‘The tangible "beneï¬ts which will ‘resnlt to Canada as an- outcome of the timely aid she is now rendering to =the empire are‘becoming more appar- :ent all the time. Not only is her trade with the old country increasing with unprecedented rapidity. and capital is being attracted to the-deve- lopment of her resources in evergrow- ing volume, but greater attention is, ibeing given to the splendid oppor- ztunities oï¬'ered in the Dominion to life of this Parliament will be reach- ed during the next twelve months, and no Parliament since Confedera- tion has run the full term of its na- ~tural' life, though the last came withâ€" in a few days of it. It is fully recog- :nized by all practical politicians that 'thc electorate is very evenly divided, and the fate of parties often depends upon the degree of perfection to which its practical organization has attained. \Both parties, therefore, are anxious that the organization he made as per- :cht as possible for their side. Every prediction of the improvement which Liberals said a change would bring about has been veriï¬ed far beyond :the most sanguine expectations of the Government‘s warmest suppol‘ter,and .if the calm, deliberate judgment which vcvery man seeks to apply to the man- agement of his own private afl'airs is allowed to influence his action at the ballot box the outcome of the next. general election is a foregone conclu- ‘sion. One of those pleasant little inci- dents which happen all too seldom in the political history of the Dominion, occurred on Tuesday afternoon of last week when the House of Commons, laying aside all party differences for the moment, united in tendering cor~ dial congratulations to Sir Charles Tapper on the occasion 'of his com~ pleting the 45th year of his public vlife. The veteran leader’s desk in the *Chamber was decorated with a huge ‘bouquet of roses and ferns, and as he entered the House he was greeted "with rounds of applause from both‘ asides. He acknowledged this token "of personal regard in a few rwelvl- Ichasen remarks, in which he gave a i‘brief review of his public career,eon- [eluding with a humorous apology for “‘ lagging superfluous ‘upon the stage †{of public life so long adding, “ I can zonly say that it is not my desire that that period should be very much "longer continued, but I am afraid that ‘I shall have to remain at all events until the electorate of the country shall have decided which of the two great parties, that are now contend- :ing for power, is to enjoy it during the period to come.†The Premier followed with graceful congratula- tions on behalf, not only of the Gov- ernment, but of the whole Canadian people, remarking that he was proud and glad to bear testimony to the 'public career of his distinguished opponent. Rumors of the near approach of a general election have been revived very noticeably during the past week. There does not appear to be any rea- .son for this, other than the natural activity in both political camps which is the necessary outcome of the fact that the extreme legal limit of the Despatehes during the night brought good news, and there is little ‘doubt the South African war is over. Kruger has 'fled, and the surrender ‘of Johannesburg was quickly follow- ed by that of Pretoria. Everybody rejoices at the prospects of peace and ’an end to bloodshed. Thorium“: ‘HILL. May 31, 1900 Changeâ€"H. C. Bailey. Changeâ€"~Canudu Cycle and Motor Co. Changeâ€"Agkiusouac Switwr. @119 (flihmfl. SURRENDER OF PRETORIA. New Advertisements. Lot 28mm part of 29. rear of the 2nd con. Vaughan. OODBISYJIIE of 165 acres is for auie. The soil is Sandy loam. there is a. (tame house, two burns (ones. bunk barn), and good outbuildâ€" mgs. The farm is well watered, and is in a good state of cultivatmu. For particulars apply on the remises to. JOHN S AINEY. Eva Sheppard . . . . v . . . . . . . . Mercie Cook . . l . . . . . . . . . . Annie \Vood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norman Tyndall . . . . . . . . . . William Tyndall . . . . . . . . . . . Jonathan Winger .. . . . . . . . Katherine VViuger . . . . . . . . . Bertie Schell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. Lownsbrou‘gh (teacher). WEDNESDAY, June 6 â€"Aucbinn sale of horses. cattle. etc.. at the Palmer House, Richmond Hm. Sale to commence at 2 p. m. Terms 1 months. Saiaeou & McEwan. auctioneers. THURSDAY. June Yâ€"Aurtion sale 01 cattle. sheep. etc., on me 16, 2nd con. EastYork, the prop- eer of Wm. Smith. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 4 months. Saigeou d: McEwen. aucts. ‘ TRADE MARKS - DEQIGNs ' Convmau'rs &c. Anyone sending a sketch and dean-i tlonmay quickly ascertain our oplmon freer ether nu mention I! probably patenusble. Communica- uons stnotlyponfldemm- Handbook on Patent. uglfreg. ngle'sr agency‘togpecuripgflpatenu‘. "M "Emaién‘ Emu? 3111315"? cbi'rece""fn Wm witgoubo £88. in tk_e_ A hmdaomoly Illustrated weekâ€. Largest. dz. «union or any sclenhflo oumaL Terms. $3 1 991- pogths. EL :80 d by uLyewadg-alerg. WNW-@633ï¬ï¬iflévkhrk Lizzie Winger . . . . . . . . 4 . Pearl and Hazel Reaumn Edith Appleton . . . . . . . . Alice Appleton . . . . . . . , l Jenny Appleton ..V.. .. Hal'vie Blake . . . . . . . . . . Ella Blake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Following are the namos of the pupils of Carr-ville Public School who contributed towards the school childâ€" reus’ fund for the relief of the sufferers from the Ottawa ï¬re :â€"~â€" .The Council adjourned to McBride’s Hotel on \Vednest 30th, at. 2 p.111. F. Norris, sheep claim . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 The Council then resolved istlf into a. Court of Revision, when tho diï¬m- ent appeals against the assessment 1-011 fortthe egg-13m year wgrc taken up. The Bell Telephone Co. and the Metâ€" 1‘0p01itzm Railway (‘10., repl-vsentvd by Mr. Love and MI'. Moyos. respectively, worked off considerable eloquence in their attempt to rave that they new assessed too higï¬, but each failed to melt the adamantin heart of the Com-t. Charles McAz-thm- was equally elgguentgnd unsuccessful. The Court then adju'in-m‘d to meet at Schumberg on June 30H], when an appeal that was laid over will be taken up; _ The following persons wore released from dog tax :â€"\V.M:Lw, ’1‘.Gnllugl\er, H. Fry, 0. Morning, F. Trent. A. \Yis- Her, H. McCutcheon, J. J. Huisv, S. Farrell, W. \Vatson, A. Stvgdale, J. Crzylterg and R. Gellirtly. The middle 5U'acres of lot. :38, con. 1, was assessed at $1,600 to Mr. ansnn. who has bought it, and the aSsPssmenL the. previous owner, was reduced to $5.401). machine . . . . . . . . . . . . V. . . . . . . A. Bolton, damage to cutter. . .. M. Brown, shnvclling snnw .. . . H. Potterugrnvel . . .- . . . . . . F. A. Egan, damage to sulky. .. W. H. Tew. statute. labor . . . . . J. A. \Vatson. balance of salary H. C. Webb, balance of salary. . C. Dozm, repairs to 3rd 0011.. .. J. D. McCallum, work on road machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. O’Brien, work on road ma- chine . . . f . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . W. Gullughér. repairs 12th con. R. Deacon, repairs, 12th con. . .. ‘G. Brown, repairs, 10th con .. . . Mitchell & Carr. grunt . . . . . . . . . . J. Simpson, repairs to scrapers. Fry 6; Wood, hauling pine . . . . . . J. A. ‘Vatsou, ussessm-‘s sucks. . W. E. Fox, fence viewing . . . . . Z. Black, fence viewing . . . . . . . . W. D. “’hite, fence vivwing. . .. J. Hilliard, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. Norgis, sheep claim . . . . . . . . . . 'Séiéiitiï¬c ï¬ï¬‚’merican. NUIIII (X UU." """"â€' "U" ’71.)! [Blanch OflIoo. 8.75 1? BL. WuhhxlouJ). C. King Municipal Council met at Kebtlehy on May 21M). The following bills were paid : Jus. ’Ca-mphell, repairs to road maumuw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 00 A. Hmnl‘nle-Lun. repairs to road 3 40 A. Davis, rvpnira to road ma- chine .. .. .. . . . . . . ..' . . . . . 250 C. Davis, removing stone . . . . . . 2 54) I). McGlr-mem, removing stone. 1 75 R. Hughvy, repairing load ma- chine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 1 75 Toronto Hospital, cure of Barnes 25 ()0 J. Ballard, blacksmith . . . . . . . . . . l 23 J. Billings, salary ...V . . . . . . . . . 29 ()0 0. Patterson, postage & express 16 75 N. \V. Robinson, painting road the surplus population of the old landtomake prosperous homes for themselves here. That this is the direct fruit of our imperialism is abundantly evidenr by articles can stantly appearing in the English press. Farm for Sale King Township Council ’ATTERSON, \V Sale Register. Clerk. UaI rvihe Total led to meet ednesdny, M (UN, Reeve. l 58 00 200 25 032 003 555555 000000 000000 ’7 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 360 0 rd 45 uy 54 50 00 00 50 LIBERAL OFFICE Life Assurance Co. Assures on a.†the modem plans. and in one of the moat prosperous qud prowess!“ companies :11 exwtence. Premiums Iow‘ policies unconditional sud mfofleibabh. Take a policy win; the districï¬ agent, 1st, 1900 ~- â€" - â€" SENT TO ANY KDDRESS FOR ,1 MGNTHS FOR Q1 nn ‘Indepenfl‘ent in Politics. WILL PRINT ALL THE NEWS FOR ALL THE PEOPLE. ...POST... E'IARIIL'FON A New One Cent Daily AUï¬ï¬‚EA FLBURING MELLS. THE MORNING GLOBE 0mm“. 30. High Grade Family Flour Any Flour will make Bread, but we will guarantee jOS. HALL, A. MOODIE, -â€"AND-â€" Monday. \Wednecday and Satâ€" nrciay 01' each week. He is also still keeping ALL KINDS OF LUMBER on 1mm! and in a. few days will be Drepurel to supply DRESSED LUMBER. of :LH kinds and (10 PLAAING AND MAL’C-mxe n: M! kinds at. lawcst prices. Patronage solimted ; satisfaction guaranteed EELLE ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã© T. F. McMAHON, The suhsm iher would respectfully maimnta'to the public that having rebuin the choppmg mill M DIAPL E And doubled its capacity. he will during the busy chnppmg season and until further notice chap CHBPPEEG - FM. Association. will travel through Richmond Hill, Maple. Fiï¬ber‘lllle‘ ’l‘homhill, Brown's (tumors, Unxonvrlle. Markham Villugh, Vic- toria Squnre. Oak Riugi-s. ’l‘crms 515. Jun. Palmer, General Manager. . 301mm KINGâ€"Pure bred imported Clydesdale. the property of I). (Y. Steele and 1). Women. will travel through Maple, Kleinhurghoble- Ion, Bell's Luke. King (my, (link Ridges, Vim turin. Square, and Richmond Hill. Terms $12 Di \l’atsan.Mnnagel. PURE GnLDâ€"The celebrated trotting stallion the property cf 1). Blough, Kmï¬] (my. will travel through King during 1. a season. Terms $8. payable Feb. lat. mm. Bu.)me SYNDICâ€"Pure bred importer] Clydes- dale stallion. the propertv of Donald Wat. sou, Maple, will travel through Fisherville, Fairbauk, York Mills, Lansing. Tht-mhill. Concord, Vellore. Terms, $11. A. Powers. 11: an agar. - Solid Gold....$2.84 . . Best. Gold Fill 31x v' 5yrsGoldFill 1.0c .» . Best Glasses... 10( ‘Ve guarantee perfect satisfaction. The Will Be Out About June Horsemen getting: their bills or cunls lniuhrd Tins LIBERAL 01lin will bhva n free uuuca milur to the [allowing uunug the seam-u" -â€" MoNoToNYâ€"‘I‘he thoro' bred stallion and race- hox‘se,tha property of Gen. Robinsuu. lliuh- mond Hill. ml) travel through Hemliard. Dollar. Lansing, 'l‘biotletown Eduley, Thmll- bill. 'l‘empemncevilleliotLlchy, SChUXllllctg. Kleiuburg. Maple, the. Terms #10. Fonz-rd Buyâ€"The trotting-brad stallion, the prnperty of Bart Holnper. llichumxu Hill, will make the season in this section of cuuutrv. Terms #10. YOUNG MACQUEï¬Nâ€"The unbeaten clmupiun at America. overall draught breeds. the 1mm. any of the Richmond Hill Hurse Hl'oellel'n' To make more bread, lighter broad and bread that will keep moist longer, and better flavor- ed buead with less lab- or than any other flour. 8. S. ELAWEN. Made to suit the pm)va and sold at a. reasonable price. It is strictly NAUGHTON BROS. Henry Marsh. 93 Yonge Street. Toronto. THE MORNING POST OF CANADA Horse R edisner or One Year for $3.00. SELL IT. NE‘V } SUN RICHMOND H1111: $1.00 Hamilton. " .Evans Building, Patent takenout through us receive special mtice, Without charge, in "fl‘an PATENT'REc-onn, an illustrated and widély- circulated journal, ooizsnimd by Manufacturers and Investors. ' Bend for samplecopy FREE. Address, VICTOR_ J. swans &. co., Our fee returned if we fail. Anyone sending sketch and description of any invention will pmmptly neceive Our opinion free concerning the patent.- :ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent†gent upon request. Patents .nec'nred through us advertised for sage atvourr expense. ‘ Fence Rackets for straightening Wire fences. made nt' solid steel. only $1 per doz. at 9C. each. These articles will straighten any wire fence. REPAIRING PROMPTLYATI‘ENDEB TL). Is the place to go for ï¬rst-class harneswlt right prices. Goad Stock, Good “Wu-k and Satisfaction guaranteed. BUGGY DUSTERS, FLY NETS, TRUNKS, VALISES. and. other supplies 8.}- ways in stock. - WELKENS 636 GO... Daisy Chums, Quick Meal Oil Stoves, Milk Pans, Pails, Cream ers, Nails, Locks. Hinges, Fence Wire. and everything in the Tin and Hardware line. C. MASON, HARBWAEE Eavetroughing a specialty. Repairing promptly attended to. Customers can always rely on our stock being fresh and upâ€"to-dete. Loads of fresh goods added to stock every week. Frag 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, Toronto. j'K‘OGGI’IBS RICHMOND HILL ESELLSâ€" W‘ILKINS & 00.. Iï¬ICIâ€"I 1‘1{)N1) 1-H H. C. BAELEY, MAPLE. (Patent Attorneys.) STQRE ALSO AGENT FOR (ï¬â€˜rEO. E’Ew E Bflï¬'NALD Any customer presenting this Coupon 85 2.50. at our store on Sat urdayJune 2, will receive 8 pounds cleaned currents and 3 lbs. choice cooking ï¬gs. 1 No. if) D l Richmond Hill WASHINGTON, 3. 2G: EEIJI/ Ll'illl