Jacob LeavoC I’ R Crossing at 6. 7.20, 9.40. 1.30, 2.40, 4.00 540. 7.45 1). Leave Richmond Hill 8.10, 1030 u. m. 3.30. 4.50, 6.30, 8.35 p. m. GOLNG SOUTH Leave NeWmurket. 7.30, 9.15. 11,15 4.15.000. 7.37071}. gn_ Leave Richmoï¬li‘flxï¬â€˜ "125216; 9.55, 11.55 a‘ 2.40, 3.55. 4.55. 6.40. 8.10 p. m. These agents also keep on hand in their shop, 01 Fire Proof store, Bmders, rakes and mowers oft make, as well as repairs for all kinds of mac All kinds of Repairing Promptly Done. M ETROPOLITAN TIM E TABLE Epishopal Churchâ€"~Services at. Buindaty. I Duuuuy. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. 111., and 'l .m. Sunday School M130. Prayer meeting ednasday evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- nate Sunglaygpt!) ‘13.. 1:9. and “LSD a. m. ,L1nnn- M M“: "fey‘nsa‘gafa 0 U of each month; Camp Elam. S 0 S â€"I\ieeta second and fourth Wednesdsg. R '1‘ of emperanceâ€"Mee(s ï¬rst Wednesday of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Mean ï¬rst Monday of every month Public Library and Reading Roam» Open Tuesday. Thursday and Saturdav evenings vaorth Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. vnuj/Lu q..." w W -- -~ 7 v forms or ï¬xuafu“ eakness. all effects of abna or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use To Mao. Opium or Shimlflants. Mailed on of prgoe. one ppmkage :1. six. :5. One willp flmucure. amphlets tree to any addrm The Wood Company, Windsos. on l3 Wood's Pbosphodiue is sold in Richmond Hill by W. A. Sandersonmruggzst. A lmge amount of priv impmwd flu-m proves-L; surest. Epsy kegs-15:“? ' WEY I MONEY! M31 £9†Wood's “09131105199: POST OFFICE NOTICE Batwebn Toronto and Newmnrket‘ DEERING BINDER TWINE Village Directory. GOING NORTH The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by a druggists in Canada. 011.]; re! able medicine discovere . packages guarqntmi to cure t A: -Lâ€" -Meeta second mud fourth Wâ€"~Meets fourth Tuesday Dve Works. Fresh from the Mills sold by {fun 3 p. 111. every :p on, hand in their shop, opposite the Jders, rakes and mowers of the above repairs for all kinds of machinery. 11.30 a. m.; 12.20, 220. 3.15, The undersi ed have received instructions from Mrs. Ann rush and W.Ca.mes Page Marsh, administering the estate of the late Harriett Kigby. to sell by public auction on the premises Administrators Sale BY Auction Jul At 1 o'clock p: m.. the following valuable free- hold property, viz.: Containing one and one-quarter acres of land more or less, composed of part of the front port of lot No. 38, in the ï¬rst concession of the town- shin cf Vaughan, on which there is a good fmme house. containing seven rooms, with cellar, summer kitchen, woodshed and other necessary outbuildings. There is also a. good stable and a good well and cistern. The land is of the best quality and in ï¬rst-class condition. Terms and conditions made known on day of sale. or on u. plicution to the administrators. 49-5 AIGEON a HOMWEN, Auctioneers Good General Servant Wanted at once. Ap: ply at DOMINION HOUSE, PLOW POINTS. Plow Points for all the principal plows at Haifa, mile west of Richmond Hill. Binders and Mowers Repaired on the shortest notice. Sixty cents a hundred allowed on wrought, or cast iron. Shop open every night until 8.30. Being “The Golden Lion Hotel,†situate on Yonge Street at Lzmsing, about 6 miles north of Tm-oqtg. Tenders for the purchase of the above mentioned hotel property and business will be received by the undersigned up to the 13th day of {111157 1900. HETEL PROPERTY to the 13th day or June, wuu. The location of this hotel is one of the most advantageous in the ann- ship of York, and commands a. large and paying trade; , ALL-:_. u.“ run, ".0 Intending purchasers can obtain or- ders for inspection of the property and all further particulars from the under- si ned. o tender necessarily accepted. Tenders should be marked, “ Teu- derfor purchase of Golden Lion H0- tel," and sent by registered letter or delivered to, MULOCK.;\IULOCK,THOMP- SON and LEE, Barristers, &c., 72 Yonge St, Solicicitm‘s for the Execu- Toronto. tor of the Estate of James Thompson, deceased. m. “mum... .......v- - W, town Fair, on April ‘24. a. Stallion’s Bridle and Lead Line. The ï¬nder will he amply rewarde Ly leaving the fame at Hughes' hotel, Thornhil], or communicating with the owner, 47-2 GEO. ROBINSON. Richmond Hill Mager’s Fuundry, Parties requiring pasture for stock apply to 47â€"6 THOS. COOK, Cm-rvil‘m Servant Wanted In the pleasant Village of Richm‘ A comfortabie eight-mowed t dgnco well situated in tho mids flush and Public Szhoolsand clos Thursday , July 5, 1900. ail way. For further 1 Large Frgsh‘Milch cow. For Sale By Tender. mm gavettisemmw. Buy a flu PASTURE FOR SALE nformatiou a“! n: LOST 'ï¬EHN BESTARD. .0t ‘21, 2nd con. Markham. \V. MAGER, Prop. Vttyigï¬iï¬ond Hill um CE L‘on brit Is one of the few of Agents- everywhefe. W. A. SANDERSON. Canada Cycle & Motor 00., Limited, MASSEY- T Comp; HARRIS ï¬g ()0 '2 Ausm her of Bicycles her of !_ lgggmg hawâ€"L ( THE Canada Cycle 86 Motor»: 60., Limited, Our Experts Find. Fault 5" Canada Cycle & r1; leveland This season’s special features and 1mprovements embraceâ€"combined coaster aml brakeâ€"reduced Weightâ€"unique hubsâ€"â€"improved crank bracket-â€" perfect handle-bar adjustmentâ€"ideal.seat~post fast- enerâ€"and others. Bramfurd Canada’s Standardt Bicycles Agents everywhere. Head ofï¬ce, Toronto, Canada. Bicvcless. Head ofï¬ce, Toronto, (.Ianada. Bed Bird Head ofï¬ce, Toront . F. MCMAEON. Local representative, HEIR very name is their guar- T antee â€"â€" want proof of their staunchness ?â€"-Wa.nt proof of their strength ? â€" want them compared with other makes? Here’s evidence from the Government “Blue Books â€â€"the Victorian Government of Australia recently purchased a num- ber of Massey-Harris Bicycles for use in its Cycle Post Department. At about the same time the New South Wales Government purchased a num- berof American and other makes of wheels for similiar service, and from statistics printed it is shown that it cost twenty more times for repairs on the American collection than for the Massey-Harris Bicycles. Improve- ments and features in the 1900 models are not made for the sake of change, but in the everlasting trying to make a best Wheel better. Get a catalogue and study it. EVERY part and detail in the construction is put to so severe testing and thorough examination before it goes into the ï¬nished wheel that any flaw or fault in ma- terial or making is bound to be detected before the wheel gets into your handsâ€"our men are highly paid menâ€" just to ï¬nd the faultsâ€"~and protect our patronsâ€"you have the company’s guarantee for the “well and truly made †part 01 itâ€"the Cleveland is up-toâ€"date any way you’ve a mind to criticrse it. ' Write for catalogue. Write for catalogue. Local Representative ocal representative. [30 .3 ' 13.11115? Agents everywhere. Gemal Bank’mg Business Tmnsaeted. H§EHE8T CURRENT HATES Fiï¬ ï¬‚ BEPGSITS. HIST ARRIVED \Vhich we will sell on a very close margin for cash. We have in stock a full line of all kinds of dressed and rough Dom-s, Sash, Mouldings, Bases, Farm Gates, Etc. \Ve also have for sale two old build- ings, size 241450 ft., two stories high : one stable, 20x55 ft., two stories ; also one small ofï¬ce building, 9x16 ft. These buildings are in good repair and the lumber and timber in them is good and sound. flu! Grist Mill Is running every just gotiu 'This corn is sweet and dry and makes the best of meal. Call and see it, and you will not fail to buy. On the remises, Richmond Hill. a. thorough red Short-horn bull. Terms $1.00 cash. 32-tf T. LUDFORï¬DLm L. INNES & SUNS, J. H. PRENTICE (Of the ï¬rm of Eckardt & Prentice), agent for the Massey-Harris Labor- Sav’n’t Machinery, \Vagons, Plows, ‘ L~r. 31.3; :Uw.‘ the Sawyer 8: _ A; 1,: .6“ As mul Threshers, the 7‘ fw'fl midizu, and. the Upâ€"to- 'fvlv“ .rr “aiming .:y-!’x: " lutiw‘mpt by H. A. ‘ UH". - iiil]. Business FOR Parties requiring pasture {or stock Apply to THE NEWTON TANNINQCQ’Y, A Branch of this Bank has been opened at ICHMOND HILL FEED CORN. Capital ï¬rst SHNGLES Mâ€"M Of Canada Jâ€. .F. ROWLAND. Acting Agent. LUMBER, 'cm' of best XXX and No. 1 PASTURE Unionville, Richmond Hill Mills. best No. 2 a. car day, and we have , car load of 351,000,000 000,000 Richmond Hill. Elan mus.