Mr. John Barker of " Cosy Nook †is dmlgex‘nnsly ill. _ Mrs. “‘11). 0001: has been spending several days in Toronto. Missas Louie and Bessie Mellis‘n visit- ed their friend. Miss Lillie on'l‘uesduy. Rev. J. E. Sawdnn speak in the church evening, June 22nd. Miss holiday wood E attende nesdny. Rev. J. E. Sawdnn (If Tnmnto will speak in the church hero on Friday evening, June 22nd. A large crowd is expected. Come and boat- him and he one among the many there. A cnllecJ 'tiu’n will be taken up after the service. The members and adherents of the Presbyterian church purpose crlebmt- ing Dominion Day (July 2) as usual by holding their Annual Garden qu-tyiu the l‘lawthorn Mineral Spring Grove. Games and spurts of vm-iuus kinds will be provided and the Tliol'uhill brass band will furnish a choice prugrnm of music. Ten. will be served from 5 to 7 n’cluck, and strawberries and cream, ice cream and other delicacies will be served zit a booth and at little tables close by. Reduced rates will be given on the electric cars which will run past the grounds every hour. measure by hotel-keepers and business ‘men in Winnipeg. The Licensed VVictuallers’ Associatien claim that Manitoba has the strictest license law 'in Canada, and that drinking will be increased rather than diminished if the new law is enforced. In this par- ticular the hotel-keepers in Manitoba ‘rcsemble those in Ontario. If a Pro- hibitory law were proposed in this ‘province to-day they would point to 4the stringent provisions of our pres- ent law which requires that no liquor shall be sold in hotels from 7 o’clock BSaturday evening until Monday morning, that they must not sell to habitual drinkers &c., 8:0. But too Mr. Arch. Campbell, proprietor of The Queen City Flour Mills, Toronto Junction, and M. P. for West Kent, has been appointed a member of the Emergency Rations Committee. Mr. Campbell is one of the most promin- ent members in the House of Com- mons. The Methodist; Church was crowded. on Sunday evening when Rev. G. K. Adams of Hamilton preached a sermon under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge. Over 60 members of the 01-- der met, at the lodge room and march- ed to the church, all wearing reg-45:1 and other Masonic emblems. Many were. present; from Richmond Hill. Maple, King City, \Voodhi'idge and other lodges. Rev. Mr. Adams who is an enthusiastic member of the craft preached an excellent'sermon from the. text, “For we have seen His Star in the East,†Mutt. ii, 2. The collection which was a liberal one, was in aid of the Hospital for Sick Children, Toron- to. Om- pustor, Rev. Mr. Hutton, is ex- pected lmme Lhis week. many of these men continue to sell 1“bath on Saturday night and Sunday as if there was no law to govern ‘them. And when men who are not isupposed to get liquor are seen stag- gering in the street a suspicion is at ‘once created that; the law has not ‘b‘éen observed. Wilson, the defaulting teller of the ZMerchant’s Bank. has been sentenced to serve seven years in Kingston pen- Eite‘ntiary. Shortly after his arrest t‘deonths ago he pleaded guilty to the charge of having taken $2,000 of the Bank’s money, but would not ad- mit that he knew anything about the $10,000 that so mysteriously disap- peared on the 18th of April. He was found guilty of both charges. To some people this long sentence of seven years may seem severe. But this man was no ordinary thief. His position in the bank was one of trust and no doubt this fact was taken in- to consideration by the convicting magistrate. A Prohibitory law has been passed in Manitoba, and already a vigorous appeal has been made against the RICHMOND HILL. June 21, Chauge-H. C. Bailey. Changeâ€"Jeny Smith. Voters' Listâ€"M. Testy. Noticeâ€" M (Mm ï¬iheml. New Advertisements. \Vinnié Baker of Toronto is in: with her cnusins at; Moor- I'D) aggie Snider and Miss Sch?! the picnic at, Edgely on “’(‘d Thornhfll. uaz rvihe 'of the Masonic nbeI-s of the Or- mom and nmrch- l wearing rngah'sl emblems. Many Richmond Hill, \Voodhridge and Mr. Adams who Masonic the 01-- nuu'ch- rogah'a M :my 1900 GLOBE came“ 60* dru gists In Canada. 0111 1-61] ableg medicine discovered? 81 Raga: guaranteed to cure a formso Sem Weakness. all eï¬ects of abuqr or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To bacco, Opin'n or Stimulants. Mailed on recelpl o! prgce. om ackage 8!. six. 85. One willplala manila-re. , mphlets free to any address. The Wood Company. Windsor, OM RBI. IS' Wood's Phosphodine in sold in Riehxumm Hill by W. A. Saudersonptuggxsn. Gents’ Lies, bows, four-in-liamls, im- perials, kerchief, tecks and derhys at Atkinson & Switzer‘s. William Snggil}, baliff of the Eighth Division Court nf the Ununty of York died at his residence, Lambtnn Miils, Monday morning. Gréat value in gents’ ï¬ne suspr‘ndvrs. 8‘99 the north window at Atkinson 3; Switzer's. Thvï¬rst broak in the happy homo of Mr. Richard Atkinsm1, thhvsda, was made last week. A 8“!) was. taken suddmfly i1]. and when his mother was told that. there was no hope of l-vcovery she fell into a. ï¬t and never rallied. Alurge family is left to mourn the loss of the two so sud- denly taken away. FRIDAY, June 29â€"Credit sale of in m stock, in)- plements, &c..on lot- 48. Est. con. Muerm (Richmond Hill), the pruperbx'nf 0. J. Brown. Sale at. 1 o‘clock. Term-1 6 months. Saxgeuu a McEwem auctioneers. WEDNEsDAY. Julv 4â€"Auct10n sale of a. store and dwellingknnwn an the Sunfen' estate in the village of Richmond B111. 5910 at I u'dock. Suigenu & MnEw'en. aunt} r 1 v TBmsnAY,Julv 5 â€"Admim=tm'- and rotor) Yonge St. :-. slum nf Thornhill. the estate of t! Kirby. Sale at 1 u’ciuck. S paie of house distnbco north ‘ 0 Brunet tvn & Mo 5: Th3 undersigned have received instructions from ï¬lm. Ann Marsh and W.Curues Page Marsh, administering the estate of mm: late Harriett Kirby, to sell by public auction on the premises 011 Miss Emhm Byam, while: driving one of he: ponies from Hope Tuesday evening. was thrown out of the cart and received :1 severe, cut in the head, necessitating seven-11 stitches. The pony ran away, but no other (Ianmge was done. VViIIl'm’Ii Christie, the. well-known biscuit manufacturer divd at his home in Toronto last Thiirsday. He wvs '72 years of age'. A garden pm-tV in connection with St. Stephen‘s Church was hold at: Mr. Gen. \Vzltsun’s. near thv tmvnlinv. last. Thursday evening. The sum of was realized. A prngmnl was given consisting of solos by Miss E. Koll’m; a. duet by MIS. G. Cook and Mrs. V. Y. Mom‘e ; choruses by Hope Male ‘r‘nul-us Club; and several selections by the Mlee Quartrtte. Rev; Ml‘. Ellison of Toronto. preach: in thP PI-PshyteI-iun Church lust. Sun- day morning. Several from here went on the ex- cursion t0 the Model Farm at Guelph, on Saturday last. 505mm ‘Imst Samuday the )kmhndht Sah- baU)Schmflsuthqfleand Hope had their picnic at Lake “'ilcnx. About, twenty conveyances (hnflfle and single, carried the picnickers, ave-1' 200 in number,†to their destination, where they arrive-d shortly after mum. Din- ner was served as so'nn as it muld he got ready. and the whole afternoon was given up to sports, such as foot- han,s“nngiug,lnuhing and hoaï¬ng. Some who did not care for snob sports enjoyed u quivt, stroll through the grove,(u'sat:n1d rvatchvd “18 others having a good thne. The day \vas perfect. thv water calm, and all enjoy. ed themselves to the utmost. Fm-tu- nately no accidvnl happened to mar the pleasure uf the (lay. Ten. was served at. 6 p. 11)., and shortly after- wards the party broke up and all 1-0- turnvd home feeling quite tired but happy. Riciunond Hill Thursday, July 5,1900 Eweh. mxerjcneers HHS“ The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by Farm fer Sale 93 Yonge Street, Toronto. minésimim‘s 3 By 4% notion LAUNBEY $.11) n ulars apply on the premises to JOHN SLINEY. urm Sale Register. News Notes. m . the foHowing vatunble free hold progeny, Vlz ' _ (mo and onn-qnn‘rte‘r gr‘reg of lane {JULIE Wood's Phosphadinag ado Fa mm Maple in the happy home Atkinsnn, thhosda, week. A Sam was ’ill. and when his 29, rear of the 2nd con 1' 65 acres is for 51112 ‘t areis a. frame house barn). and good out-hund- all watered. and is in u '1 lLLIF} M ax‘VELI Washings. Gents‘ any. Woxk gun!- Elgin Mills. P.() E! a .56 paée of house Hume north ‘Iu‘o Emmet EMUth & Me Qt at Rxcbmund mm at; swat-1‘55 jOS. HALL, A. MOODIE, â€"â€"ANDâ€" NAUG HTON BROS. as we Eiï¬ï¬â€˜Ã©ï¬si‘ég EUEEBBE FLBUï¬Eé‘éG EflELLi‘S. For other particulars will at the Bank. Received in High Grade Family Flour T 3 rm.» mm H General Banking Business Tmnsaeted. RECHMOND HILL Any BALu America over all (11 nugln erty of the Richmond H Association, will tune] Hill. Maple. Fisherviléo, (Yurnorn. Unxonvme. Mm lurin‘Squm‘e. Oak Hingu‘ Palmer, General Mounuc MAsnm‘s 14mm Pm‘e bred n the propel-t of l). 0. Pta- wixl travel} _ruu;_:l Maph PURF Horsemen getting Lnrir bi) THE Lmumn oflice will Influx to the iollowmg duri Mon -TuNYâ€"The thoro’ bred uursm the property of Ge moud Hi1). \nil trawl ‘ Dollar,bnnsin|z, Thistleu hill, Temperuucsviuolfl -. Kleinburg.Muple,&c. '1‘ Ion 1w Boyâ€"The trotting] prnpeny of Bert. Huppe “ill make the season i1 muntrv. Terms <10. You «5 MACQUEENâ€"Tho ml; Notifée of withdrawal sury. All deposits on demand. To make more hrs-nil, lighter bread and bread that will keep moist. longer, and hath-r flavor- ed broad with loss Inh- or than any other flour. Made to Suit the people and sold at :1 reasonable price. Inn. Bell's Luke, King 'xl turin. Square, and Riuh me. D WMson.MunM;v 1m GuLDâ€"The celebrate we progeny (f 1). Mon: travel through Kin: m Tax-ms $8. payable Fol).1 mumâ€: SnmCâ€"I‘ure Dre dale stallion, the prnpen son, Maple, will tmvel t‘ Fnirbnuk, York Mills. I Concord, Vonm‘ev 'rorm manager. C p‘zml It is strictly Hers-t mom and Floln-will make Broad, but, we will gum-:mtoe ‘ Horse Register DEPOi IT"! SELL IT. Eï¬ï¬ï¬Ef-é :u'ings‘ Bank Dvparb interest. alkwved at i «5.313 "AWRENC'EI lgold Luau {Building Toto. lprivatefnnds to loan on mercy. Five per gent. in- fuz repuvment. ho com- durin bred s of Gen. ACTING AG EN T $l,000.009 700,000 [ll' MONEY! WEE“ not neces- payable mg, Th 11. A.) uto Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- sbility of same. “How to Obtain a. Patent†Bent upon request. Patents secured through us aévertised for sale at our expense. Patent take'n out through us receive special hotice, Without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy F REE. Address, Evans Building, Daisy Chums, Quick Meal Oil Stoves, Milk Pans, Pails, Cream- ers, Nails, Locks. Hinges, Fence Wire. and everything in the Tin and Hardware line. HAEBW REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDE Ti) Repairing promptly attended to. Of Men’s and Boy’s heavy boots, give good satisfaction. We havejust received a, leurde shipment of this line at {$1.25 and $1.50 per WEEQNS & S0. Eavetroughin‘g i No. 28. Any customer: ! presenting this: i Coupon 80 800. at i H RICHMOND HILL Is the place to go for ï¬rstâ€"class harness at right p Good Stock, Good VVm-k and Satisfaction guarantee The Scotsman, Stems, I at from $35.00 10 $5} LENE M1 VIC?OR J. EVANS & 00., H. C. BAELEY, WNW DEEBEQNE} 19111.43 ,. STQRE KEN8 84. GO. (Patent Attomeys,) 90c ALSO A lSt ways llCh I“; AIJD 113‘ }ENT F0 our store on Sat- urday, June 28, will receive 3 pkgs Farinosa. ‘ Al} :1 Columbia. Bicycles fully guaranteed" \WASHENGTON, D. G» ATJF amond Hill raga Street, Toronto In] other supplies uL