Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jul 1900, p. 8

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Until further notice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post 011109 as follows:â€" MORNING .A 8.00 , EVENING . 6.25 N. B.â€"-Registered Letters must be handed i It lent Fifteen Minutes earlier than- the ubm mentioned hours lur closimzi OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.36 1’ M M. TEEFY. Postmaster. These agents also keep on hand in their shop, opposite the Fire Proof store, Binders, mowers & twine of the above make, as well as repairs for all kinds of machinery. Leave C P R Croasing at 6,1 7.20. 9.40. 11.30 a. m.; 1.30, 2.40. 4.00 5.40. 7.45 p. m. Leave Richmond 31118.10, 10.30 a. m.; 12.20, 2.20., 6.30. 8.35 p.111. GOING SOUTH Leave Newmarket7.30.9.15. 11.15 a. m.; 2, 3.15,, 7.3071}. [n_._ Xuv, v...“ Leave Richmond Hm '7ZWSHB; {5,155, 1L55 n. m 2.40, 3.55, $.55. 6.40, 8.10 9. m. Chm-oh of Englandâ€"â€"Services at 3 p Sunday. _ _..A‘ 1- Jacob METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE fl rmcns A’l‘ FAERIJERS' wmmxs. Wheatwbite, per bush... .3 0 70 Wheat,red, per bush .. o 70 Wheat, goose. per bush.. 0 70 Outs. per bush ..... 0 53 Peas, per bush .. 0 60 Barlsv. Der bush . 0 40 Turkeys, er lb ........ Dressed oga,percwt. Geese, per lb ........... ca: 83113 Chickens. per pair. 0 70 Ducks. per pmr . 0 60 Butter. in pound rolls.. . 0 16 Eggs. trash .............. . 0 1 t Potatoes, per bag . o 30 Apples, per bbl .. 2 50 Handover ..... . 10 50 Hay, timothy . ()0 00 Straw shes!" 0 00 w. HEWISON, HOUSE PA IN TER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Anyone sending a sketch and descflguon may quick] ascertain our opinion free w ether an invent on is probably menmble. Communim‘ Nona strictly confidential. Hnndbook on Patents “gt free. ()lgest yoncy‘foglsecurllxgnpntwtfl. lulu. Afflu- \llumu um“; um um, Patents taken throu h Mann-EECB:?oc€fve Mal (toms, taken: (3 Ege, in the A hâ€"nndsomely Illustrated weekly. Imeet 01r- culatlop of any scientific nnrnnl. Terms. $3 a year: tour moguls. $1. 30 d by Aleowsdf-Plerf. fiUNNEffiE§%?3Â¥E§%§Eé‘gflork RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL. POST OFFICE NOTICE §tiéiitific Rmerican. Calls from a. distance promptly attended to. Branch omEeTéz-i 1' St. Washfilgton. Between Toronto and Newmurket GOING NORTH Village Directory. @urnnto amt-hm. DEEIKING} RAIKES All kinds of Repairing Promptly Done. HE mwmmnmw 0000002 Handed in the ubo \'e m. every SOLD BY 11 25 00 00 0 00 " 16 010 B wmxm 1.000 7]. 71 The next meeting of the Council of the Munici paliby of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall Venom, on Vaughan Council. TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1900, One. Gray & Scnsfioad Wagon,new One, Grav & $0118.} seat cove‘red buggy, new. One, Gray 6‘: Sons, stanhope. used 8. £ch months. One Road wavon.‘2nd hand. Oue light r033. curt. 2nd lflmtl. All the above rigs will be sold on time or cheap for cush. F. J. GALLANOIJGH. _ \Vorshipping at Sherwood will com- mence an evening meeting on the 24th of June next, at 7 o’clsok. Mr. Thns. Reily of Toronto, will conduct the meeting on that) occasion, Meelings are to continue during thevsumnier. A cordial invitation to all. 514 Received in Savings’ Bank Depart- ment, and interest, allowed at NODCE 'E'im church of Bhrisi STANARD BMW Of Canada RICHMOND HILL General Banking Bue'me Transaeted. For other pnrtictilars call at the Bank. fiflflPPING - MILL Th3 subscriber would respectfully intimate to the public that having xebuilt the chopping mill And doubled its capacity. he will during the busy chopping season and until lumber notice chop HEGHEST CURRENT HRTES. He Is nlao still keeping ALL KINDS OF LUMBER on hand and in a. tow days will be Dre “0:1 to supply DRESSED LUMBER of all kin s and do PLANIVG AND MATCHING of all kinds at lowest prices. Patronage soliclted ; satislaction guaranteed Jlouduy, ‘Vedncsdny and Sal- Ilrdny of each week. I am prepared to (19 Family W5: and in-Xies' fine line!) a. sgéecinlty ancsml and patronage solicited. 5H,! TILLII Richnlond Ii ill Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Cap“: test Slâ€"tf Henry Marsh. am: gflvmmmmts. FOR SALE J'. F. ROWLAND. LAUNDRY DIAPLE DEPOSITS NEVV at 1p. my JAS B MOLEAN, Clerk fumed. ' ' TILLIE ‘M 51m}le $1,000.000 700,000 bings. Genta' Work gum- ’l‘hox‘nhiil AGENT ls built (m the [‘l inciple of the grvntest simplicity wlleut, sacrificing blm use- fulness m- thv slrwngth of the wlwolâ€"~ that's the aim in all l-lw high- rmlu wheels to-duy. The nmkvrs n the “ Red Bird " lmvo hum) quit-k Ln note and adopt. such fontuws unrl imprm-o- ments as have- been pun‘en to be Ll(‘Sll'~ able, useful and snhstanLialâ€"impmve- ments that experience- and a widm‘ knowledge of bicycle construction have demonstrate-cl. :1 ml Whiclrskill. capital and appliances could reduce to practice. “Red Bil-d" models for 1900 have tllcsg emphasized points, lguk into them : -. . 1 \L,L. h“ hubsâ€"improved crank .hrnckvtâ€" perfect, handle bar adjustmentâ€"strengthened forksâ€"ideal seat pest iastonerâ€" rvew overhanging sprocketâ€"combined coaster and brake. The Brantfom “ Red Ems; ” W. A. SANDERSON. Canada. Cycle 8c Motor 00., Limited, Agents everywhere. If you want proof of the staunchness of this splendid Canadian-made wheel it is only necessary to state that the Victorian Government of Australia recently purchased a number of them for use in its cycle postal departmentâ€"- at abont the same time the New South Wales Govern- ment purchased American and other makes for similar serviceâ€"and Government statistics show that it cost Over twenty times more for repairs on the American COlleCtIOD than for the Massey-Harris wheelsâ€"DOES THIS CONVrNCE YOU ? “ ‘ ' A The Massey-Eams at the Antipodes. The Ball Head Spoke ‘ H. A. NICHOLLS, Canada Gycle & Motor 60., Limited, Agents everywhere Never pulls outâ€"it’s a useful improv- ementâ€"simple and easy to remove. AM the features of the Cleveland Bicycles FOR 1900 ’ T. F. MCMAHON. . Canada. Cycle 86 Motor 530., Limited, Agents everywhere. Are good ones, and the ball head spoke is no_t the least in importance. Head office, Toronto, Canada. Head office, Toronto, (.Ianada. Head office, Toronto, Ca'7ada, Local Representative, Local representative, Local representative, Write for catal‘ogu’e. Write for catalogue. Write for catalogue {EUST ARRIVED Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bases, Farm Gates, Etc. “’0. also have- for sale two old build- ings, size 24x6!) ft., two stories high}. one stable. 20:415.”) ft., two stories ; alsv one small ulfice huildin r, 9x16 ft. These buildings are in goo repair and the lumber and timber in them is good and Sullnd. 56m Elisl. Mil! Which we will sell on a very close margin for cash. “Te have in stuck a full line of :11]. kinds of dressed and rough This corn is sweet; and dry and makes the best of meal. Call and see it, and you will not fail to buy. . , Is running every day, and We have just: got in a ear load ofi bnst N0. 2 On the premises, Richmond Hill. a. thoroughbred Short-horn bull. Terms $1.00 cash. 32â€"tf T. LUDFORD. (0f the firm of Eckardt & Prentice), agent for the Massey-Harris Labor- Saving Machinery, Wagons, Flows, Scufliers, &c.; also the Sawyer & Massey Engines and Threshers, the Brantfnrd XVind-Mill, and the Up-tm Date Toronto Fanning Mill. All Massey-Harris repairs kept by H. A. Nicholls, Richmond Hill. Business solicited. Life Assurance Co. Assm'es on all the modern plans, and is 9119 or the must Drosnerops and progresswe companies in existence. Premiums low, policies unconditional and nonfurfeitablo. Take a. policy with the district agent, LIBERAL OFFICE. J. H. PRENTIGE PLOW POINTS. Plow Points for all the principal plows at L. INNES & SUNS, '3' No. 1 and No. 2 301i in Richmond Hill by W A. Sanderson Druggisb. Halfa. mile west (2f Richmond Hi1]. Binders and aners Repaired on the shnrtmzt notice. Six by «our? 3L hundred allowed on _, Wrought «7y misi. iron. Shop (mm: eve-w night unti18.30. Is successfully used monthly by over 0.000 Ladies. Saie,eflecmal. Ladies 35: our dru gist for Cook‘s Cotton Root (our {:1 . ake no ot er, as all Mixtures. pills and nations are dangerous. Price. No. 1. 81 get her No. a. 10 degrees stronger-.33 per box. 0. I or , mailedon receipt of price and um been: stamgg. The ‘C_00Â¥)Ool§lpany Windsor Oma _ , A . _ _ . _ Ana _ -I Nfiofibfile Dmggista in Caiann.’ :tam' s. The cook company wmuuor mu. g- as. 1 and 2 sold and recommended 51“! “U; n___.l_;â€" x- n---)â€" T. F. MCMAHON. hfiagqer’s Fuundry, F0 A car of host XXX and No. 1 SHENGLES LUMBER, ,Oook's Cotton Root Componnfl Fm vvory description of exterior and intel-wr decoration. WE GUABAHTEE Unionville, ROBERTSUN‘S E3, SERVICE Richmond Hill Mills. PAENTS OF CANADA PURE R EADY-MIXED E SUN Richmond Hill. RICHMOND HI LL GER, Prop. ‘ .045 v.

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