Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 May 1900, p. 3

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The art of how to be beautiful as set forth; in the life of one oflthe most famous possessors of an apparently perennial charmâ€"Adelina Patti â€" isa composite of mental and physical achievement which every woman with wealth. leisure and inclination may emulate. To Patti beauty of body means beauty of mind. Thought must have something to feed on. She therefore surrounds herself with an entourage of loveliness. Cares are the forerunners of wrinkes, indigestion and u had com- plexion. Cures therefore to the tini- est crease in arose leaf are smooth- ed away from the singer‘s experience. The misery of others is a source of suffering, hence Patti‘s purse is zil- ways open. her smile :1 ray of sunshine in the darkest hour, and the peasants about her Welsh castle at Craig-y-nos bless her name. Searcely a home of the poorest but boasts its little Adelina. The Queen at Song is a veri- table queen of her people. She in- hales their adulation with every breath. It braces her spirits like a healthâ€"giving tonic. Patti, like all the world loves a lover. 1 Love is with her a religion. When, therefore, a loverless maiden. signing for the swaiu she could not have save withadot of £100, wrote to the diva | praying her [or love’s sake to aid her, l what rite could be more sacred than Patti’s check promptly despatched with an accompanying relicitation? Hers is the irresponsible existence of In exuberant child. She dispenses joys like gitte and their incense feeds l the source or her bubbling youthful- 11688 . Her voice is to the artist omy aiac- i tor in her power of giving happiness. The theatre at her castle has a gallery open to her peasants. Their appearance - makes her as radiant as the praise of prince. An adverse criticism has equal a power to wound and Caro, her maid, weeds out Madame’s mail and as far as ‘ possible extracts the thorn: before their owner sees her letters. Ii is the name in all thingsâ€"every detail wr‘ life Is idealized. l l At the castle her surroundings are adream of beauty. She dines in the conservatory - avista of palms 1nd ferns to delight her eyes, fresh flowers invariably on her table. There are always guests, sometimes few, some- times many â€" Patti revels in compan- ionshipâ€"but the ceremony is always the same. No matter how fierce the storm without, Madame descends in {ull evening dress, ablaze with jexxels, to take her place among the flowers. The electric lights spring up â€" the scene is like filll‘ylund. she will have perpetual summer about her. At any suggestion of change in her apparel her answer is ever the same: "One must be always beautiful for one’s husband." Her dressing-room is gorgeous. In size it is immense. Half way up the walls are of pure white onyx, above of blue tufted satin. An exquisitely deco. rated ceiling and a great onyx bath with silver fittings complete it. The appointments of her dressing table are in solid gold with her monogram in diamonds. Everywhere through the house are the souvenirs of the friends and inciâ€" dents which have dotted her career. She surrounds herself at every turn with reminders of the love and ad- miration that she has excited. There is a cabinet full of her Childhood’s treasures, the miniatures of her par- ents and herself, hen first jewels, "to keep my mind young,” Patti explains. On a side table a golden egg set with six huge emeralds has attracted many a comment. "It is too valuable to he left about," is the general verdict, But Patti laughs it to scorn. "I have emeralds locked inasafety deposit vault that I never see," she exclaims. “This is the first gift the Russian public evér gave me. My servants are honest and my guests are honest. I want to keep it where it can make me happy." Household cares she has none. These tall to Caro. wing 30nducts all things with clockwch regularity. Patti's nature is intense, tempestu- ousâ€"a cloud over the sunshine, past and gone in amoment. But her life is Conducted absolutely by rule. She never indulges in excesses of any kind. Ber pleasures are temperate, her fatigue healthful. Exercise, fresh air and good food are her three staples. Exercise she holds is anecessity to keep the blood coursing quickly through the veins. She walks every day at 11. If it happens to be raining Patti is happy. A downpour is her balm {or the complexion. In” mackin- tosh and Yubber boots she tramps along, lifting her face to the sky. "I am afraid of droughts, but never of rain," she says gayly. . Her rising hour is 830, her breakfast. a light one of thin bread and butter and fruit. While her hair is brushed Patti looks over her letters. Her hair is her especial pride and is treat,- ed with infinite care. On one occasion in Russia, when the ladies of the court hinted that the diva's luxuriant tressâ€" es were false Patti in a flash pulled out the combs and let her flowing curls loose upon her shoulders. The answer was conclusive. After the walk comes luncheon at 1, It is at this meal that the maid empties into her goblet of water a liqueur glass of whiskey. Patti con- tends that this kills all germs. She eschews tea, coffee and chocolate and at dinner drinks only the extra dry champagne specially manufactured for her. She never takes more than a half hint at most. She drives at 2 p.rn. Her rest hour comes just before dinner. Her evening is devoted to private theaticals or pleasure with her guests. She delights to dance to the music of her wonderful Orchestrion; games she enjoys like a child, but cards are barred from her home. They suggest to her the feverish life she would avoid. The singer’s bath is of warm waterâ€" she avoids all shocks, physical or menâ€" tal with the care of asensitive plant. Her recipe for the skin is simply to keep the pores perfectly clean. She uses a castile soap and a little cold cream prepared by her maid, so that she feels assured of its pure ingredi- ents. No liquid "make up” is put on her face. 0n the stage, of course, she is forced occasionally to resort to ad;- ventitious aids, but on the street or in private life she resorts to nothing save a light powder. Her neck and arms are like those of a baby. No lines suggest the coming of age. Her muscles are under perfect control, and hence no “stringy” appearance disâ€" figures her perfect throat. Patti does not believe in massage. She submitted to it once, but was al- ways fearful it might injure her throat and never repeated the operaâ€" tion. Her absolute poise is the secret of her rounded figure. This has been the study of her lifetime. Though (‘or- seted she is not laced, freedom for breathing being one of her require- ments. Every one of her garments must fit, but there must be no press- ure anywhere. In food the singer avoids sweets. She said once. warning-1y to a devotee of chocolate cake: "It will make you old and wrinkled before your time." She retires promptly at midnight and her guests do likewise. Rich and beloved, shielded from every care and sorrow, carrying her wealth of "happiness" into the veriest tittle of her existence, Patti preserves her beauty by a method which defies time. In the words of a London critic on her appearance at the performance for the Marchioness of Lunsdowne’s war felief fund, she bridges a quarter of a century. The Blvalve ls Snlxl lo (fonlalu Germs or Him-also. ‘ It is found now that the destruc- uve capacity; of the seductive oyster is not confined to the production of typhoid fever. It can also give you an attack of gastric inflammation, as well as kill you off with the deadly ptomuine DOlSOB of which it inequalit- ly has a supply be'ween its shells. In the first case you are selzedwith a terrific pain in the stomach a few hours after the (east, and you get The worst of the matter for oyster lovers is that nothing short of an ex- haustive chemical analysis can (115- tinguish the dangerous from the In- nocuous oyster. A DEFINITION. Freddy. Pop, when do they call woman an old hen? The Paternal. When she becomes hopelesst set in her ways, my son. FOR OYSTER LOVERS. 'IYHE BABY. Grasping at sunbenms and shadows, Bands outstretched for the moon; Heading not snows of December, Hemling not roses of June. Clutchjng at all things illusive, Stabbing when shadows they prove; flushed in the arms of its mother, Soothed by caresses of love. A MESSAGE TO MOTHERS. It was once my privilege to stand by the beside of a saluted mother to whom heaven’s portals were so widely opened it seemed to us who were guth- lei-ed there that we could feel the pre- isence of angelic hosts filling the iroom, writes Lillian E, Ballou. Laughing, 2 Sweet as Trembling 2 From its toes : Filling our hearts with new sunshine, Cheering our wearisome way; Teaching us that the dark shadows Conceal the sun‘s beautiful ray. Mrs. B., was the mother of three gbeautiful little girls \vh-oxse well-cared- for appearance and excellent deport- ment_bespoke for them the attention ‘and training of a model mother. Cer. tainly no one who know them could 'imagine that they had in any way suffered neglect; and, knowing, asI idid, of the church and society work tin which Mrs. B. mlost actively en. gaged until stricken with the incur- able disease from which she suffered for months before death came to her release, I had often wondered how one frail, little woman, for such she Hvas ever in health, could accomplish :so ‘much. I was therefore much sur- prised at the regret implied in her ldying message to me and to all mothl. ters. I thought then, and have often leaked myself the question since, if this ‘mother, who had done so well, had ‘cause on her deathbed to regret that ishe had not more nearly fulfilled her 'divine ideal of motherhood, how far ‘shiort must we mothers come who have allowed cares and distractions, social demands or environments of any sort to hamper us, that our conduct to- ward our children has not at all times been actuated by highest motives and idevoutest purposes. Blessing of heaven the dearest, Our hearts by the smile are made gland, The touch of thy soft, dimpled fin- gets Hus made us forget to be sad. 1n thy smile we are basking in sum- shine; Thy pnttle all gloom has beguiled; There's nothing that’s nearer to hea- For the help of mothers to whom the message may suggest a higher ideal and more noble endeavor, I wish to give it as nearly as possible in Mrs. B.’s own words. I would that I could also transmit the sacred setting of hallowed influence which made it seem as uhough the words were whispered by one no longer of earth. As I clasped the dear, cold bandit drew me gently down, and when my ear was close to the dying Woman’s tips, with all the earnestness which fast waning strength could summon, she said: ‘ “Oh, my dear friend! 1 want to say Lo you and to all mothers, if 1 could live the. last few years of my life over I would live them with my children. I would play with them, Work with them, study with them, sympathize with them, grow with them. I would spend much time omt of doors with them reading huLLure’s open book. 1 “oqu strive to know them perfectly, and would give them a beiter oppomuuity to become acâ€" quainted with me; and together we would seek to know God and to under- stand His purpose in our lives. 1 have done so many things which oth- ers could have done in mypluce or [hut could have gone undone. This one thing \x'hichynly 1 could do 1 have saw off until Loo late.” T00 exhuusLed to say more, the eyes of the speaker clused weurily; buL a radiant smile of peace spread over Ihe wan features, as if in grati- tude to God for Opportunity and strength to leave this warning as a precious legacy to mothers. 'Dear sister mother, “husoe‘er you be that read, you and I have need to Ire- quently ponder this matter. We love our children, we would not and do not intentionally ueglem them. We are no doubt. proud of. them and ambitious for them. Our lives are spent for them. But with the demands of life, greater than ever before upon wom- an’s Lime and strength. is there not danger that. in the mad rush to keep up “ith enslaving conventiunalilies, (he decrees of fashion, the culmorous requirements of clubs and societies, competitive striving to have out Tmurxitwhe innocent heart of a child and cooing and crying, I the heart of a rose; all over with mischief, a head to its chubby wee children among the best dressed, the educated and the recipients of best cultural advantages, that we grow beâ€" wildered, and. becoming weary and worn with this overâ€"much striving, rob our chndren and ourselves ofthat sympathizing helpfulness, that sweet and constant oonmpenidnship 'thtn which no blessing nor opportunity of fife can be greater and for which no eubsfituted advantage can compens \ sate. Of all reproofs I ever encountered' the one that hurts most came from my own little boy when, one very busy day after I had manifested more than uaualennoyanoe at the childish restlessness and noise. he looked up pitifully into my face and, with a timid attempt at a caress, said: “I’m sorry for you, mamma." "And why, are you sorry tox- me?" I innocently naked. "’Cause you’ve got so many little boys," answered the poor little fellow, with a half-suppressed sob, "end you don’t seem to want us at all." Surely the years that we have our r‘hildren with us are too few to al- low of our ever conducting ourselves toward them in such a way that they will feel, even for one short moment, that they are not wanted. Then, yielding to the influence of Mrs. B.'s solemn message and the di- vine impulse within us, let us resolve that, more completely than heretoâ€" fore, we will live with our children. It need be we can leave other lines of work and pleasure to those to whom time and ability render them pos- sible; but only a mother can do a mother's {part in living with her children. Corset cover of white« lawn trimmed with embroidered lawn and narrow dotted bands. The fulness is gathâ€" ered in front at the waist, as well as the top. Material required. 36 inches wide, 2 yards. Monarchs can never afford to leave off learning, whatever their subjects may do. A striking instance in point is furnished by an article in Pearson’s Magazine, an article the proof-sheets of which were corrected by Queen Vic- toria herself. From this article it appaers that in spite of all her duties and reaponsi- bilities, in spite of the fact that she has devoted so much time to the study of politics as to have become one of the greatest living authorities on the practical politics of Europe, Queen Victoria has, within the later years of her reign, acquired an intimate ac- quaintance with a difficult language spoken by a large number of her sub- jects. She makes it a custom, we are as- sured. to note in Hindustani the daily events of her life, keeping a diary for this special purpose. She speaks the language fluently, having devoted a part of every day for the last ten years to instruction in it, and to ac- quiring a knowledge of the intr‘lec- tual treasures of the-East. The queen has surpriSed many of her Indian visitors by making unex- pected observations in good Hindus- tani. As everybody knows, she is al- ways attended, when at home, by one or more of her picturesque Indian servants. It is not, however, so gen~ erally known that she always speaks to them in their own tongue. How- ever small the remark, or however serious the command, it comes to them in Hindustani. Universal admiration has been ex- pressed at the determination of the queen at an advanced age. not only to learn to speak Hindustani, but also to take an interest in the literature of India, and to acquaint herself with the ideas and aspirations of her Ori- ental subjects. The population 0f Delagoa Bay whlc‘h was 300 in 1890, is 6,000 10-day. A‘N‘ AGED ST UDENT DELAGOA BAY- INTERESTING ITEMS ABOUT OUR OWN COUNTRY. Gathered from Vnrloua Polnu from flu Atlantlc to the Flame. North Bay has a population of 2.331 Guelph's tax rate is 25 mills on the dollar. Rev. E. Mc'l‘avish. of Glencoe. has invented a bitless bridle. Eleven dogs Were poisoned in one night at North Bay recently. St. Thomas has a population of 11.- 008, an increase in a year of 193. The Kettle Point Indian reserve la being surveyed. The elm on a Masa farm was re- cently sold for $1,000. Belwood expects to soon have a telephone service. Au elnctric line between Owen Sound and Shallow Lake is being agitated. A hotel is to be built at the Gati- neau River by Ottawa capitalists. The population of Sturgeon Falh doubled in one year. It is now 1,600. Galt will pay a bonus of 10 cent- to citizens for every shade tree planted. Robt.rAlleu has resigned his position as a license commissioner in North Renfrew. Michael Currie, formerly of Brockâ€" ville. was killed at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Parry Sound expects to have Hon. G. W. Ross as its guest for a month this year. Mrs. Margrach, wife of Crown Tim- ber Agent Margrach, Rat Portage. flied recently. Mr. McCosh has been appointed clerk and treasurer of Paris at a salary of $650 per year. Renfrew Masons contributed $100 to aid their brothers in Ottawa who suH feted from the fire. A Princeton bicyclist, while riding in the dark, ran into a freight train. He was not badly hurt. Galt school board has ordered that pupils must not be kept in during recess or after school hours. , A bank of earth fell upon James McKittrick. near Orangeville. His leg was broken at the hip. Town Commissioner Pilkie and Ald. Touchbrown, were each fined $10 and costs at Lindsay, for being disorderly. Jas. Craig's acceptance of a judge- ship in the Yukon leaves a vacancy in the Renfrew county council. D. '1‘. Wright, principal of Hunts- ville Public school. has resigned. Mr. Morgan. of Stratford, succeeds him. Geo. A. Mandson, master in Nanai- mo High School, has resigned. L. Rob- ertson of Vancouver, suweeds him. Jos. Derrick‘ a \Voodstock hostler, has been bequeathed $5,000 by a bro- ther, a rancher in Wyoming Terri- tory. Jack Goodfellow, son of J. Good- fellow, chief C.P.R. train despatcher. Vancouver, though only 12 years of age, is an expert telegraph operator. It is reported that the $25,000 re- sidence of G. \V.'McRae in Ottawa.- has been purchased by Levi Cranwell, whose home was recently destroyed by fire. The Opposition in the North-west Legislature consists of Messrs. Mcâ€" Donald, Bennett, Hawkes, McKay, Mc- Leod, McDiarmid, Villeneuve and Shara. Martin Nye came from Dunnville to Owen Sound to get a position. After some weeks be secured one. but he had hardly assumed his duties when he was taken in and died. His family was left in destitute circumstances. George Anderson. Indian agent, has given notice that all persons other than Indians, who, without the auth- ority of the superintendent general, reside on the ’l‘yendinaga reserve, are liable to a fine of ten dollars a day or imprisonment, and that all persons no residing after July lst will be pro- secuted accordingly. A baby carriage containing the in fat-t. child of Mr. and Mrs. Jnu. But.- ler, Huntsville. was left standing in front of a store. when the wind sud- denly blew R over the edge of the platform. The full was about ten feet. and as soon 53 the carriage struck lhe stones beluv. we babe was thrown out, but fortunately its pil- lows accompanied it. and saved its life. It alighted (In a. heap of h:ge stones a few feet from the river. KNEW WHAT SHE \VAS ABOUT; Motherâ€"Miss Catchem has a lovely voice. and you know it. Why did you ask her to sing for Mr Ricbfellm' Daughter. after Mr. Richtellmâ€"Seo that mirror in front at the piano! Yea. \Vell. Mr. Richfello sits right ir range where he can see her face. Sh. looks like a whitewashed chimpanzea when she sinzl. flN NEWS.

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