They Were All Sentenced to lmpri= sonment For Life. A despatch frpm Welland, 0nt., says :â€"Karl Duilman, John Nolin and John Walsh lie in Welland Jail with a hardly leaving his chair, he pronounc- ed the word “Guilty,†in a trembling and almost indistinct voice. life sentence as a penalty of their “All three of them?" asked Chancel- orime. The verdict was given by lor Boyd, leaning over to catch the Chancellor Boyd at 6.45 on Friday ’answer. "Yes." night, and there is no appeal except to their God. Oh the night of April 21, just as the sun was reddening the western sky, ‘ John Nolin and John \Valsh dropped two packets of dynamite into lock 24 of the Welland Canal, and, while the lighted fuse burned down to the dead- I 1.7 explmivei they sought safety 1113 The Chancellor, with a grave but flight. Unthoughthfl 0‘ the “13 and ‘olear voice and a strong and unfalter- Property their Grime night he WNOk- ing attitude, leaned forward, as is on of. unmindful of the awful havoc ihis wont, and addressed himself to the and destruction there might be raged jury, He said Karl Dunman' John behind them, these two hurried on, Nolin and John Walsh had been found In“ the 81'0me darkness thinking guilty after a careful investigation, only of themselves and the reward The). had been found guilty of anovel wmcn 135’ ahead- experiment in using dynamite for the CARED NOT FOR DISASTER. purpose of destroying a public work of It "8de naught to them how Canada. They were foreigners, who many lives the rushing waters of the ihad attempted t° deStroy “ Pubno wrecked canal might be tossing about work- Whi‘fh was a highway of the or the property that might be mum whole continent, and it was acrime of Everyone looked at the prisoners, but they seemed unmoved, and looked as if they almost expected it. Dullman was nervous but he had been so throughout the proceedings of the whole day. THE CHANCELLOR‘S REPLY. dated. It seemed naught to Dullman in grievous and Suggestive , chap either, as he stood in the Rosli Hotel “ten The†“fag no , “man†show (their motive, and that same night, although he awaited to the arrival of his confederates and the “f Kaiprt’bg'b‘l; (1:: gt hi): on than†news of the disaster they had caused. o 0 m an a or e purpow 0‘ But they now realize the serious- gfllihandlttwislfrfï¬gbly olefï¬atmd ness of their crime, and for many on epar o u an’ w w atmd weary days together they may Don- led. to a blow against the state and dier on it. They have seen the jus~ Olvmzauon' , _ tics of the State, and the punish- ad more punishment than N01â€) or ment meted out to them, and they walshfl The†, have also the knowledge that owing Circumstances to consider, and he saw to a wise Providence their hatred and i no “83"†for altering the Penalty f‘x' mauce ism“ unsathï¬ed. ed by law as in the indictment. Tlhe crime, as the judge who pro- "LIFE" FOR ALL OF THEM. nounced the sentence said, is a most The Chancellor then paused and the extraordinary one, and the Punish-i spectators and the jury leaned for- mant is one which is only excelled by ward_ capital PuniShment- Their "mm “’as‘ “I sentence you all to imprisonment one bordering on murder, and their to, me;- were the ï¬rm words whmh mniehment '13 “Vere 3‘ the law {31‘ escaped his lips as he rose and quick- IOWB- ly left the court room. Dullman really deservâ€" were no mitigating FENIAN DYNAMITERS. Will in ii [lNVASI Notes of Proceedings in the Nation- a‘ Legislature .â€". THIRD REA DINGS. The following private bills were read a third time and passed:â€" Act to incorporate the Canadian Bankers‘ Associationâ€"Mr. Britten. To incorporate the Accident and Guarantee Company of Canada â€"- Mr. Penny. Respecting the Buffalo Railway Co, -â€"Mr. Gibson. MAN lTOBA GR AIN TRADE. The House went into committee on the Government bill respecting the grain trade in the inspection district of Manitoba. It isameasure founded on the report of the grain commission, which sat in Manitoba and the Northâ€" West last summer. The object is to afford relief to ihe farmers of lhat sec- tion, who complained that they wercl ,not provided with sufficient facilities‘ jfor shipping grain, and that they were iovercharged by the elevator compan- Vies, which were allowed to have a !monopoly. THE BANKING SYSTEM. Mr. Fielding introduced his bill to amend the Banking Act. The main ,purpose of this amendment is to carry .forward bank charters for another ten years, but several important changes and additions are also proposed to the Banking Act. In case the shareholders of a bank ask for certain informa- tion from the directors the Act, as amended, would require the informa- tion to be furnished at the first annual ’meeting. Banks which have suspend. ted payment will be prevented from issuing notes after suspension, :Banks may lend money upon stand- ing timber and upon the products of the quarry. Security may be taken by banks for liability incurred by let- ters of credit. In the case of a. bank holding land for other than purposes of its own business, provision is made that proceedings may be taken by the Crown to appropriate the land if the bank does not dispose of it after the expiration of the statutory limit of seven years, or twelve years if an ex- ‘ down. ONOF iRANSVAALï¬ Roberts’ Headquarters Now North of the Vaal Rivers. A despatch from London says zâ€"Tlie War Office has received the following from Lord Roberts: " Vereeniging, Sunday, May, 27, 1.50 p.m.â€"â€"-\Ve crossed the Vaal this morn- ing, and are now encamped on the north bank. The advance troops, which crossed yesterday, were only just in time to save the coal mines on both this and the other side of the river from being destroyed. Our cas< ualties were four. " Lieut. Webber was taken prisoner at Heilbron a few days ago. He went there unfair-graph duty. It was not known that our troops had been tem- porarily withdrawn." current fiscal year were brought The total amount to be voted is $3,589,889, of which $1,335,562 is. chargeable to capital, $2,021,160 to income, and $160,000 to the war in South Africa. The detailed items are :â€"$125,000 for the annual drill camps; $160,000 to de- fray expenses of the Halifax Regi- ment; $900,000 for the I. C. R., charg- able to income, and $355,131 to capital; $1,355,449 St. Lawrence canal system, $30,000 for binder twine requisites at Kingston penitentiary; $75,000 immi- gration; $30,000 additional for Paris Exhibition; $12,000 additional for quarantine. A vote of $9,000 is asked for the pro- secution in the Ville Marie Bank case. $364,474 additional for adminis- tration of the Yukon, $34,715 addiâ€" tional required for Customs, 825.000 to the fishery service. The commissions to the Canadian Bank of Commerce for transacting the Government's banking business in the Yukon are as followszâ€"Four per cent. for handling gold dust, 2 per cent. commission on drafts issued free to miners, 1 1-2 per cent. on revenue col- lections, 11-2 per cent on cash pay- ments, 2 per cent. on mounted police drafts, 2per cent. on Militia Depart- ment drafts. Lately these commissions have been somewhat reduced. â€"â€".â€"â€" BOTHA SAVED THE MINES. lndignantly Protestecl Against Kru ger's Proposal to Destroy Them. A VERDICT IN 35 MINUTES. It was Just six o‘clock when the Chancellor finished his charge to the twin, escaped from everyone‘s throat, HOW THE PRISONERS TOOK IT. A gasp, which was almost a cry of tension is granted. The object of this amendment is to force abank to sell land which it acquires and holds as The Durban correspondent of the *London Times, telegraphing Tuesday, jury, a charge in which he was both fair and stern, and the jury went out of the court room amid excitement from the crowded halls and corridors. In 35 minutes they had arrived at their verdict, and at 6.45 the court, the jury and the prisoners awaited with breathless silence the verdict which would send these three menito the penitentiary or set them‘ at free- dom forever on the charge. and in‘ an istannt the crowd sprang to their feet. The ladies, who were present in scores, seemed paralyzed for a moment, and then seemed to grasp the, awfulness of the situation with the rest. The prisoners rose from their seats and then sank back together, and Dullman. who was more 'visibly affected than the others, look- ed almost ready to collapse, the tears " ‘ H came to his eyes, and the public gaze THE JURY SLAID GUILTY. turned “om him in pity- The crowd Still held its breath as Three minutes later the court room the foreman told the clerk they had i was cleared and the prisoners were in arrived at a verdict, and slowly rising, their cells, 0N BOER RIGHT FLANK. «B, p," DECLINES REST. British Forces Marching East Along the Vaai River. A despatch from Pretoria, Wednes- 2â€"An off'cial bulletin issued , :2: :2;:._ l Jot-General Baden-Powell declines to "The advance guard at Heilbron re. wt on the Buggesï¬on Of his friends ï¬nd on the main body at the north‘ [ that he should return to England for I rest. Boers Are Entrenching Ten Mile: East of Mafeking. A despatch from London says :â€"Maâ€" ern bordeix I . . u‘ccurding to Free State advices the active command at the front. Advmes British yesterday were at Greyling‘s from Matekingi dated Sunday, 83! 1â€" drift, on the Vaal river. 25 miles from I Mn?" 308†are entrencmng “t Pot‘ wolmam"sudl with a large force. fontein, ten miles east of Mafeking. "on Sunday Kalbe engaged the Brit_ l The northern railway is now repaired ' l lob between Heilbron and Lindley. The Federals had to retire before an over- whelming force, lasing one killed and are coming in. seven wounded." "00101181 Badenâ€"Powell voluntarily gave up 53 Boers and 13 wounded to a point within four miles of the town. Ample supplies of plain food He is determined to retain his , _.._._ to the Boer commandant, who thank- HUNTER AT VRYBURG. ed him- Remarkable Achâ€"ievemenl fox, al "The Baralongs, stimulated by the Mixed Force Short of Rations. A despatoh from \Varrenton, Thurs- duy sayszâ€"Operations have been pushâ€" ed forward eighty miles, one of Gen- eral Hunter's brigades having occupi- ed Vryburg last night. Considering the difficulties of the road, this is a remarkable achievement for a mix-jE ed force, short of rations, making fore-g ed marches. .Water is scarce. Some: portions of the brigade covered sigh-1I teen miles without a break. General Hunter personally goes to hyburg tmley by train. * TO THE BITTER END. Kruger? Proclamation Calling Upon Dungeons to Defend Johannesburg British successes. attacked the rebel ' natives at Rietfontein, and took much loot. ‘ They released Sani, the old chief, who had rendered good service to the British in keeping Mafeking supplied with news of the Boet opera- ‘ tions." "The railway south of Mafeking is being rapidly repaired, and the bridge at Taungs can now be used. Refugees from Mafeking are pressing through Taungs bound for the Cape." #â€" WOMAN SUFFRAGE IN LONDON. House of (‘ouimous i'nsses the Bill on It Second ltemilug. A despatch from London says ;â€"The ouse of Commons on Wednesday dis- H cussed the bill removing the political ' iA deniech from Cope Town, was. , disabilities of women in regard to Dissident Kruger, it is announced ' holding office in London lorough. The has), has issued a proclampflon saying bill makes women eligible to election he WI defend Johannesburg and as alderman and councillors. The bill calling upon all the Boers to fight to passed its second reading by a vote of the bitter end. 248 to 129 amidnoud cheers. l v its shareholders. . as to prevent the reputation of Cana- an asset and is not necessary! for pur- poses of business. A return of un- paid drafts shall be made byi the bank every five years in the same way as returns of unpaid balances are made, Better provision is to be made for the handling of a bank’s affairs after it has suspended payment. For this purpose the Bankers’ Association is to be incorporated, and immediately on the suspension of a bank this as- sociation shall appoint a curator, who shall be manager of the bank, direct all its affairs and assume all powers conferred upon him. The curator shall remain in charge until a liquiâ€" dator is appointed, or the bank un- der suspension resumes business. The point yet to be decided, and upon which some discussion took place yes- terday, was what responsibility the Bankers’ Association should assume for the acts of the curator. It is also proposed to grant the Bankers’ Association authority which will op- erate as a means to secure accurate returns being made to the Govern- ment by banking institutions, but this proviso is not in workable form as yet. Provision is made to enablea solvent bank to sell out to another institution, without loss of time up on a vote of twoâ€"thirds in value of INSPFI‘TION 0F APBLES. A long discussion took place over the bill to regulate the packing of ap- ples and pears for export. There was a general feeling that the trade re- quired to be controlled in such a way dian fruits from being injured in the English market, but some difference of opinion was developed as to whe- ther Mr. Fisher had hit upon the best, method of bringing about this desired end. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE. Mr. MacLaren presented a petition from the Corporation of the City of Stratford praying that the Postmas- ter-General be authorized to acquire‘ all telegraph and telephone lines in the Dominion of Canada and to oper- ate the same in connection with the postal system or else to construct a new sysiem of telegraphs or tele~ phones, or both. CIGARETTES. Mr. Flint presented apetition from, the Dominion \Vomen's Christian Tom-' per-ante Union, praying for an Ari to: prohibit the manufacture. importation ‘ and sale of cigarettes. i SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES. l Supplementary estimates for thei ; or says:â€" "The Rev. Adrien Hofmeyer tells me he was informed by a high Boer offi- cial that when President Kruger no- tified the Raad of the Government's arrangements to blow up the mines and to destroy Johannesburg, Gen. Louis Botha hurried to Pretoria and had a stormy interview with Presi. dent Kruger, to whom he said if the plan were not cancelled, he would himself defend Johannesburg, adding that the Boers were not barbarians. At this according to Mr. Hofmeyer, the plan was abandoned." BRIDGE WAS DESTROYED Boers Taking Their Guns and For- age Toward Johannesburg. A despatch from ’l‘aaibosch says :â€" Gen. Hamilton, with Gen. Broadâ€" wood's advance is at the drift at Boschbank. Gen. French crossed the Van] river into the Transvaal at Parys on Thursday. The British ad- i vanice guard crossed the river on Sunday without opposition. The bridge had been destroyed. The Boers are reported to be taking their guns and forage towards Joh- annesburg. The rail-head is now at the Rhenoster river. It is stated here that forty British troops are oc- cupying the coal mines. Gen. Rob- erts is arranging to support them. RUNDLE OCCUPIES SENEKAL British Loss E-leâ€"ven Killed or Wounded in the Engagement. A London Times despatch slates that Gen. Rundie Occupied Senekai Satur- day without opposition. The Boersin the neighbourhood: are said to nu-m- bered 1,500. with several guns. A few shells dispersed them. A field cornet and several others were killed. The British casualties were eleven killed wounded. ' â€"~_._._.. KRUGER’S PROCLAMATION Asks Burghers Whether They Want More Fight or Peace. A despatch from London says:â€" President Kruger, according to a special despatch from Newcastle, has issued a proclamation asking the Transvaal burghers to notify him whether they desire to continue thel fight or to sue for peace. MARKETS [IF THE WORLD Prices of Grain, Cattle, Cheese. &c., in the Leading Markets. Toronto, May 29.-â€"Flour -â€" Ontarii patents, in bags, $335 to $3.65, straight rollers, $3.25 to $3.45; Hun- garian patents, $3.80; Manitoba bak- ers’. 33:55, all on track at Toronto. \Vheatâ€"Ontario red and white. 650 north and west; game, 700 north and west; No. 1 Man. hard, 77 1â€"20, Toron- to, and No. 1 Northern at 700. Oatsâ€"White oats quoted at 27c west and 280 east. Barleyâ€"*Quoted at 43c for No. 2 west, and feed barley 36c to 370. Ryeâ€"Quoted at 50c north and West and 51c east. Branâ€"City mills sell bran at 315.5! and shorts at $16.50 in car lots, f.o.b., Toronto. Buckwheatâ€"Firm; 50c west. Cornâ€"Canadian, 1-20 on track here. Oatmealâ€"Quoted at $3.20 by the be; and $3.30 by the barrel, on track at Toronto. in car lots. Peasâ€"Quoted at 58c north and west for immediate shipment. East Buffalo, May 29.â€"Cattle â€" About steady; the meat trade is a little dull; partly due to the labour disturbance. Calvesâ€"In light supply, good demand, and a quarter strong~ er than yesterday; choice to extra, :56 ‘ to $6.25; good to choice, $5.75 to $6. Sheep and lambsâ€"Fair demand at a further decline of 250, or 75c decline from Monday's prices; lambs, choice, to extra, $5.75 to $6; good to choice, $5.50 to $5.75; sheep mixed, $4.50 to $4.85; wethers, $4.90 to $5.25; export sheep quoted at about $5.25. Hogs- Unchanged; heavy 85.40; mixed, $5.35 to $5.45; yorkers, $5.25 to $5.30; pigs, $4.95 to $5; roughe, $4.70 to 84.00; Stags, $3.75 to $4; close was steady. Milwaukee, May 29.â€"Wheat â€" No.1 Northern, 67 1-20. Ryeâ€"No. 146 1-20. Barleyâ€"No. 2, 42 to 430; sample, 37 to A2 l-Zc. Minneapolis, May 29.â€"Wheat closed; â€"In store, lNo. lNorthern, May, 66 1-4c; July, 65 1-4 to 65 31-81:; September, 65 3â€"8 to 65 1-2c; on. track, No. 1 hard, 67 3â€"8c; No. lNorthern, 65 7-8c; No. 2. Northern, 64 7-8c. Flourâ€"First pat- ents, $3.55; second patents, $3.35;first clears, $2.55; second clears, $2.10. Bran â€"-In Bulk. $11 to $11.75. Duluth, May 29.â€"-Wheatâ€"No. lhard, cash, 69 1-40; May, 69 1-40; July, 69 lâ€"Zc; September, 68 7-8c; No. 1Northern, cash, 67 3-80 ; May, 67 3-80 ; July, 67 3-40; No. 3spring wheat, 62 3-8c. Oatsâ€"22 1â€"2 to 230, Cornâ€"36 5â€"Bc. Chicago, May 29.â€"-l“laxseed closed:â€" North-West and South-\Vest, and May, $1.80 bid; September, $1.27 bid; Octo- ber, $1.22 bid. Detroit, May ailâ€"Wheat closed;â€"No.. 1 white, cash, 74c; No. ,2 red, cash 74; May, 740; July, 72 5-8c. Buffalo, May 29,-Spring wheatâ€"No 1, Northern, 72c. Winter wheatâ€"~No. 2 red, 75c; No. 1 white and mixed, 74c asked. Cornâ€"No. 2 yellow, 42 3-4c; No. 3 yellow, 421-40; No. 2 corn, «120 on track. Oatsâ€"No. 2 white, 2814c; No 480 north and 440; American, 46 3 white. 271â€"2c; No. 2 mixed, 261-4c, on track. Toledo, May 29.â€"\Vhei1tâ€"Cush, 74 34c; May, 74 3-4c; July, 730. Cornâ€" July, 38 3-lc. Oatsâ€"July, 23c. -â€"â€"â€"-.â€"â€"â€" ADVANCE T0 VREDEFORT. Many Burghers in the Free State Turning in Their Arms. A despaich from Vredefort, Orange Free State, says:â€"â€"Thc British dragnet extends almost to the banks of the Veal i‘ii'ei‘. On two different occas- ions the L'Ul‘l‘csllondellt h is seen parties of burghcrs turning in their arms, The correspondent has met many burgh- ers who are anxious to learn the dale on which they can throw down their arm< and return to their farms. A commando of $00, consisting large. ly of Johannesburg zarps, mouiiled police. and foreigners, when they heard of Col. Piicher taking Boihaviile, has- tened to the south-east and joined the retreating forces. The zarps retired to Paris drift on the Vaal river. Gen. French is within striking dis- tance of the enemy.