Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jun 1900, p. 1

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VOL. XXII. AT THE LIBERAL PRINTIN & PUBL‘.SHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. IS‘PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING T. F. McMAI-ION, D R. LANGSTAFE omce Hours : p m Bcwtkg’t, Room 12, 124 Victoria St. Ti Best fitting tvc tyh, also replr lowest prices. Good wo Graduate of the with diploma. in Dental School. wit Friday 0! one!) w trovp 1 to '5 13.111. stenses of harm out animus man proved method Oddfellow‘s BH and (h A Is Telephone for appointment. DR. T. A. CURR Ofi' Dr. W. Cecil. Tratiea, L37 J. T. Mommy, VETERINARY SURGEON Romodoned, an Ono of She mos F. J. GALLANUUGH, $I per annum, in advance.) Calls by telcpl‘ PALMER HOUSE RICHNIO ND HILL, JOHN PAL HULSE Cor. mom- and spadma Ann. Toronto. ‘4’ Mambo: Conege vasicitms and Surgeona 012:. Will be in Richmond Hill every W cdnesday. fice :â€"-Next door south of Pu! V0 [‘31 (Successor no Ripans TI Ripaus Tu RICHMOth D l-IILL. RICHMON DR, L.r LAWMSUN, BUSINESS CARDS. lriviug p: it return 5 the doc 810 1021 m: 6:08pm ‘ls’on Y VETERINARY DENTEST, RICHMOND HILL; THORO VETERINARY SURGEON, 'l‘hornhiil. Illal' OFFKCE Eamon J: Pnomxmon \an. Roqevs r telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Dentist, Sifrtvrinary Wrairnl. UGHLY R CMis prompcly extended to R5. cattle and other domesticab 9. by the latest and. most up- ~ANDWâ€" Ontario Veterinary C nn the Ontario Vetc l Yisil M91118 on gondu ‘ 'szztial. 8 to 10 a. 111.; 12 to 7 1:0 9 p. m. :., Toronto, cor. Youge ‘s Sts., Toronto, Dr. Cecil Trotter) NU .tU._L1L1. cure I": pleas: “031535 also replacing, at Good work. ubl ibexai 311 asant laxative. ‘7 GTEL, EFITT ED. atulex t‘or ‘oronbo. ME, (lllllc 011225, :vinm‘y y and 1V. ml LENNflX & MORGAN, SALEM Ecxmm'r. 63 Winchester St. Turouta Aurora officeâ€"Removed to the am pnsf: nlhce, one door west of the entrance to the Ontano Bnuk. Newmmket officeâ€"Three doors south of the past clfice. T. HERBERT LENNox Barristers, Solicitofs, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 1. Ad St. East. COOK & MAEDUNALD Mr. Cook will‘be at. Maple on Thursday afternoon 0f each week. EastTurontu Office, Mr. 'Grant‘s residence, Woodbndce. every evening. Thomhill.euch Wednesday from 16 to 12. Busacnfi, mm a 5mm JAS. NEKVTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGJIFJ IVEIXJHJQ JOHNQ‘OE,” Rdésd’sz ' FALCON BRIDGE, Barrisfisterss. E.F. B. JOHNPTON JJ) Su‘fié Money to 101m at HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, 8m. Issuer ofMag-riage Licenses. rates. G'. 11.1. for the above. M. 1‘14: ’1‘: LEWY. N O’i‘A RY PU BLI (,3, Linansed Aucti Goods sold on c Ricnmulid mu Salesuttende snnublembea Licensed General 2 ti mbev, e at roasox Pattonn: spon‘ufully solicit; uflueuce. Sales: and A reasonal‘ie Eve neuommodatinn Ta PRTEfiI seed insa: ~ may be secured by our aid. Address, THE OWEN? RECORD. , Baifimon, lid. 25 KING STRE 2T WES'l RICHM EIBERAL O.‘ O STOKES u JSY u GODSG 'udm‘saism'ss A' Embmmorfi u-a-ie‘M-c-s :1 MONEY TO LOAN AT 52 lugs, an} RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE JAKES BL Barri 33.33%}3‘. 158 mxe STREET IMO. e Auctiouoe rs to: loan on \mwdnnd chMtel mortgages at lowest rates. Eckarda & P: malice VVR Barristers, Solicilnr Saigon" dc Mei: weal. Auct alesr. §Efrk05 (it pm ml CUHMISSIONEB IN THE St: tar, Solicitcr. ND HILL & TH bionoers for the County of Yoxk. consignment. General Rule? of mptly attended to no reasonable ioulu‘mg. Newton Brook. agent rates cited F. LAWRENC , longer for the County of York fimplemevlts, turniture..~,t~nn;‘.ing :ended on the shortest notice and D. Readman, RICHMOND Pntronng a and bailiif fl‘ville, Ont Emmi. 'lLDINGS, TOE-ONTO. aers for the County of Yorkto- your )zutrmmge and friendly ‘ttpnded on the sLorteat notico rates. 1’. O. adumas King per cent QC ‘ IAchRRmGIv 9, Rich :tm‘day 3m! ggfl In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity. fertile Conn as of farm st P. 0. address Name ()0 i 01 Sunilh, Shelagh. Soilruors. TV. MORGAN nti 1nd 011KB. mond Hill on ICE TORONTO Tuerht us 2984 J _ H. Puzx'uc uuuty c ice and GEORGE Russ ORNHIIL hewiuarket Unionn’de :11". Build zctoz'ia Adelaxde Weston 57°. D BLOUGE p... .' York. at roa- 1 York 1 to HILL, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1900. “ Farewoll fair castle, on thy lordlyl hill, l Firm be thy sent and proud thy station still ; ‘ Soft rise the breezes from the vale he- ‘ low, I ‘ Bright be the clouds that wander o’er thy brow, 03er the fair lands that form thy broad dmxmin, Short be the winter, long the summer’s reign. Pilgrim of pleasure to thy stately towers, Fain would’l'leave among thy friend- ly bowers Some volmy offering, and, are on my way “’ith many a. hackward glance I turn to stray. Bid Virtue, Strength and Honor crown thy Walls, Joy, Love and Peace abide within thy hnfls; “mile grateful mirth and noble courtâ€" esy As non, forever hold their seat in them, »A:ul still upon thy lordly tux-rots rest The grateful Messing of each parting guest." The above quotation, hy Funny Kelnble, is not only carvvd in the stone pillar Sui-mounting a. quuint old column found in the gardens of dear Bolvuir Castle, but it truly expresses the thought which come-s to the invited guest of the noble Duke whose- kind~ ness and forethought have. endvatrod him to many of England's people, while to the visitor who is allowed but a passing glance at the beauties with. in and Without these noble walls, there comes a sense of satisfaction that, tells of enjoyment found in the kno‘wlodgv of all things bright, and beautiful, costly and rare,:n1cient and modern, yet, one is overwhelmed with the grandeur, known only to the truly great: \ On May 17m, Miss Goodwin of Old Dalby, and mya‘elf formed a party bound for ‘Belvnir Castle, the smut, of the Duke of llntland. If whee-ls had been available we might have cycled over, as the, distance across country is much nearer than the 1-(mndulmu‘atrip nu train“ However, as we» had 1m choice in the matter, when the cars pulled up at the village statiuu how we stepped in, soon finding ourselvns at Melton Mam/bray, where we vinmgâ€" ed to mint-her line en I'ouLe fur hed- mlle and Belvoir. Arriving here about one o‘clock we :51 arted our three mile walk to the Castle. 0n the way up We passed through the churchyard. which typifies again the ideal English cemetery. Tu our regret the dam was locked, culmequently 1 cannot describe the wonders of this old place, but pre- sume it is similar to others, as many appear to look alike inside and out as nggu §hrough the different. l)£ll’lSl‘l'(“S. ' The. day itself was dimming, the sun hadn’t shown with such splendour 01‘ Warmthsince I had landed in Eng- land, and it; came as it duuhle Mussng for We had discarded the idea of carry- ing umbrellas, u very unwise thing when travelling hen-v, as one mwvr knows when rain is on order, but luck- ily for us mn' happiness was cmuplctc in the fact it never mined or tried to. I noticed my friend was fast. appl'mlch‘ ing a collapse on account of the had. She had on a Cillllbl'ic blouse, while I had a flannel one, and thick coat, to hoot, when shortly I saw her wrap fade away. and sheâ€"well, she. didn’t die, exactly, but exclaimed, “ ()h ! what a. hot day l” I replied, “ what about Canada, where we laugh and smile when it’salmut 95° in the'slladv 1"” “ Hut 3 ” did I hear some one say ? \Vhy, its a snap to feel the sun’s rays in this clinmte. Ikept only mndomu» 1y warm during the day, while at dusk it hecame qujte chilly. Upon rea‘ching to make a tour and weuding our nooks and flower most charming Duchess? Walk,” where the Lady I thought, as you e upon the past, The natural sum) is simply grand, crihe such trees z the ” Garden of} MISS E. E. ammx’s THIRD LETTER. cribe éu'ch trees and flowers. for truly the " Gnu-den of Eden " could not have been sweeter or lmpyier than this wry beautiful home, which to my mind is it perfect Paradise. The enclosure itself comprises some miles of what appeared to me a repro- duction in parts of “ High Pa! k.” one of the choicest spots dear to the mem- ory of all Torontonians; While in am other place “ The Reservoir " of North Toronto, with its lovely surroundings, seemed to have opened to View, and I could really fancy I stood on the verge of the upper circle, “'hf‘l‘l’, looking down into the deep ravine, and away beyond the eloudless sky my eyes rost- ed not (:11 Niagara Falls, the comple- tion of my Canadian picture. but upon the peacelul and happy “ Vale of Bel,- voir," “'ln se velvety (nu pet of daisies and cowslips served as :2 resting place to Jersey cattle, lambs and sheep, Across the Ocean. m reaching the castle we decidvd tke a tour of the guy-dens first, ending our way through shady and flowery dells we came to a. charming retreat called “ The 333’ \Valk,” this heng the spot I the Lady Elizabeth mused and ht, as you and I have often done, the past, present and future. atnml scmu-ry of the \vhulu place ply grand, and pen fails to (ll-s- such trees and fluwm's. for truly Garden of Eden " cnuld nut have As“ we walked walls, overgrown flmvors, I gazed where, in other quesns had stmyd fiU\'v'(‘1'S,1iHi(‘s, nm'cmzzi and hundreds of other flows-rs, the whole thing sooznod likvlâ€"Iem‘vn upon earth, and musing upon what might be, I was acquainbed with the fact that we must muve on or we ('mxldn't possibly see the many charming gans and spots made beautian by the art hi man, or from Lime illll!|&'ll|(11‘iél1 natural as from the hand of Gud. Rutuz-ning to the “ entrance ” I could not help unlit-Eng how strongly the castle is fm'tiiiod, in fact Cromwell himself (:nulrl nutnvex'throw its walls or ‘mk'v. it. fnuu its lawful owner. Up- on every side (me cums-s face tn face with cannon and gun, inside and out. “The Amumrlus" caumuu {must of a. better stronglmld, while secret pas- sages keep back the enemy, and suldiers in clays of ym-e watuhed the foe and fought a guod fighb for hume and Belvoir. The. architt‘ct must have had fine ideas of strength; for the stones are apparently bvynnd decay, and nut- \\'ithmnding fire, the castlu stands a pattern of lwautm‘ss and greatness and is alike u placL: of durability and beau- ty. Plum/mg from its thwvl' the. Uninu Jack flies to and flu, beespmking the h-eedmu uf all British burn; and I for Jack flies in and fro, beeSpeuking the freedom of all British born; and I for one felt. perfectly safe when I realized 1 was in the Motherland and Could en- joy its blessings and privileges. One portion of the castle cuniains a. chapel. Used specially when the funi- ily and fricuds are- at home. It- is known from without by its appenlu angre common to English churchos‘ while within one realized :it once they were in HM! bosom of things sucrml and holy,,in i'uci, the presence of God pervades the whqu scene, and our hearts went. up to Him who has been our help in all generations and ii. hid- ing place. through all life’s storms. ()nx- introduction to the interior of Belvoir was through a long hall, which finally brought us into 1L room full of armor, guns, swords, ‘zunumnilinn, ntc.,‘in fact mm might wonder if the Duke expected an invasion slioi-Liy from the way the place is guarded and gari‘isulicd even in these days. How- ever, nothing dauntvd, up :1 flight of stairs we \V't‘lldt'd our steps, landing in a broad open space, where it- seemvd as if doors to tho right of us, doors to the loft of us opened Lo mimit visitors to this sfaLely mansion. “’0 f >llowed the guide into u long and cit-guilt moulkunwn us “The Regent’s Rm Of course we only had a passing: gh at the mysteries within. although place seemed very inviting, as large fires huruvd-in grates at- diife- pnims niong me wall, while may cosy Curm-rs mud“ um- ulnmst wm what. it. was like m be “ there.“ wawsz are draped with thn 1 artistic, yet ancient, tapestry oriental rugs and curtains :Ldurn finals and walls and I couciuded clever people lived in other ages as well as the prosvnt. The oil-paintings and water-colors of great artists hang from the walls in grandeur and beauty, while in the Art- Gullm-y, pictures, rare and costly and most; interesting, either please the eye 01' chm-m nue’s fancy for the beautiful. In the Elizabeth saloon, the sight. is nerfectly entrancing. the ceiling is In the Eiizabeth saloon, the sight is perfectly entrancing. the ceiiing is simply beyond (lesm'iptinn and nuduuht the Painter’s skill and patience Wei-e tested many times as a period uf twen- ty years elapsed before this one ceiling 1 com m ()LL H was completed. In each carrier is the portrait of some member of the family and in the centre on either side of the central figure the present Duke and Duahess themselves ill'l‘ shown the visitor, who admires within himself the ids-n of having nne‘s home decorated in this way, [winting out to us that while some are absent, others are ever present and this new kind of photograph album is bo_t_h pretfiy and unique. Tbe guide having fill-eady mentioned many names of sons and daughters cuncluded with, and “this is an old friend.” I thought how nice to be that pqrspn, remembered long aftte mater- iul things had gone to dust and ashes. and knowing that he would still grace the room where the Lady Elizabeth spent her happy hours and even Eng- land's present. Queen has rested be- neath the shadows of the Castle's greatness and raved the hospitality 0f His Grace’s Bordly Hume. Miniatures on ivo'ry are let in the walls enclosed by a framework similar to other pictures and the tapestries; decorations and furniture are choice and lovely, Llu- shade and hints suit- ing th_e uy>§t aestlgetic‘tngte. Tn the Libx-zu-y. hundreds of volumes fill the shelves, kept orderly by a stew- ard and in this room we saw the “Book” presented to the I'mke, and read the address from the hands of England‘s sons. The cover or outer casing is carved. most artistically and tells of cleverness from every point, while the inscription and portions enclosed are in keeping with such a. magnificent book. The ball-room, were it able to repeat the names of those who have crossed its threshold, would mention Queen Vic- toria. Prince and Princess of \Va‘les, Marquis of Granby and even George IV “did” Belvoir Castle in olden times, to say nothing of hundreds of others belonging to the Nobility and Aristocracy of this 59a. girh Isle. One article particularly struck my notice and this was a table made out of a, solid block of marble, weighing aver three tons and covered by a snowy white cloth chiselled from the block itself and giving it the appearance of :L linen cover fresh from the loom. On gala days the Punch Bowl stands here and the host, and guest enjoy the contents which flow freely for an hon- orvd and noble race. We did not, get it glimpse into the secret chamber where lies the family piate but I understand everything is ancient and modern, and upon the: separate pieces is emblazoned the crest; of Belvuir's lord, the proud yet pretty Peacock. Our walk back to the statiun tuck us» through His Grace’s fields, which we enjoyed and reaching the depot we awaited the arrival of the 8 o’clock twin fur Melton. The (input, is per Hum-(1 off, one section being used for the “sx‘rvllsanrl nobility” whu come to this wayside slmp'ping place an mute to the. Castle. However, We didn’t mind which way led to the “filling; Rumn as I no sooner found :5 seat than I lay down zmd counted the panes of «51- -' in tin: (luor as; I had z-nute tn the. Castle. ‘ HEWéver, we didn’t mind which way led to the \\':1itin;;;‘ anu as I no sooner found 3: seat than I lay down :md counted the panes of glass in the (ltmr as I had oftvn counted figures, &c., on the pa- pi‘I’ed Wall at, hnme to help pass away the Iimn. If the Duke never had a real live Canadian in his domains be- fore he. had Ime that (lily and in clus- iug my account of Belvoir, I Wish him a, lung life and :1 happy one zmd the mummy (if this grand n'ul Uusflv will remain with me to thv last as a shad- x'e‘mum With mu m an [use as 2L SKULL!- mv nf thv “ Mansions ” to come. ' WWW “"t’icney 130 Loam 2 :3J [Single copies, 3 cts. LIB No 5'1 proper

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