Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jul 1900, p. 5

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The Mnthndist Church Sabbath School will have their annual excur- -sinn ‘to Munro lel‘k tn-morrn\v,Fridny. ‘Cm-s will leave the church at 8.30. RICHMOND HILL, Fire Brigade tum-ting and practice on Monday evening no" Boys" straw huthI'S'. nice fine stmw. good silk hand, at 3.30. Atkinson & Swntzer. . Got ready for Civ Catharine: on the l Try a can of rmuly lunch beef tms, 15c. Atkinson S; Switzor. an...» as if. v Formsplu-n-ius pivkt‘d fresh every mm-ning. leave your order w1th Mrs. J. L. Han-is. Any pm-srm on the lookout for a. bargain in a bicycle mmmt do better 1 than look in at Tm;- LIBERAL ufl‘ico. Mr. Henry one day last an attack of on the road ‘1‘; I‘n rPspmmv to a. requisition 0f citi- zens, Room: Savage has )mclziimed next Thursday. July 12. n (,ivic Holi- day for thv Municipality of Richmond A fresh supply of Pufte'rsmi's chvco- lutes and bou buns. ..Atdgitxsun and Switzer. ' Get‘ymu- tickets for St. Cuthm'ines, :(md enjoy a holiday away from home. The sail up Lite 'W’elland Canal and through the Keck is said to be delight- "l‘tf . The followizg‘haveâ€"been proumtod. Names in order of meritzâ€"Hax-I-y Newmn, Fred Grabamflomrie Brown, Nellie Campbell, Arthur Lowo, Ger- »trude Lynett, Ernest Bx-eukey and Lorne Perkins (equal), Bernal Proctor, Arthur Lindsay, Ella. Gamble. Con~ .‘iitinned (required to write again on certain subjects), Louise Naughtnl), .Niola Kean), Lem} Proctor-,Cecil Keys. Hill. Mmi's fine undvx-wonr‘, summer weight, nivo silk fartings, mocha shade. 500. each. Atkinson & Swit-zer. Tuvnip Seedâ€"G1- »swd for late sowing nip seed. Prices .iBzos., Elgin Mills. ‘indies’ black cotton hose, fast black and shaped 19g. 120.. per pair: with polka dot, :27». Atkinson & Switzer. I‘Gnoa élvalwa CHI-rants, 8c. : valencia rfiisins. 10c. : mince meat, 100.; corn starch, 5c. : rolluluid starch, 10c. At- .kinson & Switzer. ‘The fm‘nriu‘ pw ing to vaton broken a few day shot. Mustvr Er. the hide taunt-LL very pretty robe. Special line of buys’ outing shirts in «cream ground, with nice colored silk stripes. all sizes, '50 cents. Atkinsun & Switzer. The Epwurth League furnished an excellent tea. at their lawn party on Mrs. Trench’s grounds. Monday evan- .ing. The strawberries, ice cream and other delicacies were much enjoyed though the evening was a little cue] for cold drinks. The grounds were nicely illuminated and n. pleasant social time was spent by those who attended. The receipts, including :ten-cent dinner on thv following day amounted to about $45 Boys’ Brownie overalls. the proper thing for summer wear, 40c. per pair. Atkinson & Switzer. As many of‘the Epworth League members have in View the Sunday school excursion to Munro Park on Friday, Rull Gall service will be postâ€" poned till the following Friday. Auctioneer Saigeon had a busy af- ternoon yesterday. The Soules pnup- exty was sold to Mr. H. F. Hopper for $880, and about 40 cattle and a, large number of plow shares were disposed uf at the snie at. the Palmer House. Milcli cows went, to $50. Mr. Jus. Brownlee has been in hard luck the past, week. His favorite dog got poisoned, in all probability by some person carelessly allowing the drug to lie around, and on Dominimr Duy he got a bone 'frucmre'd in'his hand in a. very simple manner. Now the fruit 5945011 has begun you will want fruit jals; we have a large stock and are sellilg at close prices. Atkinson .8: Sxfi’bzer. 1 Next, Thursday being Civic Holiday in Richmond Hill, LIBERAL subscrib- ers may expect their paper one day earlier than usual next week. Corres- pondonts will kindly send in their con- trilmtvinus not, later than Tuesday. Lndios‘iinou skh‘ts, nicely (rimmed. and “'bll-‘nmideu at, 90m. $1.20, $1.75 and and $2. Atkinson 8; Switzer. Maple Leaf and Union Jack enamel- ed stick pins, 10c. each. Atkinson & Switzer. , Paris Greenâ€"W'e have the proper stuff to kill the bugs. Naughtou Br()s., Elgin Mills. HIGH SCHOOL PROMOTION. 14 (f) (7 LA\VN PARTY. ' Levee losbu good hm‘se . wet-k. The aninml'lmd E inflnnmmtion, and died mm Toronto. >dâ€"Gx-ey Stone Turnip owing; also Swede tur- "ges right. Naugbton pmy. Donald, belong- xn 13:118., got his leg ays agnund bad to be Fir-r19 Newton is getting ml. which will makea ir Holiday 2&1) of July July and St. in 111). MOO The. fallm‘ candidate-s :1 High $01100] Alexa l’hmde. Memory and Ohjectâ€"Alox. M9- Nuughtnn. Freehand and Objectâ€"Frank Storey. Perspoclyivvâ€"(Tecil Klinck. Fret-hand. Memory and Objectâ€" Hm-ny Klinck, Arthur Lowe. Eafle Newton, Lnnceloy Scott, Anna Stev- enson, Julm Morgan. W'e have :1 line of tea. and dinner sets in good patterns and gmud ware that. we are clearing at about. half price. Atkinson & Switzer. Murray Stow-y, Donald Atkinson, Sadiu Smith, Muriel Brydon, Victor Brmvn, Flm-vnce Cnmnhs. ' l’t. H in Jun. Hâ€"Evn PH”. Haze] Smith. Marjorie Bnykx Han-y Naugh- tm), Mulwi Vanda-burgh. Russell \N‘il- snu, Frank Brown, ’Il'ene Marsh. The proper thing for excursions, picnit‘s and outings, is A nice m‘gligee or soft, flannel shirt; see the range we are showing at 50, 75 and 85c. Atkin- snn & Switzer. EXC U-Il 8933‘: AND PICNIC. _ Court Richmond. A. O. F., 'Camp Lord l‘llgin, H. U. 5., Ivy Lodge, A. 0. U. \V., the Lacrosse Club, and the Riclnnond iiill Old Boys, “illrun a grand 'Unim: Jixcursion from Rich- mond Hill to St. Catharine's (ifi'Thurs- day. July 12.- The excursion will be by Metropolitan Electric Railway, the Tolonto Electric Railway, and thence hy’ stoainér “ Lakeside ” across the lake and '_up the \Vellandu Canal. Specialgicaijs; will leave the ‘Waiting room at 6.30 a. in. sharp; steamer leaves Yonge St. wharf, east side, at 8 a. nu; and returning leaves St. Cathariin at 6 p. m. Return fare from Richmond Hill :â€"Adults, 75 cents; children, 50 cents. Return fare from Toronto :â€"Adults, 50 cents ; children, 30 cents. Among the attrac- tions at the grounds in the afternoon will be 3. Championship Laurosse Match between Richmond Hill and St. Oatharines. Hot and cold water at the park furnished to picnickcrs who take thoir baskets, and transportation of supplies free As this is Richmond Hill’s Civic Holiday it is expected that many of our citizens will participate in this pleasant outing, and spend the day together. All of the Old Boys in Toronto are cordially invited tojoin in this grand reunion. Tickets may he had any day previous to the ex- cursion at THE LIBERAL office, the Concrete House, Sanderson’s Drug Store, or Savage’s Store, or from the committee. r‘l'ecml Embrude Menu n Louise N Object- Miss Hume of Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and M rs. A. J. Hnme. Mrs. James Brownlee is visiting relatives in the city. Mrs. H. Scott. and Miss J. Fulton Hamilton went Sunday with Mrs. A. Mapes. Mr. David Shea-tn and daughter of Toronto spent; Mun ay with his broth- er, Mr. J. Startup. Miss Furlong of Chicago, is spend- ing her holidays with her sistev, Mrs. J. lanes) Miss Norine Brodie of Aurora. is spending the holidays with her uncle, Mr. J. Startup. Miss Kennel-5165' and Master Howzu-d Kennersley of Tomnw spent a couple of days with their grandfaLbex: Mr. and Mrs. F. C. 00198 and little daughter of Toronto, spent. Sunday and Dominion Day at the \Dominion House. Mr. Armand Savage returned from \Viunipeg on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Coolubs baby of Newmarket are guests at J. \V. Elliott's. Mr. Thos. Steele of Orillin, made a visit. with his brother, Mr. D.'Cé Sheele. “ Clydesdale Fuplu,“ and returned Tuesday. Master Starr McMahon attended the celebration in Aurora on Dominion Dav, and captured first. prize in the Boys, under 12 years, foot race, Mr. Charles Gm , clerk in the Bank of Commerce at. \ 'alkerville, is spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Teefy. Miss Keith left the latter part (if the week tu spend part of her hqlidays at her home in Lindsay. Mr. Henry McDonald, ‘banic clerk in the town-nflfiwckville, made a short, visit with hisgaycum here last Sunday. PERSONALS. ml only â€" Ernest Bl‘eukey, Lynvu, ‘hm-les Hurpt-l'. y-â€"Ell:» Gamble. Viola. Keum, mghtun, Ben-Hal Proctor. â€"I)unglus Derry. :1! Geometry and Memory-â€" wing Were the snccesfiul at the Art Exams. at the A HT EXAMS. (‘~vx‘(i(icato-â€"-I\Iiss Hattie Mr. Cecil Kl'mck. mTCi Memoryâ€"Eva Hes- Imnp, Alf Brenkey, Fred il Keys. and Mr. Mr. \Villmx- Skeele of McAlisfor. In~ dian Territory. is home for a. couple nf uwnths. This is ML‘.Skeele’s first visit to the parental rouf during three years. Miss Ge: tmlde ’G’x-n‘ifi. p13néipal of \Vilkespm-L Public School, spent, a. few days with her parents in the village. and is at present visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. J. Switzer.m1d Misses Ethel, Olive and Hazel Swit er left; to-day to spend the next two months in their cottage at Grimshy Park. Other memlwrs of the family will gu later. Mr. G. Cooper of .Men-iuksvillo is home for the summer vucnihm. Grant is taking a. little practice on the la- crosse field and will assist the boys in their match at St. Guthm'ines on the 12th inst. \Ve are pleased to learn that, Mr. E. A. James of Thm'nhill. has made him- self popular in Don. Last Friday ev- ening tho Round Table gave a banquet at which he was the guest, and Sutur- dny aflenmon the pupils of his school presented him with a gold pen and an address. A very pretty wedding was celebrat- ed in St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, yesterday afternoon at‘a'c’clock, when Elizabeth, oldest daughter- of Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Logge, was marl-ird' to Mr. John Larkin, merchant, and post- masLorut Nolpleton. The church had been tastefully adorned by the young people of the congregation with mam- gum-ites and orange blossoms and look- ed very pretty. Tho marriage cerv- mony was performed by the rector of the parish, Rev. Mr. Kil-kby,who was assisted by Rev. Mr. Hand of Lloyd- town, the church being crowded to the doors. The bride was handsomely costumed in white swiss muslin, with bridal veil,‘ decorated with lilies of the valley, and looked graceful and queenly. Her Maid of Honor was Miss Flo. Lat-kin, who was .dressed in orgundie over white.- and she was further attended by Miss Menzies of Toronto, and Miss Emily‘ Legge, who were attired in nrgundie over- blue and yellow. The bride and her fair attendants made a lovely group, and every movement was executed with case "and grace. The groom was supportsd by Mr. C. Legge. My. Trent‘zuid M_r. Garter. lininediately after the interesting ceremony the invited guests to the number of about 75 drove to M 1‘, Le ge‘s residence, 2nd concession of Vang an. where the bride and groom received the hearty congratulations of their niauy friends. The wedding gbrrcakfast “was served" in :l miunmothgtentpthe tables being also benutifqlly (leeorated with choice flowers. After a very recherchebreak- fast. in which nearly every Seflsonztlile delicacy was included. Itev.Mr.Kii-kby proposed the toast, “ The Bridennd Groom," in an able and witty speech. The groom on behalf of himself and his bride responded briefly in ' ap- propriate words. Rev. Mr. Hand next pro )osed “ The Bridesmaids,” and Mr. (J. egge replied. Rev. Mr. Steacy of Ottawa, then proposed “ Our Host and Hostess,” and Mr. G. Legge responded. Mr. T. F. McMahon was then called upon and made, a. few complimentary remarks relative to the happy event. All the speakers, as far as good taste would permit, referred to the umiabil- ity and true worth of the bride, and the admirable personal qualitiesof the groom. The presents were handsome and useful. The newly-married couple left in the evening, followed by shuwers of rose leaves and the best; wishes of all pI-és- ent. They are taking the SLLawrence trip, and on their return will go to their home in Nobleton. The spring crops are looking fine. Mr. I. BrumWell’s raising went ()1? well. During the morning Mr. D. \Vundm-d had the misfortune to fall and break his leg. “MEâ€"$135115. Legge of Oak Ridges, spout Sunday with their daughter. XV. gapell.“ ‘ AL The ladiesr0f the Auxiliary and oth- er friends met last week, and after the business part of the meeting was con- cluded they spent. the I'eumindei- of the time quilting. Refreshments were served and a. very enjoyable time spent. Mr. Emptingham, who has been very low with pneumoma, xs slowly reggveriflgt. Mrs. NEil and children, who have been spending the past. month with Mrs. Thus. Frisby, returned home to Port Huron last “Leek. Miss 3955b A. Brown is home from St. Margaret’sr .Cullege for the holidays. We are pleased t0 learn she has been so successful in her work, taking First Class Honols in Modems: A “iffsfjrilriiall find Mrs. McDonald of Richmond Hill, were calling on friend’s last week. \\’e.ure pleased to learn that, Mrs. VVm. Lawsun is *I't‘coxux'i-ng fmm her recent illness. Boys’ suspenders. good heavy web, with leather ends, 9c. per pair; men's fine suspenders at. 17, 23, 35nnd 50c. Atkinson 5.: Switzel'. Money to k on on first mongnge farm pro ger- ty, a: five per can, fi-Li Enquire at . N‘an v .n»n.r nm__ _ Knnie Prune of Woodstock, is visiting at Mr. S. M. Blpr’; {KIN â€"LI~‘,GGF.‘At St. Johns' church, Oak Enqgcs. by Raer‘Kixkby. nf Aux-urn, assist,- eJ hy Rev. Mr, Hzmd of Moydtown. on Well- ucétlay. Julv 4. Mr. John Lm‘khl‘ostmuster, ~Iafuhlutnn, no Elibnboth, eldest duughmr of (f. F. Logge, Es”, Jefl'ersen. Money 130 Loan A MARC UERITE “'EDDING. Victoria Square "A RHSAGES Jefferson. mama omce ’Is Properly handled and cared for pays big dividends. Everyone who owns a little ground can put in a few trees or small fruit plants, and in a very few years have a profitable garden. We are the largest nurseymen in Canada and ship over twenty thous‘ and orders annually and guarantee satisfaction. We want a good man in each township to devote part or all of his time to our work. The general storekeeper, school teacher or retired farmer can add materially to his income by engaging with usâ€"while any good ener- getic man with a liking for Horticulture, and willing to work hard for a. few years, will build up forhimself a connectionxthat will insure a steady income year after year, Agent tor the VVesteru & York Mutual Fire Insurance Com- panies ; Appraiser lor the Canada Permanet Loan & Savings Company. Call and get a circular for Accident and Sick Benefit ; Policy only $1.00 annually. Business attended to with promptness‘. ‘ CHASE BROTHEmS 00.. Ltau, Colborne, Ont. LARGEST NURSEYRIENIN CANADfi. ESTABLISHED 43 YRS Richnlond Iiill. asy terms ot payment. Samples always on hand. 312.793.290.98? MNFEDERATIBNLEfi ESSDGIATIUN. the cash paid and held on poliqholders account as shown by' the annual report. Pamphlets and full particulars regarding the association, different plans of In- surance will be sent on application to if you have the ability we have work for .you to do. That is what all young dressy men are after and we are supplying their needs. Single thread Balbnggan Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, 50 cents a suit. Double thread Balbriggan Underwear satin facings. extra nice goods, mocha shade, 50 cents a. sult. Ceylon Flannel Outing Shirts, in nice stripes and checks, 75 cents. Cream Colored Outing Shirts, nice silk stripe, 50 cents each. A nice range of Negligee Shirts in Per- cale, silk mixed fronts, and all silk fronts at 75 cents, 80 cents and $1.0G. Something cool in suspenders makes us look for the French Gayot, made in extra light web, with slide ends,_ 50 pent; a pair. In Silk Ties nothing i§ nicer for summer Wear than a nice Imperial, Flowing Ends or Kerchief, 50 cents each. In wa'sh‘ties we have a nice line of Bows Four-in-Hands and Strings, in neat patterns 2 for 25 cents. ' THE ORCHARD G. SAVACiE, DISTRICT AxGENT. IA RELIABLE.COMPANY. Ei/erything that is cool and comfortable .T. C LARK, WILL YOU VVORK FOR US”? Atkinsam and gwitzezx wind...“ PIANO, ORGAN, WM MRGHINE IF YOU WANT TO BUY A CALL ON OR WRITE

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