r as a )te k ’ I {ti/ii? ï¬ctiwglai. \(77 RICHMOND HILL, June 11, 1900 1 L O A I J v. . t For war news this Week seeinside pages. I. Divisioii Court will llL’rit 1d here on Saturday. Ashton‘s regular 1211'. prints for 101::- line ~10 inch silesia lining, 111, It and . 15c. Atkinson k Switzcr. Mr. and Mrs. Suddaby of Toronto! spent over Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Sivers. Miss Annie (iohn and Miss Stella Sheppard af ’l‘oi onto, spent. a few days with friends here this week. The animal meeting of King I’low- men‘s Association will be held in Hogan‘s Hall. King ('ity, on Tuesday next, 19:11 ins-L, at 2.11“ p. 111. Ladies’ white duel; yacht caps. leath- er peak. special for this \vetl: lflf‘.t‘.‘lt'll. Atkinson 6. Sr. itzer. In “Richmond llill and Vicinity" last, week .lan. 23. 19-1111, should have been Jan. 2221, lï¬i’n. In the llritish ('olumbia elections the .f'vltll'flll party were completely snowed undt r. hi'y Evan's l:ld‘(‘il'lt‘ Sprayers; at “'m. Ilarrison‘s and save express charges. Don't forget. the lee (llt‘ulll social on the grounds in front of Ht. Mary‘s church (of England) next Saturday. evening. liver} body welcome. Chinese lanterns of varioimcolors. shapes and 51220:; for sale at. THE Lil:- EltAL (lï¬ltltl. Mrs. .\. .1. Paul and of I'i'ar- nuinster are making a visit with Mr. I and Mrs. lllzlson. lx‘cv. Mr. I':;1‘.l is atâ€" tending conference. 1 Miss Bell .\Ioodie who has been a nurse in the Toronto General Hospital has accepted a similar position in a hospital in Alabama. Mr. “'arrcn Hewison is repainting the veranda and balcony of the Pal- mer House this week which very lunch improves the appearance of the place. The last meeting of the Junior Ep- worth League this season will be held Friday afternoon. A full attcm’lance is requested. A talk will be given on “ How Fruits Grow." Messrs. Arthur Pugsley. Andrew Savage and Mark \Vilson. former members of the Richmond Hill 1a- crosse team. were among the visitors at the. match here Saturday. Next Sunday being conference Sun- day no service will be held in the Methodist church here in the morning. Service will be held in the evening as usual. Ladies’ white under-skirts, with deep frill of embroidery. at title. ; white un- derskirts. with cluster of tucks and frill of embroidery, at$ .35. Atkin- son & Switzer. Mr. James Mahat'fy, head miller in Innes’ Flouring Illill, has leased a mill' in Cour-tright, Lambton county, on the St. (flair river, and is removing there with his wife and youngest son. Men’s leather belts with double straps, harness buckle, at 24) and 25c. : with ring sides and leather covered ’buckle, 500. Atkinson 8;. Switzcr. Reeve Savage was summoned to Aurora a few days ago to identify, by photograph, one of the prisoners now in Chicago, charged with breaking in- to the Aurora hank. leady lunch beef, 16c. tin; best Japan rice, 65o; Patras cut-rants, Cleaned, pure corn starch, 5c. Atkinson {v Switzer. Se. : The annual picnic of the Zion E. Lutheran suudayschool of Sherwood will be held in the grounds adjoining the church on the Zird inst. Strawâ€" berries served among other delicacies. Come and have. a good time. Don’t! miss it. Admission 15 cents. Men’s uegligee shirts with silk mix- ed fronts, in nice plaids, at Stlc. ; negâ€" ligee. shirtsiu percalc and pique, good patterns, 75c. Atkinson t\' Switzer. Mr. D. B. Birrell of York Mills has retired from the presidency of the East York Liscensed Victuallers’ Associa- tion, after holding the position for live . years. .\Ir. 1“. H. Schmidt of Norway is the uewly~elected president. Ladies~ white corset covers. trimmed with lace, It), I»! and 27c. ; trimmed with ï¬ne embroidery. 3-3 and 57m. : trimmed with fine embroidery and in- sertion, 70c. Atkinson A: Switzer. s The many friends of Mr. A. H. R. Fairchild of Toronto, who is well and favorably knovn in Richmond 11111.1 will be pleas-d to learn that hehasl been appointnl to a Fellowship in English Literature in the University of \Visconsin. Mr. Fairchild willcomâ€" luence duties in September. The Four Dollar prize given at the fair on tln Queen's Birthday for the greatest numl er of prizes taken in six ; named classes was won by .‘-I!'. T. \V. The ('anadian public has not yet rc- (‘,<)\'(‘l'(‘(l from the severe criticisms made by liobert Bari, the novelist who recenth declared that (‘vanadians preferred whiskey to hooks. A thoughtful and energetic reply to Mr. Barr is made in the June Canadian ,Magazine by “'alter James Brown. Ladies‘ white muslin blouses, made of fine lawn, with yoke of lace and insertion. for 87m; white muslin blouses with allover front, for $1.20. Atkinson & >1v.'iizer. The will of the late \V. 11. Iamdy, Markham township, has been entered fol-probate. It disposes of an estate valued at $7.153 of which $1,401) is inâ€" vested mortgage. $300 in stock, and EXT-Alt)†in lot 15). llh concession .\lark- ham. The widow gets 515210110, and the balance is divided among the live daughters. Groceries of every kind for every body. \Ve make a specialty of lard ; pure lard at close prices. Atkinson & Switzrr. ‘.'e are pleased to congratulate our young citizen. llr \V. A. Glass, on ha\ in;r passed his 1th vear successful- ly at Toronto i'niversity. and has been . filr.(ilas=s proved hinwlf a worthy example hat a. salient should Iv. lle p:,~‘etl every examination \vilhout a miss. and althoth he is generally preâ€" pared to take part in a lacrosse or foot- ball match wln n a favorable orpn'tun- ity presurts itselfit has always been t'\l(lt'lll that he puts work first and sports afterwards. grantt ii 11'.“ «lucree of I}. .\. Ii: are laid by Will fed hens rd their buslntss. They fresh. Atkinson and (1111' 1-; who mm are absolutely Hwitzcr. GARDEN l’AIt‘I‘Y. The membersof St. John‘s chuich, Oak ltidftes, intend holding: their an- nual garden party on 'I‘uesday evening June flit. on the lawn of Mr. Geo. New- bnfr. I'lltrin Mills. All the delicacies of the seam!) will he provided. A llrst-clas-~. program is being prepared and all look forward to a good time. I’lt‘Nit‘ AT ’I‘l,it)I\’NllII.L. An interesting time is promised at a picnic to be held in Langstaft’s Grove, Thornhill. on \‘v'ednesday. June 20, under the auspices of Trinity church. The gates will he open at 4 o'clock and Thornhill hand will furnish a good musical program. A good tea with strawberries. will be served from 5 to .‘1 o‘clock. There will also be a sale of ladies‘ work. incnzuonn HILL ON TOP. As a result of the Art school examâ€" inations held at the Iigh school in April last we are able to state that 50 Proï¬ciency certiï¬cates have. been awarded to our High School. Miss Riuebrongh was fortunate in securing a full Teacher’s certiï¬cate. The ï¬g- ures are Richmond Hill 50, Newmar- ket 49, Markham 47. Special line of men‘s and boy‘s wash tries. in bows and lierby shapes, at 2 for 23c. Atkinson & Switzer. AT ZION CHURCH. The opening services in connection with ilic Zion church on the Thoruhill circuit were most successful. The ser~ mons on Sabbath by Rev. Chas. Fish of Toronto were practicable and proï¬t;â€" ablc and vet y much enjoyed by the large congregations. The Garden party at. Mr. Ness’ on Saturday was largely attended. The Thornhill Brass Band was present and delighted the company with most excellent; music An exciting football match was played between the Dollar and Laugstaff teams, the Dollar boys claiming the victory. The Rev. Mr. Stephenson gave an address. A sumptuous tea together with Ice Cream. Lemonade, Banauuas, <\'c., added materially to the occasion. Proceeds $51.00. BASKET l’it‘N C. _ The W. )I. of the Methodist church purpose holding a basket pic- nic at \Vilcox Lake, Friday, the 22nd inst. The Society has secured Mr. Proctor-’5 bus which will be in front of the Methodist church at 10a. in. the time arranged to leave the village. An invitation is extended to the pub- lic to attend. The return fare will be 15c. All desirous of attending the picnic will please notify Miss Trench not later than \Yednesday evening. If the weather should be unfavorable on Friday the picnic will be postponed until the following Monday when the arrangements made for Friday will be carried out. An enjoyable day is anti- cipated. The.Auxiliary will please meet at the home of 'Mrs. Proctor Tuesday evening at 8 o‘clock to make the final arrangements for their picnic. A GOOD APPOINTMENT. \\'e are pleased to copy the follow- ing notice of promotion from the Chicago Post, the appointee being the youngest son of 311. Teefy, Esq.:â€" “Armand F.Teefy, formerly in charge of the special assessment law departâ€" ment, has been appointed ï¬rst assist- ant corporation counsel to succeed 'ul'ilIlYlllL‘ \‘.'. Browning. The latter attorney, who has long been connected with the city law department as ï¬rst assistant to the corporation counsel,in the future will have charge of chan- ccry cases and the Illinois Central lake front litigation. which has been under- his care the last three years. Mr. Browning will take the city business to his private china and act as con- sulting counsel on the matters under his charge. Theappointment of .\Ir. 'l‘eefy .to succeed .\lr. Browning was made, by Corporation Counsel \Yalker toalay. It was expected for some time. The new appoints-e has had The Epworth League will hold an Ice Cream social on the church lawn on Monday, July 2. Further notice, 1 next. week. \Ve were sorry to learn this morn- ing that Mr. A. Savage, a machinist in ‘ the (l. P. It. shops at the Junction, lbcotherof Reeve Savage, received a 1 severe injury yesterday, and had to be taken home where he. will be kept from work for some time. \VARDEN REESOR’S EXCURSION. Mr. F. K. ltecsor, “'arden of the County of York, treated his fellow councillors, county otlicials and a few friends toa trip to Niagara Falls on Tuesday of this week. The excursion- ists, among whom were lion. 1‘}. .l. Ilavis, \V. J. Hill, M.l’l.’., and many other prominent representatives of the county. left Yonge Street, wharf at 7 a. m., by steann-r (lhicora, crossed the lake and sailed up the Niagara ltiver to Queenston, where they took electric cars for the. Falls. Many of the party spent a most enjoyable day at this point, while others went as far as Buffalo. The \Vardcn made an excel- lent host and succeeded admirably in making all enjoy themselves. lnci- dentalty we might say that the party had the honor of returnng from the Falls to Toronto with Her ltoyal lligh- ness l’riucess A1 Ibert, granddaughter of lier .\losl (-‘raeious Majesty. (Queen Victoria, and daughter of the'l’rincess Christian, who had spent the .lay at the I‘lalls. “Ejt'i‘ltab licl‘Tanâ€"At i‘xnttanville, on Monï¬ny, June 11' ('a '1 John N. button. in his Laird \olll'. Inth VL’i)“ 'unda), June 1“. hi. ltic reunicnce. bitten. Ll-niles 11. aged“! years. into Bicrswcll, I 50 YEARS? EXPERIENCE TRADE NIARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anvone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patcutablo. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patcnta. Patents taken through 111mm 8: Co. receive special notice, without. charge, in the Scientiï¬c amateurs. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ctr< culntton of any 5e ttle. journal. 'J‘crms. $3 a ï¬n: four months, $1. Sold by all newstlcalcz's. 8‘ CDIEBIBroadway, Branch Ofï¬ce. {Tl} F V'asliingtou. D. C. PASTURE ‘ Parties requiring pasture for stock apply to 47-6 TIIOS. COOK, ('arrville win new hi, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- gar. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDEIICIE, RICIIMOXDIIILL. .3. 'r. EAEGEGN, REiclnnond Iiilli. Agent for the following. stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: Manchester, of London,Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, OF TORONTO, CANADA. _ -â€"â€"ALSOâ€" GORE, ()F GALT. A First class Cach Mutual. YORK MUTUAL, Of Toronto, Canadaâ€"the Coming com: pany for the farmers of York Co. Business Solicitcd. 1 THE SUN ‘ Life Assurance Go. 5 OF CANADA. ‘ Assures on all the modern plans. unit is one of the most rrosperous Llid pro; re- -. l‘.'0 companies in existence. Premiums 10w, prli unconditional and l bonfoifenublo. _ Take a policy mu. tho 41151.net. agent, '1‘. F. McEiAHON, LIBERAL OFFICE. RICH .\iONI) Hlnl: Money to been Money to loan on first; mot-tinge farm yroper- Enoult'ent Till: Llltllllfxi. ‘l'l‘ice ' , LAIï¬GEs’i‘NUHS‘EYHEE.‘ EN CANADA. Eurmuu 7 tracks A": Forums waoooxs. Turkeys. per 11) . ., lIlt'eSan Hog>.PCl’ cut Gen 0 per 1b.. to .1 .Large stock of Furniture, cheap for cash. wawwwm An Honest Fact Goes much farther than a false state- ez‘w‘ View 1%“ ./ /,«- ment, It has always been our aim to follow an honest business policy. When you read a statement in this or ,. ,w "1A . ,3; any other space you can depend on its t: being the truth and being so if we say so. We have a line 01 Ladies’ Trimmed Sailor Hats, white, black and fancy, which we are selling at 25 per cent. less than regular price. l Qï¬ ,a‘. x)“. ./ 3% u EU We have a line of Men s \Vorsted is? Stats which we offer at a big reduc- 5‘ N’s; tion ; regular $1513 50 suit for $10.50. 5. l‘ 1 1-,,"11 . q 3;: Ladles’ Blouses at 50, 65, 85, $1, {51. $1.20 and $51.70. . {lift Ladies’ \Vrappers at 850., 5151, $1.20, .'a“, $1.35 and $1.50. . W ,. if, Ladie's’ Serge Dress Skirts, regular { 3.} $2.65 for $2.25. l l l Atkiueun IF YOU IVANT TO BUY A PIANO, ORGAN. OR gitllttï¬ liltï¬lllNE CALL ON OR \VRITE Riciunand 11in. Easy terms 01 payment, Samples always on hand. HE ORCHARD Properly handled and cared for pays big dividends. 3 Everyone who owns a little ground can put in a few trees 01‘ small fruit plants, and in a very few years have a profitable garden. We are the largest nurseymcu in Canada and ship over twenty thous- and orders annually and guarantee satisfaction. “’0 want a good man in each township to devote part. or all of his time to our work. The general Storekeeper, school teacher or retired farmer can add materially to his income by engaging with usâ€"wliile any good encr- getic man with a liking for Horticulture, and willing to work l'ard for a few years, will build up for himself a connection that will insure a steady income year after year. VVILL YOU WORK FOR US 9 If you have the ability we have work for you to do. CHASE BROTI-IEi-LS 130., Lth Colbo tie, Ont. l. ESTABLES‘HED L13 YBSS WALLPA PE in WALL page: ARTSSTIO BESiGNE}! Newest Colorings at lowest prices from 5c. up, Border and Ceiling to match. Special line as low . ; good value at 5 to Ice. per roll. \Ve make a specialty in Mixed Paints in all colors from the best makers. Dry Colors in all shades. Boiled and Raw Oil pure. Turpentine, Varnish, Carriage and Furniture Japans. Paint Brushes all sizes, in fact everything needed for painting. Picture Frames made to order. ha 11d. St03k of Fresh Groceries always on P. G. SMJAGE. Stephens of \\'hitclmrch. This comâ€" . L.]l;n.§(t,,ft}19 sped,†assessment Luv PGUiOl' (‘ill‘l‘lt'tl “1‘1; “WNW†Pym†I“ 1 cases almost continuously, and has had these classm. besides several others in l marked success in conducting [his >O.ller depaitlll?l1l5~ complex litigation." l Ar. Hagclover ,. .. Hay. timothy .. . Straw sheaf .............................. 888835