.Until lurther notice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Otï¬w as inflows:â€" MORNING .. 8.00 EVENING . . . . , ‘ 6.15 N. B.--Registere~lLeue1-s must be handed in It least ï¬fteen Minute: earlier than the above mentioned hours for closmm OFFICE CLOSE AT 7.30 P M ImweC P R Crossing at 6. 7.20, 9 1.30. 2.40, 4.00 5.41). 7.45 Leave Richmond Hm 8.10. 10,3011. 3.30. 4.50, 6.30, 8.2;} 1‘. These agems also keep on hand in their shop, opposite the Fire Proof store,'Bmders, mowers & twine of the above make, as well as repairs for all’kinds of machinery. liveéwe Newmarket 7.30. 9.15. 11.15 9.. u: 4.1:},61‘0. 7.30 p. m. LBUNO Richmond H1†7. ‘0, 9.55, 11 2.40, 3.55. 4.55. 6 3,8110 1). 11) Jacob Eye? and. S011. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE W. HEWé HOUSE 1m; Parties requiring pasture apply to ~l7-6 THOS. COOK HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer ani Paper- Hanger. sh: ut the ‘1er! 5111's: ï¬qdor will b‘ mumoutmg with H: Anyone sending B sketch and descri non may qulc ascertain our opinion free w ether an mvent on Is probably alelltnble. Communica- tions stnctlyconfldem a1. Handbook on Patents sent. free. Oldest ngzency for securing patentS. Patents taken I; Imunh Mann 5'; Co. receive mogul mace, Without. chm-go. in tho A handsomely inus‘ MUNN :26": RESIDENCE, RIC SEi’eiitiï¬c Emewéï¬m 'B'riuâ€"z-ch Ofï¬Ã©e Calls from a di POST OFFICE NOTICE Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabules cure buiousntss. Ripans Tabulos cure nausea. Ripans Tabxfles: for sour stomac] Ripans Between Toronto and Newmurkat four 1' pans white, per Lush. red, per bush 30939.1)“ bush PASTU R PRICES AT FARMERS' WAGGONS‘ 5930.3??? Tabulos cure nausea. Tabukes: for sour stomach. Tabnles: one gives reiiet. Tabules cure dizziness. Tabules cure constipation. GOING NORTH GOLNG SUUTH LG 9;)? T is {$1 attendc THOS. COOK. Can-ville All kinds of Repairing Promptly Done. «rated weekly cnnflo journal Ll u road 3 AT 7.30 P M TEEFY. Postmaster. J. \\'. DEAN HMOND HIL ance prompt-1y ashlb‘ 'cwurded by c .ii r ERA Lyn-zest. pir. ()0 00 0 00 Mark Terms. 53 (I nwsdenlefl. 111.; 2, 3.15. 11.55 a. m tot 49 (M {1.30 a. m 2.20, 2:20 ‘i‘hox uhill SOLD BY , u.- $3 a ,lers. ark :2: All the watches I sell to give satisfac- tion or refund the mom-y paid for them. _ JERRY SMITH stock ()0 0 00 0 18 015 m 00 9 00 00 ()0 I will be pleased to show you my stock. WVorshipping at Sherwood will comâ€" mence an evening meeting on the 24th of June next, at 7 o’clock. Mr. Tlms. Rein of Toronto, will conduct the meeting on that, occasion. Meetings are to continue during the summer. A cox-dial invitation to all. 51â€"4 Dated this 20th day or June, 1900. Emcbors are called upon to examine the said hist.’aud if any omissions or any other en‘om are found therein to take immediate proceL-d- ings to have the sand errors corrected accordmg to law. NOBCE The mm m m: Ouu. mouths Uue Road wugnn. ‘Jnd pawl. Ouahghnroad can. ï¬nd hand A“ the abovu r135 \Vill be sold‘ for mush. F. J. GAL] RICHB‘ION D - HILL NOTICE is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered tn the persons mention- ed in sections eight and nine of “'l‘he Ontario Voters' List Act " the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing bytlie last Revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality to be. entitled to vote in the said municipality at Elections for Memâ€" bers of the Legislative Assembly; and at the Municipal Elertions; and that the said List was FIRST POSTED UP at my ofï¬ce at the Village of Richmond Hill on the NINETEENTH DAY OF JUNE, 1900, and remains there for imspoc- tron. the Bulb. tinu VUTERS’ LIST, 1900. Is something 0119. Gray 5.: Sous,Roml Wagon, new One, Gruv & Sms. a seat covered baggy. new. 0mg. Gray J: Sous. stauhope, used a. few 0n the lot- i‘ The quality or grade, compared wiLh the price will surely euâ€" ticc you to buy. If you are Wedges ‘he \- Practical ‘Natchmaker. 50â€"3 51~tf I Guarantee Auction Sale Satin gavrttiasmmta. ESE a, dwelling Dnvinshouse and stables 11 on 46 on the east. side of Yonge Sm, lluge 01 Richmond Hilll known as the 18mm. will be sold by public auction at 131' House, Richmond Hill, at lp. m. on Municipality of the Village of County of York nearly every person needs. in need of one ill be sold on time or cheap 1.“. J. GALLANOUGH. M. TEEFY. Clerk of said Municipality. ‘21:; 4, 1900. Auctioneers, 2W Thomhiu The . Bali. flew ls built on the principle of tho grnatest simplicity witbuut sacriï¬cing the use- fulness m' the strength of the wheelâ€"â€" that’s the aim in all the high-grade. wheels to-dny. The makers (-l' Um “ Red Bird †have been quick t0 note and adopt such features and improve-- ments as have been proven to he desir- able, useful and suhstantinlâ€"impmvw ments that experience and u. widm‘ knowle 9 of bicycle construction have demonstrated, and which skill. capital and app iancos could reduce to practice. “ Red Bird †models for 1900 have thesg (‘nlphqsized points, 190k into them : . . . - u 1 u Reduced woughtâ€"spomal des1gnsâ€"umque hubsâ€"Improved crank bracketâ€" pex'fect handle bar adjï¬stulentâ€"strengthened forksâ€"ideal seat post fastenerâ€" uew (werhzmgmg sprocketâ€"combined coaster and brake. Agents ewerywhere If you want proof of the staunchness of this splendid Canadian-made wheel It is only necessary to state that the Victorian Government of Australia recently purchased a number of them for use in its cycle postal departmentâ€" at about the same time the New South \Vales Govern- ment purchased American and other makes for similar serviceâ€"-and Government statistics Show that it cost over twenty times more for repairs on the American collection than for the Massey-Harris wheelsâ€"DOES THIS CONVINCE H. A. NICHO] Ganaéa Gysie £3 Maï¬a? 6. T. F. MCMAHON. Cycle & Eï¬iotor 30., gmke The Bramfcm “ Bed; BEES? Agents everywhere. W. A. SANDERSON. Canada. Cycle & Home (36., Limiteé {WE The flaggeyâ€"Eamg at the . , ‘ Antipades. gveéamï¬ Eésyeéag FOR 1900 Agents everywhere. Never pulls outâ€"it’s a useful improv- ementâ€"simple and easy to remove. A11 the features of the Are good ones, and the ball head spoke not the least in importance. Head ofï¬ce Head ofï¬ce, Toronto, (Lanai-a. lead ofï¬ce, Toronto, Canada. 21%} 6:: Meter $9., Ligï¬ziied, Local Representative, Lecal representative, Local representative, Es’i'otor (30., Limi Toronto r‘ , Vefl‘. Write for catalogue. Write 101‘ catalogue. Write ior catalog 5’ {EXIST AREEVED “We also have for sale two old build- ings, size 21x60 fb., two stories high ; one stable, 20x55 ft, two stories; also one small nflice building, 9x16 ft. These buildings are in good repair and the lumber and timber in them is good and sound. Assures on the m LIBERAL OFFICE On the premises, Richmond Hill. a thoroughbred Short-horn bull. Terms $1.00 cash. 7 Lit": (0f the ï¬rm of Eukardt & Prentice), agent, for the Massey-Iâ€"Iarris Laborâ€" Saving Machinery, VVagtms, Plows, Scufllers, &c.; also the Sawyer & Massey Engines and Threshers, the Bl'antfnrd VVind-Mill, and the Upâ€"tu- Date Toronto Fanning Mill. All Masseyâ€"Harris repairs kppt by H. A. Nicholls, Richmund Hill. Business solicited. Is successlully used monthly by over 0.000Lnd1es. Salemï¬ecmul. Ladies as}: your dru gist for Cook‘s Cotton Root Coll:- und. Take no 0t er, as all Mixtures. pills and Elations are dangerous. Price, No. 1. $1 or box' No. 2. 10 degrees strangensa per box. 0. l or ,mniled on receipt or price and two svcenl stam a. The Cook Company Windsor Ont. 05. 1 and 2 gold and recommended By all responsible Druggmts in Canada. Plow \Vhich we will sell on a very close margin for cash. We have in stock a. full line of all kinds of dressed and rough Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bases, F; Gates, Etc. 3. PREE‘ITIGE This corn is sweet and dry and makes ' the best of meal. Call and see it, and you will not, fail to buy. sixty E303, cpml Premiums low FEED QGRN. running every day, and we. have _ just got in a car load of stt NO. 2 LG? Take a. policy A car of best XXX and No. 1 3%? SHHNiFALES [61‘ Cook’s Cotton Root Compoum! LUMBER, Unionville. Richmond Hill Mills. OF nt Assurance Co. HE SUN EQINTS. yn Dru for all the principal plow at M c SERVECE CANADA .\1( rte Ian: 1' T. LUDFORD, MAHON. in Richmond Iii m} & SONS, noLic Rivhmund Hill ; Repaired on Richmond Hill. RICH MOND III 141 .listrict agent 1])0W0d m ml is one o )rourcssive )1]. ntil 8.30‘ itionnl and ‘rop 'uI-m