Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jun 1900, p. 8

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. Until further notice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post 011506 as follows:â€" MORNING u 8.00 EVENING . ..... 6.15 N.B.â€"â€"Registered Letters must be handed in at. least Fxtteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for clusinn. LeuveC P R Crossing at 6. 7.20. 9.40. 11.30 a. m.; 1.30. 2.40. 4.00 5.40. 7.45 p. m. Leave Richmond Hill 8.10, 10.30 a. 111.; 12.20, 2.20, 3.30.450, 6.30. 8.36 p.111. Leave Newmurket 7.30. 9.15. 11.15 a 4.15Lngnl'7q02. m. Jacob Eyer and Son. Leave mchmmia Hm 7. 0.10. 0.55 2.40. a.55,-,a.10 p‘ METROPOLITAN TIM E TABLE Church of Englandâ€"Services at 3p. In. every Sunday. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 11 n. m., and 7 p. m. Sunday School at Prayer meetmg Wednesday evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- nate Sundays MS a. m. and 10330 a. m. Methodist Church-Services M 10.30 0.. m., and 7'1). 111. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Dodge, A F and A Mâ€"Meets Mm:- dav on gr_b_efnre gull 111902 -- ., _,,A_,; ,.,J These agents also keep on hand in their shop, opposite the Fire Proof store, Binders, rakes and mowers of the above make, as well as repairs for all kinds of machinery. Com-t Richmond, A 0 Fâ€"Meets second and fourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"-Meets fourth Tuesday of each month Camp Elam, S O S â€"Meets second and fourth Wednesday. R T at Temperanceâ€"Meets first. VVednesdny of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of every month Public bemry and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings Euwonh Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. Thu Great English Remedy. '~ Sold and recommended by ) druggists in Canada. On] re‘ able medicine discovere . ‘= ‘ ckages guaranteed to cure iorms o Weakness. all effec‘s 0! abni or excess, Mental Worry. Excesive use of To bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on recelp! o; prgce. one aokage $1. 51:. $5. One will pleas: m well on we. nmphlets free to any addrem. The \Vood Company, Windsor, 0n! Hill . Almge amount of private funds to loan on 1mprovedlum property. Five per cent. in- terest. Easy terms for repavunen‘u. No com- Lui: MONEY ! MONEY! Rub re. 4170. POST OFFICE NOTICE Between Toronto and Newmnrket‘ W0 ‘iun ch OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P M Village Directory. EERENG BINER TWINE GOING NORTH GOlNG SUUTH f- Wood’s 1"I1osp'lmdimg All kinds of Repairing Promptly Done. uhodine is sold in Richmond icrsouDrugglst. TEEFY. Postmaster ?resh from the Mills sold by A mle to Bhilding, Toronto hys. 11.55 a. m., @24‘5 53.3 .15, Administrators Sale The undersigned have received instructions from Mrs. Ann Marsh and W.Ca.rues Page Marsh, administering the estate of the late Harriett Kigby. to sell by public auction on the premises onl Atl o'clock p: m., the following valuable free- hold property, viz.: Containing one and one-quarter acres 01 land more or less. composed of part of the front part of lot, No. 38. in the first concession of the town- shiu cf Vaughan. on which there is a. good frame house, containing seven rooms, with cellm‘, summer kitchen, woodslied and other necessary outbuildings. There is also a good stable and a. good well and cistern. The land is of the best qujlity and in first-class condition. , .A V, __. -l. 3A.. .4 x “w...” .. a .. .4 V- w--- v-__._v_~- Terms and couditmns made knoKvn on day of 59.13.01' on application to the administrators. 48-5 SAIGEON 6: HCHWEN, Auctioneers PLOW POINTS. Plow Points for all the principal plows . at Half a. mile west of Richmond Hill. Binders mid Mowers Repaired on the shortest notice. Sixty cents a hundred allowed on wrought or cast iron. Shop open every night until 8.30.. Being “The Golden Lion Hotel,” situate on Yonge Street. at Lansing, about 6 miles north of Ten-outg- Tenders for the purchase of the above mentioned hotel property and business will be received by the undersigned up to the I3th day (it? Jiine, 1900. The location of this hotel is one of the most advantageous in the Town- shi of Y(>I'k,:mc1 commands a. large an paying trade: Iniending purchasers can obtain or- ders for inspection of the property and all further particulars from the under- signed. No tender necessarily accepted. _ _ Tenders should he nm-I-ked, “Ten- (191‘ for purchase of Golden Lion Ho- tel,” and sent; by registered letter or delivered to. Barristers, &c., 72 Yonge St, Solicicitmfs for the Execuâ€" Toronto. tor of the Estate of James Thompson, deceased. Parties requiring pasture for stock uppr to 47-6 THOS. COOK, Can-ville In_the plleasAalgy vmngga a nican cry]. Hi}! digh and Public Schools and close to Electric St. Railway. For Iunher information apply BOX 337 47 -3 Richmond Hill, 1’. 0 w. HEWESON, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Lot ES and part of 29 V'aughm. eonsxscing of The suxl is Sandy loam.t two barns (one u. bank I.» two barns (ofie jugs. The flu- mam Feunfiwg Thursday, July 5, 1900, RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL For particulars apply: Calls from a distance promptly attended to. MULOCK,MULOCK,THOMPâ€" SON and LEE, For Sale By Tender. “flow gavcctizcmmta. Farm for Sale Buy a. Home PASTURE Auction W. MAGER, Prop. y en the premises to JOHN SLINEYLH 165 acres is l'ux‘ su there is a. frame bun mun). and good uutbui 1 watered, and is in Agents everywhere. W. A. SANDEBSON. j Ganafia Cycle & Motor 00., Liza1it3d,! Harris 3.930 W‘ERHFXNWG SPRBEKET ‘ {Eleveland Bicycfie. T. F. MCMAHON. . I '.- 3 I ifirxnaia Cycle & I’Eotox (30., ganglia: E. .A. NICHOLLS. Canada Cycle 83 Motor 83., Limited, 29,57. ‘5 R E D B! R D ’7 Their very name is their guaranteeâ€"want proof of their staunchness ? ~â€"\\nnt proof of their strength Pâ€"wzmt them compared with other makes ?â€"here‘s evidence from the Government “ Blue Books ”â€"the Victorian Governmth of Australia recently purchased a number of Massey-Harris Bicycles for use in its Cycle Postal Departmentâ€"at about the same time the New South \Valcs Government purchased gr number of American and other makes of wheels for similar service, and from statistics printed it is shown that it cost twenty times more for repairs on the American collection than for the Massey-Harris Bicyclesâ€"iimprovements and features in the 1900' models are not made for the sake of change, but in the everlasting trying to make the best wheel hotterâ€"get a catalogue and study it. BRfiNTFEfiR A gents everywh ere. But mighty as an improvement in bicycle-makingâ€"and 1ts great useful-- ness is in the fact that when the spoke is in position it never pulls out “and to remove it is simpleâ€"all that IS necessary is to ioosen the spoke at the rim and move it to a right angle p051tionâ€"it’s one of “ {900 ” improve- ments on the Head office, Toronto, Canada. Head office, Toronto, Canada. Head office, 1" Local Representative, Local' representative, Is an important. feature in the 1000 lluédelsâ€"â€"ib brings the chain pull in- side we bull 1’AChsâ€"gives :L run-105w trendâ€"great speed uf ball tracks and an even and direct drivingfit‘x-uin. Other improvements â€"â€" reduced weightâ€"ideal seat post; fastener. New featux'esflcombined coaster and brake. Write for catalogue. Write for catalogue. K N A a Transacted. HES’HEST WERE!“ “MES- ?tii 6N DEWflTS. 55$? AEREVED RECHMOND HILL Which We will sell on :1 very close margin for cash. ' VVe have in stock a. full line of all kinds of dressed and rough Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Buses, Farm Gates, Etc. We also have for sulv twp old buildâ€" ings, size 24x60 ft., two stories high : one stable. 20x55 ft, two stories ; also one small office building, 9x16 ft. These buildings are in good repair and the lumber and timber in them is- good and sound. fiur (35333 W Eemxal Banking: Business Is running ever-y day, and we have just got in a car load of best No. 2 This corn is sweet and dry and makes the best of meal. Call and see it, and you will not fail to buy. On the remises, Richmond Hill, a thorough red Short-horn bull. Terms $1.00 cash. 32-tf T. LUDFORD, L. INNES & SUNS, J. H. PRENTICE (Of the agent Saving Scuffle Brant/ford X M: A... 4 “ii I ~59 .«4 FOR SERVICE A Branch of this Bank has been opened at FEED GORN. 1:051 Capit: A car of. SH Of Canada LUMBER, J”. F. ROWLAND, Acting: Agent. PASTURE U11 ionville, firm '01- t Richmond Hill Mills. he best XXX. and No. 1 NGLES Ecliill'dt & Prentice), Sinssey-Hnn'is Labor- m-y, \Vaguns, Plows, ulsu the Sawyer & s and Threshers, the '1}, and the Upâ€"‘Lo- ;;'\7::;: Mill. All $1.090n000 Richmond Hill 600,000 fit by__ H_. 111985

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