These agents Fire Proot Until further notice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Omce as follcw51~ MORNING ..... 8.00 EVENING ..... N. B.â€"-Regiatered Letters must be handed in Ih least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closinfl. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P M J aco’b Lennie C P R Crossing at 6. 7.20, 9.40 1.30. 2.40, 4.00 540. 7.45 p. Leave Richmond 111118.10, 10.30 a. m 830. 4.50, 6.30. 8.35 p. 111. Leave Newmmrket 7.30, 9.15. 11.15 7.30 p. g Leave Richmoï¬h am '7. 8.11). 9. 2.40. 3.55. 4.55. 6.40, 5.10 METROPOLITAN TIM E TABLE Church of Englandâ€"-Sarvices Sunday. of each month Camp Elgm, S 0 S â€"-Meets second and fourth Wednesday R T of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst. W mincsdny of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rut Monday of every man an . Public lerm‘y and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Satumav evenings Euworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. Whant, white, per bus) Wheat, red, per bush . Wham, goose. per bus Outs. pa: bush Pens, per bush . . Burlev, Der bush . Turkeys, per 11) Draged Hogs. per cwb Geese, per lb Chickens. per p . Ducks. per pa.“ . . A . . . Butter, in pound rolls Eggs.trash..‘......,‘....... Potatoes, per bag Apples, per bbl . hay, clover Hay, timothy . Straw sheath. W. HEWISQN HOUSE PA IN TER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Anyone sending a. sketqu and descflgtlnn may nnlcmy ascertain our opxuion free w ether nn invention is probably mmmabla. Communica- tions strictly conï¬dent :1]. Handbook on Patenta sent. free. Oldest agency for securing‘patenu. Patents taken t rough Mnnu & Lo. receive spec‘ial not-(co, without. charge. in the A ï¬nndsomely mush-Med weekly. Largest dr- culut‘mn of any sclennï¬c ournnl. Tums. $3 a year: to!" moguls. 81. So :1 by aleewadSIulerzu x-eur: four months. :1. 50m Dyan newsueumr MN. 81.60.36: ‘3?“53‘317E3‘WXW RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE N gï¬Ã©iitiï¬c Hmerican. Calls from a distance promptly attended to, 'x'x'mnnu FmFeTér) F St. Wusmbgi'on, Between Toronto and Newmarket. 3e agents also keep on hand in their shop, opposite the re Proof store, Bmders, mowers & twine of the above make, as well as repairs for all kinds of machinery. PRICES AT FARMEBS' WAGS white, per bush. .3 ( red, per bush goqse.per bush Village Directory. Emma Bflm‘hetg GOING NORTH GOLNG SOUTH EOE EEiIN G} EKAK E S All kinds of Repairing SES AT 7.36 P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster. at 3p. 111. every 9.. m.; 2. 3.1 OTICE 10 50 ()0 00 0 00 Q 071) 033 Oll 030 11.30 a. m 12.20, 2.21 SOLD BY 11 25 00 00 9 00 mmmmww 801000 400 71 ’ iGemml Banking Bgsmess I . I Transacted. M)ch Hie Bhumh of Sims \Vorshipping at Sherwood will com- mence an evening meeting on the 24111 of June next, at 7 o’clock. Mr. Thos. Reily of Toronto, will conduct the meeting on that, occasion. Meetings are to continue during the summer. A cordial invitation to all. 51-4 One. Gray & Scns,Rou.d Wagonmow One. Grav ‘8 80:15.3 sent covered buggy, new. One. Gray & Sons, stanhope, used u. few months; One Road wagon,2nd hand. One light road curb. 2nd hand. All the above 1135 will be sold on time or cheap [or wish. F. J. GALLANUUQH. ‘ A Store, dwelling, Driviugvhouse and stables being lot- 11 on 46 onme east side of Yonge 51, in the village of Richmond Hill, known 8,5 the Soules' Estate. will be sold by public auction at the Palmer House, Richmond Hill, at 1p. Lu. un 0n the lot is a. brick stare and d“ e‘ulinzz; a“ acummodious stable and driving house Tl lot? which comuins one half acre. mom or L15 is situated directly north of the Mam-(monk: Waiting Room an.) is well woxthy of the lama tinu of any intending purchasers. The p 01' erl will be sold subject ton. resarye big. ... u... .. _,.. ,_ furtfln‘ EouditlunE-E-éde known on day of 59. e. F7ï¬n1§2--iréi.“ ï¬la- Xeiiu’éh’lih'y Bt'éaze. the bal in_thi}jty days pygreafter. . . 3AÂ¥ _ The undersigned have received instructions from Mrs. Ann Marsh and W.Carues PAge Marsh, administering the estate of the late Harriett Kirby, to 5011 by public auction on the premises At 1 o'clock p; m , the following valuable free. hold progeny, viz.: Containing one and ODS-QUIn‘tel' uores of land more or less, campused or part of tha front part. of lot No. 38, in t1)» ï¬rst concession of the Lemuâ€" shiu cf Vaughan. on which there is a good fmme house, containing seven rooms. with neilm‘, summer kitchen, wwdshed and other necessary outbuildings. There isulso agood stable and a. good well and cistern. The hind is of the boat qlgilihy and in flr::§-classcondit_ion. ï¬'E'Aï¬Bï¬RE} BANK “Ti-éi‘vli’xa and couxhtxoiswxininftlrer kubwn on day of sale. or on a plication to the ndmiaisï¬'abors. 49-5 AIGEON & XICHVVEN, Auctioneers ()f Canada RICHMOND HILL Received in Savings’ Bank Dopzu't- went and interest allowed at HIGHEST CURRENT HATES. For other particulars cal Wednesday July 4, Prom ptly Done. Notice of withdrawal not news- szu‘y. All deposits payable on demand. Thurs Capital Rest 50â€"3 El-tf Auction Sadie 3mm: @dvcttiarmmts. FOR SALE J'. F. ROWLAND. day, July 5, 1930, DEPOSITS 7 4x notion SAIGEON 6; MCE WEN, ACTING AGENT i $1,000s000 700,000 A uctioneera »-u nun uybrty The mntfésm “ Red. BREE knowledge of bicycle construction have demonstratvd. and which skill. cap “"‘1 aPpli‘dllccs could I-vduce to practice. “Red Bird" models for 1900 b‘ these emphasized points, look into them : Reduced weightâ€"special designsâ€"unique hubsâ€"improved crank hmth pmfvct handle but adjustmentflstlrengthencd fol-ksâ€"idvul svut post fuchnc new overhungng sprocketâ€"combined coaster and brake. i T. F. MCMAHON. gï¬anada Cycle & Motor 00., Limited, Agents everywhere. VJ. A. SANDERSON. flanacda Cycle <35 Motor 00., Limitefl, The Magseyâ€"E’mm at “Sam If you want proof of the staunchness of this splendid (hnadian-made wheel It is only necessary to state that the Victorian Government of Australia recently purchased a number of them for use in its cycle postal departmentâ€" at about the same time the New South \Vales Govern- ment purchased American and other makes for similar . serviceâ€"â€"and Government statistics show that it cost over twenty times more for repairs on the American COllCCthl’l than for the Mzissey~Harris wheelsâ€"Dots THIS CONVINCE You? ï¬zztigmï¬aï¬s. Gan The Ball SE3er Agenxs everywhere Never pulls outâ€"it’s a useful improv- ementâ€"simple and easy to remove. All {he features of the Cieveï¬and Bicycies FGR 1900 E. A. NIOHQLLS. 2.513 Carole (3’s 3943055036 3% Agents everywhere. Are good ones, and the ball head spoke not the least in importance. Head ofï¬ce, Toronto, Canada. Head ofï¬ce Head ofï¬ce, Toronto, Canada. Local RepresentaLive, Local representative, Local representative, oronto, Canada. T's built. m1 tlw principle (if the grmiv simplicity \viiliuut. szu-riï¬cing Lhu us fulness m- tlw strvngth of the when! that’s the aim in all the high-gnu wheels tu-dny. Tllt‘ makers of U “ Red Bil-(l †have lu-on quick tn no and adapt. such fontm'us and inipx-ov moms as have been pmvnn tn hodosi able, useful and suhslzintinlâ€"imprm- ments that expm'ie-ncu and a. \vid demonstratvd. and which skill. cnpit co. “ Red Bird †models for #300 lm.‘ \Vrite for catalogue. Write for catalogue. Write tor catalogue principle of the grv. mut. sacriï¬cing Lhu strength of the Wh l in all L‘nvhigh-g The makers of nf Um tn note rum-ovu- EUST AREEVE VVhiuh we will 5011 on a very close margin for cash. “'0, have in stuck a full line of all kinds of dressed and rough \Ve also huvo for $2110 two old build- ing's, size 2}x60 ft“, two stories high : one stable. 20x55 ft», two stories ; also one small ofï¬ce building, 9x16 ft. These buildings are in good repair and the lumber‘ and timber in them is good and sound. ‘ Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Buses, Farm Gates, Etc. ‘Ve also have for sztlo two old build- ing's, size 2}x60 ft.., two stories high : one stable. 20x55 ft». two stories ; also This corn is sweet and dry and muk the best of men]. )all and see it, and you will not; fail to buy. On the premises, Richmond Hill. u. thoroughbred Shortâ€"hum bull. Terms $1.00 Cash. A LIBERAL OFFICE (Of the ï¬rm of Ecknrdt & Prentice), agent for the Massey-Harris Labor- Saving Machinery, \Vagons, Plows, Scufflers, &c.; also the Sawyer & Massey Engines and Threshers, the Brantford VVind-Mill. and the Up-tu- Date Toronto Fanning Mill. All Massey-Harris repairs kept by H. A. Nicholls, Richmond Hill. Business solicited. THE SUN Life Assurance 00. OF CANADA. J. H. PRENTIGE Assm-es on an the modern plans, and is one of the most prosperops and progressive companies in existence. Premiums low, policies unconditional and nouforfeitublo. Take a policy win: the district agent, Is successfully used monthly by over 10.000 Ladies. Safe.eifectun.l. Ladies ask your dru gist for Cook‘s Cation Root Com- pound. Take no or e:, as all Mixtures. pills and imitations are dangerous. Price,No. 1, $1 er box‘ No. 2, 10 degrees stronger.$3 per box, 0. 1 01-5, mailed on receipt oi price and two s-cent stampt}. The goal; ‘Coqapany Windsor Ont. n, i_;.ig __n PLOW-J POINTS. L? No.1 and No.2 5011 in Richmond Hill by W A. Sanderson Druggist. Plow Points for all the principal plows :lt “gay-“w $383. Izaaamdzm FeEBEiziéia'ea’iay' iii responsible Druggists In Canada. Haifa. mile west, of Richmond Hill. Binders and Mowers Repaired on the shortest notice. Sixty cents a. hundred allowed n‘n wrought; or cast iron. Shop open every night until 8.30’ FGR SERVICE mm $5undry, running every (1 just got in a ( gm 3:133 SHENGLES SEED C5 LUMBER, car of best INNES ,Oook's Cotton Root Compound \V. A. S A NDERSON, Unionville. 9 d- EAENTS Druggist, Richmond Hill chmund Hill Mills. (winâ€"r and intvrh (n-zxtmn. best No cum-om mtiful SALE BY W. MAGER, Prop. venivntï¬nr- tiful, wasin momicul :1 ud t)? of shade. MINI SQRN. MAHON, T. LUDFORD, ny iptinn nf {ED Richmond Hill. RICHMOND Illul’ and No. l and. we have luad 0f SONS, Ix es