Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 May 1900, p. 5

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i hold articles is one on Housekeeping :Club " House Furnishing are interesting and .dance of a number .if l‘epreseillalives ‘51 did glbtt‘éild i:..-..’.-...._\~n tum, Ml)‘ 2.3, man I; O (3 A 1 4 5‘5 . 5 Regfiltir meeting of(‘ourt Richmond on Friday eVeuiug, May 25. , l lluy a. “'iekless ()il Store and save money. (1. Mason. \Vi- observe by the Newniarket Era that Miss lCthel Switzer sang solos very acceptably at. the anniversary services of the l‘ipworth League inv connection with the Methodist church of that town on Sunday, 13th inst. Carried unanimouslthhose para~ Sols- sold by Atkinson 8." Switzer. Students of astronomy will be inter- ested in the coming eclipse of the. sun ~Which will take place next. Monday ‘nmrning. The eclipse will be only partial in this place and the phenom- ena. will show the greatest between ‘Siiud 9.30. 1641). high wheel lawn inowers,bestl make, $55.50 at C. Mason’s. Mrs. Phoebe Kidd, youngest daugh- ter of the late Geo. Smiles of this vil- lage, died at her home in Toronto a few days ago. Her husband died a .little ()Vk’l‘u'l. year ago. The'f'mieral ‘Will take place to-iuorrow (Friday) to Richmond Hill, leaving her late. reSi- deiice at 10.30. Don‘t say we are not cheap if you have not tried us. Atkinson .V; SWitzer. The remains of Mr. Kirby, who (lied at the home of his daughter, Mrs. \Valter Lemon, 2nd con. “'hitchurch. east of Aurora, were interred in Triti- itv Church burying ground, Thornhill, ml Friday last. A large number from Aurora attended the funeral by elec- tric car. Deceased was ill years of age. It costs nothing to see our goodsy ,give its an early call. Atkinson and Switzer. The ladies of the \V. M. Society at Victoria Square. expect good congre- gations at their special services next Sundav. They have secured the ser- vices of Mrs. McKay of Toronto who will deliver addresses at 2.15 and 7 p. ni. Appropriate music will be furnish- ed-for the, occasion. Yellow sugar, best granulated sugar, Paris lump sugar, icing,r sugar at low- est figure. Atkinson «k Sw'itzer. Mr. Amos \‘Cright who recently pur- chased the homestead from the Law estate, north-west Corner of Youge (V; Richmond Streets, is greatly improv- ing the appearance of the place this spring. The grounds are being level~ led, the house has been whitened. and :carpenters are now at work erecting a new veraudah with a counuodious balcony. The best pure lard, lle. ; green coffee 12c. ; best l’atras cleaned currants, 8c. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. Anderson, Mathematical and Science i‘ilaster for the. High School, arrived Monday and commenced duties. Mr. F. J. Johnston, his pre- decesso1-,goes to Toronto in a few days as Manager for the People’s Publishâ€" ing Company, Philadelphia and Cincinnati, who are establishing a Canadian branch. Mr. Johnston’s position is a good one, and he starts with a very fine salary. Our combination of high quality and low price beats the world. Atkinson 6.; Switzer. Ross’ private bank in Aurora was burglarized on Tuesdav night, and about $500 taken therefrom. The vault was badly shattered by the ex- plosion. Biittou’s light stallion was also taken from the Queen’s Hotel stables, as well as a couple of bicycles from one. of the agencies. It is sup- posed that the, robbers were the same as those. who attempted to get into the Standard Bank at Parkdale the night before. Seed Cornâ€"Seed corn in large variety. Turnip, Carrot, Mangel and Garden Seeds. Naughton Bms.,Elgiu Mills. The June number of The Delineator beside showing one hundred and fifty illustrations of present fashions, cou- taius several articles of general inter- est to women. “ American women at the Paris Exposition" is illustrated with seventeen portraits. “ Founders of \Vouieu‘s Colleges " contain ten portraits and valuable biographical matter. Clinton Ross, the Well-known Iilterateur, contributes a clever revo- lutionary story, " The Pei-tidy of Bess Duane." Among the practical house- iiiApartiuentsand li‘lals. The regu- lar departments of social Observances, i PracticalGardening. Girl‘s Interests, “'oiueii and Club Life, and ,valuab‘le for practical women. 'If you “WRIT-vital Know the lowest. ~nirii-ket price on groceries go to At- kinson & Switzer. LIBERAL CANDIDATE. I The Executive of the \Vest Yorkl Liberal Association met at \Vestou on Saturday evening, with a large atten. from the various districts. The ques- tion of nominating a. candidate for the Dominion election was discussedand a. (-mmnittee was appointed with author- ity to fix the date and and make ar- rangements for the nominating cou- xvolition). .i‘en the, glories of war, but they should i A BI'SY FIRM. l L. limes .v Sons have to hustle these days in order to krep abreast of their work, and satisfy the need-i of theii p-itions. Pdl'i of their force of car- penters are erecting a house for Mr. T. (x‘rahamat liraeondale, while others are engaged this week in putting in a lleW bar allil sideboard iii the lhiliiill- ion llmiseili this village. It. is said that this latter piece of Work when completed will be second to none north of Toronto. ()no of the next jobs will be putting in a new plate- . glass front in Mr. (3'. Butcher's store, 1 Aurora, and .\Ir. \Vin. limes is now drawing the plans for Mr. Geoflaker‘s .dwelling to replace the one l‘et‘ently ' destroyed by lire. I A NIMV PAPER FOR HAMILTON. , The Morning Post. will be the name i of a new daily paper to be published l lll Hamilton early in June. Hamilton I . has not had a morning paper since the l Spectator Company discontinued their 5 morning edition some years ago. The citiZeus of Hamilton will hail the adâ€" vent of the Morning Post with joy asl they realize that it will cover a much larger lield than it is possible for the. evening papers to reach. The new paper will be independent in politics, and will make ii strong feature of tel- egraphic news in order to take the. place. in many localities, of the To- ronto morning papers. \Ve wish the Morning Post every success. HIGH SCHOOL PICNIC. A merry company of students and ex~pupils in three large Vans left the Hiin School Saturday morning at half past ten for “'ilcox Lake. The arrangements made by the committee in charge were well nigh pet-fret, so the whole day was one of unalloyed pleasure. There was no time all day long that the boats were, not filled with happy boys and girls. At dinner, Mr. John Hadwen, on behalf of the Football Club, read an address to Mr. I“. J. Johnston, the retiring member of the staff, and presented to him a. handsome umbrella. Mr. Johnston made a suitable reply, thank- ing those coucei iied, aiid wishing suc- cess to the school. A fter a hearty supper and one more ride in the boats, a tired but thoroughly happy crowd left the grounds for Richmond Hill. The thanks of the committees are tendered to the ladies who acted as pati'onesses and to whom much of the success of the picnic was due. The committees were as follows: Supplies, the Misses Lynett, Gobu, Naughton, and Stewart: Finance, Messrs. Lane. Deri-v and Kirby : Boats and Grounds, Mess s. Hadwmi, Alex. McNaughton, Kers ‘ill and Scott. If there was no bitch in the program or .uupleasantin- cident during the day, it was because the committees uusellislily devoted their whole energy to securing a good time for ail. \VORDS 0F PRAISE. The. Toronto dailies of Tuesday gave a most favorable criticism of a vocal recital given the pi evious evening. As one of the young ladies referred to is a citizen of this place, and another is well known here, we copy the first part of the notice as it appeared in the Globe, which is as follows :â€"“ A vocal recital of much merit was given in the Conservatory Music Hall last evening by Miss FraiiCes H. Crosby..\liss Ethel Switzcr and Miss Mabel Chew, three advanced pupils of Mrs. Reynolds- Reburu. These. young ladies are pos- sessed with good voices, which they used artistically and with good intona- tion throughout the entire program. Miss Crosby’s solo numbers were Robaudi’s ‘ Bright Star of Love.” with violin obligato by Miss Louie Fulton ; Weber‘s ‘ Softly Sighs ’ (from Der Frcischutz): and Outter’s ‘Just as I Am,’ with organ accompaniment by Miss Youmaus. Miss Crosby is a young singer of promise, having a voice of good range and quality. Miss Switzer’s numbers included Granier’s ‘ Hosanna,’ with organ accompani- ment; by Miss E. L. Youinans, and Beniberg’s ‘The Death of Joan of Arc,” which were effectively rendered. Miss Chew sang Clay’s ‘ She \V'audeied Down,’ and Maulder’s ‘The Staccato Polka,’ and, in addition to these, each young lady sang groups of small num- bers, which were very enjoyable.” EMPIRE DAY. W'ith commendable loyalty and unity the teachers of the Public School, assisted by Mr. J. H. Sanderson, carried to a successful completion a very appropriate program of addresses, recitatious and choruses, on “'edues- day, Empire Day. The new flag, pur- chased by the Board of Education. was raised on the new flagâ€"staff on the 1 Public School building at 1.30 p. 111., i when several members of the. Board and other citizens were present. After a couple of choruses and a recitation on the lawn, the pupils formed in pio- ccssion and marched in good order to the Masonic Hall, where the program was continued. Mr. J.N.Boyle, chair» man of the Board, presided. Short. but dithy. patriotic addresses, all of which had the right ring about them, Were deli\ ered by Revs. Messrs. Large, Grant, and \"cllwood, and Messrs. Switzer and Naughton. Several of ‘ the pupils also recited, good select ions, and the choruses \vere lively. At the close a resolution moved and seconded ! respectively by Mr. Naughtou and 1 iev. Mr. Grant was unanimously ‘7 carried thanking the teachers and Mr. l l I Sanderson for the attractive program ; _ presented. and also Mr. Boyle for hav- , ing presided so acceptably. The ob- f ject of holding Empire Day is a good I one. It is not necessary to he coutiu- l ually instilling into the midst of child- be inspired with loyalty to Great Brit- 3 ain and pride in the Union Jack. The resolution above referred to carried with it a holiday for the school on . Friday of this week. lIis Lordship. the Bishop of Toronto, will hold {‘onlirniation in St. Mary's Church (of England) on Thursday, the 31st of May, at S o‘clock lll ill(‘ (‘Vt‘ll' ' iug. Ah persons are cordially invited to be present at. the service. UNIONVILIJC. A very successful and‘satisfnrtory meeting of the Lutheran Joint Ladies' Aid Society was held at the home of Mrs. “'m. t’ingle last Thursday, May 17. The evening's entertainment was very liver and amusing, and highly appreciated by a large number of friends. The members of the Aid will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. Jt-e \Viltts on J uue 21st. V a NEW PAPER. 7 The llaldimand Standard. published at Hagersville, ()nt.. isthe latest paper to hand. The initial number is bright land newsy, and, which is indespenâ€" stable to success, the advertising col- umns are well pati-oniZi-d by the vil- lage merchants and businessmen. The publishers are Messrs. J. MeNiCol, B. A... and \V. C. liiildell. The for- mer gave up the l’rineipalship of the High School at llagersville to enter the field of journalism, the latter is an old friend, formerly on THE LIBERAL staff, and afterwards foreman iii the office of The \Vestbu Times. \Ve. wish the new paper success. PERSON AL 5: Mr. Cattle of Toronto, spent. Sunday with his sister. Mrs. J. Johnston. Mr. John Richardson, M. P. P., was one of the. many prominent visitors at the Fair. Newmarket Expressâ€"Mr. Johnston and the Misses of Richmond Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. loombs. Markham Economistâ€"Mr. Arthur \Vhiteof Richmond Hill, spent Sunâ€" day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. White. Newmarket Era Rev. Father Mc- Mahon of Richmond Hill Was in New- market on Monday making a fraternal \Sisit with Rev. Father Morris, Ontarixv Ct. News Notes. Young McIntyre, the 13 year old boy who shot and killed his father Ill 1 . l‘orouto; has been found guilty of manslaughter. Just to hand at Atkinson & Switzei‘s a nice lot of ladies‘ sailor hats fioni 206. Rev. Dr. Burns. ex-Presideut of the Hamilton Ladies’ College, and one of the best known Methodist ministers in Canada, died at his home in Toronto on Tuesday evening. Just to hand, ladies straight band collars, square and round corners, 90. Atkinson «K: Switzer. A daring attempt was made on Tues- day morning between 2 and 3 o’clock to rob the safe of the Standard Bank in Parkdale. Policeman J. Ward was held up and afterwards bound by three. or four strange men. The attempt to get into the bank safe was unsuccess- fiil. LUNAvâ€"QntlTR vliv lLev. G. W. iitevensouaat t‘ie l’araoaaeo, Newton brook, on Wodnenlay, May 16, Hr. Jonathan LilILlfl.“ to Miss Eliza.- betli Smith, b0 h of Uuiouvllle. Maple There was a good attendance at the concert in the Methodist Church on Monday evening. The moving pictures of the. South African \Var, and other scenes reproduced by the bioscope, were very interesting, as were also the selections from the audophoue. Mr. Thomas Piercey died at the 1e5- idence of his son, Mr. J. Piercey, Teston, last Thursday. The remains were taken to Elora for interment on Saturday. On Sunday last Rev. J. W. Stewart exchanged pulpits with Rev. N. \Vellâ€" wood of Richmond Hill. Rev. Mr. Bell of Newmarket, preached in the Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mis. \Vni. Button of Town to Junction, were visiting at Mr. T. Consins’ on Saturday and Sunday. The. Methodist Sabbath School pur- poses haviug a picnic to \Vilcox Lake some time in Julie. Mr. Brown of Mi-Keesport, Pa., is here on a visit to his (laughter, Mrs. H. Bailey. A. L. Nixon, L. D. whoatone time lived near here, and was a. pupil of Richmond Hill High School, died May 10th, after three. weeks" illness, l'iom typhoid fever, at Stanton, Neb., where he had an extensive practice. He leaves a wife and one child there: also a large number of relatives and friends here to mourn his loss. Ikit‘ureiku Harness Oil is the best preservative ,0! new leather and the best. renovutor of old leather. n 0113, softens, b13311- enii and protects. Use -«1 :EufElta Harness flil on your best harness. your old bar- ness, and your csrriage top, and they will not only look better but wear longer. Sold everywhere“: cansâ€"all sizes from half pints to five gallons. $ Made by "LVDABD 0H. ("0. 1 n- ”EY ' MON MDA . Almgeumoontofprivatefuuds to loan on improved farm property. Five per cent. 111~ tel’efit. Easy terms for repavuieut. No com- mission charged on loans. Apply to A. G. F. LAWRENCE, Freehold Loan Building, Torontc Or at Richmond Hill on Saturdays. EYTI { Large stock of Furniture, cheap for cash. l ’ Groeeries that are Good. Anyone who wants best groceries can get them hereâ€"just What they want. We never lower the standard of ex- cellence to make a low price. You naturally expect us to look out for your interests first of allâ€"by doing so we guard our own. Now we are ready to tell you of y The best pure lard tie. :1 lb,; Gold- en dates, 7c.; Best Cooking figs, 5c.; Pure cornstarch, 5a.; Benson’s satin starch, Ioc.; Green coffee, 12c.; Ex- tra coffee, ground while you wait, 20 lbs.; Best Patras Currants, g cleaned, 8c.; Select Valencia raisins, g 100.; Malwa, our own package Pure Ceylon tea, Blue package i5c. Red, g ,2oc., this is extra tea. Farinosa,15c.; Swiss Food I5c ; Jersey Oats, 150.; g Kippered herring, Ioc.; Best Japan g rice, 6%c. Good fleshy prunes, 8c, é cts. ATKINSON AND ., SWITZER. (4" IF YOU WANT TO BUY A .OR SEWlth MABHINE CALL ON OR WRITE Richmond I’lill. Easy terms ol payment. Samples always on hand. ’ OT ORCHARD Properly handled and cared for pays big dividends. Everyone who owns a little ground can put; in a. few trees or small fruit plants, and in a very few years have a profitable garden. We are the largest nurseymen in Canada and skip over twenty thcus- and orders annually and guarantee satisfaction. We want: a good man in each township to devote part or all of his time to our work. The general Storekeeper, school teacher or retired farmer can add materially to his income by engaging with usâ€"while any goo:l ener- getic man with a liking for Horticulture, and willing to work hard for a. few years, will build up for himself a connection that will insure a. steady income year after year. WILL YOU WORK FOR US P If you have the ability we have work for you to do. CHASE BROTHEltS 00., Ltd”, Colborne, Ont. LA IEUES’I‘ NUIKSEYMEN IN CANADA. ESTABLISHED 43 YRS if! A L l. ‘i. r PAPER l WALL .PAPER‘l ARTlSTlC DESEGNSI Newest Colorings at lowest prices from 5c. up, Border and Ceiling to match. Special line as low as 3c.; good value at 5 to IOC. per roll. \Ve make a specialty in Mixed Paints in all colors from the best makers. Dry Colors in all shades. Boiled and Raw Oil pure. Turpentine,‘Varnisb, Carriage and Furniture japans. Paint Brushes all sizes, in fact everything needed for painting. Picture Frames made to order. .;St0ck of Fresh Groceries always on hand. .P. G. SAVAGE PIANO, ORGAN, (

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