RICHMOND HILL, Fire Brigade practice and meeting mle Monday evening. V C(mï¬rmatinnévrvices will he held in St. Mary‘s Episcopal'Uhm-ch this owning. All are cm-dmlly invited. The‘Ynt-Ik County Christian Enden \‘m- r-nnveutinn will he held in Am'ura on June 5 and 6. Mr. McDonald. Assistant, Cnunty Treasurer, conducth u tax sale in the Lame Hall on Tuesday. All the lots put up were sold with the exception 0f two in Markham Village. For these an adjourned sale will be held in the ‘aume place on Tuesday next at 11 mm. \Vash ties in all shapes, 2 Switzer. .Atxt‘he. Junihr lmague on 'termmn Mr. Harrison will God's Love. Men’s collars in an endless :u-rny 0f shupesm'e to be found 11019. Atkin- son & Switzer. The proceeds of the Dinnor and Tea at the Presbyterian chm-ch on Queen‘s Birthday, so far reported, are $98.06. {Elie ï¬ibmfl.‘ Brown cotton underwear in ï¬ne lisle thread. mcely ï¬nished, at 2-5 and 500. Atkinson A; Switze-r. New ties in Imperial shape made of new weave silk in pretty designs, to retaul at 506. Atkinsun & Swnzzer. The friends who sent, the Victoria Hospital requested to call at, ofï¬ce fur their sealers. Lord Roberts has announced the 2m- uexution of the Flee State, which hereafter will he called the Orange River State. Seedsâ€"Cum, large variety turnip seed at, right prices. N: 131-03., Elgiu Mills. The next sitting of Division Court will be held here on Saturday. the 16th of June. Tuesday, June. 5, will be_ the last day of Service. Favorite shee dressing, 10c. ; Black "rat shue dressing, 200. ; Old Sol tan dressing, 100. Atkinson 6: Switzer. A full attendance of the directors of Mae Agricultural Society is requested at; a meeting an be held in the Lorne Hall on Saturday next at 2.30 p. m. Rev. G. K. Adams of Hamilton, will preach u sermon to the Masonic fra- ternity in the Methodist Church, 'l‘lmrnhill, on Sunday, June 17th, at 7 p. m. In the prize list given in THE LIB- ERAL last week, the second prize for 2 {ear 01d gflding 01~_ï¬_ll_y 1n t_he Genm‘zgl The. three dynamiters connected with thewt‘tempt to blow us the “"91- lund Canal, have been sent to ,King- stun penitentiary for life. Purpuse Class stimuld Have been cred- ited to Mr. Thos. Palmer. According to the Toronto dailies Mr. Hugh McConaghy is playing goal for the Crescent lacrosse team of Brook- lyn, N. Y. On Friday last, the team ‘defeated the Capitals of Ottawa, by a. score of 6 to 3. Nothing nicer for summer wear than u negligee shirt ; we have them in an the new patterns at [75 and 80c. At- kinson & Switzer. Mr. J. \V. St. John, ex-M. P. P. for ‘Vest York, has been presented with an oil painting of himself by the mem- bel'riof the South York Canservalive Cr [1 . Good prunes, bright and clean, 100. ; best selected raisins, 10c. ; cleaned curmnts, Sc. ; dried peaches, 120. At- kinson & Switzer. Nothing nicer forsummex- wear than a nice straw beater ; see the range we are showmg in rustic and plain straw, with fancy polka (106 band, at 90c. Atkinson & Switzer. On Monday morning last, about 8 Q’clock, as predicted, the Eclipse of the Sun arrived on time. Scores of our villages with smoked glasses were gazing across the 95,000,000 of miles for a glimpse of the dark spot which seemed to be on the Sun’s fair face. Epworth Leaguers, deem it your dutynnd privilege to attend the roll call service Friday evening. Subject fur thought, “Abiding 'in Christ.†Read St. John xv., 1-10. The newly elected president will conduct, the ser- -;\'369. All are welcome. .fl‘he Education Department has is- sued Lhe time table for the July exam» inutions, whichbegin as fOlIUH'S :â€"â€"-Thv “Public School Leaving on July 3; the Commercial Specialist Examination on July 4 ; the JuniJr Leaving and the Junior Matriculation Examinations on Jul 5; the Senior Leaving and Senior atricnlation Examinations on .Jniy 9; Ladies’ parasols from 500. to $1.75 : men’s umbrellas, with natural wood handles, steel rod» and good silk cover- ing, at, 950., $1.23 andï¬lï¬L‘. Atkin- son 8: Switzer. Best Sheep Shoals 7 , Mason’s. IJ()(j Al‘s-:3. THE JULY EXAMS. blue and whito stripes, for 25¢. Atkinson and :1ng on Fx-id‘ ay fruit, etc.. to at, Easter, are THE LIBERAL 381‘ I my ; also Naughtou ‘riday af- spenk on The n ininn was freely expressed on the ' lth nf May that (nu-village auleriLios exceeded their legal powers by putting eth'»11d-n1(n\1tberd m- dividual in the lock-up, who was wear- ing the Qur'vn‘s uniform. The author- ities did right, and were quite within their powers. Thus? in the Queen’s uniform should conduct tlhmnselves us gentlemen, not, like hluckgunrds. This favorite feature 011 last season‘s mndvls has been materially improved ~-:md all l'l(lUlS who appreciate really ï¬ne points in a bicycle will appreciate the " dust-pivot†idea which has been erfvctcd in this popular mount. The .‘keletnn Gear-Case is light and nth in appearance, and is a specially de- sirable feature on a. lady’s wheel. Ev- ery 1900 impruvementnn the Cleveland is an important one. Look into them, or write for a. catalogue. For high-Class tailoring we always lead; our custmnors arv always sure uf getting the best value for their numey, the best imported trimmings. in fact the best of everything, and also a good ï¬t. Atkinson & Swibzm'. There was quite an excitement arnuud town Tuesday afternoon about 1.30 when the “ ï¬re" bell sounded. A chimney on Mrs. TI-euch’s residence tunk ï¬re and burned out. The ï¬re burst into one, of the bedrooms, but the only damage done was hlucking the walls and burning some of the paper. It was most fortunate that the flames were subdued so quickly as with the ï¬erce wind which was blow- ing at, the lime and the. dryness of M'vr'ything around, the ï¬re would have been serious hull it got, any head- way. The ï¬re brigade turde out but tln-Svrvicos of the men Were not re- quired. Men‘s leather belts, with ring sides, cow-red buckle, 50c. Atkinson and Switzer. UHURCH RID-OPENING. Zion Chm-ch 0n the Thornhill circuit will be re-npened on Sunday, June 3. Rev. Chats. Fish of Tux-unto, will pl‘ezu‘ll sermons at 2.30 and 7 p. m. A (u‘rmdcn Party will be held at Mr. Jim. Noss’ on Saturday, June 9. The ’l‘hm'nhill Brass Band will be present and furnish music. A popular elocu- tionist, and vocalist will also take part, in the entertainment. Games in the afternoon at 3 o’clock. Tea serv- ed from 6 to 8. Entertuimnent alter tron. Adlnis 'on to grounds, adults, 25 cents ; children, 15 cents. A lawn social in connection with the Methodist Chm-ch at Hope will he hald on the grounds of Mr. \Vm. Kirby on Thursday evening, June 7. Tea. will he served at 6 p. m.. and there will he a tent nn the grounds where ice cream~ and other delicacies can he obtained. A musical and literary program will. be given durng the evening, and at guud time is expected. A ï¬sh pond will he one of the features of the even- ing’s entertainment. Tickets to ten and entertainmmit, 15 cents. The pro- needszlre to be applied to the Sabbath Scliunl Organ Fund. CLEVELAND SKELETON GFAR- CASE. The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist church held their annual meeting for the election of ofï¬cers for the ensuing year last Friday afternoon. The elec- tion was as follows :â€"-Pres., Mrs. J. H. Sanderson ; Sec’leiss Trench ; Tress, Mrs. J. A. E. Switzer. The dinner and tea served on the Queen’s Birth- day was in every way :1. success ï¬nan- cially, the proceeds exceeding those of last year. The Ladies’ Aid desire to express their thanks to all who assist- ed in providing edibles for their dinner and tea ; to those who assisted so faithfully in serving the same and to the many who so generously lent their patronage. The sum realized was $97.65. JUNE REVIEW. The American Monthly Review of Revieu's for June is a. well-illustrated number. The important news topics of the month are editorially treated in “The Progress of the World," the opening department. A character sketch ofIJames J. Hill, a “ Builder of the North-west," is {contributed by ‘st. Mary Harriman Severance, who outlines the remarkable career of the presidewathe Great Northern Rail- road. Dr. Albert Shaw: the editor. writes from full knowledge on " Paris and the Exposition oleOD." MrrJacob A. ,Riis, author of “How the Other Half Lives,“ forecasts the work of the New York Tenement-House Counniss- ion recently appointed by Governor Bmxsevelt. Mr. Cleveland Motfett writes on “ Automobiles for the Aver- nge~Man." Mr. Charles A. Conant de- scribes the operation of the refunding law passed by Congress last March. There are also illustrated articles on summer camps for boys, the Passion ‘Play at O emammergau, and new ï¬ction for summer reading. The Secretary of the lacrosse club asks us to say that the lacrosse sea- son will open in Richmond Hill on Saturday next by an exhibition game between the local team and the Te- cumseh-Elms of Toronto. The boys have of late been putting in some hard practices and hope by the experience {tilled in this game to win the first \ague game of the year against the Shamrocks of Toronto Junction on Saturday, June 9. The management would_like to see a. good tni-nuut at would like to see a good turnout at Saturday's match as it will be im- possible to play throughout the sea- son unless our Nationalgame receives the patronage which it honestly de- serves. Game called at4o’clock. Ad- mission 10 cts.; Children 5 cts. DRESS \VON‘T SAVE THEM. EXTING UISHEI) IN TIME. THE LADIES’ AID. LAWN SOCIAL. LAGROSSE. \V. M. S. The VV. M. S. of the Methodist Chum-h will hold their June meeting in the Sunday School Ronm next, Thursday. June 7th, at 3 o’clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all in- terested in mission work. The mem- bers are specially urged to attend this meeting. as business of importance will he trumicmd. The subject for prayer and study for June is “ Missiun- aries and Missionary Ships.†Lord Roberts has on more than one occasion expressed his admiration for the Canadian Boys who are taking such an active part in the South Afric- an VVar. In all the correspondence from the front it is also pleasing to note the esteem in which the boys hold their friend “ Bobs." Lord Rob- erts has the Canadian boys with him all the time. This is a great compli- ment to Canada. There are thousands of Canadians who have friends or rel- atives in the Canadian Contingent and who would be. glad to have a portrait of the great general under whom they are ï¬ghting and fighting successfully. The Family Herald and \Veekly Star has published a really handsome color- ed portrait of Lord Roberts and we have. completed arrangements with them by which all our readers and residents of this vicinity can secure a copy. It is a true picture of the fam- ous general. It is 17x22 inches, an ex- act reproduction of a painting by one. of the best European artists. We will send THE LIBERAL and the Family Herald and Weekly Star from now until December Slst, 1900, including Lord Roberts’ portrait 17x22 for the sum of $1.00. To any LIBERAL sub- scribers Whose subscriptions are al- ready paid we offer the Family Herald and \Veekly Star, until DeceinberSlst. 1900, including the Lord Roberts’ picture, for 60c. The above offers are open _for a limited time only. M1'. \Vm. Freek and sun of Barrie spent Friday last, with his p:11'ent.s,M r. and Mrs. Jas. Frevk. Mr. T. and Miss Ratcliff of Toronto, spent 24th of May with Miss Stella Morris. Miss Fannie Driï¬â€˜ill of Bradford qp9|1ta few days with her sister, Miss Driflill. Mr. Lorne Morris of Toronto spent; Sunday with his mother here. Miss Ludford of Thornhil], made a few days’ visit with Mrs. H.F.Hoppor. Miss Aikins of Simone, has been a guest of Mrs. J. W. Elliott this week. Rev. F. C. Keum of Thurnhill, 0c- cupied the -ulpit in the Methodist Church last bunday cve‘ning. 'Mr. Edgzu' Redditt of Owen Sound, has been home for a week’s holidays, and will return on Saturday. Miss Daisy and Master Fred Shaw of l’ux'lulule,~apclit. a few days last week calling on fl'ivnds in Richmond Hill. Miss Tif‘ï¬n is spending a few weeks with relativxas in Musknka. Messrs. J. Switzt-r and G. Gee, who attended the District Meeting in T0- 1-out0 (In Tuesday, have been appoint- ed delegates to the Methodist Om)- fer-ence. Mr. A. G. F. Lawrence, h1L1’l'lSt0P,T0â€" 101M), who visits Richmond Hill pru- fessimmlly eVe'x-y Saturday was last Saturday accompanied by his mother, his wife and his three children who spent the day with relatives here. Councillor R. W. Glass purposes starting to-morrow for a trip to Eng- land. He will take a lot of cattle over for the Old Country market, and will be accompanied by Mr. John Pugsley of Eglinbon. They will probably be away a couple of months. HOUSE PAIN TEE, Glazier, Grainer-an‘d Paper- Hanger. w. HEWISON, This man knows- What he did and how he did it. Such endorsements as†the following are are a suï¬icient proof of its merits. Oshawa, Mlnn.. Feb. 22, 1898. . Dear Sirs FPlease send me one oryour'l'mtlw on the Horse, your new book as ndvextined on your bottles. English print. ‘1 have cured two pnvlna and one Curb with two. bottles of your endall's 5mm Cure in four weeks. FRANK J'UBERIEN. Ask x91“. dyuxï¬Ã©s! RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL. Til-Veatisé on the'Horse." book treé. 'or' address DR. J. B. KENDALL (XL. ENOSBURG FALLS. VT. £311:in use it has no equal. Ask flour druggist [or VENDALLiS» SPAYIN ~CAU E. alsp_ “A lalls from a. distancepromptly attended to. Don’f Guess A! Reguits. PERSONALS. LORD ROBERTS. Properly handled and cared for pays big dividends. Everyone who owns a little ground can put in a Jew trees or small fruit plants, and in a very few years have a proï¬table garden. We are the largest nurseymen in Canada and ship over twenty thous- and orders annually and guarantee satisfaction. We want a good man in each township to devote part or all of his time to our work. The general Storekeeper, school teacher or retired farmer can add materially to his income by engaging with usâ€"while any good ener- getic man with a liking for Horticulture, and willing to work hard for a few years, will build Ilp‘fol‘ himself a connection that will insure a steady income year after year. CHASE BROTHEHS C0., Ltdu Colborne, «Ont. LARGEST NURSEI'MEN IN (SANA DA. ESTABLISHED 43 YRS WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! ARTISTIC DESIGNS! Newest Colorings at IOWest prices from 5c. .up, Border and Ceiling to match. Special line asilow as 5c.-; good value at 5 to 10C. per roll. ' \Ve make a specialty in Mixed Paints in all colors from the best makers. Dry Colors in all shades. Boiled and Raw Oil pure. Turpentine, Varnish, Carriage and Furniture Japans. Paint Brushes all sizes, in fact everything neededdorjpainting. ' Large stock of Furniture, cheap for .cash. Picture Frames made to order. Stocks! :Fresh Groceries alwayson‘hamd. Richmond Iiill. Easy terms 01 payment. Samples always on hand. W . J". C LARK, ' a If you have the ability we have work for you to do. Summer Things For Young Men Straw hats, negligee shirts, light neck. wear light underwear, &c., for smart dressy young menâ€"The men who appreciate correct dress. In shirts we have a nice range of negli- gee style neat stripes and checks at 50, 75c., and $1.00. In neckWear, flowing ends, Imperials, graduates and strings in silk, and also in wash ties at IO to 50 cents. In straw hats a chic line of rustic and plain braids with pure leather sweat bands at 50, 75c., and $I.oo For underwear, real Balbriggan with silk facmgs to retail at 50c. Altogether we have everything of impor- tance shown by an up-to-date furnisher. THE ORCHARD WILL YOU WORK FOR US P Atkinson and Switzer. SEMNG MAGHINE PIANO, ORGAN, P...- G.,. SAVAGE IF YOU WANT TO BUY A CALL ON OR WRITE 0R