Forced Enemy to Abandon Them and Brought Them Into Pretoria. A despatch from Pretoria. says :â€" The first battalion of the Canadian Mounted Rifles h‘IS come in for high praise from the Communiler-in-Chief, Lord Roberts. for the gallant manner in which they captured two of the Boers' 12-pounder guns at Rustfon- tein, between Pretoria and Rustem burg. The guns were defended stiffly by the enemy. and when defeai stared the Boers in the lace they hid the guns in a native kraal prior to their dlsnppearing in the night. There the guns were found by the Canadians and brought to canip. an exploit CANADIANS CAPTURE GUNS. ‘ ‘On June 23 we made a night march arriving at daylight opposite the Im- perial troops’ atmoury. above Tien- Tsin, where, after' friendly advances. a. heavy fire was opened. while our men were exposed ‘on the opposite river bank. The enemy was kvpt in check by rifle fire in front, while their posi- tion was turned by a party of marines and seamen undm‘ Major Juhn-Lson, who rushed and occupied one of the salient points. seizing a gun. The Gerâ€" mans lower down silenced two guns. and [hen crwm-d the river and cap- tured them. The armoury was then occupied by lhe oummned [01095. "Determined attempts to retake the Seymou r’s Fifteen Days’Fight Causes Severe Loss to the Enemy, Who Fought With Great Determin= ation. “On June 19 the wounded and ne- cessaries for them started by boat, the tomeu marching alongside the rivte. Opposition was experienced during the whole course of the river from nearly every village. The rebels. when de- teated in one village, retired to the next and skilfully retarded our ad-i vamce, by occupying well-selected posi- tions, from which they had to be forc- ed, often at the point of the bayonet ln face of a galling fire that was dif- ficult to locate. CAPTURED CHINESE ARMOURY. KILLED 1,000 CHINESE. Total............ . .. . .. 62. 228 A despatoh from London says :â€"The Admiralty has received the following despatch from Admiral Seymour, sent by way of Choice to-day :â€" " The Boxer: were short of provi- sions, and we were hampered by our wounde which fumed us to wiLh- draw on 'J‘i-en-Tsin. with which we had not been in communication for six days, and our supplies were out off. REPEATED BAYONET CHARGES. British‘...... '. ..... Americanâ€... French ......... German... Italian..... Jupanese.. Austrian" Russian... "The same arfternoon the Boxers at- tacked the Brivtish‘gu-ard that was left to protect the Leia station. Remforce- manta were sent back, and the enemy was driven off. One hundred of t‘hem wora killed. Two of our seamen were wounded. DECIDED TO RETURN. §_'AfLer my day r: me from Lu gfang. l'wo trams “'11th had been lch to lol- low. were attacked on June 18 ’bleox- ors and Imperial troops from Pekln, who lost from MM) to 500 killed. Our loss was 6 killed and 48 wounded. These tmins jmneds me at YanghTsu-n the same evening. The railway a1 Yangr-Tsum was froqu to be entlrely demolished and the tram was un- Incuvafble. v "I have returned to Tian-Tsin with the forces. I was unable to reach Pekin by rail. "The extensive destrucmon of the railway on our tron-t having made further advance by rail lmptossuble, I decided on June 16 t-o return to Yang-'- Tsun, w’bevre Ipmposed to orgamze an gdva-nce b_y the river on Pekin. "On June 13 two attacks on the adâ€" vance guard by Boxers were repulsed with considerable loss to the Boxers and none to our force. “On June 14 the Boxers attacked a train at Langfang in large numbers and with great determination. but were repulsed with about one hundred killed. Our loss was five Italians. "The guardsprus‘hed forward to A‘nt- ling and engaged the enemy on June 13 and 14, inflwting a-loss of 175. libero were: no casualties: on our side. Pretoria. says :â€" of the Canadian come in for high Killed Wounded- 2’1 97 10 I \Vhile at Rustfonteiu the Mounted FRifles jomed hands, much to then- de- ' E light. with “C†Battery. which was ‘ !present at the relief of Matekmg and 1‘ has since marched across country v._ under Major-General Badenâ€"Peu'ell. “It is reported on good Chinese au- thority that the Government, alarmed by foreign military preparations, has issued an edict ordering peremptorily suppression of the Boxers, and an- nouncing a decision to protect. the Le- gations at all hazards." However, this may be, the British Consul at Shang- hai received definite information, the , Daily Express correspondent says, :thut while solemnly promising com- gplete abstraction from warlike pre- 'p:1rutions, the Chinese are mounting Eseveral new six-inch guns at VVo- . Sung forts. ASI'mln d‘espacrh says the monspon prospects are decidedly more favour- uble. At the sideshow “Old Pans’ at the Exposition, the baluslrade gave away, and apmfessor, his wife and daughter, were precipitated into the river. The daughtef‘ was drowned. Pan's papers said nothing about the fatality as the Show advertised heavily. Three British warships have sailed from Hong Kong to reinforce the al- lied squadron ut' Shnnghai. The southern provinces are sending troops towards Pekin, and the exodus of Chinese from Shanghai continues at the rate of from 10.000 in 15,000 a day. Russian prestige. has been injured during the recent fighting, and an anti-RuSSiun rising in the Liam-Tong peninsulf, Russian Manchuria, is pre- dicted. which Lord Roberts recognizes by a special mention in general orders on \Vednesday. Railway communication between Taku and Tien-Tsin has beén resum- ed, and the troops havg been advanc- ing towards-Pekin. Fighting was in progress on \Vednesday in the vicin- ity of Tse-Chulin. Large preparations are being made to support and rein- fo'rce the Pekin relieving column. Txvvnty thousand troops of all arms, largely Japanese, have now been land- ed. armoury were made the same and fol- lowing duys. but were unsuccessful. We found lmmnse stores of guns, arms. and ammunition of the latest pattern. Several of the guns were mounted for our defence. and we shelled the Chinese forts lower down. "Having found ammunition and rice, we could have held out for some days. but being hampered by (big large number of wounded, I sent to Then- Tsin to ask for a relievmg force, which arrived on the morning of June 25. The armoury was then evacuated and the forces arrived at Tien-Tsin on June 26. On leaving the armoury I destroyed it with fire." A despato‘h from London, Friday. sayszâ€"Col. Dore Ward. British com- manded the col/umn that relieved Ad- miral Seymour. American marines participated in the achievement. The admiral was found entrenched and surrounded by‘immens-e masses of Chi- nese. who were driven off by the re- lieving column after a brisk fight. His men had made a brilliant resistance. never failing in courage for 15 days’ of continuous fighting. During ten days the men were on quarter rations. They started with' provisions for ten days, and they could have held out a. day or two longer. The column was a few miles beyond Lofa. The Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, wiring at 9.05 p.111. Thursday, says 1â€"- ' Deeming it hopeless to attempt to break through the hordes. Admiral Seymour assayed a night retreat to- ward Tien-Tein. but he came into col- lision with a strong force of Chinese arriving from the north-west, and could neither advance nor retreat. There was nothing to do but entrench and to stand siege. He vainly at- tempted 'heliographic Communication, Seymour‘s mem caught several Chin- ese, who said the Legations had been burned and the Ministers killed. Oth- ea said that the Ministers had been imprisoned. The Chinese displayed tan- atical courage in the attack. Dulu'Lh, July 3.â€"\\'heaLâ€"Cash. No. 1 hard, 86 3â€"40; July. 86 3-40; Septem- ber, 85 3-80; December. 88 3â€"40; No. 1 Northern, cash. 84 3-4c ; July, 88 3-40; September, 85 3-40; December. 86 3-40; No: 2 Northern, 830; No. 3 spring, 79 3-40. Oatsâ€"27 1-2 00 28c. Cornâ€"421-2c. Toledo, July 3.â€"Wheatâ€"Spot, 88c; July, 88 1-40; August. 88 3-83; Sep- tember 88 5-80. Corn-No. 2, cash. 450; September. 43 1-2. Oatsâ€"No. 2, cash, 26c; September. 25 1-20. Ryeâ€" No. 2, cash 61. Clover seedâ€"1898. Prime 85.10; 1899. prime. $5.35; October, 5.97 1â€"2; No. 2. $4.80 nominal. Oilâ€"Un- changed. . Chicago. July 3.â€"\Vheat was active and firm, closing 1 5â€"8c over yester- day. The recovery was. due priuctpalâ€" Cornâ€"«Strong, in sympathy with the strong Chicago market. No. 1 Ameriâ€" can, yellow, 380, on track here; and mixed at 47' 1-20. Minneapolis, July 3.â€"Flourâ€" First patecnlts, $4.90; second patents, $4.70; first clears, $4.50; second clears. $2.80. Brimâ€"Higher; in bulk, $11.30, to $13.50. ' Buffalo, July 3.-â€"Wheatâ€"-No. 1 hard, round lots, 21-80; No. 1 Northern, round lots, 901â€"8c. \Vinter wheat-â€" No. 2 red. 880; No. 1 white, 87c.; Corn â€"Dull; No. 2 yellowI 481-40; No. 3 yel- low, 48c; No. 4 yellow, 470; No. 200m, 471-20; No. 3 yellow, 43 3â€"40. Outsâ€" Quiet. No. 2 white, 301-40; No. 3 white, 291-20; No. 4 white, 290; No. 2 mixed. 27c; No. 3 mixed, 26 1-2c. Rye â€"N0. Znominully, 650. Flourâ€"Strong. Toronto, July 3. â€" \Vheat. â€"â€" At the close the market showed a. net gain of 2c.’ Manitobas were weak early in the day, owing to the weak opening in Chicago, but at the close the tone was strong again. Ontarios sold to mill- ers at 750 went, but exporters could not bid more than 700. Quotations were as followazâ€"Ontario, red and white. 750, north and west; east, 760; Spring, east, 76c; Manitoba No. lhard, $1. Toronto and 'west; We. g.i.t.: and 940, upper lake ports. Millfeed, Dull, Bran. $13 to $13.50; and shorts, $14 to $14.50, west. Peasâ€"Firmer. Car lots are quoted nominally at 610, north and. west; and 62c, east. < Detroit, July 3,â€"Wheat closedâ€"N6. 1 white, cash, 87 1-20; No. 2 red, 87 1-20; July, 87 3-46; September. 89 There was a fair trade in butcher cattle, and 360d stuff sold well at from $11 to 84.50 per cwt. But; medium and inferior cattle were a. shade weaker, and not in such active demand as on Tuesday. We had a large pro- portion of grass-fed cattle here not in very good shape. Flourâ€"Strong. and in better de- mand. Offerings small. Export agents bid $3 for straight roller, in buyers‘ bugs. middle freights; and holders ask $3.10. There was a good demand for export cattle at from $4.90 to $5.25 per cwt for choice, and for light shippers [tom $4.60 to $4.85 per cwt. Most of the cattle was of medmm quality to-day. Shippers, per cwt. . $4 30 $5 25 Bunch-er, .choioe do. 3 75 {L 50 Butcher, med., :0 good. 340 365 Butt-her. inferior. A. 3 00 3 30 Slackers, per owt. . 3 01) 3 50 Sheeps and Lambs. Cows each Galves, each Oatsâ€"Steady. White oats, north and west. 271-2c; and east. 281-20. Buckwheatâ€"Quoted at 55c west. and '540 east. Toronto July 3,â€"We had a total of 60 loads to-duy, including 1,100 hogs, 800 cattle. 600 sheep and lambs, 100 calves, and acouple of dozen milkers. Barleyâ€"Steady, No. 2, 400, west, and 440 east; ‘No. 3, 42 to 430. . Ryeâ€"Quiet and steady. Car lots. west, 54c; and 550 east. Shockers continue weak and un- changed. ' Sheep,per cwt. . . Yearlings, per CWL Spring lamus, ea/chL Bucks; par owt. Spring lambs are worth from $2 to $4.10 each. Good spring lambs are wanted. For prime hogs, scaling from 160 to 200 1135., the top price is 6 1-20; heavy hogs, 55-80 ;- and light hogs, 53-40 per lb. ' Following is the range of quota- tions:â€"â€" . Choicehogs, per cvn ngh-L h0g5, perwwt. HéuVy hugs, per uwt. Snows . . . . . Stags. 4 . . Choice export bulLs were steady at from $4 to $4.60 per cwt. Only a few {cadets came in, and theme was Little enquiry. MARKETS [1F THE WORLD Prices of Cattle, Cheese. Grain. 8m in the Leading Markets. Milk/era and Calves. Hogs. Cattle 25 00 45 00 200 10 00 55E) U 42 U 650 General Botha. Uncommonly Active East of Pretoria. A despatch from London, Wednes- day, sayszâ€"The Boer conimandoes in the eastern part of the Orange River Colony appear to have been broken up by their leaders for the time into small pirtiee lthat harass large columns of the British incessantly, cutting of[ scouts, sniping pickets, and making a show of force here and there. Commandant Wet, Gen, Steyn‘s principal command- ‘er, is the genius of these guerilla operations. He is the hero on the Boer side in these last days of hostili- ties. Christian De I I Saturday's fighting began at day- break. The allied forces opened with several of the Tierrible‘s 4.7 naval guns ‘ six held guns. and numenous mar-lune guns, the firing guns at long range. lThey continued to advance steadily. Ithe Chinese artillery replying. The guns of the allies were more skilfully ha ndled and put the guns of the’Chin- 'ese out of action one by one. i There was keen rivalry among the representatives of the various natlons ‘yas to which should enter ’l‘ien-Tsin ‘first, and the Americans and British warm; in neck and neck. The Russians stormed the arsenal, thereby sustain- ing the largest losses. Large quantities of bar gold receiv- ed by merchants in the western part of the Transvaal from President Kru- ger, ostensibly in payment of requisi- tioned goods, have been seized by the British. If the genpineuess of the ac- counts can be proved. Lhe gold will probably be repaid How the Highlanders With 3. Con- voy Were Captured. A despatch from London says :â€"The official report of the capture of a. con- voy of fifty wag-gens. escorted by Highlanders, between Rhenoster and Heilbron, June 4, was only received on Tuesday. Lard Roberts reports that the convoy was surrounded and sent messengers to the nearest post ask- ing £qu assistance. But reinforce- ments were unable to reach the con- voy. and 150 Highlanders, in reply to aflag of truce from General Christian De Wet, surrendered during the morning of June 4. The Boers sharply attacked General Rundle’s transports near Senekal. June 23, but were repulsed. The Canadians are doing nplandld oufpost work. Pretoria telegrams say that supplies of warm clothing are reaching Lord Roberts’ infantry, who had been rag)- ged and had suffered from the cold. Commandant-General Botha is un- commonly actlve east of Pretoria. Lord Roberts' columns are steadily contracting the circle of their advance, Transvaal officials who were inter- viewed yesterday at Machadodorp by a correspondent of the Daily Express as- serted an intention to hold out to the last. President Kruger will probably retire to \Vuterval or Nelspruit. His physician thinks his condition of health will not allow him to go to the high veldt. The British prisoners at Nooit Ged- acht are now more comfortable. Large quantities of food and blankets have been forwarded to them, and their en. closure is lighted by electricity. "The fight reported yesterday was under Liélut.-Col. Gresfell, not Drehper Gem. Bra'baut came up during Um en- gagement; Total casualties of the two columns, 3 killed and 23 wounded. "Pretoria, June 30.â€"â€"Col. Page: re- ports from Lindley that he was enâ€" gaged on June 26 with a body oi the enemy who- were strongly reinforced during lhe day. A convoy of slores to; the Lindley garrison was uiso at- tacked» on June 26; but. after a heavy rearâ€"guard action. the convoy reach.- ed Lmdley m safety. 0.11‘ oa‘smzltles were 10 killed and 4 ofï¬cers. and about 50 wounded. "0n the prevxoua day. near Flcks- burg. Gen. Boyes’, brirgmde was Ln actlon thh abody of the enemy. casualties were 2 officers killed} men lya to a cessation of liquidation. A big cash business helped 'corn futures. July finishing the session 13-80 im- proved. Olits closed a shade higher, and provisions strong; July pork, 52 â€"2c, July lard, 22 1-2c. and July ribs 22 1-20 better. Cleznrances at the sea- board in wheat and. flour, were equal to 360,000 bushels. Primary recelpts were 430,000 bushels, compared with 972,000 bushels last year. Minnea- polis and Duluth reported 244 cars, against 351 last week, and 491 ayes: ago. Receipts here were 90 cars, three of contract grade. Estimated toâ€"morrowzâ€"W'yhent. 105 cars; com, 860 cars; oats. 350; cars; hogs. 30.000 head. A despaichv from London. sa‘yszâ€"The \Var Office has received the followâ€" ing from Lord Roberts:â€" CANADIAN S REPULSE BOERS. Lord Roberts Reports a Battle at Springs===8,ooo Sheep and 500 Cattle Captured. KRUGER’S GOLD SEIZED. ! GUERiLLA WARFARE. pacifzcaflon is going on 58 in the Rustenberg disttwt.‘ "Since Sunday Gen. French on the left, Gen. [an Hamilton on the right, and the 11th Division in ' the centre, have been endeavoring to surround the enemy’s position in the bills 15 miles east. There was fighting for three days. but Tuesday night the enemy de- camped, gging east. The total casual. ties were under-150." Fieree Battle Near Pretoria, With 150 British Casualties. A dapatch from London, Friday. says:â€"Bennett Burleigh. the corresâ€" pondent of the Daily Telegraph, in a despatch dated Pretoria ThursdayI says:â€" Surrender of De Villiers' Commando of 220 Men is Conï¬rmed. A despatch from London sayszâ€"TM War Office has received the followmg deapnchv from Lord Roberts:â€" "Preiorm Residency, Tuesday.â€" Sir Charles W'arren reports that the rebellion 111 Cape Colony, north of the Ornuge river, is gow OVcl‘. Th: last formidable body. under Commant‘ ant De Villl'ers. surrendered on Mon day. consisting of about 220 men 280 ’horses. 18 Waggons, Z60 rifles. nnc 100,000 rounds of ammunition. "General Baden-Powell reports rhni The Tong Shang retfugees and the foreign engineers at Chefoo estimate the Chinase troops now in the field as 25,000 drilled troops at Lutai, 25,000 at Shan-Hai-Wan, 15.000 driven oft from Tien-Tsin. and 51,000 at Pekin. Sev'erul thousand Japanese have left Tuku from Tien-Tsin, and altogether 13,000 Japanese have landed. The inâ€" ternational troops now aggregate nearly 20,000. and Japan is preparing to send 20,000 more. with.British,_Am- erhcarn, and other troops ordered to go. Probably 60,000 men will be available in a monkdx. FOUGHT TH REE DAYS. Why the Russian Losses Were Heaviest at Tlen-Tsln. A' despatch from London, Thursday, says:â€"The last steamer at (>de from Taku brought this message. dated Tien-Tsin, Monday:â€" "Meanwhile came Admlral Se; 4 morur's heliogrilph that ha posmo was rendered desperate. and that he could only hold out two days. The relief started at dawn bo-day. Monv day, wounded. and 1 man misaxng. " Gen. Lord )Ieth‘uen found yester- day that the Boer laager neur Vacla- kup and Spitzkup had been hastily re- moved in Lhe direction of Lindley. He followed the enemy 12 miles. and cap- tured 8,000 sheep. and 500 head nt cattle, which the enemy had seized in that neighbourhood. Onr casualties were 4 men Wounded. " Gen. Hunter continued his march yesterday coward the Vaal rivm‘ un- opposed. A few farmers along the roube have surrendered. “ Springs. the términus of the rail- way from Johannesburg. due east. was attacked early yesterday morn- lng. The Canadian regiment. which garrisons the place beat off the en- emy. No oas'uaLLiea are reported. "Tbs Russian general 111 command of the relief force had decided. In View: of Saturday's heavy fightlng and marching, that one day’s rest for the troops was essential, and that the ad- vance should not be resumed until to-day. _ " Lieut. North. reported missing a!- ter the attack on the construction train, is a prisoner of the Boers." STORMED THE ARSENAL. CABLE FROM ROBERTS. n-Powell repor istactoril;