Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jun 1900, p. 6

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"Henri'a revenge has come to no- thing, after all.” thought "miladi;" "and I am really glad to have had the chance of quarreling with him. How could I have ever fancied that 'I loved him. How foolish girls are!" The grand exhibition of fire- works onme to an end. the banquet was over, the dancers wearied and tired, had gone home; no one no- ticed that the, handsome Frenchman who had been her ladyehipi’s shadow had vanished. The exhausted servants had gone to their rooms; "my lady," gay and brillianlt to the last, had at length allowed her tired sister to es- cape. The whole household slept ex- cept she 'who had once been its mis- trees. Vivien Nealie was half bewild. ered by the horror of what she had heard, though it did not take her by surprise. She had always doubted Lady Neslie. Her brilliant beauty and airy grace could not conceal the fact that she was not athorough- bred lady. Vivien would not have been surprised had the reality been even more terrible. Her whole soul seem- ed to die within her.. Alas for Lance. woodâ€"proud, stately Lancewoodl Evil and dark were the days that had dawned on it. A strolling playerâ€"- Vivien shuddered as she said the words to herselfâ€"to take her mother‘s place â€" what shamel Never until now had she known the depths oi her love [or her ancient home, or her pride in it. She was in despair. From this abyss of shame and hor- ror there was no escape; and darker troubles were gathering round her, The fear of her secret becoming known had been some little restraint on Lady Neslieâ€"now that Vivien knew it, there would be no restraint at all. Vivien understood the vain, shallow nature well enough to be sure that Valerie would seek to revenge her disgrace upon herâ€"that for bravado's sake she would be more defiant and in- solent than ever. She had never dream- ed of her father’s wife marrying again. It was an evil she had not foreseen; now it was one she had to dread. And when her ladyship married it would doubtless be one of those soiâ€"disant military men whom she so much af- fected â€" not an English gentleman. What would become of Laneewood then? There was no clause in the will to prevent her marrying and bringing any husband she chose to Lancewood; it was to be her home until Oswald attained his majority. She might have married M. de Nouchet and made him master of the Abbey. If she had the idea of marrying in her mind, it was most likely that she would carry it out. "And I am powerless to prevent it," she thought; "powerless even to give advice] I can do nothing." Lady Neslie returned to her guests with a calm, unruffled face. as though nothing had happenedâ€"indeed, Henri de Nouchet'e exposure of her to Miss Neslie troubled her very little. No one could send her [tom Lancewood or take her fortune away. It was true, Vivien might and probably would say some very unpleasant things. but than words were only air â€"they could not hurt her. No sorrow that had fallen over her touched her as this did; and that vhat she dreaded would come to pass Mr. John Broderick. Newmarket. Ont" writes :â€""I have been troubled [or thirty years with salt rhuum. I used remedies. and was treated by physicians all that time. but all fail- ed to l'Lll‘B me. The doutors said there was no cure for me. ,I spent hundreds of dollars trying to get relief. but all in vain. My son brought me a trial sample box of Dr. Chase's Oint- ment. 1 found great relief. and had the first night's rest in years. It stopped the. itching immediately. 0 .e box cured me. Publish these fats !o suffering humanity." NIIVOUQ DEIILITY. Mr. A. T. P. Lalame, railway agent at Clarenoeville, Que.‘ writes :â€"â€""For twelve years I have been run down with nervous debilily. I suffered much. and consulted doctors. and used medicines in vain. Some months ago I heard of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, used Seldom it ever has a physician so thoroughly won the confidence of the people as has Dr. A. \V. Chase. through the absolute reliability of his Recipe Book and the wonderful effi- ency of his great prescriptions. SALT Rlllllll. You Can Have Confidence Through Storm and Sunshine In the medicines that have stood the test of years In private practioe and made famous tho name of Dr. A. W. Chase. CHAPTER XXXII‘ I. she felt sure. Lady Neslie would marry again it she chose. She tried to imagine what she Shauld lead, Henriiduâ€"what Lanoewood would be like mr to Miss ‘ wlth one of. these ‘loud-speaklng mue‘ N0 ‘ qlgw meklulg, bllllard-(pl-aymg Lancewood Frenchmen as its master. Valerle and ’â€" It was . the consort would not. have the power L probably to pull down the bu11dmg or to cut unpmasant down the trees; but, if Oswald proved I8 only air to be what he gave plromisa of being, they would be able to win his consent [to anything. her guests :, as though I Mrs. W. H. Fisher, Preston, Ont. a stateszâ€"“I can recommend Drl (‘lnse's .Kidney-Liver Pills for constipud m. l 'was troubled for about nine years. land have spent: hundreds of dollars K with doctors and for remedies l hna rd 3 of. but they failed to even give relief. Hearing of Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills Iprocured ubox. and they have 'cured me of this long-standing com- pl-xint. I don't have to use them any I more at all. which goes to Show that | the cure is complete and pu‘munont." Vivien remembered well that one day, when they were speaking of some fine old cedars, Lady Nesllie saidâ€" "As soon as Oswald comes of age, I shall persuade him to have those trees cut down." ° \Vhat would happen to Oswald if his mother brought a. husband to the Abbey 9 She recoiled from the thought, It had been bad enough when her father brought a new wife home; what would it be if that wife in, her turn brought a new husband? The morning sun found Vivien N93- lie still pondering this, the greatest Sorrow that had befallen her. She could not recover from the shock. All day she went about with a white face and sad eyes. Gerald Dorman watched her anxiouslyâ€"he saw that something was wrong with the wo- man whom he so passionately loved. There was little rest or peace in the Abbey that dayâ€"it was filled with guests. Vivien’s only haven was her own room; in every other place she was liable to interruption and intruâ€" sion. Lady Neslie’s friends would fain have admired her; some of the gentle- men declared that she was one of the most beautiful women they had seen in England, dreadfully proud. Whey made one or two attempts to talk to her, but they were great failures. The ladies of the party quietly ignored her, which was far more pleasant than if Vivien had ignored them. She was perfectly correct in her judgment of Lady Neslie. The fact that Vivien knew her secret simply increased “miladi‘s” dislike of her. Still Valerie felt quite sure that her secret was safe in Vivien’s hands. "For the hon- or of the Neslies she will never betray me,” she thought. "As though I should place myself and my fortune in his power!” exclaim- ed “miladi.” “What an idea !” "Certainly, if I receive a suitable offer," she replied. “You may rely upon one thing though, Vivien â€" I shall not choose a needy Frenchman “He. left this morning," replied Miss Neslieâ€"“so Holmes tells me.” “Valerie,” said Vivien, "you have so little good taste that it is useless for me to appeal to that; but, if you have any sense of shame left in you, you will never mention what happened last night to me again. I at least can blush for such scenes. They are the first of the kind at Lancewood. and they are a disgrace to the place. Pray do not mention them. Will you answer me this, Lady Neslie? Have you any thought of marrying again?” “But you do intend to re-marry Valerie?" Miss Neslie repeated. "Yes, if the Fate; are willing, After all, you are a sensible girl, Vivien. 0n the following morning, when the two met, Valerie introduced the sub- ject. "That was a fine scene last night, Vivien," she said. “Has that absurd man gone 7” Imitutors of Dr. Chisels Remedies: don't dare. to reproduce his portrait and signature. which are on every box of his genuine rpmrdies. For sale at all dealers. or Edmanson, Bates 65 Company. Toronto. two boxes, and my health improved so rapidly that I ordered twelve more. “I can say frankly that this treat- ment has no equal in the medical world. \Vhile using Dr. Chase's Narve Food I could feel my system being built up until now I am strong and healthy. I cannot recommend it too highly [or weak. nervous people." CONSTIPATION. Vivien looked in the direction he in- dicated, and there, in the light of the setting sun, she saw “miladi,” with the count. They were walking down the broad terrace, the count all devotion, all attention, “my lady" lovely, laugh- [ing with all her usual grace. She 3w0re a dress of white which looked almost golden in the shade of the set- ting sun. She wore rubies round her [white throatâ€"rubies that shone with fa bloodâ€"red light ;» and, as Vivien Hooked, she saw the count bend down ,and kiss Valerie’s jeweled hand. She Hooked at him with some curiosity; he lwas a tall, handsome man, with dark shrewd eyes and a cruel mouth. Yor take things very quietly and very discreetly. I know you will not re- peat any of those horrible stories that Henri told you last evening." "That I certainly shall not," said Vivien; and so their interview ended. It was evening before Vivien found achanoe of escaping from the house. Then the people she dreaded to meet were out in the grounds; but none of them, she knew, would trespass in her own nookâ€"the garden where the sun. dial stood. She had resolved upon consulting Gerald Dorman; he was a true friend, he would give her sound advice. She sent a little penciled note to his room, saying that she should be glad to see him, and asking him to join her in the little rose« garden. There it was all quiet and calm.‘ After the turmoil of the day it was pleasant to sit there and think for a few minutes of her lover. She laid her head against the old sun-dial, while the western wind brought the scent of the roses to her; and she closed her eyes that she might the better think of her love. The sweet balmy wind, the long sleepless nights she had passed, pro- duced their effect. In a few minutes Vivien lslept, and Gerald Dorman, presently appearing, found her there. He looked long and sadly at the pale beautiful face. Then, remembering her proud, sensitive nature. he thought that perhaps she might not be Well pleased to wake and find him watch- ing her there. So, with a true instinct Of what would please her best, he went back a few steps, and made noise enough to awaken her. He saw the pail of that awakeningâ€"how her sad, sor- rowful thoughts seemed to return to her one by one. Looking up- suddenly, she saw him, and her whole face brightened. ' "Mr. Dorman," she said, "I have sent for you because I must have a friend and a confidant. I can choose no better than you." "I am not surprised, Miss Neslie," said Gerald, after a thoughtful pause, "From the very first I felt that Lady Neslie was not what she seemed to be, "No." he replied, "I do not. I think they love Lancewood and its rent-roll_ Lady Neslia is incapable of love; and, though she may infatuate and bewild- er a man, I do not think she could ever wiu real love. She is too shallow too false." “Do you think," she asked Gerald, “that any of these men love Lady Neslieâ€"really love her for her own sake 2" He sat down by her side, and neither of them imagined how that tete-a-tete would end. “Look I” cried Gerald. "I should not be surprised if in a few months the Comte de Calloux were master here. I hear on all sides that her ladyship favors him, and that Monsieur de Nouchel has been dismissed.” Vivien !houghl as she watched the two on the terrace, that they certain- ly looked like lovers. She did not like the count. There was something eu<picinus. mercenary, cunning about him. He would not perhaps gamble after the fashion of M. de Nouchet, but I may even say that I am relieved. The truth, I felt sure, would be known some day, and I dreaded worse than this.” “It is bad enough," ViVien remarked sadly, adding, "But my worst fear is this. If she chooses to remain and make one of those underbred men master of the Abbey, I do not see that anything can be urged against it.” “No I." said Gerald. “I feel sure that she will marry; and then, at least until Sir Oswald comes of age, her hus- band will be virtually master, The Abbey will be no home for you then, Miss Neslie.” "I do not believe that, when Sir Arthur uttered those words as a special direction to you, he intended that your whole life should be spoiled by them." “I shall never leave it, no matter what happens. I shall remain until the endâ€"until I die. My remaining here is the only hope for the place." He longed to ask her it she would never marryâ€"to remonstrate against the idea of her whole life being wasted through the folly of a false, fair wo- man; but he did not dare. He saidâ€" "My father trusted me,” she said, simply; "I must obey.” te which looked shade of the set- rubies round her that shone with he would use his power mercilessly, She sighed deeply. "Alas for un- happy Lancewood,“ she thoughtâ€"“an- happy indeed if it fall into his. handsl" Then another scene occurred. On the terrace just beneath them the little Sir Oswald was playing with a young nurse-girl. She did something to displease him. He raised the whip with which he was playing and struck her a violent blow on the mouth. The girl cried out with pain. "Miladl” and the count went to see what had hap. pened. Weeping with pain, the girl made her complaint. “You should manage him better." said her ladyship. "You know his spirit." "They are my servants," cried the boy, passionately, "and I shall do what I like with them!" “A fine spirit indeed," said the count; but there was a gleam in his eyes, a line round his mouth, which told Vivien more plainly than words could have done how he longed to take the whip and use it on the boy. "Apparently Sir Oswald knows to use his whip," put in the count Lady Neslie turned away with a lightlaugh. "You must mind, Oswald, that you do not offer to beat a. man so, or he might hurt you," she said; and, as she walked away with the count obsequi- ously bowing by her side, the two witnesses of the little scene looked at each other. They had not time to exchange a word before the head-nurse came. It was Sir Oswald’s bedtime. He lay down on the ground, resist- ing, struggling, striking out violent- ly.‘ He was finally overpowered and carried off amidst violent shrleks and Vivien looked after him with flash-i ing eyes. A sudden, almost intoler- able sense of her wrong came over her. She thought of what she would ‘ have done for Lancewoodâ€"how she had ' loved it and lived for it. She thought of her love, crushed down and well- nigh hopelessâ€"of her vain attempts to preserve the stainless honor of her name. She gazed down the long vista years, and saw Lancewood, her honor- ed home, a by-word in the country| a scene of low dissipation~she saw it disgraced, dismantled, its glory faded, ruined far more cruelly than if its walls had been blackened by fire. She clasped her hands with a. cry of pain, All the pride of her nature rose 'in hot rebellion. She would have periled her ’ life in that one moment to save Lance- wood. She was beside herself with‘ anger, with pride, with despair. "Is it ?“ said the child. "You may take me if you can." cries. "His death would be the means of saving Lanoewood," agreed Gerald, “But children of that description seldom die." he added. He started for Vivien was looking into his face with a strange expression in her dark eyes. For halfaminute a weird fancy crossed his mind that an- other soul was looking at him from her eyes. "If that child were dead,’ ‘she said, "all this would be ended. The power and the rule of that false, cunning woman, would be over and Lancewood saved. I do not wish to hurt himâ€"but oh, if he were to die. how changed it would all be I” You know I ride a very old~fushion- ed bicycle. It's such a good and trusty machine that I hate to give it up but I (11in I. shall have to lay it aside now and get a modern one. \Vhat‘s the matter with it now? An automobile took fright at it this morning and ran away. Because it is always. so- hard to get any from your papa. Mumma why do always call money hard cash? ‘ chk. No Tom. No? I lhoug‘hl you were go- ing to make him come to terms. Du-k. So I did, and they were the vilest terms anybody ever apphed to THE OLD MAN’S TEMPER. Tom. Has old Goldbonds wivhdrawn hls objection to your calling upon his daughter? chk. No So Clara refused George because he said his was an undying love? Yes, she said she prefers to flunk she may be a young widow some day. A “'OBD T0 JUNE BRIDES. One little simple song we sing. To brides but newly wed; Just make the best of everythmgâ€" Especially of bread. THEY’RE SO SOUGHT AFTER DANGEROUS MACHINE A \VOMAN’S REASON. To be Continued. how Throughout Canada there are thou- sands of girls who owe the bloom of health shown in their cheeks, the brightness of eye and elasticity of step, to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills tor Pale People. There are few girls in the first years of womanhood who do not suffer more or less from anae- mia. We see them everywhere, and they are easily recognized bye sol- lowness of complexion, or perhaps extreme pallor, they are subject to headaches, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, and feel tired and worn out on the least exertion. To those who suffer in this manner Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills offer speedy and cer- tain relief. Proof of this may be had in our own town. Miss Lizzie Smith, daughter of Mr. Wm. Smith, is to- day the embodiment of health and activity, yet not so long ago her friends feared that consumption had fastened its range upon her. IA ro- presentative of the Star recently in- terviewed Mrs. Smith as to the means (employed to restore her daughter's health. Mrs. Smith's unbesitating re- ply was that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills .were entitled to the credit. Mrs. ‘Smith said: "My daughter is nine- teen years of age. For some years she has not been very strong and was subject to sick headaches. Last sum~ mer she went to work in an estab- lishment in Paris, and had not been there long when her health grew much worse. She consulted a doctor there who said that her blood was in such a bad state that the trouble was likely to develop into consump~ -tion, and on hearing this Lizzie at once returned home. When we saw her we feared she was in a decline, She suffered very much from head- aches; was as white as chalk. with dark circles under her eyes and the eyes shrunken. Her appetite was very fickle and she ate very little. She was very despondent and at times said she did not care whether she lived or not. I decided to give Dr. WilliamsVPink Pills. which I heard were so highly recommended in casw like hers a trial. She had only |taken the pills for a couple of weeks when we could see an improvement. By the time she had used acouple of boxes her appetite was much im- proved, her headaches lees'frequent, ‘and the spirit of depression passed .away. Four boxes more fully restorâ€" Led her health. and to-day she is as ' well and as active "as though she had never had a day's illness. I really think Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills saved her life, and believe they are worth their weight in gold to girls suffering as she did.” CAN OBTAIN NEW HEALTH IF PROPERLY TREATED. ll Wa‘ Thought "In Llulc- Smllh. of Waterford. “as In Consumption. Bu! Ilor Health [In Been Restoredâ€"Ail- \‘lfl‘ to slmllnr flun'ercrs. From the Star, Waterford, Ont. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills mike rich, red blood, strengthen the nerves, bring the glow of heath to pale and sallow cheeks, and make the feeble and despondenk feel that life is once more woth living. The genuine are sold only in boxes, the wrappers bear- ing the full name "Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People." May be had from all dealers or by mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for 82.50, by ad- dressing the Dr. VV'illiums Medicine (‘0., Brockville, Ont. There is no power of love so hard at) keep as a. kind voice; but it is hard to get it and keep it in the right tone. One must starL in youth, and be on the watch night and day, while at work and while at play, to get and keep a voice which shall speak at all times the thought of a kind heart. But this is the time when u sharp. voice is more apt to be acquired. You often hear boys and girls say words at play with a quick, sharp tone, almost like the snap of a whip. It any of them get vuxed you hear a voice which sounds as if it were made up of a snarl. u whine and a. bark. Such :1 voice often speaks worse than the heart feels. It shows more ill will in tone than in words. his often in mirth that one gets a voice pr a tone which is sharp. and which sticks to him lhrough lite, and stirs up ill will and grief. and falls like a drop of gall on the listener. Some people have a sharp home voice for use. and keep their best voice for those they meet elsewhere. We would say to all girls and boys."Use your best voice at home.” Watch it by day .12 a pearl of great price, for it will be worth more to you in the days to coma. than the bm't pearl hid in the sea. A kind voice is a lark‘: song to heart and home. ll. is to the heart what light is to the aye. Gonsumption’s Victims SWEET VOICES.

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