Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jul 1900, p. 4

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A work by Mr. John Maeoun, 'nat- uralist to the Geological Survey of Canada, has just been issued from the Government press, which will be of great value to those interested ' in the natural history of Canadafi It is the first part of a work to which Mr. Macoun has given many yenis of study, and is entitled “ A Catalogue of Canadian Birds." In compiling this catalogue the author has eu- deavored to bring together facts on the range and nesting habits of all birds known to reside in, migrate to, or visit the northern part of the con- iinont. In addition thereto he has included Newfoundland, Cweoniand and Alaska. Jr. IIIâ€"Gludfi's Sjigeo‘n, ’Génpgie Brown, Frank Gra‘fiprohu Mm-tson, Jennie Gamble. Mdie Gamble. Geo: Hurt, AmPyPbilliys,-Charlie Hal-t, EJu. Phillips. ' Halfâ€"yearly n- m-b of 8 Markham and 21 ’augha‘n. In the course of a statement before the Agricultural committee the other day Prof. Robertson testified that there were last year in the North- 'West territories no less than 42 creameries in operation, whereas five years ago there was only one. The total value of the butter produced was over $103,000. This gives some idea of the value to the farmers of the North West and to the country generally of the work of the Agriculs tural Department in encouraging dairying in the West. Similar suc- cess promises to attend the efforts of the Department to encourage chicken raising. A trial shipment of chick- ens was sent to England early in the present year, upon which, after pay- ing all charges, a net profit of 53 cents a pair was realized. This is a pretty clear indication that there is money in chicken raising for the Canadian farmer. “ many battles have yet to be fought,’ and he does not underestimate the the gravity of the problems which aWait us when‘ the war is over. British subjects the world over will Tire-echo his prayer that the life of Her Majesty may never more be dis- turbed by war, and that before her glorious reign comes to an end, her {subjects in South Africa ‘ may have iearned to appreciate those British institutions, which in this age and in “every land signify liberty and equal Irights.’ Many of those who have lread With tears and with pride the, luoble speeches of the French-Cana- 'dian Premier during the war, must feel that on the day when we wel-V come home Lord Roberts and his army, the presence of Sir Wilfrid Laurier must not be lacking to the general happiness. In these testing months we have learned What men the world over are most precious to the empire. Before all, and separafte‘ from every other, comes the Queen’s noblest subject, Field Marshal Lord Roberts. After him, is there any namewe could mention in prefer- ence to Sir Wilfrid Laurier ? " After reading the speeches deliver- ed by some of the Opposition "mem- bers in the House of Commons, and the same sort of thing in some of the party newspapers who are opposed to him, it is a pleasant change to hote the observations of imperial Writers who, from their broader standpoint and ,untrainmelled by petty party prejudices, speak fairly and honestly their mature judgment, on passing events. The British Weekly of June 14th says of Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s recent speech in the House of Commons :â€"-“ Sir Wil-V frid Laurier apparently believes that RICHMOND ‘I‘iILL. July 5. 1900 Changeâ€"H. C. Bailey. Changeâ€"lekins 5: Co. Vaughan Council-J53. B. McLean Elm fi'ihml. SECOND ONLY TO “ BOBS.” New Advertisements. Jefferson me one of _\’fi~u‘ bau‘n‘d 3.11 I ruulmd It care-runy nu-l bo- iug resolved to dn rue utmust in fuvnr army Mast. wan to :he nearesi dru: sMrenml It“! a but?! 3 ntynurspavlz Cum and applied 1: strictly accurdlufr to dirm‘tlnnl. Re {are the flu: bmtiu \vu: usud I nnlh-e ‘. anluwrovsmens. And when the 5 rrnnth hauls was ubnlzc Lulf usmt my horse was L'J‘HDIL‘ZCI)’ curoll and without lam-mg a blemish ru him. Af’nr Musing ueumenz l gnre the horse goo-l care and (lid same light. Wk rk with Mundan- in: to see it it had elf-acted :3 curej then started to work the home Inn] And to my entire satisfaction he never wowed Any more lameness thromzh the whole summer. I can lecommond Kendall’s Spsvin Cum not only as An uoeuent, but as . sure remedy. to any one tbs: it mu, aoncern. Yours truly. 8410‘. TRI’H‘EN. All: your drusglst for Kendall's S “111 Cure nlm “A Trent” on xhe none." the boo me. or Add". Works thousands of curaa annually. Endorsed by the best breedargmdiltorseman everywhere. I’m-‘ 31; six (or 35. if: linimenc [or (amin use It has no equal. est Lomo. Ontario. Cam. Dec. H. 1893. A you :30] had a valunhln horse which got lama. I took him to the Vale: ry Human who pronuuncod i: (lot-nu Rpm-I. Ad g ve ma Mme hnpc, uthough hen. plleal a sharp I or. Thla mademntten only horse an flu: hone Inseam: so lame that it could not stand up: ~ _Att;-r z'rylniqn rythi_ In my 95ner I ' Bait; Si DB. 1:. .y: KENDXLL’L Spavinsfilingbonesfipiints Curbs, and All Forms of Lameness Yield to A lettef: sent by band'shuuld be left unsealed, unless a servant be the mes- seggexj. BTIsim-ss letters should hpgin with “ Sir," “ Dear Sir," or “ My dear Sir," or if in the plum]. with “ Gentlemen." and end with “ Yours truly " 01‘ “ Res- pectively ynurs "â€"never " Respect- fully " alone, mnitting the subject of the sentence. Ladies are addressed as “ Madam," whethnr married 01‘ um- married.â€"Mrs. Burton Kingsland, in the June Ladies‘ Home Journal. One dées not use the word “ house pmty " in an invitation. but says, “ I am asking a fevg‘ frieneg fate." Never allow anyone to read a letter intended for your eyes alone‘ It is in; trusted to your honor, even if not so explicitly stated. Typewritten letters are only admis- sable for busineSS communications. In such episbles the signature should be wrigtep by hapd. _ Never write :{nythixig over your awn signature of which you might later be ashamed; To every one outside thv fumin cir- cle the'ChI-istian mme and surname should be written in Zul‘i. A married woman writes her name, Mary Bruce Talbot, and ‘in a. business lotfo‘i- adds beneath it, in bI‘iIPkt'LS, Mrs. Jnlm Talbot. An urt‘man‘iéd wtiman Writes “Miss” in brackets. bean her full name, to a. stranger when a mply is eXBected. Speak first- of the interests of your corresponfiefit and afterwards of those wl_1_ich couctfrn yourself. Thié closed the day's sports and MI went home satisfied with their day’s outing notwithstanding the unfavor- able weather. A second Special prize was given for boys under 20, and this was “'0” Arthur Morison, Ralph Ker-skill, EH18 Phillips. Girls over thirteenâ€"Idelzia. Bost- Wick, Edna, Hodgins, Mary Hogan. A special prize was then given‘ for a bicycle race which was won by Ralph Ke‘rswill, Nels'm) Leggv, Jnfik Legge. Buoys between 9 and 13â€"Jo‘un MUH- $02.. Kepneth Legge, 991)!) flear‘n; des over thirteehâ€"G’ax-field Bost- \x'i£l§._Geo. Iialjtg,_0has. R'rfaylgnigel Girls between 6 zt'hd 'Qâ€"Genrg'ie Brown, Almeria Stewart, Lacy Rout- Iegge and Man Ball geiqrual} » Gix-ls under 6â€"Hazol DnncanflVroxy Topper,Bexmie StL-\\'urt,Ednu Clubine, Kga Phillips. Boys betheen 6 and 9â€"~E1'ny Dibh, Legpqrd_ Duncan. A Stgmfiyfl (Zaseley. Girls betwe‘e‘n QWEmd Iiiâ€"Clam. Bost- wick, Jennie Gamble,Sudie Fisher. After tea the races were held on the green in front of the lmtvl. The first was boys under 6. The names are m:- i-anged according tn merit. Harald Murphy, Willie Patton. Sydney Morris, Bel-1; \Villiums, Elinor Club- me. - AlthoOgh the Wind was high and the weather cool the children and oung people appeared Lu enjny the eating until about 5 p. 111. when the children were called to sit down at the well-filled tables. After they held satisfied themselves with the delicate viands placed before them, the tables were then made ready for the parents and young people who showed that they beau-tin appreciated the good things befere them, by the length of time they remained at the tables. It, was encouraging Ln sue the num- ber of parents who turned out thus showing that, they cooperated 'with the trustees and twat-hers in their effort to give the children one good day’s outing durirg the summer holi- days. DI. I. l. KENDALL COIN". ENDSIURO fAllS. VT. On Saturday, June 30th, 1! Public School children of Oak and Jefferson nlbng with their 91's, officers and friends met at, Luke where they held their picqic. ‘ Correct Form in Lettei“ Writind. r Promoted to Sen IIIâ€"Sadie Fisher. “ “ Jun. lIâ€"Annie Bell, Leomud Duncan, Eva Jones, Erny Dibb, Stella Mm'pfiy, Stella. Casely. Lorfi‘te 'Clubin‘é. To Jun. Pt. IIâ€"Hm-old Murphy. Avem 7e attendance, 32. Atten ed every dayâ€"Mary GUI-man. - H. J. SAIGEON, Teacher. PI'OthLed to Jun. IVâ€"Gvo. Topper. Ethel Cluhine. ‘ Promoted to Sen IIIâ€"Sadie Fisher. Sen. IIâ€"Jean Topper, Gladys Legge. Pearl Phillips, Jennie Uster, John Kerswill, Alice Oster. ll him About the 03‘9. Hts :tnve 1 smde It onrefuliy and bo- as: in fuvnr nhny mast. wen: mlan pottlz qtyoursx‘swh. June 30th, 1900, the teuéh- Bond’s ammul Ridges moée oPncAL 00.. Parties requiring pasture for stoék np_p_l)Av to Almgeamouut ofprivatelunda to loam on improved farm property. Five per cent. in. tel-est. Easy terms for repm‘meut. No com- mission churgeinrllml filmy to ‘ fr‘eeixéld 1min fihildiug, Tcmute Or at Rmbmund H.111 on Wye. MONEY ! MONEY! £53335; FLGUREMG M3 The Great English Remaiy. v sold and recommended by g? druggists in Canada. On] re L\\ able medicine discovere . s ,2; 7 a4.» {Jackages guaranteed to cure a tonne of Sexua Weakness, all eflects of abusi or excess. Mental Worry. Excessive use of To bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receiP‘ olprice, one package $1. six. $5. 0m: will pm “twill cure. Pamphlets free to any addijesa. The Wood Company, Wmdsdh'm ]OS. HALL, A. MOODIz'i, --A-N Dâ€" High Grade Family Flour t8 Wood‘s F‘bosphndine is mm in Hill by \V. A. Sandersonpxjuggwt. Any Flour will make Bread, but, we will guarantee If your watch has been running two )'<-:.1-s since it was cleaned, it will pay you to have it properly clmmcnl and (died to avoid ridges Wearing into the piwlts ,and causing expensive repairs to make it keep good time again: > JERRY SMITH. Practical W'al chmu ker. (Graduate Canadian Hux-olugical Ins. Toronto). BELLE AURSBA The balance in nearly all watches vibrates 18000 times per hour, making about, one and one half turns each Vibration. The approximate circumâ€" fex ence of the pivots being .471 millim- eters and would travel in two yours a distance of 222,866,448352 yards,1 foot, 6% inches. _ The approximate circumference of the balance is 47.12 millimeters and would travel in” tx’vo years through sp'uce of 461,878 miles, 3057 yards, 1 foot, 11 inches or nearly twice around tligglobo. W13; £5:- Wood’s I’hm;1:flm¢iims 4756 interesiing Facts About Watches To make more bread, lighter bread " bread that will keep moist, longer, ahd better flavor. ed bread with less lab- or than any other flour. Made to suit. Lhe'p‘enpl'e and sold at a reasonabie price. 93 Yonge Street, Toronto. Solid Gold. ...$‘2.8£ Best Gold Fill l.5( Best, Glasses... H] We guarantee perfect satisfaction. It is strftfly NAUGHTON BROS. PASTURE 25.6.7317. xwgsncg.‘ Barker’s TAI L O R Richmond Hill v v Von-~- .. . IV 1 [‘5‘ l THOS. COOK, Can-ville SELL IT. Works. gent. LLS. ‘hmr‘nc' Patent taken out through us receive special hatice, without, charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent. ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent” sent upon request. Patents aegured through as advertised for sale at our expense. Evans Building, iflieanmg Is‘ the place to go for firsbclas‘yhnrness at, right prices. Good Stuck, Gout? ’Wé‘x’k and Satisfaction guaranteed. BUGGY DUSTERS, FLY NETS/TRUNKR, VALIL‘SES, emtbotheirsd The Scotsman, Stems, E & D, and Cnlumbia. Bicycles, at from $35.00 to $85.00. All fully guaranteed. REPAIRYN G PROMPTLY ATTEMDED T0. C. MASON, WELEQP‘JS 4% CO. On SaturdayJuly 7,We place onsale between 80 8c 40 pairs of assorted boots and shoes worth from 900. to a pair. Your choice Saturday for 750. e HABBWABE WEE One of the best Oil stoves on tide marl- ct ; and everything in the tin and hardware line cheap for cash.‘ Eavetrougfi‘mrg a specialty. Repairing Prompt‘ly Done. 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, Toronto. Scythes'for 75c; Snaths, 50c.; ‘scythcs stones, 5c; Hay Rakes,- 13c ; Butter Scales, $2 50. ‘J‘VEGKLE88 05L, 3 to 6 inch, only $3 per keg. 'BICHMONfi HI: NAILS WELKENS ~& 60.. .5): ICE BE€DN1§D 1111411 DAKSY 011 U} VICTOR J. EVANS & co., H. O. BAELEY, MAPLE. (Patent Attorneys.) ALSO AGENT FOR. (£13 0. EEC D ONAIAD ways in Any customer presenting. this Coupon on Satur- day, July 7th,w1'11 receive a discount of 15:: on all cash purchases of on that d “ cleaning 1i Pure stuck. The bFSt, only 40 cents a gallon. Binder Twine Richmond Hill At less than carload prices. WASHIHGTON, D. c. Machine Oil fiTOVE only 25 cents. S, and~oshersttpplks 'a‘fc boots or shoes .xy, â€"â€" excepting nes.” g;ng

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