Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jun 1900, p. 5

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its itii.‘ 21, H 1.000 h Elite RICHMOND :HILL, June 5â€". .. 7 i ‘ . York County ('oimcil closed their June session on Saturday. 1 (lourt Richmond will meet tomorâ€" row evening. Quarter night. , Minutes of last mot-ting; of ‘\':iughan Council will ll:- gl\'t‘ll next wet-k. vsr _ __,_ _4.._ l Splendid value in ladies' blouses and wrappers. Atkinson 6; Swnzer. â€"Aâ€"- ~77. . v t Parties who get evening papers may '51” for them earlier than heretoiore. 'he papers roach hero on tho. 4.:10 car. Extra value in ladies” trimmed sailor hats. Atkinson .‘c Hwitzer. The Presbyterian Sabbath School will hold their annual picni" at, Lake \Vilcox on Saturday. 'Busscs will have the church at 1 o’clock. Eiiiliroidorit-s. insertions, laces. Voil- iiigs, ribbons, at Atkinson & SWitzers. ‘l‘fir. IIoni-y ilurkilt died at the resiâ€" dence of Mr. John Laiigstafi‘, Toronto, and was brought here fox-interment last Thursday. 7 Deceased was 64 years of age. Mince meat. 100. : (53c. ; Rangoon rice, 5c. Switzer. best Japan I‘icv- Atkinson Euclid Avenue Methodist Church Sabbath School picnieked at Bond‘s Lake yesterday. There were nine cars in use to convey the pleasure seekers to their destination. Farinosa, 15c. a. package; Swiss food, 150. : Jersey oats. 15c. ; Quaker oats, 13c. Atkinson e: Switzer. The Metropolitan cars are being crowde chi'y Saturday with Toronto citizens. Lost- Satuiday the crowd l which stopped at Bond's Lake Giounds was unusually large. Men’s overalls, smocks. shirts, pants, allover overalls and socks, great value, at Atkinson &'S\\‘itzei~‘s. A large number attended the ice cream socialat St Mary’s Church (of England) on Saturday, and enjoyed the delicacies provided. The proceeds were in the neighborhood of $20. Form I. of the High School are un- dergoing the ordeal of Promotion Exams. ihis weekâ€"\Ved nesday,Thursâ€" day and Friday. Entrance candidates must he on hand in good time for e):- umination on \‘i'cdncsday next. Paris Greenâ€"Pure Paris Green. the proper stuli to kill the. bugs. Price and quality right. Nanglitou Bros, Elgin Mills. ' he Toronto \Voi-ld of Friday con- tained the following paragraph :â€"â€" “ Literary articles of much merit are heingagain contributed to Tim 1.122- EitAL by Mr. \Vin. Harrison. llis his- tory of the \illage, published some little time ago Would make. a valuable addition to the municipal library.” Cars will leave Aurora att’klfi andt 7.4.3, returning at 1034), for ti 0 Garden Party at bil’. Goo. Newbery’s, Elgxin Mills, next Tuesday evening. Retain fare from Aurora. 25 cents: Oak Ridges, 1.3 cents; Richmond Hill, 10 cents. 3 boxes good matches for 250.; 3 cans salmon for 2.30. : 3 cans tomatoes for 25c. Atkinson & Switzer. Postmaster Teefy is finding much demand for the neat little stamp books ieceiitly issued by the Fostotliee Department. Tho little hooks contain .twelve '2 cent stamps. and have valua- ble information on hostage rates. money orders, postal 1. (cs, (cc. The price of the hook is 2:3 cents, and they fit, nicely in the \ cst pocket. ~Metliodist Conference has again eon- clnded its business for the year. Revs. Messrs. \Vollwo‘oil:,iul Large, will be the ministers hero for the coming year. Rev. \Vosley Dean will got.) Maple, and will he assisted byHev. Mr. Carscaddeu. llev. J. \Y. Stewart .goes to l‘lglinton, and Rev. A. J. Paul to Ilawkstone. A party of about thirty friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. (i. F. Lawrence came ‘ up by electric car on Saturday after- noon and spent a pleasant time in the grounds of Mr. \‘i'. A. Sanderson. The Visitors were joined by a few friends from this [ll-it‘l‘. and all had tea on the lawn. The guests returned to the city on the 8 o‘clock ear. Mr. and I-iis. Frank t‘osgrove, of Bond's Lake iloiel. celebratle the 25th anniversary of their \veildingon the 8111 inst. t‘liorc was a iii-go number .0f the iiiiliiodiuto r~dntivos present, and a pleasant rv~ iiiiig was spent in ‘ liitlsic. song: .‘ltltl d ‘ ‘e. The pr were :ippi-t ,' fate. the supper vas ex- , celleiit, and the decorations in red. white illlil blue. with the shamrock entwined. wrie gotten up with the best of taste. .‘~lr. and Mrs. ( os-grme received many hearty congratulatilins. Men‘s common straw hats, 5c. : V:anton hats. 10 and 150.: men‘s fancy ' straw hats, 2.3, St). 4.3 and 50e. Atkii: son & Switzer. Cll. .NGED HANDS. .‘dr. 0. J.- ln'own ins sold his farm of nearly N.) acres, being part of lot is, . 1st con. .\la'.kliain, pait vf which is in ' the. COIpUlJIiUlI of liuhiiioiid llill vii!::ge. The lllll'i'lllls‘t‘l' is Mr. James) , El. Graham Newton drook. l l l l i l 'true to life, in every feature. . titted PL'RPLEYILLE. Mr. .loliii \V. McDonald of this \‘ilk law-and recently teacher at Vellore. has been admitted it student-atâ€"law of , Usgoode Hall and has articicd for a.) teriiiof live years as clerk to Frank Demon, Q. (X. of the firm of Dontoii, ,lhuiii N Builtbee, Solicitors, Temple Building, Toronto. This week : Ready lunch beef. 2 ll: tins, 35c. : 1 lb. tins, 15c. ; choice piiik ' salmon, ltic. a (an, or3cans for 25c. Atkinson it :s‘wii'ler. ‘ricé.’i‘oN. A strawberry festival will be held on the cliiiicli grounds. Tesion, on '!_‘uesday. can. inst, in aid of the S. S. Tea served from :‘i to X, to be followed by an eiilei-taiuiiient of addresses, Singing. dialogues, recitalions, etc. Mr. \V. J. Hill. .\l. PI’.. will preside. Rev. J. ll. Moore will address the. children next Sunday evening. LACROSSE. The Richmond Hill lacrosse, team was defeated by the Shamrocks of To- ronto Junction on Saturday last, in the second league match of the York District, by eight goals to nil. The llill team was badly handicapped by the absence of {\vo deft-rice players, and were fort-oil to play eleven men against twelve of the Shamrocks. Ritlt'k Cat shoe dressing, 18m: Eb- onino shoe rh‘essing, 1%.: Starlight shoe dressing, 100.: Favorite shoe dressing. ltlc.: Liquid shoe dressing, 5r. =‘ U'inson t‘T: Switzer. AHA LEG FRACTURED. \Ve regret to have. to .EllnlOI'lllCPa serious accident which happened to Mr. .lohn Errors on Saturday evening. lie was driving his bay horse on Yonge Street. when the animal became frightened at a passing,r car and threw him out, fracturing the large bone in the left leg lit-tween the ankle and the Row. A fractured log is serious unâ€" dor any circumstances. but thVS acci- t, is particularly unfortunate con)- ing as it does in the. busy season when the firm has so man building con- tracts on their hand:. don The host kettle rendered lard in 2!) b.pails.l(l.‘3e.por1b.: choice Palras cur- mntsmlcai 21,80. Atkinson & Sw1tzer. G A LA DAY. The Richmond Hill lacrosse club purpose having a demonstration here on July 2nd, when they meet, the Stars of St. Catharines in :1 Championship match. Besides the lacrosse match. other amusements will be furnished, a full account of which will be announc- ed by posters in a few days. In the evening an ice cream social will be held on the Methodist; Church Lawn, under he auspin of the Epworth League. Castilo soap, 2 for 5:3. ; Richard’s pure soap. 6 for 250. ; Va'iiiifort. soap, 6 for Zac. : Jubilee, 5 lb. bar, 23c. ; Fair- bank’s tar soap, 109. : Copco soap, 5c. ; '7 bars Cameo soap, 25c. Atkinson 81; Switzer. DOMINION DAY IN MARKEAM. » The Markham Lacrosse Club have arranged to celebrate Dominion Day with what appears to be the most at- tractive program of sports we have ever seen advertised. The principal events will be a lacrosse match be- tween the celebrated Iroquois team of Buffalo. F. Y.. and the. Iiiarkham team. the champions of the world; a football tournament for a splendid sil- ver tankard ; a baseball match between Lampton Mills and Markham : a quoit- log tournament: free-for-all tiot or pace; three-minute trot, pony races, etc. The Markham Old Boys’ Club of Toronto, nearly 3th strong, will be present. Boots and Shoesâ€"â€"Ladies’ cloth top boots, sizes 3.5, 4, 45 and {)é, 75c. per pair, Worth $2.50; a few pairs ladies’ kid boots, sizes 3 and 50¢. per pair. Naugliton Bros, Elgin Mills. A BEAUle PICTURE. The publishers of The Herald and \Veckly Star of Montreal, are now in a position to ship their picture of Lord Roberts, the famous general. A copy of this may be seen at this office. The pictures are certaian 1!. credit. Our offer places this picture within the reach of all. \Ve will send THE L115- EHAL and the Family Herald and \Veekly Starfor the balance. of 1900, and include a. copy of this picture (17x22), for the sum of $1.00. If after receiving it you are not satisfied that the picture alone is worth the money you can have it returned. To our present subscribers we offer the Fam- ily Herald and S‘fcekly :itar, Canada’s loading,r weekly newsK .tper, for the balance of 11W) and the pintur.‘ of Lord Roberts for the small sum of tit) cents. Send your orders to THELIBEn-AL office. Vr ‘14 POSTPONED Plf'Nlt". The T'. M. H. baskr'tpicnic which was advertised to be held to-iiioriow (Friday) at Lak \Vilr't:X, is pnstzumpdt till next \Vcdnesday, wlr-ii it will be . by t . the 17th of July. at Bond‘s Lek“. The lt‘illl'll fare ‘ car will he 20 cents. which will include all expenses, such as ice, boats and,I eiifi-auco to the grounds: children. i only 10 cents. 1%" s desiring to at.- Iciid can secure li . from members ' of the society. The t car will leave at 10.3”. but those \ hing to go and return at any other limo may do so. . as the tickets will be 5: uul on any of the regular cats. A special car will convey any lioiim who may desire to l’t‘lil‘llll till nine in the evening. As is well known the picnicgroondsé-t Bond‘s Lake have been bt'nmiticd and up With everv' t-ruivmfiencm, 'J‘hereiorea most enjoyable outingr is, anticipated. Tho \V. )l. S. of the Methodist (‘hurch hope to have IiEE‘I patronage (.f tlioii'fov. nspcople. l 3for a trio Iiil't'li‘ril i l I ‘He -l-'ri.‘.ay evening of this Week. NEW" BOOKS. The following newpublications neai - ly all of whit-ii have been published ; during 1900. comprising histoiy. biog- i raphy, literature and i'ictioii,li.-ive been i added to the public library this week: England in Africa, To Have and to Hold, Lady llarliarity. Lost Heir, Red tat's Daughter, Siren ('ily, Biography of a Grizzly. Joan of Sword “and, Capetown to L'ulysiiiitli, Realist, Three Men on \Vhecls.Uarden of Eden, In Old France and New, I.eo,.\lastorof Graft. Sophia, ltobospiore, Suspense, Alfred the Great. They will be cata- logued in a few days. Choice Rio coffee, 10¢. a lh.: extra. , unlit ' coffee, i round while 'ou wait i I 20c. a 1b.: extra. fit-shy prunes, Sc. n. lb. Atkinson & Switzer. KING PLOVVMEN. The annual meeting: of King Plow~ iiioii's Association was held at. Hogan‘s llull. King (fityaui Tuesday afternoon. There was a, representative gathering, and the work of the past yearwas considered satisfactory. The report of llie auditors showed a good balaiitc on hand. The following are the newly elected officers: l’i'esident, T. H. Legge, 'l‘oinporaiicmillcg Vice-Pres. S. Jaiiiicson, Kotlloby; Sec'y, J. T. Saigt-on. Richmond Hill: Trcas., Gr. Lawson, Laskay ; Directors, S.Lonion, \V. \Valkington. \‘i'. E. Fox, James \Vclls, F. Trent, F. \V. Heucock, I). Blough, J. B. Sutton, P. McMurchy, \Vm. Mathoson. it. Stewart. It was decided to hold the match somewhere in the south part of the township on Tuesday, the 6th of November. DR. MUCONAGIIY’S DEATH. Relatives and friends were shocked on Friday last about 2.30 p. m. when a. telegram reached here bearing the sad news that Dr. Frank McConagliy, second son of Mr. F. McConaghyoi’ this village, was dead. The unexpect- ed news spread rapidly, and every- body was anxious to learn the particu- larsof the sudden death. Messrs. F. and J. Mt-Coiiagliy, father and eldest brother of deceased, started on the 4 o’clock car and reached Midland about 11 p. in. The, body was brought to his father’s home Saturday night, and interment took place in the family plot Sunday afternoon. Before leav- ing the house a. service was held, and a. short address, appropriate for the solemn occasion, was given by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Grant. On the Casket were many floral offerings. a number being from friends in Midland and vicinity where he had successfully practised as a physician during the past seven years. The deepest sym- pathy is felt for the relatives. and es- peciall7 with the widow who isleft with iive children, the eldest being only eight years of age. Deceased was horn in this village, and always lived here until he entered upon the duties of his profession. He attended High School and afterwards thch ronto School of Medicine, taking his degree about eight years ago. He was a. young man oi good ability, and his sudden death at the early age, of 33 years and 6 months has cast a. gloom not only over his native village, but over the tori-itoiy Slil‘l'tiillltll ig Midâ€" land where he practised with marked success. The immediate cause of death was inflammation of the bowels and kidneys, and the deadly attack was of less than a. week’s duration. The bereaved wife, who is asistcr of Dr. Rolph Langstaff, will in all likelihood remove with her young family to this village. .t‘ERSONAEg Miss Pattulo of Toronto, is visiting Mrs. L. Gaby. Dr. Gibson of Buffalo, is visiting his niece, Mrs. R. A. Farquiiarsou. Mr. G. Porter and Miss Porter of Milton spent. a few days with relatives here. Mr. A. II. R. Faii'child of Toronto, is spending a fcw days with Mr. \V.A. Sanderson. Mrs. C. P. \Viley and son have gone to Uxbridge to spend a few weeks with relatives. Mr. J. B. McLean of Maple, cleik and treasurer of Vaughan township, was in the village on Tuesday. Mrs. D. (,‘ollins of Kincardine, and her son Dr. Collins, Toronto, are visit- lllg Mrs. Farquharson u few days this week. Mrs. (Judge) McKean of New York, and Miss Kyle. Miss Sullivan and Miss Gertrude Kyle of Toronto. spent yes- terday afternoon with Mrs. \Viley. Mr. and Mrs. John (‘ztsely attended a family gathering at the residence of Mr. Henry (‘ilst‘l}', 2nd con. Vaughan. yesterday. 'l‘lu-io were ()5 piesoiit. Mr. P. lassingthwaite, who was ' contiiivd to his house for ll‘d't't‘ months with a smore attack of sciatica, has so far recovered as to be able to ride out, as far as this village. Mr. R. A. l“;irtpil;ai-soii will presida at Auroizi at lllr‘ llt‘llill'illlt’llttll exams, ‘ and Mr. A. E. t'ooiiibs of :‘:t".\‘lll'll'l{"t will have Charge in-rc from the 3rd till Mr. MK. II. l’mctor *‘ ‘iizd Tuesday .\oI-ih-\‘. est. “'5: ililll ,. ii; a ticket good for r- ‘ t2: ping on his way at ‘f‘finnipo-g, Bram don and other places. lov. Mr. ill-own of Knox ('lii‘i'tdi, Fit-.ii-lro; o. wid l'lvli titct i’i opaiatory Services iii the i’l‘~£li:\’il'l.’1'1'lt‘illldt'iltill (foul- inunioii will tie-held next Sunday oi iiing. Ripans 'Fabnles: at druggiz'is. Rlpnns Ta..ules cure ll‘.‘cl' m Ripans Tabules assis Ripgii; Ta‘iules cure 19L. v purposes going as 1' ll‘ as ('aigai'y. stop-' ah”) “M”, ~. Vfi?. Easy terms of paymen . to our work. THE 0 Goes much farther than a false state- It has always been our aim to honest ment. follow an When you read a statement in this or any other space you can depend on its being the truth and being so if we Say 50. We have a line of Ladies’ Trimmed Sailor Hats, white, black and fancy, l which we are selling at 23 per cent. less than regular price. We have a line of Men’s \Vorsted Suits which we offer at a big reduc- tion; regular 5:313 50 suit for $10.50. Ladies' Blouses at 50, 65, 85, $1, $1.20 and $31.70. $1 35 and $1.50. Ladies’ Serge Dress Skirts, regular $2.65f01‘5fi2 25. .. thirteen ’Wlwimfilhi business policy.'. , '7 K 1%? 3, 9 IF YOU WANT TO BUY A PIAN0,0RGAN, OR liiltiil iiiflGHlNE CALL ON OR WRITE CEiLn§sE§iE§; a???) 3.2.: i 9311;110:141 Samples always on hand. RCHARD Properly handled and cared for 9.31; big di 'it ends. Everyone who owns a little ground can put; in a few trees or small fruit plants, and in a very few years have a profitable garden. We are the largest i’nirseviiien in t‘anada and ship over twenty thous- and orders annually and guaranfee satirl'accion. ~ \Ve want a good man in each tun.“ The general start-kecyit-t', “zip to devote part or all of his time lmol teacher or retired i'zu‘ncr can add iiiatcriallv to his income by eiig‘aft'lng with its-while. any good encr- g‘ctic man with a liking for Horticulture, and willing; to work few years, will build up for liiiiis income year ‘ V? ‘,\T A.‘ alter your. I ll Lli n cwcst Colorinqs at lowest 1 hard for n. cll'a connection that will insure a steady VVILL YOU T‘VORK FOR US P If vou have the ability we ‘zare work fci' you to do. n ' q n -M "Y '3 L i - N' -, ' (339.811. BRcT. o1, C-oilidrae, On... ,5.A “(VEST Nl'ikfiifii 31E 5‘1 33 ‘2‘ 33.1 DJ. 1512‘ ESLISHE 153 YR? rs“? ‘ $a_ " mar" ! ~ a - m e i. i=9 a ALLiwamnizv*sL fir tâ€". “’"fi‘m‘lf’h AR 5 iQiMJ eat-care ‘ :71 5c. up, border and Sp " low as 30.; good t 5 er rod. .\lif .n in all colors from the ~ Boiled and recedes always on hand. 3‘3 . savaes

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