. friendly . I ' ieIJCOd they “'PI'L‘ home“ [’5' il SCUM of T composed the strong and forceful lan- i elite Mull. Hm. July 12. moo RICHMOND LOC) zkï¬liï¬Ã©. For war news. see inside page. Report of Entrance exams. will be ready for next week. Patterson‘s lion bons, chocolates <‘l’c. fresh and sweet. Atkinson .\' Swiizcr. I ’“7' l Minute-s ol' Vaughan township mun-- cil meeting,r held on Tutu-day Will be! given in next issue. i Ladies black cotton hose at IO, I22“? and 25c. a pair. A1kinson {c Switxer. ' L'arly orders for raspberries solicit- ; ed, for table or canning. Apply to' Mrs. Harrison. . Try a. package of (lold Block fine cut smoking tobacco,pnt up in 1â€"0 llnpkgs. 100. package. Atkinson a; Switzer. _An excursion car will leave I‘llgiu Mills Thursday morning for St. Gath~ arincs at (3‘15. The vital statistics for the township of Vaughan for the past. six months ending June 5-3†are, births, 50, deaths, 1?, marriage; 8. Good range of men‘s outing shirts, collars, ties, suspenders kc. Atkinson & Switzer. Theappointment. of lion. William Glenholme Falconbridge to be Chief Justice of the Queen‘s Ilench, was gazetted last Saturday. The new ap- mintee is one of the Old Boys of the Iiiuhmond Hill High School. 'Nothing‘ ulcer or purer for the bath than a cake of ()opco floating soap, a bar. Atkinson ix Switzcr. A number of letters addressed to H. S. Price, with a couple of testimonials which may be. of use to the owner, were picked up in the village yester- day and left at this office. The letters bear the Syracuse post. mark. Excursion tickets may be had at The ,\Vaiting lloom and Sanderson’s Drug Store. Thursday morning. So on hand in good time and spend Civic Holiday. 2th of July, at; St. Cathar- ines. See the New Idea in Skirt. Supporâ€" ters, the best thing: oh the market. 18¢. each. Atkinson i»: Swi’uer. , Mr. Holllngshead of Newmarket, District Chill Ilang‘cl‘ in the A. O. F., York District. has resigntd owing to illâ€"health and the Permanent Secre- tary has requested the courts in the district to name. his successor. Children‘s pinafores nicely trimmed, With embroidery and insertion at 45, 51, 75‘and $1.00. Atkinson Switzer. ~{Japt Nisscn maden foolhardy trip through the whirlpo‘nl near Niagara .Falls on Monday. lie got through without much injury in his staunch craft “Foolkiller†but after his ex- perience of 50 minutes in the whirlpool i‘hc will not likely try it again. The.‘ thousands who watched him never ex- pected to sec him reach shore alive. W Let the members of the Epwm-th League, regard their duty and privi- lege by attending the loll (‘all service Friday evening. The League will be glad also to have attean this meeting any who are interested in the spiritual welfare of the young 'people. Subject =f‘or thought, “The power 3f small things."â€"Mark iv., tillâ€"32. 'Hcinz’s spiced Gherkius, 15 cts.~; large bottles, 24%;; good mime pickles, 100. a bottle. Atkinson t‘: Switzer. Everybody should try and join with the three local societies and the la- crosse club on Thursday and spend ‘Iivic lloliday at St. Catharincs. The sailucross the lake and up the \Vt-lâ€" laud Canalshould be delightful, and the chauupionship lacrosse match beâ€" tween St. Catharines and Richmond Hill promises to be one of the fastest of the season. Fruit jars are now in demand; we have a large stock and our prices are as follows :â€"»pints. b.3e. doz.; quarts, 75c.; -.‘_. gal. 90c. doz. All best gem jars, crown brand. txtkinson it Switâ€" zer. “’ith the compliments of Mr. Frank Pedlcy, Supt. of lmmigration,we have received a Descriptive Atlas of \Yesb crn Canada, showing maps of the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New ‘ Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince lid- ward Island. Manitoba, British Columbia and Districts of Assiniboia, Alberta, Saskatcbeon, and Athabasca. There, is also an excellent map of the “'orld and the Dominion of Canada. The work, which is thoroughly upâ€"lo- datc, has been issued by direction of Hon. Ulilford Siftou, Minister of the Interior. ’l‘ilUl?NHIl.L. The Thornhill football team went to I Newton Brook on \\'ednesday. July 4, l to play the Newton Brook Stars a game. Although Newton team was the heavier and more exper- 3 to U. R. Melon refereed the game to the satisfaction) of both teams. Thorn- hill team lined up as follows :â€"Goal, Laugstaff: backs, Hopper and Robin- son ; half-backs, Lane. Golm. and Gohu; forwards. Bowman, Ford,Dun- can, Golm and Ei‘llllll. Good pink salmon, 3 tins for 250; ready lunch beef in 1 lb. tins, 15c.; fatstaff sardines. put, u ) in best olive , oil, 10c.; pure lard, 1- iis week. 10:},c,j Atkinson tk' Switzcr, ‘ out a line of copy in Mr. Jerry Smith’s - around llt‘l't‘ were somewhat staggered. ‘calculations given in T111: LIBERAL i avoid confusion. a tribute to the spirit. of the most Excursiouists for St. Catharine.e ’i‘lansday moi nlng lll‘t‘tl not fi-ul‘ being crowded as arrangements have beenl made for thiec cars on the Metropoli- tan aud tuo‘ on the city line. Remem- b_-r the time. (5.30 sharp. l By our compositor last week leaving advei list'itll’lll. the arithmeticiaus 'l‘he mistake was made in the printng otac-e, and those who have carried Mr. 1 Smiths watt-hrs say that they travel just in accordance with :nilbmetical last \Vt'K’K. Li? ON TIME. All intendng to take the trip to St. (‘athai-iin-s ou 'l‘nursday should secure their tickets \Yednesday evening to Remember, the cars Eigin Mills at U will be at .o‘clm-k, and at Richmond Ilill at 6.15. ‘llon‘t he late, as; the cats cannot be dc- layt-d. PLEASE RETURN. A number (If excursion tit-Lets, good from Iliclnnond Hill to St. ('atharincs and return. enclosed in a note book belonging to Glass Brothers, were lost on the .3111 concession of Vaughan. The tinder will greatly oblige by leav- ing the same at Glass" butcher shop. ILLEGAL LIQUOR SELLING. Mr. lickardt, License Inspector of East} York, was engaged Sunday af- ternoon and evening in a search for illegal liquor sellers at. some. summer residences in the eastern city surburbs. Aided by the Mum-o Park policc,onc or two kegs of lager were seized, and if the analysis shows the lager to be up to excise standard for beer prosecutions will follow. Themarblehead high turned down all round collar. lap over front. the proper thing for summer wear, 20 cts. each. Atkinson ix Switzer. LISTEN THE BELL. Villagers and those in surrounding neighborhoods must not. think that they hear the. Fire Bell Thurs- day morning, as arrangements have been made to have the town bell rung atï¬a. m. in order that excursionists for St.Catharines may be awakened at that hour. Salada pure nncolored ceylon green tea. in {5 lb packages, 20¢; Malwa blend Ceylon tea Zilc. pkg. Atkinson & Switzcr. GIVE US A CHANCE. Some men who do not always con- duct themselves in accordance with strict rules of propriety. occasionally complain when they think that news- papers hint at. their unbecoming de- portuient, even if true. If these peoâ€" ‘ plebut knew it. they could honestly Come to the. conclusion that. newspaper men would much rather say some- thing" complimentary aboutthem than the opposite. Only give us a chance. IMPERIALISM. Oncof the chiefesttopics of discus- sion among thinking citizens is the rapid development of Imperialism, both in the British Colonies and in the United States. “The Future of Im« periaiism†is the title of a valuable and well-reasoned article in the July Canadian Magazine by John Lewis v who is among the clever-est of Cana- dian journalists. An illustrated ar- title on the Hull-Ottawa Fire and a Canadian story by \V. A. Fraser are two other features of what is an ex- cellent issue of our national publica- tion. TO M UNRO PARK. The Methodist Sabbath school schol- ars, teachers, ofï¬cers and friends to number of about. 125 held their annual excursion and picnic t0 Munro Park i last Friday. Two cars left here. short- ly after 8 o’clock, and connecting with the city cars, arrived atthe grounds about 10.30. The tables were spread at the proper time and everybody eu- joyed the edibles provided. The usual attractions such as merry-go- . rounds, Ferris \thel, Donkeys, Mu. were well patronized, and an open air entertaininan was given in the after- noon by the entertainment company. The cxcursionists left the grounds about 7 p. m. and arrived home at about 9 without a. mishap of any kind after a most, enjoyable day. By utilizing a $10 balance left; over from last year the committee has still a balance on hand after paying all ex- pcnses. l TIIE IMPERIAL IDEA. “ The Imperial Idea " is the, title of a most interesting booklet just pub- lished by Colin McArthur & (.‘o., the wail-paper manufacturers of Montreal. for presentation to their customers as l unique event in the history of nations, viz.,tl1e remarkable response of the[ colonies to the Mother country when thccablc simply whispered that the "whelps of the lion " might gather around if they liked to, and sh nv the world that " Britons the univi -se over i are patriots still.†This book bears. . the evidence of much careful thought I ‘and the funshed product does credit} not only to the brilliant conception of , the author, who, we understand, not only planned the pictures but also i g guagc of the few brief chapters that place the interesting facts before us in most attractive form ; but also to the eutcrprizc of the firm, who at no small . expense have produced such a line art I souvenir for distribution to the wall- paper trade. _ I DEATHS i Eurarxeinnâ€"At Rinewood on Saturday-July 7, 3 Thus. Emgginghnm, aged 59 years. CHAPMAN-Ah anceuverh. C.. ( nJane ES, 1000, Frederick W. Chapman, aged 32 years. i ~pit of BERSOIJALS. Miss Minnie Ilutty of Newmaiket has been spending a Week with her parents here. Ilev. J. II. Milne of Ottawa made a visit at the Manse with Rev. J. A. (lrant last 'I‘hursday. .‘liss Cooper of ITxlu'idge cams- home Tuesday to make a \ isit wit h her par- . cuts, Mr. and Mrs. \‘Im. (‘ooper. Miss Annie Elliott friends of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. J. \\'. I‘Illiott. Mr. \ 7. .‘vlacli'an, teacher in a eminent Institution. Iirantl'oid. made a visit with his sister. Mrs. \V. Marsh. ; Mr. James Ilriliill of the ('nslnms] Department, Toronto, spent over Sun- day with his daughtai at. Mr. J. \\'. Elliott 5. Mrs. (‘ober of iimjii-lt'r‘ aml Mrs. Saunders of Toronto were guests of and Mrs. .laeob I‘lyer, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. (7. Billings, bank clerk in the Bank of Ottawa, ’l‘emple Building, To- ronto, was in the village. Tuesday call- ing on old friends. Miss M. Ilarrison 1s spending her vacation by taking a. course of study in Harrison and Mimmo‘s Business College. College St., Toronto. Mr. J. E. Skoele of Cayuga; \Iiss Eva \Viley of Toronto; and Miss F. M. Brmvn of Bobcayg'con, are. among those. who have come home, to spend their vaCation here. Mr. Walter I‘lyer, Miss Florence Eycr, Mr. John McLean and MiSs Ellie McLean were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ashbridge of Scarborough Junction on Sunday afternoon. Mr.F. H. I\'irkpatrick. teacher of Elocution in llirain University. Ohio, and Mrs. Kirkpatrick. arrived Satur- day cvening and will spend the holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. David Gray. Rev. Mr. Bowling, :1 superannuated minister from Toronto, occupied the )ulpit in the Methodist church, Sun- ilay evening: in place of Rev.:\lr.Large who has been ill for the past ten days. ’ Rev. Mr. \Vellwood, who has been stationed on Colling‘wood circuit dur- ing the past year, is spending a few Weeks at, the parsonage. le will at- tend Victoria College the coming year. Mrs. Muleahy of Orillia with her daughter, Miss Mary. are spending a few days at. Mr. Cl‘eefy‘s. ' ‘hc latter is home for vacation after asuccessful term at St. Joseph‘s Convent, Toron- to. Miss Annio Ellston entertained a number of the Toronto Camera Club Saturday at The Dominion House. In the afternoon they took a. short trip and got number of very pretty views. Mrs. La. Lye of Toronto Junction who spent a flu days at. Mrs. Trench’s with her son. lltv. R. El. I9. Large. returned Tuesday .:ilcrnoon. Mr. Large who has been -~‘ltf:‘l'll‘.g from a mild form of fever is dying; nicely. Me. ‘. .i. T. and Il. JJSaigcon start- ed Fl x to drive to llollcn. “'elling- ton County, to visit their father and other iu’ .Eves. The former will be away ten .iays: the latter will remain fora muuth of his vacation. "t Miss liils of Alteicliï¬e, Lincoln County a ho has spent the past two months i’illl her uncle, Ir. T. F. Mc- Mahon. :rceived a telegram Monday that ill v yt‘audmothcr was dead. She left for home the following day, and* was act-t mpanied by her uncle’s three children who will bc away for a few weeks. , ILL/3.1019 Mr. '5 .muel Mathewson's residence. with all its contents was destroyed by lire at an early hour last. Thursday morning. The. tire originated, it is supp.is~.l, from a. spark from the kitchen. stove. The loss is partly covered by insurance. Mess <. .1. It. (‘ampbell and Thus. (Jonsin . ulm havv been partneis in the cow: business, have. dissolved, the former havng sold his share toMr. \V. ’l‘. la‘obinson. The new firm is preparwl to supply coal at popular prices. The new pas'oW. ROY. b'. \V. Dean and Mr. Carmdden. occupied the pol- liit- Methodist Church on Sun- day and preached excellent sermons. Miss Raina) Alikin of Toronto, IS spending.r her vacation with Miss Noble. Miss Birdie Brown ol'McKeesport, Pa.. is visiting wlth her sister, Mrs. H. Bailey. Miss Kate Ellis of Kinloss, is spend- ing the week at the home of Mr. T. Cousins. Mr. * 1 Mrs. Gardiner-of Meadow~ vale. \ lat-ed over Sunday at Mr. E. H. Elllutllw. relict of the late Jar-ob Hhunk, and who for many years reside'l in this: village, died on Monday mo‘ ling at the home of her son-in- law, 311'. .I. (lartou, Etlgely. The funeral will take place on \Vedncsday afternoon to the Lutheran burying ground. Mr. James Rose was awav in Hamil- ton last week. attending the funeral of his brother, Mr. John Rose. lir< S, S‘annk, . A: oo».â€"- 7 Sale Register. 'I‘ut': .. uly 197v.’.u ~ti1‘u sale of hiirmacowe, . ' 'n ' hole], rllUllllllll. Sale at 2 t , 'I' 3 1 months. llckai‘d: (v Pren- : nut ti eers. LAUNDRY 1 am prepared to do Family Washings. Gents' ‘ and Ladiea' tine linen a. spec: lty. Work guab J outset! and patronage soliciteu 514.1 1‘11 LIE M AX‘VELL and two lady. spent 821111111:in “A 4‘" Govâ€" flï¬gtjtï¬cfltahï¬kï¬ustï¬- Big Bush For Summer Needs â€". I"... . l v. yâ€. ./ ,') r" "h N" . w The hot weather has set in with an earn- - esmess that starts us wondering what will be the coolest costume to wear. A y w is We are here to tell you and supply your needs. . Ladies'v linen skirts, good quality linen, trnnmed With white and blue braid at 90 cts. each. . Ladies’ linen skirts, trimmed with inser- tion, made in newest cuts, $I.20. . White Pique Shirts, trimmed with inser- thD, and well made at $2.I5. Colored Demitee Muslin Blouses, ï¬ne quality, 3131.50. ‘ White Muslin blouses with striped mus- lin front, $1 20. e Colored blouses in print, percale, ging- ham, etc. at 50, 70, 90 cts., and $1.00 Also a nice range of white goods, such as Corset Covers, Underskirts, Ladies’ ' , i Drawers, etc. 9 i; i These goods are very essential in adding to the comfort of your picnic,0uting,ctc. Atkinson. ' and ‘ Switzer. kdc%§%§%§ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬kï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬5§ IF YOU WANT TO BUY A PIAN0,0RGAN, gilllllï¬ â€™llliBHINE kï¬Â£n£%LE£IKL liichznoiad Elill. Samples always on hand. iiiii OlECHXRD ropet'ly handled and cared for pays big dividends. Everyone who owns a little ground can put in a few trees 01‘ small fruit plants, and in a very few years have a profitable garden. We are the largest nurscymcn in Canada and ship over twenty thous- and orders annually and guarantee satisfaction. Ye want a good man in each township to devote part or all of his time to our work. The general Storekeeper, school teacher or retired farmer can add materially to his income by engaging with llSâ€"WllllC any good ener- getic man with a likingr for Horticulture, and willing to work hard for a. few years, will build up for himself a connccticn tliarwill insure a steady income year after year. ' VJILL YOU VVORKFCâ€"R US P If you have the, ability wc have work fol' you to do. CHASE BROTElEaS 00., tel, album, Ont. iLARUES'i‘ NUEKIE‘A'JEEE-Ez‘l (TAN ABA. E§TABL§§§IED 43 YRS $13.79.3.‘390.98. Skiiiiï¬iï¬lllll ill-3E SSQEIATION. .IS the cash paid and held on poll-c} hr-.dcrs account as shown 3' by the annual report. Pamphlets and lull particulars ‘ o regarding the association, (liffcrcnt plans of In- , surance will be sent on application to l I). G. SA‘TJ'X(3}E39 DISTRICT IXGENT. : A RELIABLE COMPANY. Eas' terms of paymen . l ' a 7 1 ‘- JAgent tor the \Vcstern e; York Mutual Fire Insurance Com‘ 'panies; Appraiser lor the Canada Permanet Loan & Savings iCompany. Call and get a circular {or Accident and Sick TBenefit; Policy only $1.00 annually. Business attended to l with promptncss.