Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jun 1900, p. 7

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The only place in the world where violin making may be said to consti- tute the staple industry is Markneu- kirchen, in Saxony. There are al- together about 15,000 people in the district engaged exclusively in the manufacture of violins. Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual General Meeting of the Stockholders. The annual general meeting of the Dominion Bank was at the bank- ing houses of the institution, Toronto, on \Vednesday, May 30th, 1900. Among those present were noticed: Coll. Mason, Messrs. \Villiam Inoe,Wm. Sp-ry, M. Boulton. E. B, Osler, William Hendrie, John Stewart, Walter S. Lee, W.D. Matthews, Chas. Cockshutt. \Vm. Rosa, A. W. Austin, Geo. W. Lewis, Thus. Walmsley, J. K. Niven, Timothy Eaton, W. C. Cruwther. Dr. Andrew Smith, W. G. Cassels, H. M. Pellatt, A. B. Creelman, T1105. Long, David Smith, ’1'. D. Brown, B. Cumberland. A. Hoar- kfin, J. Stewart, Jolhm Long, A. R. Bos- well, Dr. J. E. Ross. Peter (McDonald, 3'. H. Horsey, T. G. Brou-g‘h‘, and others. Held at the Bunklng house of the Institu- tlon In Toronto on Wednesday. May 30th. Iouo. u. u. uuuuUJ, .t. u- u.‘._n_ It was moved by Mr. Wm. Ince, sec» onded by Mr. W. D. Matthews, that Mr. E. B. Osler do taAlgeJ the chair, and that Mr. T. G. Brouvgb, do act as Sec/ Cassels Were rappointqd §crutineersz retary. r Messrs. Wadrter S. Leg and W. G The Secretary read the report of the directors to the shareholders, and submitted the annual statement on! the affalrs of the bank, which is as ‘ollows: To the shareholders: The directors beg to present the folâ€" lowing statement of the reeult of: the business of the bank for the year ending April 30th, 1900:â€" Bnlnnoe of Profit end [on nocount. 29th ’ “"“‘ IAD’IIA‘I‘ April. 1999 . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q’mfln for the your ending 30th April, 1900. after deducting ohargasol man- ugament. ew‘. and maklnx provision (or bud and daubclul debts . . . . . ..... Blvldend 3 per cent. paid Aug, 1. 1899. lvidend 3 per cent.paid Nov. 1.1899. Dividend 3 per cent. pLid Feb. 1. 1900. . . Dividend 3 pot cent. payable Mny l. 1900. Written 0!! bank premises . . . A . . . .. . . . Salmon of profit and ions curried (orwnrd. In moving the by-law for the in- flame of the capital stock of the bankI the Viceâ€"President remarked that it had been the policy of the directors since the organization of the bank to keep the capital stock nta comparaâ€" tively small figure, but that the gen- eral expansion of trade and business In the country having forced the bank to extend its operations to Manitoba and Montreal it was found that owing to the limit of circulation the bank had been worked at adisadvamage. and the directors felt that if they were to keep pace with the increasing and en- larging business of the country the capital of the bank must be increased, He stated that the shareholders were swam that the dividends paid by the Dominion Bank for many years had been at 11 high rate; lhe bank had been able to pay these dividends in conse- quence of its small capital. \V’ith an increase of capital it was felt that the true policy would be to pay a regular dividend of 10 per cent, and from time to time, as earnings warranted, to pay a bonus to the shareholders. The \‘iveâ€" President stated that he had no appre- hensions as to the future, that he had no reason to believe that the earnings of the bank would decrease, but that Dt is with great regret your direcâ€" tors have to announce the death dur- ing the past year of their colleague. Mr. Edward Leadley. who had been a member of the board since the year 1879. The vacancy has been filled by the appointment of Mr. ’1‘. Eabtoua With deep sorrow your directors have to record the death of the late General Manager, Mr. R. D. Gamble. who had been the chief executive offiâ€" cer of the bank since 1895. Mr. T. G. Brough. who has been in the service of the bank since 1875, and who has until lately been the manager of the Toronto branch, has been appointed General Manager. Frank Smith, President. Toronto, May 30. 1900. The report as read was adopted. A by-law to increase the capital stock of the bank from $1,500,000 to $3,000,000 was passed unanimously. All, Branohasvof the bank have been inspected during the past twelve months. At a subsequent meeting of the di- rectors the Hon. S‘uj Frank Smith was elected President, and Mr. E. B. Osler, M. P.. Vice-President, for the canssuing term. Directors for the ensuing year were elected as followszâ€"Messrs. A. \V. Austin. “7. R. Brock, T. Eaton, Wm. Inca, W. D. Matthews. E. B. 03- ler and the Hon. Sir Frank Smith. The usual resolutions of thanks to the President, Viceâ€"President, direc- tors and officers of the bank were passed. .., 20/7} fl'fl/ Z5212 6764/5 VIOLIN MAKERS. 2W]. 0%,»? 44 W {7W 4/ ruff/w MEGâ€"w the world where 3 42.11 4 14 8 62.056 58 214.342 24 45,000 00 45.000 00 “,000 00 45000 00 “.000 00 after very careful consideration the di- rectors had come to the decision that it would be in the interests of the bank and of the shareholders to adopt the course outlinedâ€"namely, to place the ordinary dividened on a 10 per cent. basis, and, as occasion warranted, to pay bonuses to the shareholders. GENERAL STATEMENT. Liubilltiea. Notes in circulation . . . . ‘ . . . A . . . . . .. Deposits payable on demand. Deposits nynhla after notice. . . Buhmoe no to London agents. Capital shook paid up . . . . . . . . . . . Reserve fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bnlnnoa of pmflcs carried forward Dividend No. 70‘ payable 15% May Farmer dividends unclaimed . . . . . . . luava for interest and exchunge Rob“! on bill: dilcouuted.. .‘ SOMETHING QUITE NEWâ€"- Speeio................ . . . ‘ . . . . Dominion Government demund notes . . . Deposit ylth pouflnign Qayprpment for Sores . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provincial Government securitien. ‘ Municipal and other debentures... . . . . Lotus on 0:11 secured by stock: and do Same flavor as Japan, only more delicious. security of note circulation . . . . . . . . . . Notes of and checks on other hanks.... Bullnoe due Rom other bnuhiu Canada. Bil-nee: due from other baukl in United benonres....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bllll uisoouumd nnd advances current. . Ovnydlye debt: (swim-tel lou provided â€""binTc.....'...... Bmk premises. . . . . . .- . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . Other assets not included under forego- ing he:d|............................ T. G. Brough. General Manager. Dominion Bunk. Tor-mm, April 30, 1900. "’tor)...... ‘ Raul astute“ norpgngos on red The The boy is mask, lar as Dolly Swift. \Vhy are so many of the gnrls fairly throwing themselves at young Munniman? Sally Gay. Because he is such a good catch, I prPsume. Hurry. you must try to pa some- \hlng on Dr. Pilzer‘s bill." \\'hy, has he said anthlng about No; but when I doean sympathize me. n my. See? Smith. \Vhy do you avoid Brown? Do you owe him money? FALLING Ob‘l“ IN ATTENTION Jones. No; I don't want. him Aoowe AT THE BASE-BALL GAME Pug.â€"You look sour. Bulldogâ€"And I feel so. The using my muzzle as a baseâ€"ball and the girl is wearing my co].â€" a. belt. CEYLON GREEN TEA A BE'I‘T P] R REASON STRIPPED HIM bi'th't'o' ‘iéid' by ihé Au nu. go there now he with me at all. 8 666.410 00 1.166.665 00 769 00 767 55 634 02 339 57 000 00’) $1: 00 24 281 276 $20,824,141 71 820.824.14‘1 71 737,892 84 824,968 10 2,190,586 58 1.747.983 03 12,710,912 54 12.793 13 46.846 51 9,571 19 806,940 14 75.000 00 576.040 82 243,089 4! 8.407 70 Mrs. Phoryâ€"I was helping Mrs. De â€"Style to put her winter things away toâ€"da.y. Oh, my] She has the loveliest seal jobnet. ,. Mrs. Phoxyâ€"Of course, how silly of me; but then. dear. I'm not fammar enough with one myself to call it a jacket. Mr: Phoxyâ€""\Vhat? What do you mean by johnetv, COMMERCIAL VALUE OF PRES. TIGE. Mr. Fitzsmith. What made you pay thnt housecleauer double what he asked? UNDAUNTED. Stubb-That fellow Maroon is a clever artist. You know in moving his Foxhunt a large hole was punc- tured in the canvas. Mrs. Filzsmit‘h. \Vell, Clarence, he told me what stylish familles he work- ed for, and I thought he was worth it. When there is such a good remedy as Nerviline for all kinds of pain. It cures neuralgia in five minutes; tooth- ache in one minute; lame back at one application; headache in a few mom- ents; and all pain just as rapidly. Give it a trial. You haven‘t sent anything to the rummage sale, have you, Delia? Yes, I have, David; I sent those three old lamps that won't work. Is sometimes called the sincere form of flattery. This may account for the number of imitations of the ori- ginal and only positive corn cureâ€" Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. All such fail to possess equal merit.‘ so when purchasing get the genuine "Putnam’s." Safe sure and painless. STATE OF OHIO, CITY u? TOLEDO. ‘}u LUCAS COUNTY. ‘ FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is senior partner or the firm of F. J. CHENEY & (0., doing business in the City of Totedo, County and State aforesaid, and thaw said firm wil: pay Ihesum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case of CATARRH Lhnt. cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATAqu-r CURE. Sworn to before me Bibâ€"ngséi'ibed in my presence. this 6th day of December. A.D, 1886. ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' : A. W. GLEASUN ' REAL : Notary Public. AS MOST GIRLS 90. Laura says that book is Interesting from start to finish. Yes, that’s the way she reads a book -â€"-the first chapter and the fast. All druggists. Hall‘s Catarrh Cure ls taken internally. and acts din-ecu}y on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Sand for testimonials. free. F. J. CHENEY 8: 00., Toledo. 0. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by mothers for their children teething. It 300 he- the ohilq. loft/ens the gums. a ain, cures wind 7 . - . ‘ n,, A A - kntr‘n me onuu. IUIWI.B um bun-w. -....,_ colic. und II the best remedy for diurrhgaI. . Sold by 311 druggiau throughout. the world. Be sun ind Ink for " Mn. Wlnllow'n nothing Syrup.“ Sold by Druégists. 75c. Hall‘s Eamin Pills are the best. HE TOOK THE HINT. It is my aim in life, he s:1id,’to make men happler. Why not women? she asked? SEAL. THE BLESSEDNESS 0F GIVING. Engisz Teething Syrup IMITATION Why Suffer ‘2 The Handsomest Baby Gets The Handsomest Prize. ALL woch mom PHOYOGRAPHS ouu. ARI GOING TO GIVE. WITHOUT COST ll AIV WAY, A TWENTY DOLLAR GOLD PIECE to the prettiest baby in Canada. A TEN DOLLAR GOLD PIEGE to the 2nd prettiest. A FIVE DOLLAR GOLD PIEGE to the 3rd prettiest. A TWO- AND-A-HALF DOLLAR GOLD PIECE in order of merit, to each of the next 10 prettiest babies. A ONE DOLLAR OOL PIEOE » in order of merit, to each of the next 40 prettiest babies, while to every mother sending her _______ _A-. ‘.---_l--â€"IIAA- HINTING. in order OI merit, to eacn OI me next. su pl'elluetw Imuma, wmm w mm, luuuucl cvuunus um baby’s photograph, will also be given FREE our ILLUSTRATED BOOK, “MOTHERHOOD,” o the Care of Children In Health and Disease, on receipt of ten cents to cover cost of mailing. intending to send Photograph of baby, must send us post card at once Stating when the photo will reach us. Al photos sent in must reach us not later than July lloth. Do not send hotos of children over 3 years old; they will not be considered. Photos must plainly marked with age, sex, name of the child and full name and post oflice address of the parents. The smallest picture will receive as much consideration as the largest. The prizes will be awarded by a committee of seven disinterested ladies, and distributed by mail to the respective winners, August 4th, 1900. The pictures of all babies competing will be published in beautiful half-tone engravings in Toronto Globe, beginning Saturday, August 4th, 1900. Photos returnable on receipt of postage. As we have no time to answer needless correspondence, please do not ask for further infor- mation, simply send post card, stating when picture will be sent. To interest Canadian mothers in n THE BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPANY FRANK J.WCH_EANEY. CONDITIONS: READ CAREFULLY! 78â€"2m Address GOLD DOLLARS y BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPANY, PROPRIETOHS OF ALWAYS A WINNER OEYLON TEA has the reputation at being the most regular in quality. Load Packages. 25, 80. 40, so and (no LONG BUT SHALLOW. The Orange River, which forms the northern boundary of the Cape Colony is 1,200 miles long. Large ships cam. not go up more than 30 miles. l‘m‘wmumcu “M smm g Rubyâ€"Kirby DaAwdler 15 so dull; he always remembers that he has just heard something funny, but he never can remember what it IS. JncynUhâ€"Don‘t ’be so hard on him. I ‘think he does pretty well to remem- ber that he has heard somethmg funny. The “ Balmoral." ‘r’rée Bus 31592;;- ST- JAMES' HOTEL--?::°;:::a‘;£:aw Railway. Firstolua Commeroi-l Houu. Modern In provamucLIâ€"Ratel moderate. Carbollc Dlslnfeotantu. 6039., 0mm ment, Tooth Powders, etc.. have been awarded 100 models and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent infect!- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtnin 3 supply. Lists mailed free on application. KVENUE VII-003E i 1 WW @551 '1" “STEEL?” Pumfififimi "m m ‘m a ommmwmv LUDELLA Whaley Royce & 00.. Lowest price: ever quoted; Fine catalogue 500 “In. bmtions mailed free. Write “I {or anything in Every Town can have a Band Ems Based standu'd preparation throughout the world Instruments. Drums. Uniforms. Etc. F. G. CALVERT & 00., MANOHESTER - - ENGLAND. Music or Musical Instruments. MONTREAL HOTEL DIREGTORV- CALVERT'S NOT SO STUPID. ' Importer and exporter of ;- Raw Furs and Skins. Con- signments solicited. High- est prices paid for ginsing. H. JOHNSON, 494 St. Paul street. Montreal' FU RS. FU RS. ‘McGillâ€"Oallege Avenuu Family Hotel nae- 81.50 Aver day. W P0102!) Toronto. Ont . Ind Winnipeg. Mun That is made from cheap and adulter- ated materials. that will stick and tack and never dry; that will be a sorry job from the beginning. are guaranteed pure paints, pure all. pure turpentine. pure pigmentsâ€"suc- cess in painting is assured ; a. job that 'ooks brighter. lasts longer, and not dear paints either. Catholic Prayer '°.°.'.‘.°.'.'l‘,’°§£$'.h‘i£‘.". vaixloua Plctluel. Statuary. lud Church Ora-mantl- Evluutlonnl Workl. Mall ordnr- ruceiv prompt mun. Hon. I). I: J. SADLIEI A 0 .. IgntroaL NATURAL HEN INOUBA’I‘UR. 100 E00 HATCB EB. cost- only .2. plan of oonnbvuctiod :1 A. ‘flgKEKS. Olllll‘z. Alhoru. TORONTO OUTTINO BDHOOL o!!er ‘sveolnl adva- tages to all desirqua of acquiring a phgrough know» tag E0 H1 dealrousvéi acfiuiring a fiborough knom ledge of Cutting and Fitting Geuclemenl Garments. \ rite for particulars. “3 Yong. 8“. Tflontm ;ncâ€"l 011:0;- i’thfiC'E.‘ 9;) ggfira 75;“ n;th 99min ‘0 The Dawson Commissmn 00., Limited. cor. Wont-Mark“ a colborne at, Toronto. l1 0 u l' l I‘ “ “fibbiifid SLATE in Blnch. Red or Green. SLATE BLACKBCLARPS. (W9 ugpplg -vu- .. ._ ,-_. Montrez-lvl-fi‘vorontoRjfiévki, Quebec. ROOFING Public and High Sehoola Toronto) Roofing Felt. Pfgch, f‘roal Tar. em. Rommb TILE (B‘s New on: Bulldn ings. Torunco. done by our firm], Meta| Cailinu. Con nioen.el.o. Estlmaces furnished for work c ample“ or to: materialssh pped to any put of the country. Phone 19“ G. ourmaa sous. Adelaldeéi Widmerato..Toronto. Pouunv, sumâ€":22, EGGS, firms, LAW Dyeing! . Gieafliflg! “ s’fiifi’éu’imamcm on:ch co." gm; in your cairn, or land (y‘reorn For thoâ€"very best lend ypur w RAMSAY’S PAINTS FOR SALE. and Shaet Metalwork; fiiiiiétiié;é&3..remov' ho Weale%Bl%§a.. Ric Inond 8t. .. oro'nbo.

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