Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 May 1900, p. 4

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N o sovereign, either living or dead has worn a crown with more honor to herself than has Queen Victoria, and none have been permitted to wear *it so long. Her Most Gracious Ma- ijesty is 81 years of age to-day, and she has graced the throne for a period of 63 years. During all these years ushe has always cast her influence on. the side of peace, and her noble ex- =-ample as a wife, a queen, and a ‘mother has had a telling effect in the cause of morality and Christianity not only throughout the British En:- pire but in all civilized countrks throughout the world. In the natnr~ -al~‘eourse of events it cannot be ex- pected that she will be spared ft r many years to rule over the Mother land and her scattered colonies, Lut rte-day. the anniversayv-of her birth, "Men and Women, in all parts of the «Empire, will raise their voices in no zompty words when they sing. “ God ésave the Queen, Long may She Reign." fying the confirmation of sales of fluids for taxes, where the person who originally claimed the land has “never opposed the sale or the appli- 1cation to confirm it. Since the bill 3has been introduced by the minister lseveral important further amend- ?haVe been suggested, and these are lreceiving the careful consideration of the Department and of the Gov-1 ‘ernmen t. Little wonder is it that there was great rejoicing on Thursday evening when the news was wired that Mafcking had been relieved after a siege of about seven months. “Throughout the long months of the bombardment the Boers outnumber- ‘ed the British soldiers by about seven to one. but the brave garrison, under Baden-Powell, said from the first :that there would be no surrender, and in spite of sfekness and scarcity - of food, they kept their word. The courage and endurance of the British (soldier is [roverbial throughout the world, and never was there a better test than the siege of Mafeking, brought to a. close a week ago. Baden-Powell is the lieu of the hour, and few will begrudge him the honor which he gallantly won in farofi‘ whattle-fields. A short bill of considerable im- ‘portance to the settlers in the North West has been introduced by Hon. Mr. Sutherland. to amend the North West Land Titles Act of 1894. As the law now stands executions against “land have to be recorded with the registrar, but no provision is made for similarly recording discharges or n-‘enewals of writs. The consequence is that the record books in the differ- ent land titles offices in the Terri- tories continuerto show large num- bers of writs recorded from time to 'time since 1887, when the Torrens system of registration came into force, many of which have expired for want of renewal, or have been paid ofi‘. The first two clauses ofi 5Mr. Sutherland bill provides for the ‘registration of renewals of writs and of the discharges. By the third (clause provision is made for simpli- ‘ -‘Each sessimz since the present Gmu ernuwut took office some stupendous sensation has been carefully prepared furthe delectution of the public and pnmdvd in Parliament. in the press 01* on the platform. with all the :\ pru- pl'inte accompaniments of a brass and and fireworks. At one time it was the Drummnnd County Railway “deal,” at. another time it was the Yukon “sle xl.“ now it is “ huodling” in con- necticn with the IntPrcoloninl. and now " tx-aflicing“"in mining leases and iigum- pmmits injhe frozen north: iFC'XCHMOND HTIJL. May ‘Chnnge- H. C. Bailey, Ouaugaâ€" Wilkins a U0 (2111‘ iii} Ne W Advertisements. SIMP'LIFYING THE LAW. Our Ottawa Letter. eral. Surely th's was sufi'icient to satisfy anyreasonableluanoftheGovernment’s anxiety to unearth and punish any wrong-doing that might have occurred but they went further and consented to allow the. matter to stand over unâ€" til another session in case develop- mentsmight occur in the meantime. Again Parliament met lmt it was weeks before anything was ln-ardof the mutter, and when it was again brought before the house it was done in such a' way as to make it afore- gone conclusion that. the Government would be. compelled to refuse the (le- mand form: inquiry. the Opposition having by their oWn neglect, inten- tional or otherwise, lost all reasonable opportunity of having the. mutter (liaâ€" pom d of during the session demanded all kinds of special departures from the recognized modes of procedure, which the. Government Very properly declined to concede. Then all the new evidence they could produce and such evidence was understood to be a sine qua non ofifnrt‘her 'chedings. Twelve months ago last February a bye election was held in \Vest Huron and Mr. Robert Holmes was elected as a Government supporter. By the middle of March the Conservative party became possessed of certain in- formation Upon which they professed ‘ to believe that agreat. deal of crooked- nesshad contributed to Mr. Holmes’ success. It was nearly four months later. however, or within a month of the close of an exceptimmlly long and \vearisome‘session before. the nmtter washrnught- to the attention of the House in any way, shape or form. Then Mr. Borden of Halifax brought the mzitter up and demanded an in- quiry before the committee of Privi- leges and Elections. Although this was the least satisfactory method of dealing with the charges it appeared to he the only one available at that late date aud the Governinth at once granted-the request, and gave every 'frcillty to the Opposition to prosecute their inquiry. placing no ilnit upon the money expended and summoning scores of witnesses at; the request of the Opposition although it. proved that it was money thrown away inasmuch as they had no ma ter- ial evidenqe to give. M _ Extraordinary afiidmits from an alleged agent of the Lilieial party in the riding, :1 man who had been con~ victed of various offences, who was a self-confessed liar and pPI'jlll‘Pl‘. and whose word under oath would not he accepted in any court in the, lund.’ There was no at tempt to olfur Con-oh- oxation of this 1nan’s:1flid:u‘i!s, but on the other hand the Govurnn: Witt-head's score of affidavits from Well known and reputable citizens in answer LhOY‘P- to. In spite of all this the Opposition with great show of sincerity demand- ed the continuance of tf‘win:~z~fixiga- tion, ignoring the fact Kim; 11 3 had neglected to have that invesjgzttion before the propel-1y constith law Courts of the land. although ley “we in possession of .ill the evidvricu thvy now profess to have, and it was most interesting and'edifying to untice the fine paroxysms of hon indignation into which Oppositionists worked themselves when the Government vex-y properly declined to consent to any fin'thex Waste of public time and money. The session is now nearly four months old. V When will the 0p- position stop talking halder ash and get down to business ? The-y are mak- ing a huge: mistake in supposing that this sort of nonsense is benefiting them in the country. The pimple me not the fools them take them for. SATURDAY. May rZHâ€"Credit sale of brood flows and registered boars. 0'1 thv Weston Road, bel-mging tnEd. Barton. Sale at 2 o'clock Terms 3 months. Suigeou a: MCEWGD. auwmmears. An eight-rnnmed brick hense at Bendmr-i with all couxmxicucas, good stable. and driving hLuso: nu Rechlf [and with all kinds of fruit. Poarafiinu Mama. .4wa 59 ________ HOUSE to RENT but in every single instance, and with- nut even uue exception, investigatiuus have shown that there has hex-n absu- lutely nothing in any way reprvhvn» ible in the policy of the Gavel-mnan or in the actions of its memhersm- subm'dinutes, and in more than one case those who have been most active in making the disturbance have been cbmpelled to specifically retract, the charges that, they have so xécklessly made. This man knows What he did and; how he (lid it. Such endorsements as the following are are a sufficient proof of its merits. ‘ Dear Sinkâ€"Please send me on _ ur'l‘rez: e on the Home. your new book as adverthcd on your bottles. English print. I have cured um Spnvlnn and one (‘urb with two bottles of your Kendall's Spau'u Cam In (our weeks. FRASK JCBERIEK. Price. $1: six for 55. As a liniment for. famil useit has noe unl. Ask vour druggist tor ENDALL'S 5P VIN CURE. also “A Treatise on the Horse." book free. or address DR. J.’ B. KENDALL 00., ENOSBURG FALLS. VT. 4 1r? Sale Register. Oshawa. Mlnp.. Feb. 22. 1898. '1‘. THO “SON. rHeadtord P nz‘zxft'rga- ‘n y had sjgzutiml itml law oy wvxe cu thry, JTHE -- LIBERALi 553.1 mfiimtmm J. T. SAIGEON, The Next Sitting of Division Court. for No. 3, County of York. will be held in the Court Room, solicitvd. Manchester, of London,Eng., B RITISH AMERICA, LIB ERAL OFFICE 8ATURDAY, JUNE 16, 190%, He is also still keeping ALL KIN. ‘ LUMBER on hand and in a. few days \ -: nreparel to Sllpply'DRESSED LUMBER. of all kinds and do PL;\I\I\‘G AND MATCHING of all kinds at lowest prices. Patronage soliclted ', satisfaction guaranteed (Of thefil-m of Eckardt 8.: Prentice), agent for the Masso V-Hm-ris Lahor- Snving Machinery, agnns, Plowa, Scnfflors. &c.; also the Sawyer 85 Massey Engines and Threshors, the Bruntfol-d “'inrl-Mill. and the Up-to- Date Tm'unlt) Fanning Mill. All Massey-Harris repairs knpt by H. A. Nicholls. Richmond Hill. Business 0f anlrnfn, Canudnâ€"the coming com- pany fur the farmers uf York Co. Business Snlicited. Life Assurance Go. Assures on all the modern plans, and in qne of the moat vwospgrous mud provressn'e companies "113 existmcii. Premiums low, policies unconditional and uunfuxfeimhle. Take a. policy win: the district agent. The subscxiber would respectfully intimate to the public that having rebuilt. the choppmg mill “ MIAPLE Lot; {Band part of 29. rear of the End con. Vaughan. consisting of 165 acres is for sale. The soil is Sandy loam. than) is a frame house. two barns (one a bank barn), sud good outbuild- xngs. The-Jam: is well watered, and in in a good gate of cultivation. For paint-Mists apply on the remises 60. JOHN S iINVEY. amisé nptacaa {:09 RICHMOND HILL “1 " gififi -= Sfiififii'. fiE‘ifiPPifiB - ma. And doubled its capacity. he will during the busy chuppmg season and until manner notice chnp OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€"ALSOâ€"â€"â€" G ORE . ()F GAL'L Monday. “Wednesday and Sal- urday of each “'Cl'k. Hnrnemen getting their bills or cards priii'_ed 'l'uu-LmknAmelce will have a. free nuum milar to me following uni-mg the Demon :â€"- MoNnTnNYâ€"The bboro'bred stallion and inve‘ lemma. the property of Goo. ltubiusou. )liL-h- mom] Hill. “111 travel through llemll‘ulul Dollar. hansmu, Thistlewwu. lixlnley. leln‘ hill. ’1'emperuuccvillefiethluhy, Scbuulllerg. Kleluhurg, Maple, A'c. Terms S10. Fonss’r heyâ€"The crowing-lired stallion, She prupm'ty of Bern Hoppbrhfiiclmmru Hill. will make the Furi‘aun in wine aecLiOn o! ruunbrv. Terms no. YOUNG MACQUEENâ€"The unbeaten champion or Amencu over all draught breeds. the pvt-p- erl-y of the Kicumuud Hill Horse lfl‘Ct‘del'b' Association, will travel tin-mph liirlmnmd Hill, Maple. Fisherville ’l‘hornliill. llmn 1"H Curnem. Umonvflle. Markham Village. Vic- toria Squere. Onk Ringce. Terms 515. Jun. Palmer. Geneml Manager. Banana KINGâ€"Pure bred imported Clydesdale. the. property of D. f‘. Pneele and D. Walsh 1:. will bmvel through Maple, KloiuburgJVnhlc- um, Hell's Luke, King Ully, ()nl: Ridges. Vic- t-m-iu Square. and Richmond Hill. Terms 512. D Walsuu.l\lnneger. PURE GoL‘nâ€"‘l‘he celebrated trotting stallion the property (f 1). Blouuh, King City, will travel thromle Eigg dun-mg the reason, Terms $8. payable ab. 151.1901. BALMEDIH Sumoâ€"Pure bred import-ed Clydes- dale slnlliuu. the prnpertv of Donald Wat» 5011. Maple, will travel throuah Fielierville. Fail-bunk, York Mills. Lansing. Thornhill, Concord. Vellure. Terms, 511. A. Powers. umuuger. J. H. PRENTIGE VJ axe ll poncy W101; DUB (“SEYch agent, '1‘. E. MGM AHON, liichnx 011d 11in . Agent for the following stock Fire Insmanee’Compauies, viz; Henry Marsh. YOR. MUT U A-L, Farm for Sale Subscribe for 93 Yonge Street. Toronto. BIGEMGL‘IB HILL, A First class Cash Mutual. Solid Gold. “.3184 Best; Gold Fill 1.5( 5 yrs Gold Fill .1.Cv< . . Best Glasses... 10{ V3 guarantee perfect R‘stififflction. Commencing at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAEON, OLE Un ion ville. OF CANADA Horse Register NE‘V E SUN RICHMOND HIuI Elgin Mills. P.O EEK HARDWARE Daisy Chums, Quick Meal Oil Stoves, Milk Pans, Pails, Cream ers, Nails, Locks. Hinges, Fence. Wire. and-everything in the Tin and Hardware line. Fence Rackets for straightening fences. made of solifl steel. only .51 doz. or 9c. each. Those articles straighten any wire fence. Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our Opinion free concerning the patent- ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent” sent upon request. Patents sec_ured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Eli 0kg" BPOS. " 1*‘avoritofi’$3.50 put bbl. I)cnno‘s ” Aonlo.” Cannpbell”s “ Blonaroh " :53 75pm bbh C:llll}§i’ffirs~‘ “ (Queen City," (part Manitoba) 354.00 per bbl. Cannpbeli‘s “ Tor-(nian’se I’a-ide,’ cut) $4.50 per bbl. $3. 50 per bbl. ) (sttaight Is the place to go .for firstâ€"class harness at I-Zght prices. Good Stock, Good \Vnrk and Satisfaction guaranteed BUGGY DUSTERS, FLY NETS, TRUNK-8‘, VALISES, and other spppiies al- ways in stock. ALSO AGENT FOR Patent taken out through us receive special hotice, without charge, in T31: PATENT'RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. ,Send forosample copy FREE. Address, Repairing promptly attended to Evans Building, - ng‘fi 3% Has 2‘ h , if .~ +9; a REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. WELKENS 5%: CO. adj. m i Eavetroughing-a specialty. 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street; Toronto. MASON, RICHMOND HILL Scotsman, Stems, E 8: D, and Columbia Bicycls-x' mm â€"SELLSâ€"- 1% lCIiNIOlVF I9 11114}; at from $35.00 lo $55.00 WELKENS & 00.. .VIOTGR J. EVANS & co., H" (3. AELEY, MAPLE STORE (Patent Attomgysfi {}E(). REC 3! l9()1‘€ AIJD \V 1 re per will Any customer presenting this Coupon on Satur- day, May 19, W111 receive 250 a, bbl. rebate on any cash flour pm» chase No. 24:. All quy Rich wnsumc'rouhn. Q. guarantee 1mond Hill @P m2. «4...

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