Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jun 1900, p. 5

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mnmmg'tm VH1: .' 1w.- tw :rmwxa9‘11 25"‘mm . was...» or Wmm wmfimrm «its?! “m maxim u l Firt-Ilrigade Yum-ting and practice on Monday evening. July 1). 1 Big tango of men‘s summer shirts at 5!), 75, She. and :,.l. Atkinson and ‘ Hwitzer. The Metht’disi church Sabbath school will hold llll'll annual excursion and picnic to Mun-m Hark, FridayJuif,’ ' (i. l Chinese lanterns and wax candles ‘ for sale at Tut-1 lant-znat. office. The Newton 'l‘anning (‘onipany wish through ’f‘llf‘i Lininui. to thank the many friends who assisted them at. their barn raising on Saturday last. A blacksmit‘i's helper on horseâ€"shoe- inf,r and gen work is “hinted at. once. at Tron-"hf {urn-tag.- \Vorks. Outof fifteen eases entered for the last court in Richmond llill all but -l V\\'('l't‘S(‘Ull‘tl before court (lav. and of Flaty-‘tr ven candidates are writing at the {antranz-e l‘lxaminations’ here. t DOMEXIOX DAY SPORTS. | Hill; are out announcing a program of syn: is in the park next Monday, in- eltubng '1 cl unpumrhip lacrosse match l helm-en tln~ home team and the Stars of Ft. (':. Harlot-st a football match llt‘th'tmh the Langstatf Hangers ‘ and lilt'littio (l lllll. Football at 2.302 l1t<~ro<<eal 3.3%”. Admission, 15 cents: ' ladies and children, In cents. Don‘t. fail to see these matches. ‘ also For outing p ll‘ilt's‘ nothing is nicer than a can of rt atly lunch beef. in l?! and 2.3x. tins. .\ll{ll!,\'tlll A: Switzer. iil'\‘f\): -l{.-‘. “SING. .\ sut-cr-ssiui barn-raising was held on i the farm of the Newton 'l‘anning (‘om- puny on Saturday the 231ml inst. About 150 men attended and eveiything went. off without a bitch with the exception of a few pier-es of timber which wore too long. The captains of the respec- tive sides were Messrs. \Valter Eycr and Fred L5 hell, both relatives of the former owner. Tho former won after a keen contest. MAI’LD. connection with the Methodist (lhurch will beheld on Mr. Jackson's grounds. those which came to trial 3 Were judg- ment summonses. You will save money, time and worry If you buy a \\'ickless Oil Stove at. Mason’s. Mr. Thou. “'ebster of Ctilei‘:iinc. an ex-reeve of Vaughan, was in the vil- lage Saturday morning about. 7 o’clock on his way to Newtnarkct to purchase a horse. The ladies and friends of Thornhill Presbytei iau Church expect, to be well :pmtronized at their annual garden party, July 2. The Thornhill band will bein attendance after »1 o‘clock. All welcome. See the. range of ladies” chain belt. buckles. the newest thing. from lit) to »5()(:. Atkinson 6; Switzer. The Stars of St. Catharine‘s. who come here Monday to play a Championship match with the Rich- 'mond Hill team, were defeated on Tuesday by Newmarket by a score of 6Lo4. \Vm. E. S. Savage. of “ Sunny Hill Farm," has recently added to his col- lection of Canadian birds and animals" a pair of black ground hogs. These. are the first known specimens in the neighborhood, if not in Canada. Something new and anchor hat. pin, 20c. a pair. & Swit-zer. novelâ€"the Atkinsmi "Reeve Savage has a pea r che in his orchard which not only has large pears on, but isalso coming out again in blossom. It seems odd to see both fruit and blossoms on the same branch- es. Tux; LIBERAL must. thank neighbor I McCouaghy for a sample of his early potatoes. They are. alrea( y i‘nealy. and are the largest we. have seen this season. High brand turn down collars. the “proper thing for summer wear, 20.". each. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. John Ellston of the Dominion House, has greatly improved the ap- pearance of his bar (hiring the past. week by havin put. in place a. new sideboard with large mirror. The workmanship was executed by L. Innes & Sons. (1' O A dark brown mare. a top buggy, 1v set. of single harness and a blanket. were stolen from the. stables of Mr. Cairnth Marsh Friday night last. It is to be hoped some one will locate the horse thief and secure the $20 reward offered by the Ontario Government. Before. going out. to your picnic get. a bottle or llemz s spiced gherknisduc. per bottle. Atkinson & Switzer. ‘Lieut.-Col. Tyrwhitt. M. P.for South Simone, died at, his home. at. Bradford on Friday evening. He had just; re.- turned from Ottawa a few hours be- fore. Deceased formerly lived on the Bernard farm at Elgin Mills, now own- ed by Dr. MCElroy, V. V'ELLORE. A good program of sports is arranged for Dominion Day. There. will be foot-racing, jumping. &c., and a plat- ‘ form for dancing has been erected in t finider's Grove, back of the, Townshipi Hall. The \‘Voodbridgc Band has been ‘ engaged. Another big line of ladies" blouses in t all the new patterns and materials, ranging from Stir. to $1.51) each. At- kinson & Switzer. “NOT PAID” ‘ The return of convictions as publish- ; ed in the Markham Economist last ‘ «week shop's that two individuals were ‘ lined $1.00 each in Richmond Hill on t the 2nd of May for being drunk and t disorderly, but it does not appear that ' the village treasury is any richer , thereby. \Ve always wele a foigiving lot of people. I'NIONVILIE. i There was a full attendance at the .mceting of the Lutheran Joint Ladies” Aid Society, which was held at the; home of Mrs. Jos. \Yatt. last 'l‘hurS»' day, June ‘21. The members had a very sociable and enjoyable afternoon, and all went home well satisfied with the. proceedings of the meeting. The next legular meeting will be held at the home of )Lt‘s. Jas. Eckartlt on July 19. 2 There was a line croth in attendance, . organ accompanist during the evening on Mond-ty. July 2. Text served from 5 to 8. followed by an t-ntertaimnent of music, addresses, etc. Nobletou band will be in attendance. The speakers will be Mr. Hill, M. 1’13. ; Mr. St. John, exâ€"M. ’1‘., and the resident, tiiinisters. Ladies’ crash skirts. full width, plain, $.20: trimmed with insertion, $1.85; ladies" dimi‘tec blouses, stock collar and tie, $1.5m. .Atkinson 8: Switzer. POPI‘LAR MONTHLY FOR JULY. The July number of Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly is appropriately pa- triotic... in grouping together the Hon. John Quincy Adams’ illustrated article upon ” The Birthplace of the American Flag," lcha-kiah Butterwurth's inspir- ing " Flag Song." specially revised and extended for this publication. and a fine poem by Theodora Peek, entitled “A Dream of the Flag.” PATTERSON. Last Monday what might haVe. been a serious tire occurred near the. Patter- son School house. The. teacher on looking out of the window discovered the adjaCent fence. in a blaze. Dis- missing the scholars, the teacher im- mediately organized a. bucket brigade, which with some energy subdued the. fire. A lively wind was blowing at. the time, which but; for her presence of mind might have endangered the school building. It, is supposed that. the tire originated from the ashes of a ivlllage Will confer a. fawn The annual strawberry festival in t Buffap,‘ The finder of a lzal‘o-r ti'Y'ftppetl in the by return~ mg the >:‘.tt.t~ to the owner. . lr. \\ altciw let-r. : The young men of Tbornhill held a1 very enthusiastic meetint.r on Monday t evening for the purpose of organizing a foot-ball club. Mr. ll. lloppt-r took the chair and the following officers“ were elected : Pres... ll. Hopper; l‘apâ€" lain. J. I’ord : Ht-c'_\'-'l'reas.. J.U.Lanc: Committee, M. llean, ll. lloli‘: cura- to1,(l. lv'iilips. The team will beopeu for ('lirtllt.-t:g:-s from all neighboiing teams. To lt'EN't‘. ‘ The lipworth League have to rent -1quart, \\ ill freezc in 3 minutes; the other, “ \‘.'l1itt- Mountain,“ 10 quarts. will from-2»- in 10 minutes. Rent. 51) cents each. May be seen at Mrs. Tt-cnt-li's. DOMINION DAY IN MARKIIAM. The .\i:trl<hain Ltit't'osst‘ (‘lub have arranged to celebrate Dominion Day with what. appears to be the most M.- tractiVe program of sports we have ever seen advertised. The principal events: will be a. lacrosse match be- tween the celebrated Iroquois team of N. Y., and the Markham team. the champions of the work]; a football tournament for a. splendid sil- ver tankurd 2 a baseball match between Lampton Mills and Markham ; a quoit- ing tour-minu-nt: free-for-all trot. or pat-e; tln-ee-minutc trot, pony races, two [to (TH-am Freezers: one “ Ideal." , etc. The Markham Old Boys‘ Club of Tolonto, nearly 300 strong, will be present. (lFI’It‘IiRS INSTALLED. The following officers \vere installed Monday evening in Richmond Lodge, A. If. C: A. M. by \V. Bro. l. Crosby, :tsslslwtl by V'v’. Bro. J. 'l‘. Saigeon :â€" \\’. BL, ‘i‘. ll. Trench. S. \‘v'., G. B. New’bery. J. '\\’., J. A. \Vright. Chan, A. L. Skccle. Twas, A. Moodie. Hec’y, H. A. Nicholls. S. l). T. F. McMahon. J. 1)., T. Newton. l. ti, D. Hill. Tyler. ll. E. Law. S. F... F..‘«lc(.‘onagliy. J. Ur. Leek. D. of C. .Ias. Elliott. Before atljourning the lodge ” called off ” during July and August. BASKET PICNIC. The, basket picnic at Bond’s Lake yesterday given by the \V. M. S. of this village, afforded an enjoyable out- ing to those, who attended. As the grounds around that beautiful little sheet of water had been practically closed for the past two years, pleasure parties had been held in other places, but as the grounds are again open this favorite resort is being well patronizâ€" pipe. E. L. LAWN PARTY. The lawn party announced to be held in front of the Methodist Church, will be on Mrs. Trench’s lawn, Lorne Avenue, Monday afternoon and even- ing (Dominion Day). under the ausâ€" pices of the Epvverth League. Ice cream, water ice, lei-unnade, etc., will be served, and at. 5 o‘clock :1 tea, in- cluding strawberries, will be. given for 20 cents. Later in the evening the grounds will he. brilliantly illuminated. and a very plea mt time is anticipat- ed. All arc invited. NEVJMARKET The annual picnic and games under the auspices of St. John’s church, New- market, takes place there on Monday, July 2(1)ommion Day). There will be a baseball match between St. Michael’s of Toronto and Newmarkeb. Big championship lacrosse match, Shainâ€" rocks of Toronto and the Talagoos. Trotting races for which good purses will be given. Athletic sports, catch- ing greased pig. etc, for which \alua- ble prizes will be given. PICNIC TO LAliE \VILCOX. The Presbyterian Sabbath school, consisting of officers, teachers, scholâ€" ars, pastor and a few other friends, drove. to Lake. \Vilcox on Saturday and report a. delightful afternoon and even- ing. Five wellâ€"tilled vansâ€"one with four horsesâ€"together with a. number of single rigs, left the church at 1 o’clock and reached the picnic grounds in good time. The afternoon was spent in beating, bathing, paddling in the water, and in various games. To-' wards evening tables were spread in Carr’s grove where the obliging pro- prietor gave every necessary accomâ€" modation. The greater part. of the company arrived home early in the evening, but one of the. loads lingered considerably after the twilight had disappeared. and voted unanimously thaL Lake \Vilcox is the ideal place for a picnic. GAR DEN PARTY AT ELG {1" MILLS The garden party on the grounds of. Mr. Geo. Newbery. Eigin Mills, on Tuesday evening was most successful. . the weather was perfect, and the pro- 1 gram presented was thoroughly en- joyed. The rector, Rev. Mr. Kirby. made an excellent chairman and“ “hustled” the perform-:ch along int good style. Miss Eva M. Fetch gave a couple of choice. readings. Liss L. and seven bachelors and an equal number of maidens frankly t?) told in ‘ a dialogue why they had never niairi- ; ed. Miss annke Crosby acted as ' and the Aurora band furnished suit- ablc music for the occasion. A num- ber of tableaux was an interesting feature of the entertainment, “Irish Courtship" being accorded a prom- inent place. The beautiful lawn was tastily decorated with Chinese lanterns ‘ and the stage erectedamong the trees and shrubbery was a perfect. bower. ‘- Everybody present seemed delightedi with the evening‘s enjoyment. . King, consisting of 210 tlcres is doing. 5 Mr. \Valkingtou is to be congratulat- ed. Many who were there yesterday were agrceably surprised to see the improvements, as it, now has the ap- pearance of a city park. Good swings, boats, etc., are. at the disposal of pic- nickers, and these were all taken ad- vantage of yesterday by the \I'. M. S. -i1 lends. About tit) sat down to tea, wl‘ .h was enjoyed by all. and the excursionists returned at 9 o'clock by special car. TROLLEY ACCIDENT. Lasttr-veningas the. 25.10 car going south was passing in front, of THE human. office Master \Vesley Palmer who had been playing Wild] a. number of other small boys attempted to cross the track. The motorman, Mr. Sam Sloss, with great presence of mind, immediately reversed the cur- rent. and quite a panic ensued. The controller was burned out; and the whole car was illuminated with the flames. Naturally the passengers rush- ed for the back door. Miss Kyle of To- ronto jumped or was pushed off by another passenger and received painful injuries. Her arm was bruised and she received marks on her forehead, coming in contact with the hard road. Another car was telephoned for to the. city, and the. passengers did not. getaway until 9 o’clock. The motor- man deserves great credit, for his proinptness, and the manager, Mr. Moyes. who came here afterwards, ex- prcssed himself as greatly pleased with this ear-nest endeavor to save life. although the damage sustained by the company will be. considerably over $1UU. BANK BARN RAISED. \Ve read that. in olden times it, was the custom of men to take down the barns and rebuild on a. larger scale. This is just. what Mr.\Vm.\Valkington the genial proprietor of lot 1, Con. 4 of He has pulled down two barns, and is , 1ebuilding one structure on modern principles. The new barn is 85 by 45 ft... on stone foundation, with root house and stapling for horses and rattle the whole size of building on the ground floor. The flooring will be pressed brick and the stabling will be : most convenient. The raising tookl place yesterday afternoon when about. 1100 men and many women and girls were in attendance. The rapt: us were Messrs. Jas. Cameron and Oliver Nixon who snpcrintended the north ; and south sides of the building respect- , . ively. . . men chosen \ alortson sang solos very acceptably. ‘ Among the many ableâ€"bodied ,1 on the north side. was} Hon. E. J. Davis. and against him on t the south side was Mr. ’1‘. H. Lennox, l : who is aspiring to parliamentry honâ€" on in the riding,r of North York. The - heavy timbers were carefully raised ' and skilfully joined together without an accident of any kind, and after a ‘ shaip contest it was found that the ' men on the north side were the quick- er on the home stretch. An excellent tea was afterwards served on the lawn where about 300 people parka of Mr. and Mrs. \Valkington’s hospitality. ed on his new structure, as when com- pleted he will have one. of the bank barns in the township. iBenefit ‘; Policy only $12.00 annually. film“ with promptness. a? t t t t t t t t ed Something Cool and. Yet. Neat! That is what all young dressy men are after and we are supplying their needs. Single thread Balbrtggan Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, 50 cents a suit. Double thread Balbriggan Underwear satin facingsxextra n‘ic‘e goods, mocha shade, 50 cents a Slllt. Ceylon Flannel Outing Shirts, in nice stripes and checks, 75 cents. Cream Colored Outing Shirts, nice silk stripe, 50 cents each. A nice range of Negligee Shirts in Per- cale, silk miXed fronts, and all silk fronts at 13x, x '. “if; \a'.’ (X .5/ j. ‘e 75 cents, 80 cents and $t.oo. iii: Something cool in suspenders makes us look for the Ftench Gayot, made in extra light web, With slide ends, 50 cents a pair. In Silk Ties nothing is nicer for summer WW la. wear than a nice Imperial, Flowing Ends or 53,5 Kerchief, 50 cents each. In wash ties we have a nice line of Bows, " ' Q; Four-in-Hands and Strings, in neat patterns, ti 2 for 25 cents. Everything that is cool and comfortable. Atkason IF YOU WANT TO BUY A PIANO, ORGAN. 'OR Sillilllfi ltll'llHlNE CALL ON OR WRITE Richnlond Elill. Samples always on hand. "C {Lu y terms of payment. ****** THE ORCHARD~ Properly handled and cared for pays big dividends. Everyone who owns a little ground can put: in a few trees or small fruit plants, and in a very few years have a profitable garden. We are the largest nurseymen in Canada and ship over twenty thous~ and orders annually and guarantee satisfaction. We want a good man in each township to devote part or all of his time no.0ur work. The general Storekeeper, school teacher or retired farmer can add materially to his income by engaging with usâ€"whilc any good encr- getic man with a liking for Horticulture, and willing to work hard for a. few years, will build up for himself a connection that will insure a steady income year after year. WILL YOU WORKFOR US I) If you have the ability we have work for you to do. CHASE BROTEEnS 00.. Ltd., Colin-sine, Ont. LARGEST NURSE-H'MEJN IN CANADA. ESTAREJSSIESVILI YRS __ W 2.793,?90.‘98. taaaaaadipaamm. Is the cash paid and held on policyho dcrs account as shown by the annual report. Pamphlets and lull particulars regarding the association, different plans of In- surance will be sent on application to P. G. SA‘7A(}E9 DISTRICT AGENT. A RELIABLE COMPANY. iAgent for the Western 6: York Mutual Fire Insurance Coma 'panies; Appraiser lor the Canada Permanct Loan & Savmgs Call and get a circular for Accident and Sick Company. Business attended .to

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