Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jun 1900, p. 1

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WWWmmmmmanr -. $151 per annum, in advance] VOL. XXil. “ (lilo filtered ” Is PUBLIsnn-n EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT ME LIBERALPRINTING & PUBLISHiNG H6USE RICHMOND HILL, om. F. McMAHON. Emma & Pnormm’ron. T. SINESS CARDS. BU ‘e‘mrdiml. l) R. L AN GS'lTA FF. RICHMOND HILL. OFFICE IIGUEE§ Sto lorlm: 6m 8 pm DR. L. LAWRASON, Member College Physicians and qu‘gnong, Ont. RICHMON D HELL. Oflice Hours: 8 to 10 a. 111.; 12 to 2 p. 111.; 7 to 9 p. m. can Wm. guild; Beecher, . £00m 12, 124 Victoria. St. Toronto. Best fitting teeth, also replating, at lowest. prices. Good Work. 'DR. T. A. CUlillill, Dentisst, (Successor to Dr. Cccil Trotter) Dddfelluw’s Bldg” Toronto, cor. Yonge and College tits, Toronto, \Vill be in Richmond Hill every \Ved n esday. ’Gf’fice :â€"Next door smith School. of Public Dr. W. flee-ii limiter, 51., DENTIST,- Cor. Bloor and swirlqu Ave., Toronto. Telephone 3368 for appointment. illiteriuary J. '1‘. Mommy-7, VETERINARY SURGEON "ANDâ€"- VETERlNARY DENTlST, RICHMOND HILL, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Colleee, with diploma from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School. will Visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 p. m. Calls promptly attended to Diseases of horses, cattle and other domesticat- ed animals treated by the latest and most ap- proved methods. F. J. GALLANOUGH, VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, Bumodelled,and newly furnished throuahout. One of the most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. livery modern con- venienee. Sample rooms for commercinl travellers. Aniliealstopping place for ri~ling or driving pm‘ties,biryclists, or l‘nrluers going to or returning from market. Electric curs pass the door. Livery in connection. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. Jun! PALNIER. Prop ‘rm‘ammâ€"uâ€"gmw w~m“~n“>fiM-fin-“ -â€";.- . N- m , COOK â€" ‘63 Winchester St. Toronto. “In E335;:!£a.’5, Unity; in Nah-Essentials, Liberty; in oil things, Char ’L‘ HILL, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1900. 7‘ A“ 7 1L 3») v 1 or. Trainer‘s". i NOTA RY il’Ubthl, SSIONER IN THE i‘ dill. 00:17-21 I l I 1 l 1 HIGH COURT OF jUSTlCE, the. cm ssuer of his misc, . Licenses. RICHMOND lllLL POST OFFICE. EENNOX & lithium, Bm-riurrs and Solicitors. Moro to loan on laud and chat-tel mortgngcsot' lowest rates. Aurore.tzflicsâ€"Rmimvrul to the old post nillre, one door west of the ontiancc to the Ontario Bank. Newmnrliet oflicu~’l'hrec doors south of the )ust ollino. T. Enrnnm‘ LENNOX, G. ST“. N Aurora. ORGAN, Ix owinarket & MACDONALD Barristers. Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 1, Adelaide Sf... blast}, I “Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 534. massacred is. Barristers, Seiicliet‘s, (170., 25 KiNG STREET WEST, TORONTO. Enel Toronto Office. Mr. Grnul‘s residence, \Voodbrldge. every evening. Thoruhill,euch Wednesday from 10 lo 12. JAS. N Eli/TON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, 7ERLۤEN firmness; JOHNSTON, ROSS &. FALCON BRIDGE, Th?§§'$l‘i°i§;i(%iӤl§, JANES BUILDINGS, TORONTO. E.F. 13. Joaxr'rcm Q. n. J. D. 1' .\l.(f<l_‘£.}“\l‘lll‘:<jl§ GEORGE Ross Money to loan at :7 per cent. 62-.le ne 298i A. G. F. Lari/RENEE, Barris'er, Solicitor, Notary, kc. Suite 77 and 7S Freehold Loan Build- ings, cor. Adelaide. and Victoria btreots, Toronto. m 1 .3 LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. EWW SALEM Ecxmnr. J. H. PnExTIcE Unionviile Eckurdt (a PI entice ‘Liccnseu Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General Rules of stock,etc., promptly attended m at reasonable rates. G.R.Uuulding, Newton Bl‘ook, agent for the above. 0 STORES §lokes a; Enough. Licence Auctioneers (or the County of York,re- spoctfully solicit your patronage and friendly nflneuce. soles attended on the shortest notice onda l‘onsouubsrntcs. P. 0.0.ddmaas King D BLOUGH J. 'I‘. Snigerm. J. B. Mc“w Richmond Hill \Vestonn. on. Saigon“ a; fiEcEwen. Licensed Audioneors for the County of York. b‘nlesnttended to on shortest notice and at rel;- sonublerutes Patronage Solicited. .I. D. Reildmn n, I l l Under-takers «S: Emhalmers, , RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at lmill places. General soles of implements, lurnitureetanding timber. etc. Attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Petronogcsolicited. P. 0. address Mn ple N. E. Smith, Liceuschuctmnelr fox-tho (‘onnlies of York nudOntm-m. Allsulesof farm stock, 1%., nt- Mortcnge and bailiff sales attended to. HULSE HOTEL, lVIkaIJE . THOROUGH LY REFlTT ED. Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. Rapans Tabulcs cure lliituleuce. Hippos Tabules: pleasant laxative I E. . sense; resales, l 158 KING arms-r EAST. Toncxro Eve accommodation to guestl’. 303111.81 nerds. . To PATEfiT Bond Ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, IRE °"ENT RECORD. Baltimore. Md. Licensed Auctioneer for the (‘onnty of York.’ tended to on the shortest- notice and reasonable 4 rates. I l . Mrs. Harpeu acted toward them as a . , Llllllt'd encroachmeuts of the advocates laud sell them by auction in a slave 'tbey could live uninolested and no ' our village she has seen her share of I l . l I . i i l l . | . l Richmond Hill and Vicinity “'M. HARRISON. Gut Nonngermrmn. Thatlhe village of Richmond Hill enjoys a climate conducive to general good health, that it. has its proper share (If 07.0w: so that malaria is not one of its animal products, and that its elevated position and wide spread airy surroundings are congenial ml longevity of life, is apparent from the number of octageuariaus within its limits. But far exceeding iu years tbcsouucicut citizens, our “oldest in- habitant” resides in one of our largest. brick edifices, the senior partner in our South End Laundry \Vorks. Susannah Augusta Stokes was born in the, County of Lancaster, l’euusylâ€" vauia, United States. The. pl'(‘S(‘l]L century was then but four years old, so that on the, 1st of March last our neighbor saw her ninety-sixth birth- day. Susannah Augusta is a. colored Wo- man, but free bm-u. Pennsylvania with commendable pride has from its early history boasted that she has raised all her own colored population, that she has neither bought um- sold. Colored children, whose parents had died, 01- were unable to care for them, were cared for and raised by the State either in Homes or in the families of her citizensâ€"girls until the age of 18 yeais, and buys until the age of21 years, when they were expected to take care of themselves. Susanna-h Augusta wasoue of these. Her parâ€" ents died when she was but a. child. \Vitb two others she was placed under the. guardianship of a Mr. llarpeu, a. land owner of several hundred acres. mother, taught. Susannah to read, sew and knit, with good instructions in household duties. The Haran family consisted of parents and three. children, besides the adopted ones, but all were treated alike, and all hmde back in after years to the old farm as their own familiar home. At the age (if 18 years Susannah gained her independence. Her excelâ€" lent training in household affairs eu- ablrd her to Gain her own living, which she did. Although free born and in the midst of a people steruly opposed from prinâ€" ciple to slavery in all its aspects, there has always among the colored people a fear of danger on account of the cou- of slavery. Mason’s and Dixon’s liuc, known as the boundary line between the free and slavery States of the Union, was the Sullillel‘n boundary line of the State of Pennsylvania. Kidnappers plied their nefarious work in all the border towns, To seize the colored folks, run them across the line State, was a paying enterprise. This was frequently done, the perpetrators becoming more and more aggressive in their inhuman exploits. Our neighbor tells of an incident that came under her own knowledge. A colored ,girl of 16 years went to the well a short distance from the house for water. She was heard to scream, and disappeared from sight. She was hurried by her captors across the line. Her master went in pursuit, overtook and arrested the parties, fought the matter out in the courts, proved that the girl was free born, and returned with her to his home. Soon after Susannah Augusta be.- came a. married woman. a. rumor reached the village where she resided that a band of kidnappers were. pre- paring to make a raid on the place and capture every colored man and woman within reach. \Vord was sent to the city for a strong force of police. “'hite and colored alike armed them- selvcd for a determined resistance The rumor proved a reality. The raid was made at midnight. A fight en- sued, in which life was lost on both sides. A white man and a. colored woman were killed on the side of the defenders. The raiders were defeated, This greatly increased the uneasiness and awakened alarm among the colorâ€" ed people. Hearing that in Canada longer be in dread of being sent south, many came over and settled in our; country, among them being Mrs. Maxâ€" ' well and her family. During the more than half a century , Mrs. Maxwell has been aresideut of' trouble. b‘be has lost her husband, ‘4 and out of five children she has lost} four. A year ago last May her‘ daughter Mary died. Miss Mary was ‘ a happy tempered, good natured laughing girl, liked by all who knew 1 her, and at. her death her coffin was , (:( rel-ed with floral tributes. Miss 3 nry‘s celebritv was somewhat of a ' local character: but like many whose) names appear on the historic roll ,' whose fame was far more world-wide than her’s, ilt‘l' obsequies were underâ€" | taken by the. State. The reeve. KSSlStâ€" : ed by members of the council and the village municipal guardian, conveyed htr remains to the cemetery, the casket followed by a long procession of our most prominent citizens. ,rose. and sung fly." All expenses connected with the inâ€" terment were defrayed by a generous public. The family have always been We“ respected. Iuduslrious and careful they have always provided for them- selves. except when sickness iutmvcu- ed. thou the neighbors were always ieady to assist. As a. harmless family they have always had neighborly sym- pathy and civic protection. If from any (If the juvenile depravity of the Village they have suffered annoyance, it has been immediately suppressed by the reigning authorities. Mrs. MaxwL-ll's only remaining daughter Tilly has left an excellent. situation in Toronto, where she is highly esteemed, to maintain and care fol'her ang mother. The old lady at ninety-live. years of age is still bale and hearty. Her memory is excellent, and her conversation on early rccol~ lectinns lively and interesting. Mrs. Maxwell hopes to reach a. cent- ury of years. Judging from her pres- ent. pi'osprwis of longevity there. is every probability of our nouageu- ariau‘s anticipatious being realizedâ€" if her life should be spared. (Tu 1:15 CONTINUED.) -7 *4. Thornhfll. On Monday evening, June 25. the brethren nf Patterson Lodge, No. 265, A. F. A: A. M., and their lady friends spent a most enjoyable time. The “ Society liall " downstairs was nicely fitted up as a reception room, where ladies assmubled and engaged in parlor games while the brethren were at Work in the Masonic Lodge. The ceremony of installation was performed by lit. W. Bro. J. Fisher, assisted by V‘.'. Bro. Smith (if Black- wond Lodge, Yuodbridge, \V. Bro. G. Fisher, and \‘v'. L‘i-u. Steele. The fol~ lowing oflicvrs Were installed : \V. Bro. J. llrury, W. M. ; W. Bro. G. Fisher, l. l’. )E.; Bro. H. Forbes, :5. \V'.: Bro. \V. L. Bond, J. \V. ; W. 3m. J. U. Steele, Trcas. .: Bro. A. Muckle, Svr‘y; Bro. A. A. Dame. Chaplain ; “7. Bio. J. Ed. Francis, 1). of 0.; \V. Bro. ll. 'l‘honipSnu, S.D.', Bro. (l. Bruakey, J. 1).; Bro. T. S. (100k, 8. S. ; Bro. J, C. Bales, J. S. ; Bro. J. Baxter, I. G. ; Bro. H. Horne, Tyler. "l‘bruifirers having taken their re- spective. chairs, t. \V. Bro. Fisher presented \V. Bro. G. Fisher, 1. P. BL, with a Past Master’s Jewel as n slight token of the high appreciation the members have of his Work during the past year. lit. Bro. Fisher-stated that. he had been a. membcrolj Patterson Lodge forover20 years, that he had seen it in times of prosperity and ad- versity,\‘er had there bccua more sucucssful year than the past. He congratulated the retiring Master and brethren on the. high standing of the Lodge, and bespoke Success for it in the. future. In a few well chosen remarks XV. Bro. Fisher thanked the officers and members for their un- expected kindness, aud said he would be ready and willing at all timesto assist in the work of Patterson Lodge. Then \V. Bio. Francis surprised \V. Bro. R. Thompson by presenting him _ with a. Past Master‘s Jewel as an indi- cation of the valuable services he had rendered his mother lodge for several years, being always a true and faith- ful brother. \V. Bro. Thompson heartily thanked the brethren, and stated that he had only eudeavured to do his duty as a. man and a. Mason. The lodge then closed in harmony, the brethren conducting the ladies through their lodge room. They all retired to the banquet hall, where an excellent spread had been provided. \Vhen the inner man had been fully satisfied, the company was called to order by \V. Bro. J. Dim-y, and was entertained by the following program of toasts and songs : “The Queen and the Craft ”; all God Save, the Queen. “"he Grand Lodge of Canada," Rt. \V. Bro, Fisher : “ The Retiring Mast- er,” \V. Bro. Fisher; song}, “Sons of ' re. the British Empire.’ Harry Butcs, Toronto; “Newly Installed Officers," \V. Bro. Drury, Bro. R. Forbes, Bro. XV. L. Bond; “Canada,” \V. Bro. Francis; violin solo, Bro. A. Milckle; “Medical ProfEssiou,” Bro. Dr. Bond, Bro. Dr. Nelles ; “ Our Boys in South Africa,” Bro. Dr. Danie; song, “ \Vhen Johnny Cauuck Comes Home,” Bro. Elites; “The Ladies,” Bro. Leadluy ; J. \V’s Toastâ€"” Happy to meet, sorry to part, happy to meet again. The evening‘s entertainment was a great success, and the members of Patterson Lude may justly congratu- late themselves on their first. attempt to entertain the ladies. Markham Council. Markham Township Council met at Victoria. Hall. Unionville, on Tuesday, 19th inst. Members all present. ex- cepting Mr. Dimma, who is away eu- joying his wedding tri . 'lhc rrevc iu the chair. Minutes ol last meeting read and confirmtd. Communications were received from J. Fleury ck Sun, r9 improvihgioad scraper : from J. K. Maednuald, re. land sale for taxes va. J. Kendrick ; from (loo. Forester, re dog; lax refund : from .I. \V. McCullough. re matter J. Kendrick: from (‘.l’.llrid. re culvert; from \Vm. Robinson, rc Metropolitan ll. R. (In. A petition was received from James Young and )5 others asking a grant. of $5” to gravel part of the 10th con. at lots 21 and 22. the petitioners to do gratis work to the same value. Smnmerfeldt. â€" Ex-kardt â€" that the treas. pay the commissioner the. ap- propriation granted to road between lots 30 and is], con. 3. Summerfeldt. â€" Sisley â€"â€" that the mover be a cmmnissiouer to repair ap- proach to bridge. between lots 20 and 21, con. 8; also to clean out ditch opâ€" posite. lot 21, con. 6. Sisleyâ€"Eckardtâ€"that the clerk be instructed to ascertain from J. F. Fleury 8:. Sons whether their manu- factured shares are suitable for the T. (3-. Austin 8:. 00., Chicago, road machine, and the price therefor. Sislcy â€"â€" Suiumerfeldt. m that this council grant $~l0 to gravel roadway between lots 21 and 22. con. ll). pro- vided the ratepayers in the vicinity do a like. amount gratis, and that Messrs. Dimma and J. Young be cmumission- ers to expend the same. Eckardtâ€" Summerfeldt ~ that this council grant $25 to drain the road- way between lots 10 and 11, con. 6, and the mowr be commissioner to expend the same. Sis]eyâ€"-Summerfeldtâ€"â€"that the clerk notify Mr. D. Benton that this council do not feel disposed at present to make any further grant. on tuwnliue between Markham and Pickering. Sisleyâ€"Summerfeldtâ€"that the clerk be instructed to take the necessary course to settle with the County Treus. the matter of the Kendrick property. Eckardt ~ Summerfeld â€" that the trons. pay \Vm. Mackenard $10 for filling washout. and repairing road be- twcz-u lots 15 and 16, con. 5. Sisley â€"â€" Eckardt â€" that the clerk notify the County Treasurer that the lot known as the Size property. lot. 13, con. 6, entered on the assessment roll as containing 2 acres, is the property. which was sold for taxes by the Coun- ty Treasurer Mal-ch 22, 1900, and is en- closed in one lot. Eckardt â€" Sislcy â€" that Messrs. Quantz, Sisley and Eckardt be a com- mittee to examine bridges on west. side of township, and that Messrs. Dimma and Summer-feldt. be a. comâ€" mittee to examine bridges 0n east side of township, and report at next meet- ing of the council. Sum:uerfeldt~Sisleyâ€"that the clerk purchase the shears for grader. Summorfcldt â€" Eckardt â€" that the trons, pay, on order of the reeve, $25, being solicitors fees re Metropolitan Railway Co. before Legislature. Eckardtâ€"Sislcy â€" that this council congratulate Mr. James Dimma upon his takimr unto himself a worthy help- mate, and join in wishing the couple a happy, long and prosperous union. Sisley-Summerfeldtâ€"that the reeve and mover be commissioners to open ditch and repair culvert between lots 30 and 31, Con. 2. Eckardtâ€"Summel-feldtâ€"that- by re- quest the. grant to Mi. Spring. made the 15th day of March, be discout iuued. A number of gravel and other ac- counts were passed, and the council adjourned until July 17. â€"â€"â€"ov9~ News Notes. Eonld. John Hallam died at his home in Toronto Thursday night. New stock of Cromptou‘s celebrated corsets, all prices and sizes. Atkinson 8c Switzer. The Toronto lacrosse_ team defeated Cornwall on Saturday by a score of 4 to 2. Ladies black cotton hose, in light. weight, 12¢. per pair: with polka. dot, 25c. per pilll‘. Atkinson a.- Switzer. McKinley and Roosevelt. are the Republican nominees for President and Viceâ€"President respectively. Big range of plain, white, dotted, and striped muslius, insertions, em- bi-oidnries and laces, fur summrr blouses. etc. Atkinson & Switzcr. Miss Kathleen “ft-115. eldest daugh- ter of R. TVells, Esq.. Auiora. was on the lSlll inst. married in Vancouver, l}. (1.. to A. E. 'l‘hnrley, formerlyuf Tot-out“. ~ Solid Gold, Best Gold Fill 1.5Q 5 yronld Fill l.0€ . Best Glasses... lOQ We guarantee perfect satisfaction. {GLOBE 0PTH§AL 003/, 93 Yonge Street, Toronto. to Loan ru his: ...o:t;age {arm proper- . -, , Flinn t . 1:..2: . w | '..-1.. Enquirer»: ' THE LlBEl’..‘.L Oifice

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