Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jun 1900, p. 2

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"Out of the forty horses purchased from you only two casualties have taken place, one dying of sunstroke and another of dysentery. Our march of 600 miles was made under the most unfavorable conditions for horses, and I think I am not on- larging on the truth when I say that no other class of horses in the world could have stood the misery and hardships which our Northâ€"\V'est horses went through since they left Halifax, After 8,000 miles of sea voyage, without any exercise and very little feed, a week’s rest at Cape Town on a. hot sandbank. five days packed up in small close cars. and then sent away on a 600 mile trip with poor feed and water and a heavy load. Still we can muster a larger percentage of horses to-day that are fit for duty than any other mounted corps which landed in South Africa this year. The North-\Vest horses are the best in the world." “he Animals I’rom 0nl- North-Wes! Stoop Ihe l‘rlnla of Cunumlgnlng “ l‘". Mix George Lane, of Calgary. NAV. T.. has received a. letter from one of the veterinary staff of the Second Canadian Contingent. in which the following passage occurs: Q. Railway Project to Saw the Arctic Voy ago nnd "I'an Slberlu Mmrer. The discovery of good petroleum springs 1n the Province of Petehora, In Northeast Russia, has Induced the government to send an expeditxon to the mouth of the Patthoru River, winch will examme it with a. view to the construction of a harbor. In close connection with thls plan of buildmg uharbor is the project enter- tained by acompany of forelgn capl- tallsts, a‘compeny in wth English money, too, (planned. at construct- Ing, under the management of Herr Gotte, the engineer, a. railway from the River Obi to the mouth of the Pen-mom. in ondetr to spare Engheh vessels the long and difficult. voyage round to the mouth of the Obi. and lo bring instead the rmv products of Siberia down to the vessels at the mouth of the Pelehom. According to a report made to the Russian Government by Herr Gotta. who for ayear past has been examln- ing the "tundra" between the rrvers of Obi and Pertchnra. it seems that the building of the line could fbe ma n- uged without any great exp-endllure of capital and consequently every- thing new depends on the report of the expedition, sent to find a place for a good harbor at the Petchorae mouth. The realization of these projects. by assisting the export of Slberlan pro- duce will ooniar agreat benefit upon England. SPEOIOUS REASONIN G. A mam who is old encrugh to have rheumatism is fortunate if he is still young enough to turn his disability in’to a joke. A minister met a parishioner. and asked him the usual question; Weel. John, how are you to-day? Gey weal. sir, gay weel," replied Iohn. cautiously. it it wasna for the rheumatism in my right leg. Ah, weal, John, be thankful; for there is no mistake, you are getting old like the rest of us and old age does not come alone. Auld age! said John. I wonder to hear ya. Auld age has naeth'mg to do with it. Here’s my ither leg. just an nuld, and it's quite sound and soople yet. LIEBIG’S FIT CLRB Will cure E Hers], Fits, tJIItusDanooln Fal misma- PRAISE FOR CANADA’S HORSES. u: tnelr name an adores: nnu nuntlonlng thls paper. AddreslThe LIEBIG C0. I19 Km? SUM, cronto. ’ F wm euro E He 5,, ms, LVIQus Dance-n Fll In Sick- non. A TRIAL BOTTLE untF EE of ALL CHARGE to any sufferer sendin \{thelr name ano address an montlonlng thls gage}: Mm BRITISH MONEY IN THIS. Same flavor as Japan, only more delicious Sir Harry Smith and llm Old Color Surat-ant. W'hen complaints fall to the lot of Tommy Atkins, he knows what to do with the florid part of them. Fifty years or more ago Sir Harry Smith. for whose wife Ludysmith was named, was Governor of Cape Colony. and led a number of campaigns against the Kaflirs. Returning from a particularly lively one. he held a review of his troops, who Were in a most dilapidated conditionâ€"barefoot- ed, ragged and half-starved. A whole family suffermgj. A dull ‘aohing of nerve or muscle, or the acuter pangs of neuralgia, toothache, or Iumbago, makes life a misery. But Nervilmeâ€"merve pcu'u_ cureâ€"will re- lieve all these. Nerviline is power- ful. penetrating, and effectual. When the time came for him to say a few words he lavished praise upon them. dwelling upon their bravery. endurance. and even upon their sol- dier-like appearance. This last com- pliment was too much for the patience of the old color-sergeant. He stepped forward.â€"tattered and unkempt,â€" saluted most respectfully. and then said : SOMETHING QUITE NEWâ€" “erging your pardon. Sir 'Arry, We dou'ttwant no gnmmon. We want boots I" Farmer Flintrockâ€"To teach us the results of blowin' into unloaded shot- guns, buyin’ gold bricks, guzzlin’ pa- tent medicines, lightin' the fire with coal-oil, goin' up in balloons, skatin' on thin ice, tryin‘ to beat other people at their own games, indorsin' our friends’ notes, thinkin' we know it all, flirtin’ with grass-widows, and so on and so forth, my son! What is n 11'1rfjilin, pa? A bargain. Freddy, is any shop- worn thing We don’t need that your mother feels compelled to buy because it's cheap. VALUABLE FOR RESEMBLANCE. You have a fine collection of lit- erary portraits. Miss Myrtilla. THEIR.. USE. Little Enocthziw, what are fools good for, anyhow 7” Yes. aren't they lovely? Every last one of them looks like somebody I He may be. but if he tells you that any preparation in the world is as good as Putnam’s Painless Corn Ex- tractor distrust the advice. Imita- tions only prove the value of Put- nam's Painless Corn Exxractor. See signature on each- bottle of Poison &. Co. Get "Putnam’s," know. POIS‘ THE PRESSING NEED. CEY LON GREEN TEA ONING A YOUNG MIND. A FINE FELLOW Man in Distress. BITS OF FEMININITY. The taffeta silk skirt, in black and colors. for wear with fancy walsta. Is the most supreme vogue. Large fancy collars are fashlonable in blouses, bodlces and applied to the jacket of the tailor frock. The Knox sailor has the same trxm and high crown of Last year. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINRLOW'S BOOTHING SYRUP ha been used by mothers {or their chuldren teething. It 300‘ he: ch. child. when: the gums, Illayn pain. cures wind colic. Ind In the but remedy for diarrhea l. 25m: homo. Sold by Ill druggiuu throughout the world. Be sure And Ink for “ Mn. Wlmmw'l nothing Syrup." Belts are either very wide or very narrow it you would be altogether correct. FINANCIAL TOMMY. Maâ€"Tommy. you seem to better than you do me. The Pans summer girl ls gomg to have no end of linen frocks. Black polka-dotted white organdie is to enjoy great favor for summer. better than you do me. Tommyâ€"Oh. ma, I don't mmn to, but. y’ see. pa allus has his pockets full 0' cents. ALL HE MAY EXPECT. So, there. said Mrs. Henpeck. con- cluding her remarks, A word to the wise is sufficient. The “ Balmdfah" Free Bus 31362:;- ' ”‘ '- ' M (THâ€"C II o A an“! AVENUE HOUSE-Fncmgly ngm'i'me.'u.m â€"_ per ‘ I]. §T- JAMES’ HOTEL--?§£°£{323'5i§an”5?‘¥1 Meier; Ili- Rnilwsy. Pint-class Commercial filoâ€"nu. proumntlâ€"Rnu moderule. Yes. my dear. replied Henpeck. and to the average married man aword Ln edgewise is sufficient. Sworn to before me and suhscribed in m presence, this 6th day of December. A.D 188 . : ' ' ' ' ' ': A. W. GLEASON, .Héii'é C'atarrh Cureia taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system; Send to B'Liylllgl’i‘alfi. frue. - A"... m 3‘ n Sold by Druggisfs. 750. Hall's Family Pills are the best. STAT]: or OHIO. CITY LF TOLEDO. he LUCAS COUNTY. ' FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he in senior partner or the firm of F. J. CHENEY & (‘0.. doing busineui in the Clty of Tmedo, County and State afox‘euuld, and that, said firm will pay the mm of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case of CATARRH that cannot; to cured by the use of HALL‘S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. vaiulous Pictures. Statu'ary. nud 'Churols (figment-3 Educational Wor_ka._ {hi} Vorglgrrnirepeiv‘e pygmy} amgn. . tionV‘ carbollc Dislnfectanto. Soups. Olin- ment, Tooth Powders, etc., have been Awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular we prevent inffcsi‘ one diseases. Ask your dealer to obun I Inpply. Lists mailed free on Application. AND DON‘T FIND EITHER. W'hen some people lose their posi- tions they look around for sympathy instead of a new job. gaithgl'iciflrayer LAW SEAL F. c. CALVERT & 00., MANCHESTER - ~ ENGLAND. MONTREAL HOTEL DIIEOTORV. CALVERT’S “F. iféilENmf'E Cb.."1‘oiedé. 0. 0.1 Iiibiifii E'édJifitroag Mlllo. Mm. 3. Hana Barriatora,eto..removod Do Wesle Bld suffici- mond adv” TEIOIII'D. WPC I030 seem to Mve pa nooks. Rnsarlou, cru- quen. gonpuhrl, uuunuvn Notary Public ALWAYS A WINNER. NATURAL HEN INCUBA‘I‘ I‘D a...” mu- on “1,... A: - £00 HATCH. Lowest pricel ever noted‘ Fine catalogue 500mm truism mlilcd (roe. rite us for anything in Muslo or Musloal Instruments. Whaloy Royce & 00., Toronmngga-cfggn Every Town can have a Band |_nd other _ . uvuuum. Iu nuluru Dull: relulil conllxn u Thiédblawson Commission 00., Limited. “nor. wast-Mark“ A Oolhomo 8L, Toronto, The Ganada Permanent and Western Ganada Mortgage corporation. Capital Paid Up, $6,030.0W Reserve Fund, - l,503,0m3 POULTRY, BUT'B'ER, EGGS, APPLES. nu! no“. nnAnw~_ . . . _.-'u.v- BRANCH Orncnsâ€" 7 Winnipeg. Mam. Vancouver. 8.0.. St. John, N. George cooderham. J. Herbert Mason. W. H. Beatty. Managint Directorâ€" Vlaiter s. lee. lax-'9 1m 6 5' Rflsflflfl' Palm Mflk813.§ “9“ “SW “WWW” a» om~wmumv FICEâ€" m” “‘m o. M M ‘mw Well, a good start is half the pleasure. ' p D E a poor pdint will not give a good start, ‘ D 3 whether it Is a cheap paint or a dear ‘ Painting ? 7 : Presidencâ€" lst Vice-President. and Ohsirmun of Executive Committeeâ€" 2nd Vice-President;â€" vu unzu ER, coals only 835: ofimnsuuc'cion .1. A. VICKEKS. Onlggry. Alberta. Instrument!» Drums. Uniforms. Etc canada Permanent Building, IORONTO ST" TGRONTO Importer and exporter o! r Raw Furs and Skins. Con- signments solicited. Eigh- eat prices paid for ginning. H. JOHNSON, 494 St. Paul street, Montreal' FM? SALE. FU RS. FU RS. Deposits Received and Interest Allowed Debentures Issued in Sterling and Cur- rencv Money to Loan are not cheap paints, and they are not dear paints. They are high grade house paints at a reasonable price, made to wear, to look a little better than ‘he best. Ask your dealer. Well. a good start is half the pleasure. a. poor pdint will not give a good start, whether it Is a cheap paint or a. dear RAMSAY’S PAINTS For “any but send your work to tho ' “ BRITISH AMERIOAN DYEING 00.” Look for agent. in your town. or land direct. Montreal. Toronto. Ottawn. Quebec Dr. Hummond-Hall's Great Book “WOTHERHUOD”, maaa‘aing

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