Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jun 1900, p. 4

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There is a good deal of‘Speculation as to when the next General Elections ffor the Dominion will be held. They ' certainly will be here before the next Itwelve months are ended. The Op- position claim that “ it is time for a change,” but it will be exceedingly difficult to convince the electors of “Canada that such a change would be The latest figures obtainable from the Department of Trade and Com- merce indicate that the present year when completed at the end of this month, will once again make a new record in our history. The total, so far, for eleven months is $323,596,- 476 as against $312,000.000 for the previous full and completed year. A service of sacred soup; will be givvi if? the choir of the Methodist Glmrcl on Sunday nrxt, at 2.30 p. 1):. TIM following is the program of the service Dilxology. Prayer. Hymn 43Sâ€"Pilgrim‘s Mission. Anthem, An Evening Bli’Sslllgâ€" Beirly. Chorus, Hallelujah for the Cross. Solo, selected. lim'. 8. L."\V. Harton Scripture Reading. Hymn 262â€".Pentvcust. AuthenanNationsRejoiceâ€"Bierly. Silver Collection. Solo and Chonxs, T111) Leaves of Life 'Trin. Evening Hymn. The province of British Columbia should be accustomed to dismissals by this time. First Lieutâ€"Governor McInnes dismissed the Turner ad- ministration and afterwards the Sem- lin Government. And lastly when it was found by a General election that the man whom he called to form a cabinet was not endored by the elec- tors, the Lieut. Governor was dismiss- ed himself by Sir Wilfrid Laurier. a safe experiment. The present Government has established clean honest administration, restored confi- dence to a business community, facil- itated the development of the natural “wealth of the country, enabled all classes of the people to avail them- :selves to the full of the good times which have come upon us, raised the Dominion to the foremost place in the federation of English speaking na- tions, and have done more for the people in four years than their pre- decessors did in the previous eighteen years. Reports from nearly every branch of industry go to show that the finan- cial affairs of Canada are in a flour- ishing condition. There are signs of prosperity in almost every line of ’trade and manufacture. and the an- nual statements of the various mon- eyed institutions throughout the coun- try give unmistakable evidences of an era of good times. The following figures are taken from the report of ‘the Standard Bank, a branch of which was opened in Richmond Hill about three months ago zâ€"“ The ‘net profits have been sufficient to pay the usual half-yearly dividend of 4 per centwith a bonus of 1 per cent.on the paid-up capital stock, amounting in all to $90,000, to reduce the office safes and furniture amount $10,000, to transfer $315,000 to rebate of inter- est account, and to carry forward $28,283 to profit the loss. The sum of $100,000 has been taken from the profit and loss account and added to the I‘HM‘I‘VC fund, bringing that up to $700000. The total note circulation is $836,750 and total deposits $7,335 5114. The total assets are $10,561,- 047, of which $6,571,824 'are current loans and discounts.” Duet and ( ‘Qum'te‘ttc. Addwcs. R Clu RICHMOND I‘IlLL. A! Cl‘angeâ€"H. C. Bailey @112 giuewl. New Advertisements. to of sacred soup; will be givvn )ir of the Methodist Church y next. at 2.301). m. The is the program nf the service: . r‘ r. [mu Alt. .1» Mt hams" VG Hope lé, Saved by Grace. Found a Friend. L L. “K Heu‘ton. Shield. than Odors June anon 1900 211'. and Mrs. J. W. Elliott on Sunâ€" day last att‘énded the funvml of the late Mrs. Alexander, Bolton, a. cousin 'of Mrs. Elliott. Iiss Hattie Linfoot left yesterday to spend her vacation at her home in \Vardsvillo. She was accompanied by Miss Gel‘txude Deny. Rev. Dr. Miiligun 0f Tornnm. and Rev. J. G. Stuart, Knox Church, London, spent tn'o days aL LLC Manse this week. Mrs; “J. 7. Palm’m’ :md s "fin-d Park, spent yesterday with relatives in the \‘iHug Aurora Emma-#3115 of Rlchmond is spcudin with her duughtm~,f\1rs.’. Miss Hannah Gal'bntt has gone to Clarksnn, Peel County, to spend 2L month with friends. x Miss Sullivan, Miss El! Miss Maggie- Kyle of '1‘ ygsterday afLe-rmmn w \Yiley. knownmen in‘ tho tuxx'mllip died at his home on the 6th Colllwssiun nn Fri- day last. 119 had hwn in rather deli- cate health for some time past, but his death was unexpected who!) the summons came. He was (“)6 yvax's of age. The funeral on Sunday was one nf the largest which (‘\'('i' ontvx'orl King; City cemeterywhm-n the burial took place. The funeral was rnnducted with Mascmic hnnm-s (lvcvusvd Ming 3 member of both Vaughan Lodge and Robertson Lodgv. A huge nmnhvr of t. 10 brethren were present from Axum-:1, RIClHIlOHd Hill. Thnrnhill. Nluple and surrounding villages. and wok part in the cerenmny which was led by \V. Bra. A. Carley, assisted by “K Bm. J. W. Cl'nssloy. The, procession was headed by the Nnhletun Band. \V. Rankin dolivering “ B, 'VVPldl-ick “ “ \Vm'. Chatterley, 12 days‘ work W. Chattrrley; 2 dys . . . . . . . . . . . J. Chatterley, 2 dys. wm-k . . . . Newton Bros” 1man- . . . . . . . . Boyleâ€"\Vatsonâ€"thnt the treasures heinsLm‘L-tecf‘ to transfer lhe moneys belonging to the township fwln the Dominion Bank. Toronto. to the Stun~ dal‘d Bunk. Richmond Hi1}. CJUHCil adjourned Lu moot July 10th at, 1 p. m. , Minutes of last meeting read and . confirmed. The Treasurer was authorized to pay the following accounts : George “’nlson, shot-p (-luim, . . ..'38 GO A. R. Fry. repairs .. . . . . . . . . . 2 00 John Blongh, hauling 6:0 . . . . . . . . 10 00 John Gray, repairing . . . . . . . . . 6 00 R. Watson, gravel . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 6 09 \Vm. Ellis, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- 72 Hy. Ellis. repairs . . . . . . . . . . 5 ()1) Jas. Kaiser, gravel . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 55 Geo. Sntton,hauling . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 Geo. Miller, building . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 Ed. Jarrett, hauling . . . . . . . . . . . r 5 50 W. lard, sharpening picks . 2 45 Hy. Creighton, operating . . . . . . ~1- (30 Yonge Strcot Amount-.1; to be paid by Murkhmn. John Simpkins, breaking stone 10 00 \Vm. Hopper “ “ 10 00 W. Conley “ “ 5 ()0 W. Rankin dolivering “ 7 00 B, 'VVPldi-ick “ 36 00 \Vm'. Chatterley, 12 days‘ Work ..12 0!) W. Chattrrley; 2 dys . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 J. Chatterley, 2 dys. work . . . . . . 2 00 MX'. Jos. Snu-ltzm~, one of known men in‘ tho 1(v\\‘h.\‘hi]) his home on the 6th comm. in The News in present: Messf's‘ son and Manny. Vaughan Council mot at the Town Hall, V ellm'e, on Tuvsduy, June 12, at 10 o’clock a. m. H Vaughan Counch ERSON {mg Cit-y. tfie chair. Members Kirby, Boyle, \Vat- past-n! 00K hill, Maple and and t-(mk part in was led by \V. w] by “7. Bm. J. procOssim} was m Band. {hum a h‘nmln and ‘uz'rmm, sptynt 'th ‘ G. . . . . . . . 10 77 â€"(3:u~ried. 19 treasures lhe moneys from the to the Stan- for stock n: (-hinson fi'w (Ir vs f thr- host 1‘Hf Brdv flemmm m ville [my unused a The Great English Remedy . . Sold and recommended by drugglsts in Canada. On] re able medicine diacovere . St ,. . v , (“.9 kagcs guaranteed to cure a1 ion-ms of Sexua Weakness. all effects ofâ€"abua or excess, Mental Won-y. Excessive rise of To baoco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed oh-receip‘ 01 price, one package 31. six. $5. One will please WWI 01513:. gimplfigs tree to any address. a,,_ n”), RUfiflfifi FLHURENG ME 1A G003) 'WATCH' ng Any Fluur will make Broad, but wri will guarantee gig}; Grade Family Flam 1:? Wood‘s I’hnsphodine is sold in Richmond- Hin by W. A. Sandersonprugglst. WEDw:.un. July airâ€"Austiou a and plow lmints at the Rixuhmoml Hm.- Sale at 2 months. Fuigeon & MnEm THO-RSDAY,JI!1V‘ 5â€"Admimstm! and when Yonge 5b.. a. shm 0f 'I‘hurnhill, Lheeshato of Kirby. Sale at 1 o'clock. FRIDAY. June piemeuts, [Richmon Sale at 1 u 62 McEwel “rum-rm”. JERRY SM] Befo we. Afler. All the w Lion 01- I win be pleased to Show you my an.) preparad to do Family Washinzs. Gent; 1 lm lie: fim» linen: a. specialty. Work guar- ::aed and ymnmunge suiicitod. Sd-(f TILLIF. M XXWELI To make more bread, lighter bread and bread that will keep moist; longer; and better flavor- ed bread with less l:1h« 01- than any other flour. Is something nearly every needs. The quality or grade. cnmpzuod with the price will surely on- ticc you to buy. Made to suit. Lhe people and sold at a reasonable price. If you are in need of one Practical VVatchmaker. It is strictly NAUG HTON BROS. W 81] LAUNDRY "his W355 '635b3n§.in?"dséi,'6fib HA1 AY. July airâ€"Austiuu sale of cattle, pigs flow twinks as the Palmer House, 10ml Hill.- Sale at 2 o’clock. Terms 3 x8. Fuigeon & MnEweu.‘nucts. ',Julv Sâ€"Admimstmtors' sale of house can Yonge 5b.. a. short distance north Irnhill, Lheeshato of the late Harriet Sale at 1 o'clock. Suigcou & Mc auctioneers. (i‘rilan'antee ntchos I sell 10 give sutis refund the money paid fl them. Sale Register. f- Wood’s Phosphodineu “ANDâ€" SELL IT. LLS. 111 Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- ability of same. “How to Obtain a. Patent” sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in THE PATENT Rnconn,au illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy F REE. Address, VICTOR J. E‘t’f.:"£8 r?) 5&0 Evans Building, at from $35.00 to $35.00. AU full} REPAERING PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. One of the best Oi] stoves on the market ; the tin and hardware line cheap Eavetmughiug a specialty. Repairing H. C. BAELEY, MAPLE WELKENS & CO. MASQ‘N, Scythes for 750.; Snaths, 300; sc; Hay Rakes, 13c ; Butter SC‘ Y DUS’ ‘ERS, FLY NETS, T §)¢§I§Y C711 UH: N 3-4., â€"AND THEâ€" ‘WEGKLESS GEL MTGVE Is the place to go for firstuclass Good Stuck. Good VVm-k and Si! The Scotsman, Stems, E at from $35.00 to $35 per paid". Ladies’ Eermsdorf Dye cotton hose, sizes 8 1-29 and 9 1- 2; 21333103 for 25 0333.; regular mice 20 ots. RIGHMOND E {BWA «~@’EHJ? 151$â€" ouiy $5} per keg (Patent Axis ALSO AGENT ROI-3, (£13 G. Eire I} ONAIJD is" c u 1d Columh Richmond Hill moss at naranteec xes si‘nnes, 5c.'; ge Street, Toronto :Ind ever) thing in for cash. Promptly Done. right 'p‘x-ices. E E: [#1 F42!!!» other ‘G(

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