No Surrender So Long as There Are 500 A despatch from London says:â€" The Daily Express prints an inter- , view that its Lorenzo Marques corâ€"- respondent obtained yesterday with) President Kruger at DInChn(lodor[),, 107 miles east of Pretoria. The Pi‘eSi-l dent and State Secretary Reitz were found established in apri‘vate rail- way car, which President Kruger lately ordered constructed in anti- cirpatioai of the present contingency. The car, which is comfortably but not luxuriously furnished, was sideâ€" tracked at the station. The Presi- dent was smoking his pipe when the correspondent met him. He ap- peared depressed and worried, but was in aquiet determined mood. He did not make the slightest objection to being interviewed. After admitting that' it was true that the Briish were in Pretoria he said:â€" -. "That, hmvever, does not mean the end of the war. The burghers are fully determined to fight to the last. They will never surrender so long as, there are five hundred armed men in the country. I am deeply en- couraged by the fine work De Wet and Steyn have been doing in the Orange {Free State.†The correspondent here interjeoted, “But surely the war is over now the capital is taken 2" V “ President Kruger exclaimed with energy :â€" "Capitali What is a capital! It does not consist of any particular col- lection of bricks and mortar. The re- publican capital, the seat of Govern- ment, is here in this car. There is no magic about any special site. Our country is invaded, it is true, but it is not conquered. The Government is still effective." The correspondent said he presumed President Kruger had left Pretoria to avoid capture. Smiling feebly, the President said :â€" “I was not so foolish as to be taken prisoner. I provided this means of lo- comotion with precisely the same pur- pose that the burghers supply themâ€" selves w’ith horses in the field. It is necessary that I be able to move quickly from place to place. That’s all. Byâ€"and-bye this car will take me Armed Men Left. back to Iretoria. At present, it enâ€" ables me to keep away from Pretoria, where I could be of no service. and shoulr’ \uly play into the enemy‘s hands The correspondent asked whether it was true that he had brought £2,000,- l 000 in gold with him. President Kruger declared that the report was untrue, and added:â€" "VVhatever monetary resources we have are simply those we rcquire for State purposes. At the same time, I am not going to tell you where our treasure is. LeL Roberts find it if he can." The correspondent mentioned the ru- mour that he intended to take refuge on a Dutch warship, to which the Pre- sident replied:â€" "That, again, is a lie. I know no- thing about a Dutch warship, and I do not contemplate taking refuge any- where. I shall not leave my country. There will be no need to do anything of the kind." The correspondent expressed sur- prise that Mrs. Kruger had left her whereupon the President husband, said, “\Vhy, she is quite safe in Pro- toria. She would only suffer personal inconvenience here. She will await my return with calmness and courage. She is a brave woman. I am here awaiting further information. We are surrounded by faithful burghers, and are quite safe.†GUERILLA WARFARE, SAYS REITZ, Here State Secretary Reitz inter- polatedzâ€" "Your may depend upon it that the war is not over yet. There will be guerilla wa.refare over an enormous area. We will fight to the end. We will probably retire to Lydenburg, where we can hold out for many months.†“Yes,†added President Kruger, "the real struggle has only now begun. I fear there will be much bloodshed, but the fault is the British Govern- ment’s.“ Then, in a high voice full of passion, he concluded :â€" ' “The time for talking is past. \Ve have done plenty of talking. It did no good Nothing is left for us now but to keep on fighting.†HEAVY GUNS MOUNTED â€"~ Gen. Schalkburger installs Three Batteries of Artillery. A despatch from Pretoria, Sunday night, via. Lorenzo Marques, sayszv‘ Gen. Schalkburger has returned from Lydenburg. There are three batteries of artillery in the forts, where heavy guns are also mounted. Another great war councilwas held at midnight. At its conclusion strong commandoes were sent to Rustenburg and Vi’aterberg to await the advance under the forces of Gen. Baden-Powell and Col. Plumer. The Volksstem, the Transvaal organ, last night bitterly attacked the Portu- guese authorities. It alleged that For- tugal has been guilty of numerous breaches of neutrality, and said it hoped the powers would see that the' two small Republics received fair play against the resources of aworld Eml- pire. l THREE EARLS CAPTURED. , Composition of the Yeomanry Corpsl Taken at Lindley. A despatch from London says ;â€"The l Thirteenth Imperial Yeomanry Butâ€"i talion, captured by the Boers Friday, near Lindley, Orange River Colony, consists of two Irish units and two: companies of the Duke of Cambridge’s Own, including Lord Donoughmore‘sl company, which was regarded as the crack company of the corps, a num- ber of men in the ranks being closely allied to noble families. Among the officers are the Earl of Leitrim. the Earl of Longfard, and the Earl of En- nismore. ' â€"â€"â€"_.â€"- THE TRANSVAAL CAPITAL. Agitation For Its Removal to Johan- nesburg. A despatch from Cape Town, says; -â€"The foreign residents of Johannes- burg are agitating for the removal of the Transvaal to that city. , There is a general desire that Mr. l Rose-Inn“, the Opposition leader in' the Cape Parliament, should be ap- I pointed chief justice of the Transvaal. l | Miss Mi-Airlhlir that HORRIBLE MURDER. â€"-â€"_ John Mori'lsou Killed Ills Employer and “'lfc and Two l‘lilldrcn. iA despuatch from Moosomin, Assa., snyszâ€"The police have returned from the scene of the miulr‘der at Welivyn, 12 miles north of here, bringing with them John Morrison, aged 2'7, the man who didthe awful deed. The murder was committed about 12.30 on Saturâ€" day morning. The following are the dead: Mrs. A. McArlh'Lir, Demsey McAr- thur, aged 12; Charles McArthur, aged 8; Mr. A; McArthur, the father. Russell McArthur, aged 4 years; Mamie McIAl‘thhr, aged 6; Henry (Mc- Alrthur aged 2, and Baby McArthur, 3 weeks old, are badly, wounded. Henry and the baby cannot recover. Miss Mr-Arrthrur, aged 15, was awakâ€" ened by the mquderer taking her little brother Russell, who was sleep- ing with her, out of bed, when he was killed in the same room. After killing little Russell, Morrison told he had killed all the family, but would sparre her, and said he was going to shoot himâ€" self. He then left the house, and at- tempted to tokeyhis own life in the stable by shooting himself through the right lung. He, however, is likeâ€" liy to recover, and is now lodged in jail here. Mr. and Mrs )IcArihur were highly! respected by all who knew them; in fact, were among the leading psople of the Welwyn district,. and will be greatly missed. Mr. McArthur had one brother in \Vinnipeg and another in New \Vestminster. John Morrison, the murderer, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and lived in Ontario Province previous to com- ing here, eight yeirs ago. most of which time he has been employel by Mr. McArthur. No motivv his been found for the crime, which was all done with an ax. .___.â€"â€"â€" CAPTURED A MACHINE GUN. British, Under Major Dellsle, Cause the Boers Heavy Loss. A despatch from London. Friday, says :â€"â€"A despatch from Pretoria says that. the British under Major Delisle captured a machine gun. and caused Boers heavy loss, the British casual- ties being slight. and mm. B Prices oi“ Grain. Cattle. Cheese. 8&6†in the Leading Markets. Toronto, June 12.â€"\Ve had 38 our- loads of live stock corsair). here 10-day, but light as was the sup-ply trade was rather quiet, though prices were scarcely quotany changed. Uluichier cattle were firm, though sales were not effected as quickly as thwy might have been, as buyers hesi- tated to pay the high figures asked, and buyers and sellers were a litlle apart. Slookore, bulls, and milk cows are 1111H‘hnngod; only a few feeders here, and enquiry light. Good veal wives wanted. Sheep are a shade easier. Yeai‘lings are steady, and unchang- l ed. ' Good spring lambs are wanted. Only about 150 sheep and lambs come in. ' Abbut Nix hundch hogs came in; prices m‘e unchanged and firm. For prime hogs, scaling from 160 to 200 lbs, the top, price is 67â€"8c ; heavy hbgs, 61-40; and light bogs, (Sc per l'b. Following is the range of quota- tions: Cattle. Shippers, per cwt. .$ 4 25 $ 510 Butcher, choice do. 375 450 , Butcher, med, to good. 325 375 Butcher, inferior. 300 (3 02 1â€"2 Stockers, per cwt. 3 00 3 62 1-2 Sheep and Lambs. Sheep, per cwt. 375 450 Yearlings, per cwt. 4 50 5 25 Spring lambs, each. . 2 50 4 50 Bucks, rer cwt. . 2 50 3 50 Milkch and Calves. Cows, each. . . . 2500 45 00 Calves, each. . 2 00 10 CO Hogs. Choice hogs, per cwt. 650 6871â€"2 Light hogs, per cwt. 550 600 Heavy hogs, per cwt. 000 625 Sows. . . . . . 300 325 Stags. . . . ' 2 25 2 50 Toronto. June 12.â€"thatâ€"The boom in' wheat in Chicago continued toâ€"day and British markets were firmer all round. July wheat in Chicago made again of 1 3-4 cents. Local prices were stronger. Manitobas were up 10 more. Ontarios were firm, but no higher. Quotations are as follows:â€" Ontario red and white, 65 to 65 1â€"2c, north and west; east, 65 1-2 to 66c; spring, east, 660; Manitoa No. 1hard, 78 1-2c, Toronto, and west, 800, g.i.t., lakeiund rail; and. 75c, Owen Sound. , Flourâ€"Tone lS firmer, in sympathy with wheat. Straight roller, in buy- ers bags, middle heights, $2.32 121 per ‘bbl bid, and $2.60 asked. Special brands, in wood, $2.90 to $3. LIillfecdâ€"Dull, Bran, $13 to $13.50; and shorts, $14 to $14.50, west. Cornâ€"Steady. No. 1 American yel- low, 44 1-2c, on track here; and mix- ed at 440. Peasâ€"Rather firmer. Car lots are quoted nominally at 580, north and west, and 590 east. Barleyâ€"Dull. No. 2, 390 west, and 40c, east; No. 1, 41 to 424:. Ryeâ€"Steady. Car Lots, and 530 east. Oatsâ€"Quiet and easy. \Vhite oats north and west, 26 1â€"20; and east, 27 1-2c. - Buckwheatâ€"Quoted and 510 east. Buffalo, June 12,â€"Spring wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern, round lots, 715 3-80; No. 1 Northern, car lots, ’74 1-4c; Winter wheatâ€"Higher; No. 2 red, 75 1â€"20; No. 1 white, 74 l-Zc. Corn,â€"Steady; No.2 yellow, 42 340; No. 3 yellow, 421-2c; No. 4 yellow, 41 1â€"20', No. 2 corn, 42 1-4c; No. 3corn, 420. Oatsâ€"Stronger; No. 2 white, 27 1â€"4c; No. 3white, 26 3-4c; NOJ 4 white, :26 14c; No. 2 mixed, 25c. Ryeâ€"Nominal. lFlourâ€"Firm. west, 52c, at 500 west, Chicago, June 12.â€"The gravity of the crop situation in the N01‘thâ€"\Vestl factor in a broad and was a main buoyant wheat market toâ€"day. July closed 17â€"8 to 2c over yesterday. lâ€"‘Zc better in ribs to 3 lâ€"2c up in pork. . aggregated 575,000 with 808,000 bush. Minneapolis and Duluth last Local re- Primary receipts bush, last year. reported, 438 week. and 637 a year ago. ceipts Were 55 cars, one of contract grade. Estimated receipts to-mor- row :â€"\Vheat, 50 cars; corn, 4'35 curs; oats, 240 cars; hogs, 25.000 head. Minneapolis, June l2.~\\'hvatâ€" In store, No. 1 Northern, June, 07c; July 67 to 671-243; September, 681-80; on compared l lProvisions at close were firm at ‘12 ‘ cars against 870 track, No. 1 hard, 601-2c; No. 1 Nor- thern, 67 5-80; No. 2 Northern, 601-8c. Flourâ€"Up 100; first patents. $3.70; second patents, $3.50; first clears, $2.65; second clears, $2.20. Branâ€"In bulk. swan to $11. Duluth. June 12.â€"\\'h:-ntâ€" No. 1 hard. czi<li, Tl lâ€"‘Jc; July, 713-1c; Sup-i tember. 73 3-9c: No. 1 Northern. u. h 69 5-80; July, til) Tâ€"8i'; Septembz-r, TUi I-Zc; _\'o. 2 Northern. 67 3-4c; .\0. 3 spring. 031â€"2c. Oatsâ€"22 1-2 to 23c. Cornâ€"37 3-4c. Bri HE ii ‘ ms Eli. “ tish Troops Carried the Kopjes With Great Dash. A despatch from London says:â€" Gencral Buller has cabled the \Var Office that. he hopes he has obtained a position from which he can render Lang‘s nek untenable. Thu following is the text of his desputcli :â€" “Yellow Boom Farm. June 8.â€"On June 61h General Talbot Coke, with the IOth Brigade and the South Afri- (um Light Horse, seized Van “'yke bill. The enemy made some resist- auce. and :1 good deal of sniping oc- curred. Our casualties were about four killcd and 13 wounded. “During that day and the following we got two 4.7 and two lZâ€"pouniler naval guns on to Van \Vyke bill, and 10,006 FOREIGN moors. R0 Powers Decide to Force the Chlnes Government to Action. A despntch from London, Monday, salyszâ€"Thc admirals at Taku, lli'llllg in concert, are forcibly reopening the railway from Tien-Tsin ~to i’vkin. Gangs of labourers are repairing the damaged line, which is guarded by 1,500 men, composed of detachments from the foreign fleet. One hundred Americans, under Capt. McCall, are among them. They have guns and armoured trains for use when the line is repaired, which can hardly be effect- ed before Monday night. Ten thousand troupe of all nationali- ties, according to a despatch to the Daily Express from Shanghai, will be sent to Pekin to back up- the demands of the Ministers upon the Government, or, if necessary, to suppress the Bax- ers themselves. ___._.__. 10,000 TROOPS FOR PEKIN. Foreign Marines-Igw Forcibly lie- pairing the Railway. A. special despatchl from St. Peters- burg, darted Saturday, says :â€" "I have learned from an absolutely re- liable source that minute despatches have been sent to the commanders of Russian troops in Manchuria directing them to prepare three regiments of Cossacks on the Chinese frontier, to be in readiness to enter on the day orders are received." The Daily IVIail has the following, from Tienâ€"Tsin, dated Fridayâ€""The wildest rumours are current here to the effect that Pekin is burning, but Ihey lack confirmation.†On Friday, according to a despatch to the Daily Express from Shanghai,a force of Cossacks reconnoitring out- side of Tien-Tsin was attacked by a rabble of a thousand armed with spears and swords and some rifle. The Cossacks fired upon Ihl‘LI‘ assailâ€" ants, killing several. ARussian lieu- tenant was wounded by abullet in the stomach- There is aserious rising at Manking. Yesterday the mob is said to have attacked the palace of the Viceroy. â€"¢â€"â€"â€"_ DECISIVE MOVE. â€"â€" Gen. Carrington Moving South With All Speed. A despatch from London, Monday says :â€"Reports from Cape Town are to the effect that General Gaming'â€" ton is moving south with all speed, and that a decisive move IS impend- ing in the Orange Free State, aimâ€" lug to finally crush all opposition south of the Vaul river. From a Lorenzo lirIurques report it Iappears that the Boers are preparing to strengthen unknown pOSIllUna. This it is said, is apparent from the great purvbasvs of sacks their agents are1 making at Lorenzo Marque». >0 great is the demand for sondlâ€"lmgma- leriul that :1 large consignment of rice lying in the Custom-house has been emptied into vessels to enable ihc sucks to be obtained. Boer officials state that Biiibh column is advancing through Swaziâ€" land. The Boers are making great preparations to meet it. ll TO THE BITTER END. Thousands of Burghers Take an Oath. A (lespatrh from London, Thurs l 'y, , sayszâ€"A dospatch to the Tin: , Lorenzo M irques, dated Turned - ._ .a that thousands of burghers l'onaizeaadmit-General Botha 1: an an ortu 10 continue the to the bitter end. two five-inch guns on to the south- western spur of Inkowelo. "Under cover of their fire General Hildyard ill-«lily assaulted :ill the spurs of tho hm‘g between Botha’s pass and lukcwelo. “Thr- attack. which was planned by Hildyard carried out with im- mense dash by the troops, for whom no mountains were too steep, outâ€" flanked the enemy, who were forced to retire from their very strong posi- tion. "I think we did not have any cas- and unllies; and I hope I have obtaineda position from which I can render Luing‘s nnk untenable." Bears ARMY CUT ans; .mâ€" 9 Three Columns of Boers on His Line of Communications. A dresputch. from London, Saturday, sayszâ€"General Forcslierâ€"VValker cab- l‘es to the War Office from Cape Town, as follows :â€" "Kelly-Kenny at Bloemfontein re- ports that the telegraph has been out at Roodeval, north of Kroonstad, by w body of Boers estimated to be two thousand strong, with six field guns, He is sending strong reinforcements l0 Kroonstad, and I am reinforcing from Cape Colony. 1 hope the inter. ruplion will be only temporary." Cabling under date of Juen 10 to the War Office from Cape Town, Gen- eral Sir-Eorestier Walker says: " Information received from native! early yesterday, Saturday, reports tht enemy in three. columns near Horning spu‘uit. "The railway has been almost com- pletely destroyed between America and Rocdeval." ___+_â€"â€"- BULLER IN THE PASS. Difï¬cult Work of Getting the British (runs Through. A dr‘spalch from London, says:â€" The \Var Office hats received the fol- lowing ders-patch from Sir Redvers lBuller:â€"â€" “Headquarters in Natal, June 10.â€" With reference -to my telegram of 'June 8, we halted yesterday to get our trains up the pass, which is very steep. ‘ "I find the enemy were abOut 2,000 strong in every carefullyâ€"prepared position, which they must have been very disheartened not to have held longer than they did. "They have all retired miles to the north-west. “I find our casualties were more ‘than lfirst thought. They were one 'officer wounded and two men killed and 13 wounded." about 26 +_.._. MILNER’S WARNING. Months Yet Before Work Generally Can Be Resumea. A desp-atch from London says :â€"The following deep-(itch has been received at the Colonial Office from the Bri- tish‘High Commissioner in South Alf- ri'za, Sir Alfred Milner “Cape Town, June 7.â€"It is report« ‘ed by telegran that large numbers of miners and others are about to ‘start for the Transvaal from South- ampton on Saturday. Cannot apublic notification be issued warning the people against premaiure return here! They will be detained at Cape ports, and will only increase the numbers supported by charity. It must be a couple of months at least before the bull; of those now in the colony and Natal can be allowed to return, or work generally can he resumed." .__.___ EVENTFUL AND BLOODY SUNDAY ~â€" haum-ruu‘ Encounters In \\ hit]: the strik- «rs sufl‘rrml at the ilaml». ol‘ ()lllcch. A. (inspith from St. Louis, Sunday. Siyuâ€"i‘b- day just eulai his been on» 0 tb- most eve itiui (ll‘ll bloody 5.1;) w tli-- ,v‘re ll. strike on the :w'[. Louis 'l'runsit more than one ii‘ru‘ begun, lLl nib 1J0. There xvi-re numerous en- couulu-rs b-[weeu strikers and other thn- constituted .iu- resulting in three ileiths wounding of fivn. or more strikers, One of ‘llirllV'iiluuls and ‘ llIUl'llIt‘S. and the pvl'SHI‘h. mostly lh‘ It or will die. the dead: C. Edward Thomas, Istriking r'omluctor of the Ch-iutea lin-a, shut, in breast by deputy-sheriff, (ii-a: on way .41 hospital; live-rig;- Rina, mmormin on DAlumr Ave. .s'no I'l abdomen by deputy-sher- di-l hospital; E‘rel. Iii-hm; ‘g «l c'tiren. shot and inst-am? "ill., while standing in his from...» 'J by deputy-sheriff. still in 5 lin iii. u