's , Shoes. You cannot fail to be pleased “llll your selection. Shoes to suit everybody, both young and 0‘. . \Vc are doing a strictly CASH BUSENESS And so can afford to give you bargains for your money. ! (1 3:) on has repairing promptly and it Custom worl; a specialty ; , neatly cone . R Q RICHiitSRlSFHIETJ HAREW’RRE STORE â€"SELLSâ€" Daisy Chums, Quick Meal Oil Stoves, Milk Pans, Pails, Cream [gym Fence (7 .0 R ers, Nails, Locks. Hing“, Wire. and everything in the 'l in and Hardware line. Eavetroughing a specialty. Repairing promptly attended to. C. IdASON, IF YOU WANT TO BUY A PIANO, ORGAN, OR SEWth illitfillllE CALL ON OR WRITE C 'LARK, Richlnond Hill. Easy terms oi payment. Samples always on hand. WALL Passe! WALL PAPER! ARTESTEG DESlGNS‘! Newest Colorings at lowest prices from 5c. up, Border and Ceiling to match. Special line as low as 3c. ; good value at 5 to Ice. per roll. \Ve make a specialty in Mixed Paints in all colors from the best makers. Dry Colors in all shades. Boiled and Raw Oil pure. Turpentine, Varnish, Carriage and Furniture Japans. Paint Brushes all sizes, in fact everything needed for painting. Large stock of Furniture, cheap for cash. Picture Frames made to order. StOCk of Fresh Groceries always on hand. P. G. SAVAG E

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