'He did not interrupt herâ€"he stood patiently by her side, watching- her lntently, longing to say some word of comfort or of hope, but not daring to do so. 'The the sun set,-and. the dew began to fallâ€"he saw some drops M her dark haLr and some on her Gerald saw her bow down over some crushed passion-flowers in her handâ€" flowers not more crushed than the noble soul that had fallen into such an abyss of guilt. And that Mas the sin of her life- time. Once before she had said the same thing, but it was in the hurried passion of the hour, when she was goaded past all endurance. Now there was no anger, no passion. she stood under the calm summer sky, the world .at rest. the wind whispering ufpe.1ce, the flowers of Heaven. She hud lime to reflect, to delibemtu, to ju g‘c cmlnx- ly; and she decided that things shuuld remain as they wereâ€"that the heirof Lancewood should not regain his in- heritance; and so she committed the sin of her lifeâ€"time. .ucerward never quite lefL them. "I have decided," .she said, in a hoarse whisper. as they are." He'caught her hands in his awn. "Do you mean it? You will not re. pent, you will not regret it?" "1 mean it,†She saidâ€"“nu stroll- ,ing player‘s child shall be [out of Lunoewood. 1 shall never repent or regret my decisionâ€"it is for the best.“ "Let matters remain She stood motionless, her hands, clasped together; she heard the rustle of Mr. Greston'a paper, the faint rip- ple of the fountain, the sweet whisper of the win-d;'she heard, and it all seem- ed to her outside her own life â€"4 she was alone with this terrible decision before herâ€"alone with the terrible secret that had almost slain her, Should she say "Yes," and. see the old times renewed in all their horrorâ€"see "miladi" with her train of followers returnâ€"see ruin, destruction, diesipa- tion. even shame, once more at Lance- woodâ€"see the illâ€"trained child of a strolling player master and lord? Or should she say "No," and see more than the ancient honor of Luncerwod revive? Should she say "Yes," and purâ€" chase for her own soul peace, even at the price of Lancewood? Or should she say "No,"'und never know peace again 7 How long they had both stood there they did not know; hours might have passed in the agony of that interval. At last Vivien raised her face once more to his. it was quite colorless, with an expression in the eyes that .nfterward never unite Inf! mum [ .will go at once to America and bring the boy back. I can say that he was stolen by tramps or gypsies. I can fabricate a story that will have every appearance of truth. I can say that he was stolen [or the sake of the reward that would be offered. Lady Neslie would be so delighted to recover him that she would be quite content to pardon the theft. Ishould tell her that those who had stolen the child awaited h-er promise of full pardon before returning him. Trust meâ€" even as I have done this deed, I will find some way to undo it. IMIBS Nes- lie. everything rests now in your hands. On the day that you wished the by got rid of you may have spoken unguardedly, under the influence of unbearable irritation; afterward you may have repented what you said; but now you have time to think, so I leave the matter in your hands. If you say 'Yes,’ I will bring the boy back at once, and take all the consequences upon myself; if you say 'No,‘ I will let him be where he is. It is for you ‘0 decide." "I did not think much of it afterâ€" ward," she replied. "Gerald. my brain is not clearâ€"I am dazed. I forget if I really meant it. I forget if I felt sorry afterward. I only remember that I thought anything better than to let Lanoewood fall into such unworthy hands." His face brightened. "Then perhaps, utter all, Ihave not displeased you 7" he said. "Remember that I would die for you, and that death would be more acceptable to me than your displeasure." "It can all be remedied, Miss Nes- ‘.ie.†be said. “You have but to say the word. and I will undo the evil. CHAPTER XXXV.â€"Continued. "I did nou mean you to act as you have done,“ she said. “That day I was 'mad with shame and misery, but I did not meap itâ€"-I swear I did not, And I did not think you would take me at my word." He looked at her sadly. "I understand. On that day you lelt capable of anything; afterward you repented." She looked at him with sad dreamy ayes, his meaning quite lost upon her. †Through Storm and Sunshine "Then. may Hea'» 61 cried bitterly. "for I suffered in vain!" Vivien and Gerald Dormun had for- gotten Mr. Greston, who had ï¬nished his paper, and had been more than once to the window to look at them. He thought .it rather strange. that long, earnest consultatifm between the stately heiress of Lancewood and the young secretaryâ€"he would have thqught it stranger still had be our- heard the matter discussed. “Then you will notâ€"yuu \& love me ?" he said. i "No; my love is no longer gichVen were it so, it won now be given to you." She laid her hand on his and looked at him with pity in her face. "My poor Gerald," she said, “do you not see that, even were there no oth- er obstacle, you yourself have placed an insuperable one between us ?" "I 9" he cried: "Yes, youâ€"by this very sin. Even had I loved youâ€"which 1 tell you frankly I do notâ€"this sin would have rulsed a barrier between us. You and I could not share together the inheritance that we have taken from another." 'ribly 1†she said, with a shudder. "Ls it asin that takes power from worthless hands and gives it to a noble woman who will use it noblyl? Is it a. sin to save a boy from_the worst of all livesâ€"that of an idle profligateâ€" and make of him an honest man? jEven according to your own creed, fMiss Neslie, is it a sin to take Lancei wood from the child of a strolling 'pluyer and give it to aloyal descendâ€" ;ant of the grand old Nevslie race ?†"Yes." she answered sadly. "You and [ may use what sophistry we likeâ€" we may gloss it over, we may call it by any fine name we choose â€" none the less it is amaan, pitiful, terrible sin." - "I dare to ask for continued, "became I love of men is, and I creature living will do." "Will you undo it 2‘" he asked patiently. "I have told you ‘No.’ Do not torture me,“ she replied quickly. "And my reward ?†he said. “How I have ‘loved y-oul I cannot remem- ber an hour, a day, a moment of my Life that has not been filled with thoughts of you. I seem to have lived so entirely in my love that I know nothing outside it. Had you asked me for my life, I would have given it." "You have given me your honor and your honesty," she remarked sadlyâ€" “that is more than enough." "Hush," she said. "I did not under- stand before; you are making love to meâ€"love to me I" “I know," he said, "that I am far beneath youâ€"only the greatness of my love elevates me and places me by your side. I have no money, no position; but I love you witï¬ a devotion of far more worth than gold or lands. Your father trusted me; you have trusted me. He left you in some measure to my careâ€"my whole heart and life lie at your feet." She interrupted him suddenly with a gesture of command. "I am laying my hearl, my life. my soul, my love at your feel," he replied. "Words are all too weak to tell you howl love you. I have loved you from the first moment I saw your beautiful face, and I shall love you until I die." “Yet you have helped me to sin ter- "Yes; you remember your wordsâ€" that to the man who would save [,nnoewood you would give your life? You re'member' that 9“ "Yes," she said faintly. "I do not ask for your life; I ask for your love. You remember the king of old who said. 'Ask of me what you will â€"even if it be half of my kingdomâ€"- and I will give it to you ?' You have said more than that to me: I ask for your love.†' She looked at him vaguely, as though she did not understand. "Miss Neslie," he said, "now that we are here, talking- for. the last time, I hope, of this subject, which distresses you so greatly, I take courage. and. venture to speak to you of my re- ward." "Your reward 9" she echoed. "Yes; you remember yuui‘ wordsâ€" that to the man who would save He never forgot the face she raised to his. so white was it, so full of pain and anguish, tha dark eyes dim with unshed tears. 'His whole heart went out from him in apausion of pity, "Miss Neslie." he said gently, “you must not remain out here. You will be coldâ€"the dew is falling fast." CHAPTER 1y Bea-.51, help me.†ask for your love," he )ecuuw I know what the is, and I know that. no us no longer mine to it so, it would never you." notâ€"you wili nevar XXXVI help me," he have sinned and love you Mr. \V. T. \Vigle. “Uncle Mike," Kingsville. Ont., stateszâ€""For about ‘23 years I was troubled with piles. which at times would cause most in- tense distress by itching, and would ulcerute and bleed. I was treated by several physicians, and tried every remedy I could hear of. but could get no more than slight temporary re- lief. A traveller. Mr. Golding of Toronto, recommended Dr. Chase's Ointment, which I at once‘purchas- ed from our dealer and obtained reâ€" lief after the third application. Dr. Chase's Ointment completely cured me. That was two years ago. and I have never since had a touch of piles. It has since cured many to whom I have recommended it. and I am anxious to have every sufferer know of its value." The marvvllnus successes 'of Dr. Chase's great family remedies prove to all the world Hut no disease is too se- vere or of too long standing to yield to these great prescriptions. Their worth to the sick and suffering can never be estimated. It was over at last, and morning dawned. It brought her a ,letter from Lord St. Justâ€"ad. loving, tender. earnest letterâ€"that brought a soft flush to her face, a bright love-light to her eyesâ€"a letter in which he told her that he had waited until he could “ You are admiring the beautiful night," he Isa_id. “No wonder. I think a summer night the most beau- tiful thing in nature." Even as he spoke he felt startled at the sight oï¬ the two, haggard white faces. Hex color returned, her eyes lost their dim, dazed look. She had a. secret to keep and she determined to keep it well. “ It is for the honor of Lance- w-ood," she said to herself, and then ahlrank within herself at the false Wards. In one sense the honor of Lancewood was destroyed for ever- mure. Theu‘e was, no opportunity of speak- ing to Gerald again that evening, and the night Vivien spent was one of the darkest and most terrible of her life. Bretolre she had time to reply, Mr. Greaton walked across the terrace and joined them. “ It is growing cold.†said Miss Nes- Lie. " How quiJc-kly the dew falls. I think we will go illâ€"doors." "I might have foreseen it. " he mlolained. “Imggin-e.‘ she said, with white Lips, “ you and me talking, joining in careless conversation, sitting at the same table, with this horrible sense of guilt between usâ€"this story of a stolen child and a stolen inberitancel It could never ha." y "It is something that must be said," she comLinued. “ Gerald. we have sinnedâ€"J in thvoughL and word. you in deedâ€"you for the sake of pleasing meI I because of my pride. We have sinâ€" ned grievously, and henceforward the sight of you will be a terror to me. Knowing the terrible bond between us I would never talk or laugh with you. The very sight of you would be a per- petual and terrible reminder to me of my sin." " Then I must leave you ?" he said. i “ You must leave Lanoewood. I am grieved to say it, but it must be so. TlhB sin has been committed, the evil done. I refuse to undo it ; but Icould not bear to live with the one who has shared my guiltâ€"you must go." "I see it. I have suffered in vain. I have loved you all my lifeâ€"you have been my very life; hunt I must crown my love by the gl‘eatest of all sacri- ficesâ€"I must leave you." v " Nay.‘ she replied, “I do not hate youâ€"I am grateful Lu you. I have a kindly liking for you. You have prov- ed yourself in every way, my Lrue. de- vo-ted friendâ€"for that I thank you; but. there never could have been any thought of love between us. even had I cared for no one else 9" A feeling of utter despair came ove him. .She laid her hand on his. I was cold as death. "Not altogether in vain," said Miss Nealie; “you have rendered me good serviceâ€"you have rendered good ser- vice to Lanoewood." "In; was all [or youâ€"for no one else." he told her. “and now you hate me for ht.†"I ha'va sinned and suffered in vaLn." repeated Gerald Dorman. PELES FOR 23 YEARS. Over the Most Obstinate Diseases That Torture Human Kind â€" Remedies That Bring Health and Happiness to Canaa- dian Homes. Mr. Geo. Banner. \Viarton. Ont... writeszâ€""I don't like to have my name put in public print, but Ifeel it uduty to my fellowâ€"men to recommend Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. For about four years I was troubled with chronic constipation and weakness of the kid- neys. My condition was serious when I began to use Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills, and Iâ€"“verily believe that they have saved my life. I am now well and feel like a new man.†. Dr. Chasers porgrait and signature is on every box’of the genuine remedies. Iinit‘itors dare [Pot reproduce them. All deulars. or Edmanson, Bates & Mrs. Stephen Dempsey. Albury, RE. County, Ont., writes :-â€""My little granddaughter. nine years old, was very pale and weak. and had no appe- tite. She had a tired. wornout appear- ance. and was delicate and sickly. I got ‘some of Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food for her, and it has h31ped her very much. She is gaining considerably in weight and looks real healthy." Allthought the ï¬re of jealousy burn- ed like a fierce fever within Gerald Dorm-am, he loved her so well that he | forgot himseLfâ€"forgot everything ex- ;cept that she was in troubbe. “Let me show you. Gerald,†she; [went on, "that you will not suffer 'alan-e. I am going to answer this let- !ter, and I mu bell the writerâ€"the { man whom I love with so great a love tâ€"that I can never be his wifeâ€"never while the world standsâ€"that there is I an lnsuperabLe barrier be‘twaen us. My I pain will be as great as yours.†“ 1 shall spend it." she said in atone- memt. So far as in me lies, I will make up for the evil Ihave done. I 'will not live for myselfâ€"for my own plea- sureâ€"for. my own indulgence; I will live for the good of others. GeruLd, you will hear of churches being builL, of schools established, of hospitals er- ecmed.â€"of the peou‘. of the aged, and the sorrowfmg finding help and sucq cor. When you hear of all this. say to yourself, ‘ That is Vivien Neslie's atonement for a wrong done.â€â€™ “ But," said Gerald, “ what will you do with your life ‘t†An expression of rapt thoughtâ€"0t patien-L devotion came over her face. He loved her so Well than; he even pleaded against himself. “ Why should you do it ‘I†he asked. " Why Should you n01; marry him ‘5" “ With the black shadow of a ter- rible sin resting upon me? ‘Noâ€"u thousand Limes no! I Love him too well. I am gullly of a. crime. He shall not marry a crianal. The noblest of woman would not be noble enough for him." †this letter is from the main 1 love better than all the world. He asked me some the since to marry him, but for the love of Lancewood Ire,qu- ed. I told him that I remained there as the guardian of the honor of my nameâ€"that I could never leave it; and, though he took my refusal sore- ly to heart, he seemed to understand. He loved me so well,†she continued. with a softened voice, “ that for my sake he would have remained unmar- ried forever. Now he has written to me. and he says in his Letter that, the only hindrance to our marriage being removed. he wishes me to become his wife. “ Sim down by me,†she said. "I wwmt to talk to you. You thought I was hard upon you last night. I could perceive that you did. I want to show you that you wlll not have to suffer alone. See,†She continued.â€" Should sheâ€"and the temptation was sirongâ€"relent, send for the childl make peace with her own soul, and marry Adrian? Up rose-o. boat of ob- jectionsâ€"" miladi’s“ triumphant re- turn, Lanoawood given up to fully and dissipation. No; she held its honor firmly in her own hands now; and she would keep it so." "Gerald" said Miss Neslie, “ will you come to the library? I wish to sp_e_ak Lo you." ' He weait. She seated herself at a writing-table, with an open letter in her hand. " I did not tell you," he, wrote. "how keen and terrible the disappointment was to Inaâ€"almost more than I could bear; but for you sake I bore it. Now it Ls ended. You shall do with Lance- wood as you will; bwt you must be what I long to make youâ€"my darlingI my beloved wife." lIlt was a letter that might have made any woman that read it proud of the writer’s fervent love and entire devotionâ€"proud that (such a noble heart was her own. Even as Vivien read it she knew and said no herself that the union could never take place; with heâ€"l‘ terrible secret weighing down heart and soul. she could never marry him. wai_t no longer. Lhat now. owing to the unfortunata death of the little heir, Lnnoewood was bars. the only objeution she had to their marriage remaved. CHRONIC CONSYIPATION. Toronto‘ PALE AN!) WEAK. To be Continued. Yes, that's a nice piece of jewelry, said Johnny, looking at the new scarf pin and handing it back. But it’s gold filled. Well, 30': my tooth! fiercely exâ€" claimed Archie. Anythink "tong about thatr I like people who give me advice about reducing my weight. Yes, I have tried dieting. It did not do me any good. . If there is any other question you can think of that I‘ve not answered. don‘t be ba>hfuL Just ask it, and I'll try and answer it. Are you going? \Yell, good-bye. REPLIES \V'HILE YOU \VAI'I‘. Au eccentric fut mun who was on exhibiliuu became so tired of answer- iing questions that he had the follow. ling replies printed and pasted on a board at his side: I weigh 345 pounds. I am fat. I knuw Ium (at. I am growing falter every day. I am growing larger every day. I can not tell you how much larger I am going to get. I expect. to grow until I either: din or collapse. Yes. [hiLve a good appetite. Nu, I do not eat all like time. Ya, I am going to stop eating No. I was not always as large an I am now. I do not remember when I was as thin asynu. Yes, my father was a large man. Yes, my inther was a large woman, I can not téll you how long it will take you to get as fat as lam. I do not know if you. will ever be as fak usl um. I like tu be told that I am iat. I like to be stared at. I like to h'lve people stop in the sli'eel and laugh at me. Dr. \Yillizlms’ Pink Pills (aura by going to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood and strengthen the nerves. thus driving disease from the system. Avoid imi- tations by insisting Lhut every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark. Dr. Wilq liams‘ Pink Pills fur Pale People: It your dealer does nut keep them they will be sent postpaid at 50 cents a box. or six boxes for $2.50. by addressing the Dr. Williams‘ Medicine 00., Brock- ville Ont. various advertised medicines. but without any benefit resulting. I was using the second box of the pills be- fore Ifelt any benefit, but from that my recovery was rapid. I used in all five boxes Of the pills, and have never felt better in my life than [do at the present moment. All the disagree- able senzatlons that accompany dys- pepsia have vanished; I can enjov mv Dr. trial." Mr“ Join: In land. or Tilrantnnl. l'. E. 1., (.‘lu-s llcr Expat-lance lor the Bun-ll: or slmllnr Sum-rcrsâ€"DI" Willlnms' l’luk I‘lll‘ ('urcd lll‘l' After ("her )lt'lllclnn Fnllcd. From the Watchman, Charlottetown. Mrs. John Holland, of hruntum. P.E.I., is well known and highly ro- spected in the community where she resides. For some years her life was one of misery and suffering. having been an acute sufferer from that comâ€" mon toe of humanity, dyspepsia. Al reporter hearing other restoration to health through the agency of that wonderful remedy. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, called upon Mrs. Holl‘lnd to obtain particulars, which were cheerfully given as fol- lows ;â€""About {our years ago I be- came very ill. I was attacked with a distressmg pain in my stomach, uccompnnied by flashes of heat and cold. These attacks were generalm preceded by a sleepiness and stupor which required constant exertion to keep awake. I had little or no appe. tite and food lay as a stone on my, stomach. As time passed, I was growing worse, vomiting of food so! in, with sudden changes of heat and cold in my feet. I was so reduced in strength as to not be, able to walk any distance without resting. {1'0 work I dare not attempt. I began to feel that I could not live very long in my present condition. [was ro- duoed in Aveigh‘t to 115, pounds. ’Ilwo years ago I began using Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Before this I had tried meals with relish, and my weighL has increased from 115 to 139 pounds. It is now more than a year since Idis-‘ continued the use of the pills, and as l have not had the slightest touch of the trouble in that time I feel safe in saying that my cure is permanent. 1 would strongly advise oLhers suf- eri'ng from stomach troubles to give MAKES THE LIVES 0F THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE MISERABLE. STUMAUH TROUBLE STANDING UP FOR IT. \Villiams’ Pink Bill; a fair enjoy my