520, east. Oatsâ€"Easy. “'hite oats, north and west, 261-20: and east. 271-20. Buckwheatâ€"Quoted at 500 west, Ind 510 cast. Montreal, May 22.â€"Grainâ€"There is Cornâ€"Lower, in sympathy with Chicago, No. 2 Americm yellow at 44 1-20, on track here: and mixed at 440. nally at‘ 571-20, north and west, and fallen off. Car lots are quoted nomi- 581-20 east. Barleyâ€"No. 2, 42:: west. and 430 east: Ind No. 1, 43¢ wast, and 440 east. Millfeedâ€"Dm-ll. Bran, $13.50 to $14 asked, and shorts, $1~L50 to $15 asked west. Flourâ€"Quiet. Straight roller, in buyers’ bags. middle freights, $2.50 per bbl. bid. and 82.60 asked. Special brand. in wood, $2.90 to $3. Light hogs, per cw L... 5 00 5 3 Heavy 1103:, per cwt. 6 00 5 0' flows... .. 3 00 3 1 Stage" 2 00 2 1 Toronto, May 22.â€"Wheat â€" Local prices were easier, and business con- tinued dull. Manitobas eased off 1-20. Quotations are as follows;â€"Ontario, red and white, 64 1â€"2 to 65c. north and west; 65 1-2 to 660 east; goose wheat. 720 east, and 710 west; spring cast. 660; Manitoba No. 1 hard, "(‘70. Toronto and west; and 78c. g.i.t., lake lnd rail. Choice hogs. per owt. Light hogs, per cw L... Heavy 1103:, per cwt. I;ows...... Shippers, per cwt. . $4.25 $5.00 Butcher, choioe, do, . . 3.75 4.25 Butcher, med. to good.. 3.25 3.62 1-2 Butcher, inferior. . . 2.50 8.00 Smokers, per cwt. . 3.00 8.75 Sheep and Lambs. Sheep, per cwt ...... 4 00 4 50 Yearlings, per cwt. 5 25 6 25 Spring lambs. each... 2 50 4 50 Bucks, per cwt ........ . 3 25 3 75 Bucks, per cwt ........ . 3 25 Milken and Calvus. Cows, each... 25 00 Calves, each... .. 2 60 52c, east. Small stuff, while not quotably Chanfled, had a decidedly weaker ten- dency. ' Hogs are steady and unchanged. For prime hogs, scaling from 160 to 200 lbs., the top price is 61-80; heavy hogs, 55-80; and light hogs’ 5 8-80 per lb. Following is the range of quota- tionszâ€" Good butcher cattle was steady, but inferior grades were inclined to weak- ness on account. of the Large supply. Several loads were left over. Shipping cattle was unchanged and “early; choice stuff ranged from $4.80 to 84.85 and $4.90, with $5 as a Prices of Grain, Cattle, Cheese. &o., in the Leading Markets. Towonto, May 22. â€"For an off day our receipts were heavy this morning, an! a total of 72 cal-loads of livq stock came in to the western cattle yérds, comprising 1,100 hogs, 1,000 cattle, 300 lambs, yearlings, and sheep. 30calves, 0nd 8. dozen miLkers. top ï¬gure for selections A despaton tron: London sayszâ€"Col. Baden-Powell‘s brother, who is in Lon- don, toâ€"day received a telegram: from a. Dutch friend in Pretoria, announc- MARKETS OF THE WORLD that when the [angers and forte unwed Mefeking had been severelyi bombarded the siege was abandoned, ‘ a. British force from the south taking possession of the plece. I President Steyn arrived here on‘ Wednesday night, and had long and 1 close conferences with the Transvaal Government. He left here for the Free State yesterday night. Addressing a crowd on the platform, he urged them to be of good cheer. . . . It is reported that 5,000 British’ troops have surrounded Christiana, and that Lenddoret and other offi- cials have been taken prisoners. Jamel Milne, the correspondent of; the Router Telegram Company, who has been 3 prisoner here, was liber- ated and escorted to the border thiel morning. THE NEWS CONFIRMED. A deepetoh from London says :â€"â€"-Col. THE NE\VS IN ENGLAND. A despatch from London, Saturday, suyszâ€"There was a wonderful scene at this opera at Covent Garden theatre when the relief of Mafeking was made known. After this second act of "Loihengrin," the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duke of York. the Duchâ€" see of Fife. the King of Sweden and Norway, and Princess Victoria. Were present. The news apparently em- anated from the Prince of Wales, but the house was quiet until the informaâ€" ‘tlon reached the gallery. The audience there announced the news in the voice of a Stentor, and demanded that the orchestra play "God Save the Queen." HeirrM-oitle,wh0 was conductinghad retired, and the remaining musicians hesitated, but the audience struck up the national hymn. The royalties came to the front of their box, the Prince of Wales beating timeI perhaps uncon- sciously, wuh‘ his hand. The scene terminated with mare and cheers of jubilation. President Steyn arrived here on Wednesday night, and had long and close conferences with the Transvaal Government. He left here for the Free State yesterday might. Addressing a crowd on the platform, he urged them to be a! good cheer. . l A despatch from Pretoria sayszâ€"It was officially announced on Friday that when the langers and forts around Mafeking had been severely bumbardad the siege was abandoned, a. British force from the south taking possession bf the place. Ryeâ€"Quiet. Car lots, west. 51c; and Pretoria Officially Announces That the Investment Has Been Abandoned. 0E MAFEKIM RAISED Cattle. Hcgu. 600 45 00 10 00 12 1-2 Still Several Days Behind Com- mandant Ohvler‘s Commando. A despatch from XVinburg, says;â€" General Bundle reached Trommel, 28 I miles from here on Friday, traversing 'exceedingly mountainous country. Commandant Olivier‘s commando 15 several days ahead of him, but stray patrols of Boers are watohmg Run- dle's movements. His men are in splendid form in pita of long daily Immhes. A‘ strong company has been fornr ed at Kingston to operate smelting works. It is expected that building (wveratlons will be commenced in a few weeks. Chicago. May 22.â€"Flaxseed closed; North,\Veï¬t and South-\Vest, cash, and May, $1.80; September, $1.27 1-2 bid; October, $1.22 bid; $1.22 1â€"2 asked. Detroit, May 22. â€" Wheat closed:â€" No. 1 white, cash, 730; N0. 2 red, cash, '72 840; July, 71 7-80. Buffalo, May 2Z.â€"Spring wheatâ€"No. 1 hard, sgot, round lots, 72 7-80; No. 1 Northern, spot, carloads, '71 8-80. Corn _Light enquiry; No. 2yellow, 430; No. Syollow, 42 l-Zc; No. 2 corn, 420; No. 8 corn, 411â€"20 asked. Oats -â€" Quiet and easy; No. 2 white, 28 1.20; No. 3 2'7 34c; No. 4 white, 27 1-4c; N0JZ mixed, 26 1-20; No. 3 mixed, 26c asked. Ryeâ€" No. 1 nominally 60 1â€"20; N0. 2 600 on track or store. Flourâ€"Quint, steady. GEN. RUNDLE’S MOVEMENTS Provisionsâ€"There is good demand for lard and; smoked meats. We quvote:â€"-Eeavy Canadian short cut mess, $18 to $18.50; short cut back, 5517 to $17.50, selected heavy sh-ort amt mess pork, boneless, special quality, $19 to $19.50, and heavy mess pork, long cut, $17 to $17.50; pure Canadian lard, 9 1.20 to 10 1â€"2c per lb. and compound refined at '70 to Sc per lb; hams 120 to 140 and bacon 11 1â€"20 to 130 per lb. Eggsâ€"The market is moderately ac- tive and ï¬rm at 11 1â€"2:: and 12 1-20 for choice. Butterâ€"There is a good demand and Creamery is firm at 17 1-40 to 17 1-20. Feedâ€"There is a good demand and prlces are ï¬rm. \Ve quotezâ€"Mani- Loba bran in bags $17.50 to $18, shorts $19.50 to $20, momille $20 to $25; On- taria bran in bulk $19 and shorts $20 per ton. Mealâ€"Prices show no change. Small lots are selling at $3.40 per barrel and at 31.60 per bag. Cheeseâ€"The market is quxet at 10 1-20 for western white and 103â€"8 for western colored and 101-4c for east- ern white. As soon as the newn of the relief of Mafekiug was proclaimed at the Flolurâ€"Demand for small lots has improved and prices are steady. \Ve quotaâ€"Winter patemt, $3.65; straight rollers, 3.20 to $3.45; In bags, $1.55 to $1.60; Manitoba patents, $3.75 to $4; strong bvakers’. $4.50 to $4.75. some demand for oats, buvf otherwxse the market is very quiet. We quote pnoes afloat as followszâ€"Ontarlo sprlng wheat,, 710 to 711â€"2c; peas, 680 to 68 1-20; rye, 601-2c to 620; buckwheat, 571â€"2c; No. I barley, 500; No. 2, 48 1-20; oats, 311-20 to 313-40. ing that Mafeking had been reliev- AT THE MANSION HOUSE, NEWCASTLE NOT DAMAGED. Burghe'rs Even Appointed British Subjects to Local Ofï¬ces. A despafch from Newcastle, Natal, sayszâ€"This town Was little damag- ed by the Boers during their occup- ancy. The residents pay atribute to "Hutton’s mounted infantry yesterâ€" day surprised and captured, about thirty miles northâ€"\vesf of this place, Commandant Botha, Field Cornet Gas- sen, Ewe Johannesburg policemen, and seventeen Boers. There were no cas- ualuee on our side. "Buller reports that several Natal farmers are handing in arms." “Broadwood occupied Liudley yes- terday, after slight apposition. Only two of our men were wounded. Steyn was not there, and his Government of- ficials had left last Sunday. "Kroomstad, May 18,â€"Methuen en- tered Hoopstad yesterday unopposed; Generals Dluprey and Daniels and buy man have surrendered. "The relief column as it approached Mafeking from the south was attacked bya strong force of Boers, who were repulsed. The column then pushed on, and the Boers retreated hurriedly. The rear guard continued in action for some time. The British casualties were slight." Colonials Surprise Commandant Botha's Brother and 24 Boers. A despatch‘ from London, says:â€" Followflng is'the text of Lord Roberts’ despotcb to the War Office:â€" The force is said ' to have passed through the T‘aungs and Vryburg dis- tricts without encountering the enemy, and reached Maritzan river, 20 miles south of Mafeking, on Friday, May 11. Reports of what happened afterward differ widely. One despatch declares that the relief force entered Mafeking unopposed, the siege having been alâ€" ready raised. Another despatch says:â€" One story any: the column secretly left Kimberley for the north on May 4. Its baggage was conveyed on Ied horses and light mule waggons. Quanâ€" tities of live stock were captured. It it understood that it was led by Colonel B. T. Mahon, who served in the Dongolu- and Nile expeditions under Kitchener. "A large British force from the south succeeded in entering Mafeking yesterday The siege was raised by the Boers. their commandoes withdrawing eastward." Boers Attacked It Near Mafeking, Were Itepulsed, and Retired. A despatch from London, says:â€" Confxrmation of the relief of Nikita- king, brief but sufficient, reached Lonâ€" don Sunday night. A special despatch from Mulopo‘~ dated Thursday, says:â€" he but FOUGHT RELIEF COLUMN. Mansion house, the Lord Mayor and his wife appeared on nbalcony before the miraculously-assembled crowd, which numbered tens of thousands. An immense portrait of Col. Badenâ€"Powell was displayed, bearing the inscrip- tion2â€"“M1feklng Relieved." While the attendants were waving Union Jacks, the Lord Mayor briefly address- ed the assemblage:â€" May lSâ€"Baden-Powell lays trap for Boers and captures Kruger’s grand- son and 70 Boers, 40 being killed. May 14â€"Bombardment. Oct. I4â€"Boem march on tow’n. Oct. 15â€"Boers repulsed. Oct. 23â€"Hombardme-nt. Dec. 24â€"Sortie. Dec. 26â€"Unsuccessful sortie. March 16â€"Plumer having advanced southwards to Lo‘batsi is forced to re- tira to Crocodile Pool. March 31â€"Plumer Repulsed at Ram- athla-b-ama, "I wish your cheers could reach Ma.feki.n-gâ€""â€"-here the speech was inâ€" terrupted by re-d-oubled. cheernng, and the singing of "Rule Britannia "â€"- after wine]: the Lord Mayor remark- edzâ€"“Wa never doubted what the and would. be, or that British: pluck and courage would conquer at last." The Lord Mayor then led the crowd in singing "God Save the Queen" and "Soldiers of the Queen," and with! re- newed cheering; and the waving of flags by the assembled multitude. and the smging of "For He‘s aJolly Good Fellow,†the Lord Mayor and 1118 p-arty retired._ Oct. Oct. Oct. Dec CAPTURED BY HUTTON. DIARY OF THE SIEGE. * the appointment «0 local offices. ierate CANADIAN EXHIBIT AT PARIS lcorresponaent or In reply to Mr. Foster, Mr. Fisher I Started on his rat said that the Canadian exhibit at Paris is. with the exception of the German, the most advanced towards ‘ ._ completion. \Vith respect to the Gun Captured a1 cold-storage exhibit. Professor Rob- surrendered ertson had succeeded in having the A despatch from desired changes made at small cost, despatch from Bem and the exhibit will be nearly if not Daily Telegraph fl. quite concluded in ten days. [that the Boers ha THE CANADIAN CONTINGENTS. iBritish a Maxim E Dr. Borden, replying to Mr. E. F. ;at Nicholson’s nek Clarke, said that it was impossible to V ‘ give the cost of provisioning the sec- 79 FATAL 0nd Caadiann contingent separately. -, - The Government has paid $140,573.60 Spread of [he I to the Elder-Dempster Line on 30- Au“ count, which includes the charge of A despatch‘ from twenty shillings per ton per month leay52â€"Two hundre and the cth of fitting, coaling and (cases of the bubon provisioning the boats. The accounts :far been officially have mot yet been received in detail 79 have proved fat and adjusted amount char Mr. Fielding said there had been some negotiations between the depart- ment of Finance and the Home Gov- ernment, but not recently. It was by no means clear that the establishment ofaRoyaJ Mint in Canada under the same terms and conditions as in the case of Australia would serve the pur- poses of the Dominion. It must be \ borne in mind that the Australian and ‘Engllsh sovereign was the same, but the fact of our five-dollar piece being ‘ different created an important diffi- culty. The matter was engaging. the attention of the Government, but he was not in a position to make any de- finite statement. MEMBERS APPOINTED. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, in reply to Mr. E. F. Clarke, gave the namesoifnine- teen members of Parliament who re- elgned their seats in the Commons and were appointed to positions between November 1, 1873. and November 1, 1878, and Olf tW'Ol other members of Parliament who, after dissolution, were also appointed to positions. LEPER PATIENTS. Mr. Prior was informed by Mr. Fisher that there were 19 patients in Tracadie Lazaretto. Of these 14 are from New Brunswick, 1 from Prince Edward. 3 from Manitoba and 1 from Nova Scotla. Mr. Fisher added that he had been informed that there were‘ lepers on Darcy Island in British Columbia. but he had never been re- quested to remove them to Tracadie, i and the Dominion Government had re- ‘ fused to assume the cost of their} maintenance in British Columbia,j because such patients were legally a! charge upon the province. i Colonel Prior asked if there had been any recent communication with the Imperial Government respecting the establishing of a branch of the Royal Mint in Canada. There wasa strong feeling all over the country, especially in British Columbia, that there should be a mint in the Dominion. A large quantity of bullion was going to San Francisco, and with a mint here the gold would be retained in Canada, so that supplies which were now pur- chased in the United States would be bought here. Rumours come from Lorenzo Mar- ques and elsewhere that the Boers are sick of the war, and that President Kruger is seeking peace. The correspondent of the London Times at Lorenzo Marques says it is the common belief there that the Boers are thoroughly disheartened. Notes of Proceedings in the Nation- al Legislature. A Message Said to Have Been Re- ceived in London. "The exact terms of the message cannot be stated, but we believe it is couched in an exceedingly humble strain." It is inconcivable. of course. that Lord Salisbury can have sent any reply except the one that stands ready on the lip of every Briton, "uncondi- tional surrender.†KRUGER SUES FOR PEACE. A despatch from London. Monday. s“haâ€"Displayed in the most conspi- cuous style in the Daily Express is the dominant war new: of the morning :â€" “We have the best reason for saying that in the last 24. hours a telegram has been received at the Foreign Of- fice. addressed personally to the Prime Minister, from President Kru- ger. proposing terms of peace. ROYAL MINT IN CANADA. There was no separate ed for officers as dis- 79 have proved fatal. from the plague has 0c hampton, Queensland. Gun Captured at Nicholson’s Nek Surrendered by the Boers. A despatch from London, sayszâ€"A despatch from Beynnet BurleLgh to the Daily Telegraph from Krocmstad. says that the Boers have returned to the British 3. Maxim gun they captured Spread of me Bubonlc Plngue In Amtralla. A despatch‘ from Sydney, N. S. W.' say52â€"Two hundred -and thirty-five cases of the bubonic plague have thus far been officially reporled. Of these 79 have proved fatal. A second death from the pla gue has occurred at Rock- RETURNED BRITISH MAXIM Michael Davitt, the Irish National» ist, who came here ostensibly as the correspondent of a newspaper, has started on his return to Europe. The Volksstem strenuously advo oates the destruction of the Witwat- ersrand gold mines as a necessary military measure. Boer Newspaper Strongly Advocate: Destruction of the Mines. A despatch from Pretoria says :- The recent Boer reverses are causing a splendid display of patriotic ardour. Amazon corps are being formed, both here and in Johannesburg, with the object of releasing all available men for active service. The spirit of the burghers is running high, and they are determined to make a desperate resistance to the British. There is feverish activity in all the Govern- ment and military departments. AFFAIRS AT PRETORIA The despetch adds that there i! general talk in Pretoria that Presl dent Kruger is contemplating animr mediate departure from the capital A number of officials are already pre paring for flight. It is stated that State Secretary Reitz has chosen South America as his future home. KRUGER GETTING READY The Boer Capital Will 89 Removed to the Mountains. A despatch to the London Time; from Lorenzo Marques says them seems to be no longer any doubt that it is the intention of the Transvaal to transfer the seat of G'vvernment to Lydernburg, and to enueavour to make a final stand there. The Volks- raad is reported to have endorsed the proposal. Mr. Fielding introduced a. bill to amend the Expropriation Act, and 9.!- so a bill to amend the Act- Respecting Interest. He explained that both nueasures vvere intended to provide that the legal rate of lnterestshould be 5 per cent.instead of 6per cent“ as at present. This ratq of coursq only apphes in the absence of any agreement between the parties eon cerned. tinct from the men, a lump sum be- ing charged for all the contingent. Certain names from whom supplies might be purchased were suggested to the steamship companies, but they were not restricted to this llst, or ta any list. The basis for this statement is the testimony of the most recent arrivals from Pretoria. They say the residentl are quite unable to predict whether the capital is to be defended or not. The archives are said. to be already loaded for removal to Lydenburg. On the other hand, nothing has been done to strengthen the natural defences in the region of Lydenburg. The talk of removing the Government to that place may be a ruse to delude Gen. Roberts into the belief that Pretoria will make no resistance. The Boer ruling clique is said to be quite unâ€" able to agree as to what ought to be done. Judging from the present demoralization among the Boers it is Improbable that any considerable number of them will submit to the investment of Pretoria. President Kruger's chief aim is to prolong the campaign so as to enable the peace mission to " do something to justify the lavish expenditure of Transvaal gold, which has taken place in Eur- ope and America," LEGAL RATE OF INTEREST 79 FATAL CASES.