Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Jul 1900, p. 4

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The movement. to introduce inan- ual training into the Public Schools in each of the Provinces of Canada, under the Macdonald-Sloyd School Fund, has been most successful so far as it has gone. The school at Fredericton, N. 13., was opened in April and continued until the end of June, .and has been most highly spoken of by the educational author- ities of New Brunswick as well as by the parents and pupils themselves. In order that teachers in the Mari- time Provinces may have an oppor. tunity of seeing for themselves the nature of this instruction. and in some cases of preparing themselves to take it up in their schools, Pro. Robertson has decided to provide a 'Su‘mmcr course for teachers at Fred- erictonf The instruction will be free, and both men and women teachers will be accepted. The course will begin on July 16, and last six weeks. After the summer holidays manual training courses are to be provided under the hlacdonald- Sloyd School Fund at Truro, N. 8., end at Charlottetown, P. E. I. RICHMOND HILL. 1With the beginning of this week preferential tarifi' came into force, and all imports of English manu- factured goods are now admitted in- to Canada at two-thirds of the duty charged upon the products of other countries. As a result of this latest reduction the summer shipments of British'manuiaetures to the Canadian market have been larger than ever before, and without any exception, those in position to judge of the Icon- ditions appear to agree that this will be a permanent and growing effect of the Laurier policy of Imperial preference. There is a concensus of opinion that the preference would not only greatly increase importation from Great Britain, but would neu- tralize to the consumer, the effect of the recent advance in staple lines. One leading dry goods Ina‘n states the situation concisely when he de- clared that but for the reduction there would be a considerable in- .erease in the cost of leading staples, and some lines would probably not .be imported at all but for the reduc- tion in the tariff. Changeâ€"H. C. Bailey. Changeâ€"Atkinson & Switzer. Clark's Noticeâ€"C. H. Shiver. Chumsâ€"Jerry Smith. ~ 'I‘o Rentâ€"Mrs. ‘1‘ rem-h. strayedâ€"A Remmun. ’faIIS‘upon his ear and he comes to him- self. As if in a dream he fancies he hears such heavenly music arid listen- ing still more closely he believes it is the sound of many waters, mighty and loud, and again. before he has time to breathe. it is a. merry brook pulling Over pebbles and stones, until he thinks . he has reached the seventh heaven of delight, and in an instant some hymn bursts upon the air and in the quietude of the noon-day hour, “ Rock of Ages." or “ Jesus Lover of 111 Soul.“ not only greets him, but on. miug perclmuce his troubled heart, he wends his way in thought to that most happy 5 son on earth. beloved by people of a1 climes, Home Sweet Home. “’e g?) to the Midland Railway station and call to see how the new bridge is progressing. You see I am intelested in this new structure as my brother contracted for the brick- work. I am ruther‘iinpressed with the eculiur shade of the bricks; they are lue instead of red, and are. much strongerand nicer looking, finishing up better than the ordinary kind. Our way home lies through a charm- ing purl: of the Midland Counties and we pass the country seat of the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough, a. very pretty and interestin spot, where they spend their days uring the huntâ€" ing season. @112 flihmal. Returning to the church-yard we pass along a narrow path leading to the streetnnd having a. few minutes to spare We look around the town and take in the sights. I noticed the hunt- ingâ€"box of the Countess of Cardigan and had the pleasure of seeing her ladyship when at the “meet.” some ngéis ago. CTHE NEW PREFERENTIAL. New Advertisements. (CONTINUED F'ROM FIRST PAGE) Across the Ocean. MAI‘ NUAL TRAINING. July 12. take-T] t; the furnnccs. refined, melted, and moulded, and shiple to other pen-ts of the World. At Grimstoue I saw the remains of [110 "stocks." Such stocks 1 have no wish to share in. but doubtless many have been put, in these stocks for beating thoir wives, disobeying the law, 01- for some other crime committed in“ olden times. Ther? seemed to have been a place for the feet and hands, and its a pity England didn’t abnndon such cruelty years before she d_id.‘_ At another bend of the, mad I saw a very high and slender- stune and at its summit, a. cross was carved. No in- scription marks this strange piece of Work, and it, looks as if the sculptor had gone to sleep and suddenly waking had carved the words " \Vho‘d have thought it ?" over 3. dour on the upâ€" posite side of the way. “ Market“ used to he held here in olden times, and whether we like it, m- um, the fact, remains that, “ crosses ”' are funnd the World over, only some people have more to bear than others. DEAR SlR,â€"\Vlll you kindly allow me space in your valuable pups-r to publicly thank the York Mutual Fire Insurance Company fur their pmmpt and liberal settlement of my claim. On June 13, I had two cattle killed by 1i htning. They Were valued at $75. I ave just received a cheque, 0n the Dominion Bunk for $50 from said Company for loss of cattle, and would again thank them, and varnostlyro- commend all farmers to insure in the York Mutual Fix-e .lsm-anco Company. To the Ediborof Tm: LLBERAT. For terms and full pmticuiars Expply to our enterprising agent, Mr. Geo. Brown, Gormley. GUI-mloy, July 6, 1901) Spqvinsfiingbgngsfigsignfcs ear _ 4r agol lmd a valuable I got lame. took him to Me \‘elerlnm'y h pronounced it “real: Flmvln and 1;" ' w me although he applied a 91mm bllsle is m only worm and the home ban. )1 hmc I not stand up. Aftcr trying '1 hi - went to a. neighbor and mid lmu l me one 0! your books 1rd l smdled We w‘l lng resolved to do the utmost in {m w: H rm to the nearest dru'z store nnd {:otn bunt: n!" Cure and applied it stflctly accm ‘ 'fore the first home was used I in and when the seventh bottle Wm, (\hun‘» ll: horse was completely enred and \vltlwu blemlah on him. After cousin: tronnnem horse good care and (lid some light wax-k wit ing to see 11' it had effected a. cure.I then sun the horse hard and to my entire hnfisfncti: allowed any more lamen }h~mu_;:.h glue wh m the womls, crossing,r fields and ditches. (lashing through hedgvs and over fences afteu “ Mr. Fox." who in a fmv minutes scumpcrul over a plain follmvml closely by the (lugs. After an exciting chase all returned from the day’s 5 mt with two fnxvs, which they Cullski’k’l't’i‘ a good catch. In this district, an irmnstolle mine forms quite an industry. The fields in which the stone is found form part of H. vulimhle farm, and I was much in;- terested in seeing the nmtorial loaded into trucks which run one car up and one down the line the same "moment, bringing it, to the station where it is West Lou D13. B. {1 KENDALL CO‘ I canâ€"EEBIhBEéXId Kendall‘s Spéfiu Cure “at only u§nd excellent, but us a. sure remedy, to any one that. i: may concern. Yours truly. 8.1.IUEL TRITTEN. Ask your dmgglst for Kendall’s Spnvin Cure. also “A Treatise on the “one,” the book free, or addrem III. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY. ENOSBUM fAllS. VT. Money to loan on first mortgage farm prager- by. an fiva per cans, zS-nf Enquire at By the way I saw the “ lut‘t'L" and enjnyed the sight very much. Many ladies and gentlemen were there. with their fine horses, (lugs and livm-ies, and having men at the inn they tuuk The subscriber would respectfully intimate to the public that having rebuilt the chopping mill 8‘ BEAPLE And doubled its capacity. he will during the busy choppmg season nuduuul further notice chop Monday. “’edncsday and Sub ui‘dny of each week. NEE VV QHfiPFENS - Mill The Next Sitting of Division Court. for No. 3, County at York, will be held in the Com-t Room. He is also still keeping ALL K£NDS OF LUMBER. on handazudin a. few days will be Drcparel to supply DRESSED LUMBER of a.“ kinds and doPLAIxI‘IG AND MATCHING of all kinds at lowest prices. Patronage solicited ; satisfaction guaranteed RICHMOND BIL L EMSEQN - 683331". _ON_ FBIBAY, DGTDBER ‘5, 1900, Blackpool Marley to Loan Curbs; and'All Forms of Lameness Yield to Henry Marsh. BIGEEBKB BELL, Commencing at 10 a. m. -T. F. MCMAEON, CLERK Card 01" Thanks; “ crosses ” are {mum u only some people hay than Others. England, June 11. 1900. Yours truly, VV. H. LEYE Enquire at THE LIBERAL Ofl‘ve The Great English Remedy. sold and recommended by ) druggiats in Canada. On! re able medicine discovere . S kages guaranteed to cure a firm of‘Sexa Weakness. all effects of nhust or excess. Mental Won-y. Excessive nae of To bacco. Opium or Bumulnnw. Mailed on receip‘ of prl'ce. one aokavge $1, six, $5. One wiupuaso 01mm“ cure, amphlets free to any address. The Wood Company. Windsor, 0115 hf Wood Hill by \V. Any Flour v Dopends upon our doing work that Will give our cus- tomers'perlect satisfaction. It would do us no good,but a lot of harm, to treat anyone with anything but the great- est consideration. \Vhat hurts you h‘urts us. Ifyou're our customer once its “Daily Bread ” policy to make you a permanent customer. Eigh Graée E’amiiy Flour JOS. HALL, A. MOODIE, I‘l‘l Ht“ Parties requiring pasture for stock ang to m--Ar. mnnvv r. -u J. T. SAEGEON, quo re. Am WE BEEN Rim Manchester, of Londonflng, BRITISH AMERICA, Of Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany for the farmers of Yurk Co. Busineas Solicited. 0F TORONTO, CANADA. ! â€"ALSOâ€"â€"â€" l GORE, ()F GAL’l‘.§ To make more broad. lighter broad and bread that will keep moist longt-‘r, and better flavor- ed brmxd with less lab- or than any other floun Richinond Elill. Made to suit the people and sold at a reasonable price. Agent for the foll'owinz stock Fire insurance Companies, viz.: it is strict] N AUGHTON BROS. 'EEEE’ZS FLGUREHE} M YORK MUTUAL, PASTURE A First-class Cash Mutual. Mama TAILOR Rlchmond Hill Parker’s D‘Ve Works. .viil make Bread, but, we will guarantee Wood's P'hoep‘hodineg >phndine is sold in Richmufl ulersonbrugmat. P ‘uctical Watch maker THOS. COOK, Carrvillc -â€"â€"AND-â€" SELL IT. ig‘ent JERRY SMITH. 9151* .- LLS. Owing to the lateness of THE LIIERAL being delivered 111 11113 vminity last week we repeat last Saturday’s coupon With Dry Goods added. \Ve had an immense sale oi One of the best Oil stoves on the marl‘et; and everything in the tin and hardware line cheap for cash. Eavetroughing a specialty. Repairing Prom ptly Done. C. MAS {321% . â€" Richmond Hill REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent” sent upon request. Patents seemed through us advertised for sale at our expenw. N Patent take} out through us receive special uoz‘ice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal; consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, Evans Building, RICHMOND HILL EAEDWABE WEEKEN % 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, Toronto. Scythes for 75c.; Snaths, 50c.; scHhcs stongs, 50.; ' Hay Rakes, 13c ; Butter Scales, $2 50. ' D USTERS, F 'WESKLESS @EL STOVE Is the place Good Stun Come with your neighbors and save mom to 6 inch, only $3 per k0 The Scotsman, Stems, E at from $35.00 lo 53 NAILS R EOEIREOND 111 ’3 €53 W‘ELKENS & 60.. DAISY CEIIJ’RNEIS. â€"AND THEâ€"«- VICTOR J. EVANS & 00., 1:. Good Work and Satisfaction guu‘ to go for first-class harne (Patent Attomeys,) GE ‘0 . Page D ONALD lys BAHLEY, MAPLE. Boots and in stock. clay. July 14, will receive a, discount of 15:2 on all cashl purchases of Dry! Goods or Boots ("‘11- - Any oustomgr! presentmg thls! Coupon on, Satqp;l ENTJPOR D, and 0011} All fu‘lly Pure Paris Green The best, Lmly 40 cents a. gallon. Biaé‘iar Ewing At less than cm‘load prices. machine Oil WASHENGTON, b.0- ass at mhin. Bicycles guaranteed. only ~ ». , $5M ngt prices. 25 cents. mt J other supplies a. St Saturday.

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