'r‘rlf A ‘ This is claimed to be the model factory ï¬wmmalrnflu .xm‘wxmaxuwm ’ murmwï¬lmn m‘1‘m New Advertisements. Changeâ€"Atkinson & h‘witzer. Clerk's Noticeâ€"t7. H. bLlVOI‘. â€" . W. Dean. _ IRSISEAiâ€"Escul'leDâ€"‘J. E. (‘unc and \Vm.Keitlr Tillie gimme. RICHMOND IIILL. June 14, 1900 A Trip to Ohio. On Monday, May 13, Eld. Baker, Mr. A. Heise of Goi-inley, and myself, boarded the T a. in. car here en ionte for Pennelsville, Ohio. where our genâ€" eral conference c‘mvened. At Toronto 'we took the \\'abash to Buffalo. As ourtrain rushed across the. Niagara Peninsula, with its peach orchards pink with blossom, its comfortable homes and trim farm buildings, I felt proud of our fair Province of Ontario. Arriving at Bull'an we met the rest of the Canadian delegation, who, with a few others, swelled our number to fourteen. Here we. took the Lake Shore ll. It. to Cleveland, and from thereto Springï¬eld the “.Big Four‘Y R. B. Our train, by some mistake in arrangements, was of that annoying kind that. stops at all stations and, runs slow between them. †All things ‘ come to those who wait,†for at 4.30 Tuesday morning we pulled into, Springfield. Here we. waited three" hours for the trolley to I’eiiiielsville, six miles further, where we found eon- vejances to take us to the church and 1eown, a mile away. I will pass over the conference with this remark that it was a large repre- sentative gathering, where peace and unity pi evailed. Not a single detail \\ as overlooked by our western friends that could add to our comfort or con- ‘renienee. From Tuesday morning till »l\.loiiday iiioi-iiiiig the tables in the basement were spread three times a V"lay forall present without any chaig‘e. 'The Americans are very fond of coffee, "If powerful calibre. Tea finds little favor. and is seldom met with. A few rods from the clmrch an enterprising fellow set up a booth for the sale of soft drinks, cigars, oranges, etc. On‘ Sunday morning a second man arrived “with a wagon and set out his wares. {All the Sabbath day, till the close of 1theevening service, they plied their Lhusiness. lain pleased to add, thee gentry were entirely ignored by the, church people, who would gladly lrive . prevented it, but the law allows in on the highway. On Monday,l\[a.y 21,we ba le farawvell to the rest of our party, and while they sped homeward we (Eld. Baker‘ and myself) took trolley for Drayton, 18 miles west, the single fare 35 cents, fine ciishiened seats holding two, with . aisl'e down centre. This road runsi partly across country and partlv on the road, for every mile of which it. i pays an animal rental of $2.5, the in- ' side of ties not to come nearer to the centre of the road than lti feet. Drayton is a line town of about 150,- 000 population, inodernly built and laid out with wide clean streets, with pavements like Jarvis street. Ten costly iron bridges, some of them 1,000 feet longr and (10 high, span these inr- bulent streams. \Vhile here we visit- ed the National Cash Register factory. of the world ; $5,000,000 capital, 2.0.30 einployes, 12.1. acres floor space. This . ï¬rm has adopted the “ Golden Rule " in its treatment, of einployes, and it 1has proved eminently succrssful. The greatest of all sights in Drayton is the National Soldiers’ Home. In fact it is a town by itself, being outside of the City limits. Here 5,000 old soldiers of the Civil \Var are spending their des clining years in case and comfort. Bea utii’ul grounds covering about 1,000 acres, shady parks with snug seats here and there. artifical lakes of pure water full of ti ne ï¬sh. which they can catch to their heart’s content. Grot- toes in the rocky bank with pure spring,r water liowing forth, refresh the thirsty visiior. There are lofty green-houses with immense specimens of all kinds of tropical plants and flowers of every hue, iii beds of all sorts of fantastic designs, ornament the lawn. But the aged veterans need inorethan beautiful scenery, and in the mole practical matter of satisfying . the inner inzzn. our Uncle Sam deserves ' uuslinted praise. Five thousand pounds of meat :1 day is the regular thing, while vegetables, ï¬sh. cakes, [tits and fruit in quantities that stag- ger an ordinary mortal, are freely supplied. The head cook remarked to me, “\\'e have a rich boss." The youngest veterans are 65 year old, and deaths average about three a dav. Two churches. Catholic and Protest- ant, pi-m ide fortheir spiritual welfare. In summer services are held in the park daily. Hearing a stentorian \‘Uli't lll lllt' distance myst and Rev. H. Trump of llols, Ill., followed it and soon found ourselves in a shadv irrove, well seated, listening to an earliest ap- ‘peal from an old Colonel. An old fashioned fellowship meeting: followed, during which the leader called on my- self and friend to address them. “'htin I told them i was from Canada and hoped that fact would be no disad- vantage, they exclaimed No! No l Go on! Go on! At the close I was 'warmly welcomed by quite a number. some of whom were Canadians from this country. These notes however are gettiugztoo long, so to be brief, after driving €t\CI'i-S.s‘ two counties and visiting inanv kind friends as we went, we took trail) on Monday, May 28, for home. \Ve travelled many miles at the rate of 70 'miles an hour, and in due time arrived safely home again, with the same im- pressnin as on previous trips, that. Markham is hard to beat for farming wor anything else. .F. E. l l Oak Ridges Bond's Lake, promises to be :1 fav- ‘ orite resort for pleasure seekers this summer. The Metropolitan llailway Company have graded the roadway leading,r to the picnic grounds from Yonge Street, on the north side of the lake and a mammoth pavilion will soon be in the course of erection. Mr. Joseph Morison is settini,r a good exainpleto his neighbors by sodding his lawn and terraeing the slope in front of his residence. Mr. Marr who had been engineer at the Power House for some time past a removed with his family to Toronto last week. «noâ€"â€" Patterson Following is School report for May : . Sr. I\'~l€. Deadnian, l'}. lliimhle, (1‘. , Deadinan. ‘ Jr. lVâ€"A. Rumble, Y. llislop. Sr. Illâ€"t3. Johnson, ll. Rumble, V. Charles. Jr. lllâ€"l. Keith, 1'}. P-lt-T'air, A. Savage. Sr. llâ€"L. McNair, l". Ilumble. Jr. lI-râ€"J. Keith. (llnss (3â€".1. lillllllllt', A. TuleNair. Class Bra]. li'islop, ll. lliiiiihle, (llass Aâ€"«lessie li‘iiiiilile, i‘l. liinnhle, E. Johnson. mlmmï¬ï¬‚ï¬â€"‘wmuh‘w‘af4.‘%T15'."“$6 M i Bond? ï¬nches At Weenies. tcwwww ' i This man knows what he did and how he did it. Such endorsements as the following are are a sufï¬cient proof of its merits. . Oshawa, Minn. Feh. 22.11108. Dear Sineâ€"Please send me one ufymir’i'rentiee on the Horse, your new book as advertised on your bottles, English print. I have cured two ï¬pnvlna and one (‘urli with two bottles of your Kendall‘s Spuvin Cure in four weeks. FRANK JL'DERIEN. Price, $1.: six for $5. As a. liniment for family use it has no equal. Ask your druzgist for KENDALL’S SPAVIN CURE, also "A Treatise on the Horse," book free. or address E DR. J. B. KENDALL 00., ENQSBURG FALLS. VT. ; MAs’i‘mi‘s Hiiiii. *l’lllc bi ml ll\l)‘lll‘lt_‘ l t‘.lyd;s‘aie mm mm» No. 27. Any customer. presenting this Coupon 66 250. at our stOre on Sat» urday, June 16, Will receive 7bars “ Conifer-t †or “ Star †soap. munâ€"nu-.- Horse Register Hm'so'nen getting their‘bills o: (in-ls printed THE LiiiiznALoilice \vill luv; a toe notice milnr [0 the following curing the Sm: on :â€" MON rroNyâ€"The thoro' brod stallion and rave- hoi‘Se, the property of Gen. Robinson, Richâ€" mond Hill. \vill travel through Headioi'd lmlhn',l.ai;siiii:,'l‘hisiletmvn I‘Lilnleyfll‘hoin. hill, ’I‘einperanceville,1{etllebv, Schunilwrg. Kleinhurg, Maple. &0. Terms $10. FORNT IKUY#ThO trotting-brad stallion, the 3 Mi 1 I l property of lit-it Hopper, Richinord Hill, will nmko the season in this section of maintrv. 'l'erinï¬ isle. _ YOVVG ‘.\l.\('oi'i~‘i-‘.Nâ€"’l he unbeaten champion of America overall ili‘iiuizht. brawls, the prep- trtv of the lvieliinennl llill llorso lli'owwis‘ Association, will travel through. ICig-hiuoiivl Hill, Maple. Fishervilio ’l‘ho.n‘i;ill, iirown's (Tui'nrrs. Unionviile. Markham Village. \ I('- it ria Sllllul'o. (m1: Rona-s. Tunis $13. JHt' l‘almer. (ii-neiiil .\iann;_er. t’iiflel’lil‘i ï¬llâ€? curd-Ia, u. the l‘ropmtyoll). ".Ftoolc and D. Wilts n, “11: travel t-hroiiJi i\lnpl(i.1i‘ Milan“ h littâ€" 'r-ii, llcli‘s Lake, liiiie \‘ity, tl..l; iial s, Vii-- t. i'ia Square, airl lliehiiioirl Hill. ’I‘urins r'~i'_'. I) \\i:lson,Manager. Pi‘izi; ('iiim-Jl‘lm ei-Icln'mea trnttina‘stalla-n tl.o property if 1). lili-iiJi, King t‘iiy‘ will irinel throiizh iii'i: rlurtn‘ell the SUILWU- fl"! ’i 1’ V'L _' ,. -‘ gii‘.‘fh‘$;“lli‘..F.‘1;;43‘13élylji.i51.53.... Pure GI do VVaE-iiihg Coznpound, b tliiieï¬lnllh‘li,llt‘ piupei'tv e I-liiw w»- ' ‘ _. '17 ' ‘ ' and it) cts {3/39" Peariine 50 ‘ ' . 4- on I ' . A .2 1 pkg, Seuiioha, 10 cents pï¬d. sen,.\laplu.v.ill travel th'ou-zh Finhei'villa, - 7 .1? 'E I: we; 1 «in? .95.? 3“ ‘ . R, E Eli?†t5 it?" i l ‘ 4 e .3. \KJ clixn‘iwxi l.“ . "II-."mlv. when, vnflvm 1...". -V1wn- â€"-.. w... Fairbaiik, York Mills. Lansing, Tlii-i'iiliill, l‘i‘llittil'il Yellow. Terms, :11. A. l’owcrs, manager. Any Flour will make lhead, but we will guarantee eeeegi erggn . u I a To make more breazl. light er bread g†n a g L E: Y I, A P a“: .1 and bread that will keep inoist. longer. and better flavor- ed hread with less lab. or than any other i . 51:11.3 LLWHE 1 6'1sz mmmnax .1 _<z$:;\z.uu;mm RICHIVIOND HI‘ LJ flour. i: is strictly "l’ t“. '3"??? {i “F7? 377-1 ....i 4ft. it .zi.’ ea. 31.} “twig nigh tirade E’aniily Flea? (f: r- em“: 2:1 ‘ riTUï¬nm â€" SELLS-â€" Made to suit the people and sold , o h at a reasonable price. DillSy Chums, Quick "Ell Oil ~â€"â€"â€"â€" Stoves, Milk Jan 5, Pails. I ]08. HALL, A. MOODIE, ei‘s, Nails, Locks. iiinw hue, Fence Wire, and everything in the Tin â€"-ANDâ€"â€" J V‘ 7 l" "("V‘1 t". ‘n) NALGIITON BROS and Hardware 1 ac. SELL IT. Eavctroughing a specialty. (33‘ I" n13. {ii Repairing promptly attended to. Q , ,ll‘ilf ' i†i" giggll“ GMASOE‘, - Richmond Hill assign necessities. ‘E ii it) Il‘il'ilflnï¬l 3 nu), all mi The Next. Sitting of Division (‘ourt for In). 3, County of York, will beheld 111 the Court iitlillil. __QN_ saith? "AV, JUiéEi ill, Commencing at 10 a. in. T. F. MCMAHON, lLERK a ‘0 5 R ichiinon d Hill LAUNBRY 1 am prepared to do Family \Vasliings. Genta’ and Lfltlif‘s’ ï¬ne linen ii speeialty. Work guar- anteed and patronage hollt‘llt’ll. 5.)»tf TILLIE MAXWELI l' n- B‘zf" 0‘ Wood's Pliesp'hociine,3 v ' le Great English Remedy. ' '- Sold and recommended by 94 druggists in Canada. Onlv rel: _ . able medicine discovered. S s. r"‘-' ckagcs guaranteed to cure it forms of Sexna. Weakness, all enacts of abuï¬ or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To baoco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on recely of price, one package $1, six, $5. One willplew: mwuc cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, 01!? 15' \"oozl's Phospho line is sold in Richmond Hill D) W. A. SandersonDruggist. iiiiiiiiiiiil Of Canada RICHMOND HILL Capital '- $1,000,000 Rest ~ 700,000 DEPOSITS Received in Savings‘ Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at HEGHEST GURRENT RATEE. Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. General Banking Busineeei Tiengeeted. For other particulars-call at. the Bank. J. F. ROWLAND. ACTIN G AG ENT Meaning --.EQSTH. {Lil ï¬shing: IIAEIEYJ’EON A New 3 Hood Stock, Good “'oik and Satisfaction guaranteed ,L ' v.-. - v . ., U- n». . .... . é Q lerib E BL‘lan bbbiniib, I‘ If) hhln. .ltthixS, \ Afo-ghb, and other supplies al- ways iii stock. ALSO AGENT FOR ’ t? m“ guyégagu ' Is the place to go for lil‘t-L‘lii s harness at right prices. Independent in Politics. WILL PRINT ALL THE NEWS 1’ R ALL THE PEOPLE. The Scotsman, Hteriis. ,ll 6; I), and Columbia Bicycles, at from $35.01 .o ip 5.00. All fully guarzmtecd. Will Be Out About June R "PAIRING PROMPTLY A'l‘TlLI‘a’i >171) TU. 1811.1900 - - - - time). ie DON ALD 4 MONTHElTIZR y & CO- or One Year for $3.00. The MORNING POST Hamilton. 4 ll). Butter Scales, fully guaranteed only "2.50. Little Gem Harness Maker’s Outfit, only 15c. each. H U M E, TAILOR Richmond. Hill Farm Bells at $2.00 each. Sc ythes,extra first-class,only llu‘i‘. each. in: ‘ » lllfLE~GEMin Nails, wire, 3 to 6 in., eiin .533 per keg. J :lJiLJ-..!M5"9£§*, J. l VViLKihES 84 00.. ' 1 , V i 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, Toronto. flange]: 5 J V . y . r m ..-.--..-. V___ - .- . v :N..‘ - j Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description 0 any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent†sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patent taken out through as receive special notice, without charge, in [W O N l Tm: PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted ' by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, Vicroa .i. EVANS & co., (Patent Attomeys,) Evans Building, =- WASHINGTON, D. c. [Asgent Meier! A huge amount of private funds to loan on ‘ improved farm property. Five per cent. in-‘i tereec. Easy terms for repnvment. No corn~l miSsio'i churned onloans. Apply to A. G. F. LAWRENCE, l Freehold Loan Building, Tomato 0: at Richmond Hill on Samrhw.