This system of "ringing-up" is to be, amployed on the new British post- atï¬ce telephonas. (this new system hats been success- fully tried by the Natiunul Telephone Company 911 the trunk lines with Scotâ€"â€" land, and was inaugurated at Bristol on \Vhit Monday for the benefit of local subscribers. Under this new method the electric bells at the exchange and. ofl the subâ€" scriber‘s wire will be done away ‘with, and small electric glow lamps used in their stead. These will be so arreng, ed that the moment the subscriber lifts the receiver from the swith the Lamsp will be 11ngth at the exchange, time attentiou.of the operator culled without the subscriber having to literally “ringâ€"up." "The weather was bitterly cold in the mornings, and they sat in the cold wind shivering with their naked bodies till the sun warmed them. May I be preserved from seeing~ such scenes 0! misexy again I" ‘ * "And yet the patience of the poor people was wonderful. When I was not actually giving away money they would sit silent for hours looking pite- ouslyigit the tent to see if I _ showed no signs of coming out. or beckoning to any of the worst cases to come for- ward, The Na-tlonal Telephone Company of England proposes to introduce into their 'metmbolitau system an entire- ly new method "ringing-mp.†"I had b0 shut my tent doors down to prevent them really mobblin-g' me in their despair, and, if I put my hand nut to drop a coin into some-«bne'a who seemed in a more pitiuble state than others, fifty more hands were thrust through the opening, aqd I had to close every hand I put some- thing into for fear the money bhuuld be swatcth out of it by another starving wmtch. as frequently hap- pened. Every now and. then in some news. paper or magazine, little known to the general public, ouc comes across pass- ages which bring vividly before the mind the almost indescribable horrors of the Indian famine. Here are some passages from an article in the Indina Magazine written by‘A. Rogers and describing what he saw recently in an rmtâ€"of-the-wuy part of India. “Numbers of (women, with children it their breasts vainly striving to iraw a little nourishment, surrounded me \i'ilh such cries as: ‘b'uhebI lbuve Mld no food [or two days, and have no milk left [or my child; Subeb, I. have no [00d [or myself; how can 1 produce nourishment for my starving child 9‘ children, with a blank look of stupe- taution through actual hunger, sat tat naked on the ground, and hefped Mich other in searching for and scrap- up; up grass seed from the dry sand. L saw one boy, not Byears old, who was the sole provider for himself and two younger ones. The ribs of all could be distinctly traced on their bodies, while their legs and arms were like triedâ€"up pieces of stick. One blind awn, terribly-emaciated, was led to my lent every day by a stick held! by a naked little girl of about 4 years of lge. Another, a miserable old wo- man, wilth lher gray hair floating in the wind, and with no clothing but a lion cloth of nags, with her bones al- most protruding through her skin, same and stood before the tent in a Glazed state, and could not.understand what I said to her in her own lan- guage, but saw a small ilver coin I pressed into her hand. and looking up lnto my eyes threw her arms round my neck, and “with her head. leaning on my chest sobbed aloud. .I‘Iu‘ Telephone Ilell M'lll Ito Almllshed In In England nml Ila I'lnce Taken by an 2' w .. a - :. fl _ .- a . d Vivid I'lcmru or the sufl’orlnz In the INDIA’S STARNING EOPLPE. NOMORE “ HELLOCENTRAL †l~‘:llllln(- Dim-Ir 811 me. Dolly Su’iftâ€"‘Vhy are so many of the girls fairly throwing themselves at young Munnimun‘? Sally Gayâ€"Be- cause he is such a good catch. lpre- Is the best remedy for corns extant, IL acts quickly. makes no sure spots and effects a radical cure. A (hund- red imitations prove its value. Take neilher substitutes offered as good nor the dose imitations of the gen- uine too often offered. True. replied the labor man, but I cannot find a union label on it any- where. ache is cured as if by magic internal or external. finds a antidote in Nerviline. Try it A False Frontâ€"Pa, our new dog is awful deceitful. How, Tommy? \Vhy, when he barks at people he. wags his tail. The union labor leader took the $5 bill and examined it critically. Then he handed it back and shook his head. I can’t accept it, he said: Why nut ? You’ve earned it, protest- ed Lhe other. In business comes when th satisfactlon isgiven the public why Nervilme sell; so rapidly. NOT THE ONLY CASE. Biggsâ€"Why. what causes your lit- tle boy to cry 30? DiggsIâ€"t ‘5 the result of his absence of mind. Riggsâ€"Absence of mind? How is that ’4’ Electricity in the atmosphere af- fects your system. said the scientific physician. Yes. said the patient, who had paid $10 for two visits, I agree with you there are times when one feels overcharged. Niblickâ€"Brassle is the most en- thusiastic man over golf I have yet seen. Loftierâ€"Why.1didn't know that he played the game at all. Nib- lickâ€"He‘ doesn't; but he sells golf goods. Digg‘sâ€"W’ell, yuu see he didn’t mind what his mother told him. so I had to punish him. \Vifeâ€"O John! I was shopping at Joblotz’s (0-day. and I saw just the sweetest thing thereâ€"‘ Husband. diplomaticallyâ€"Yes. That's a great scheme of Joblotz to have mirrors all through his store. 8&1 mt). Jimmyâ€"I guess you feel pretty bad that you have lost your job. Johnâ€" nyâ€"I don't care a bit about the job; but I wish I had the pay. just the Same flavor as Japan, only more delicious SOMETHING QUITE NEWâ€" CARRYING OUT THE BOYCOTT IDEA. PUTNAM‘S CORN EXTRACTOR Woman’s Weakness Dodd’s Kidney Pills A woman’s reprod uctivo organl Ire in the most in- tense and continuous lym- athy with her kidneys. ho slightest disorderin the kidneys brings about a corresponding disease in the reproductive or ans. Dodd'a Kinne Pills, yre- storing the kiIneys to their perfect condiï¬on, prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders peculiar to women. Pale young girls, worn-out mothers, suï¬eï¬ng wivel and women entering upon the Chan 6 of Life, your best frien is CEY LON GREEN TEA FLASHES OF FUN. Success w hm} jhoioug‘b . Pain, prompt Thaf’s T‘o oth- Yes. I encourage my typewriter to uhsw gum. “'11) do you do that? at tires her jaws so much that she can". talk. c-rbollc Dlslnfectuntn. Bonpo. Olnl- mont, Tooth Powdero, aim. lure been awarded 100 medals and dlplomu for superior excellence. Their regular ule prevens infecti- ous diseasel. Ask your dealer to chain n supply. Lists mailed free on application. ‘Jâ€˜ï¬ â€œth; t2: I;ultu_egnn1gln Iii â€"..-. vvuvl -. uvuuvm. w uu-uu- nun unâ€" Tho Dawson commission 00., Our. Wont-Market I Oolborno at. Toronto: Pvuunv. swan. aces. AWEâ€?! ALMOST AS PLEAS U RABLE. Jed. did you get a new wheel this aummer? m» u mervury will surely destroy the sense of smell and rompleioly deranze the whole system (then entering 1t through bhgnmous surface; Such articles should never a used exuept on vrencriptions from ro nimble physician 3. e the damage they will do a ton told to the goo you can p‘ossibly derive from hem. He ['5 Cehngh Cure. manufactured by .J. Chonef 8c 00., o- ledo. 0., contains no mercury. and a teken ln- ternally. act-Ins directly upon the ‘blood and mucous aux-laces of the system. In buying Hall’s Caterrh Cure be sure you get the genu- ine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo. 92m. by F. J. Cheney 5‘5 Co. Testimonials ree. Sold by Dru glans. price 750 per bottle. Hell's Femi y Pllln are the best. Lowest pricel ever uuoted‘ Fine analogue 500 lllu union! mailed free. Write ul (or anything in Music or Muslcal Instruments. & 00., Toronto, Ont. Ind Winnipeg, MM No; bult we've got a ball-bearing lawn mower that my wife can run. Beware of Ointments for Camrrh that contain Mercury. Every Town can have a Band FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSIDW'S SOOTHING SYRUP Ill-been used by motherl [or their chunlren teething. It 800 ban the child. sum".- tha gum]. ullayl vnln. cares what] oollo. And In the beat remz-dy for di-rrhun. 250‘s bottle. Sold by I“ drugsms throug‘hout the worldA Bu nun “duh (on " Mn. Wlnnow‘o 00min; Syrup." 57- JAMEs' HOTEl--?::°;mfl-T.-,§$ar’"é Runway. Flru-olauCommunal-luau»; Modomlm- provomnuâ€"Rnu modern“. LAW Come imto tha garden Maud; You coaxed me to plant those seeds; And unless you would pose as a down- right fraud. You'd better help pull these weeds. A Baton Buncoâ€"Uncle Golswan â€" By gum. Mandy! Ef I wuz the man- ager 0' this show I'd dock th' wages 0' that chap that that's waan' th' flute. fer. I swum! he haln't played The “ Balmoral,†Free Bus 31%“: AVENUE HOUSEâ€" note Instruments. Drums. Unllorns. Etc. F. G. OALVERT & 00.. HANOHEOTER - - ENGLAND. A RESPONSIBLE DAMSEL on it th’ hull arternoon MDNTHIAL HOTEL DIREOTORV. GALVERT'S STRATEGY. Barrldbora,ebo..removod no WesleLBlgua. , Eloh- mond’Sti Mlllo, Ml". E'Halm MrGillâ€"College Avenue Family Hotel rate: 81.50 WPC l03l ’brbnto. Am.P1ui Relifloul Plum ran. Stutu'nry, 5nd 'Ohurgh' 6;nnmoï¬ci3 Plano-cloud oflm._ l_hll orgggJ-epeyg pggmp} abcgn. Mon I I " '9' ' ' " “ ROOFING SLATE in Black. Red or Green. SLATE BLACKBOARDS. we I“ my Publla And High Schools Toronto) Rooï¬ng 01%.? tab. Uonl Tar, etc. [(0017le TILE (be New City Build; lugs. Toronto. done b our ï¬rm). Meal Osman, Cor- nioeomzo. Enlmntas urnllhed for work c on law or {or Entoriolaah ppell go any po_n_01_ til}! gout-mg. gone I?“ NATURAL HEN INCUBATOR, 100 E00 HATCH- lu} pm",- md- an n‘-\!\ n! [um-numb... u ROOFING . w .u. uvl wuv uvluuvl’. ; uuuv "w iibijrms‘k‘h'éns. Ad'al'é'iuoa. wuumorm.,1'oronto. TORONTO GUTTlNG BDHDOL Hera Spa 1 l Idvnn. --u‘, hum. n. .u A“. ..- A. .» ' sages to all desirous of seduirinl I thioruugh know. led a_ol’ Cutting and mum; Gentleman‘s Garmenu. “" ‘°' P"“°“‘“'- 113 Vonga St, Toronto. pathgllo Prayer TREES. PLUM-TREEg, PEAR- 1E8. e .. wlll ï¬nd here ï¬rstâ€"class trees. strong and vigorous, and well Mlnpted co the climale u! the country, a! In extremely low price, Order direct from us. By thls means you will save the prufltl of agents and merchants. Post‘ptid illustrated catalogua of 81 pagu. with directions fnr preparing remedies (or tbs dentructlon of insects on fruit. trees rone~buslles, etc-. sent on receipt, of 10 cents. Tm: “hum: Townsmn NURSERY. anreuuevillc, Que. Land-r wnera and {annera desiring co procure FR IT E§§§§ fer. -.!‘£'¢'_‘E'E_P‘“_“ 5101555 APP n: ALWAYS A WINNER... EWWMuï¬dka ‘2‘.“ -mm‘ ï¬ï¬fcéï¬n’éï¬} 9‘2". élï¬n'é'tâ€"coï¬'s'ni‘ciiguf 31"" V A. VICKEKS. Onlaury, Albert; I) “- “EMS†Painm’ém. E ‘..m ‘m-g‘w . - “. . Some Testimonials Y LON TEA Ins the reputation of being the most regular in qunllty. Lead Paokagua. 25, so, a. In and m EASTERN TOWNSHIP HURSERV. b. a Iiibiiia'n' 3'66; Morita-ii; r Importer and exporter of ‘- Raw Furs and Skins. Con: ' lignments solicited. High- est prices pnld for glusinx. H. J OHNSON . 494 St. Paul street. Montreal‘ FOR SALE. FU RS. FU RS. and Sheet MetalWorkl. leaks, loam-lea, cru- Qlflxop, goapulnm. are held high becal-xse their color is true. easy to work. cover better than lead, wear like leather, protect the house and make it bright. The price just right. Ask your dealer. You ought to hear a few of the testi. monials that come to us in this pain! business. The right paint is quickly held up and makes its way. ._â€"-_ .... w.-." ._ , . .._ -. --_‘ _ ... Montreal,ToroniBCbtiawa. Quebec. Ewing I meaning I "3mm" Amman: nmua co." Look {qr alum in your ‘OIn. or land direct. For ch. Tiny but Hand your work to the RAMSAY’S PAINTS