Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Jul 1900, p. 8

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J aoo'b These agents also keep on hand Fire Proof store, Blnders, mo make, as well as repairs for LeuveC P R Crossing at 6. 7.2 , 1.30, 2.4o,__§1_._og _5A.4 ' METROPOLITAN TIM E TABLE Until turther notice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hm Post. 01mm as follows:â€" MORNING . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . 8.00 EVENING .. ..... 6:15 N.B.â€"â€"Registered Letters must, be handed in an east Fxfteen Minutes em‘lier than the above mentioned hours for closing. __ _._.__. .m -nn n ‘1 Mun v a nu... "5.36.130, 6.30; 8.35 p. GOING ‘soura Leave Newmurket 7.30, 9.15, 11.15}? '13. £11 Leave Richmofid film 1 2.40. 3.55, 4.55 Sunday Buuuuq . Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at '1 p. 11:. Sunday School at 2.30. Pra Wednesdaz qyeqipgkh ....n\\ Cnruu‘ns Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services nate Sundays at!) a. m. and 10.30 a. ' Methodist Churchâ€"Services at 10.30 ‘I p. m. Sande. School at. 2.30. Gene) meeting Thurs ay. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"â€"M day on or before full moon CourtRichmond, A 0 F #Meets Se founh Friday Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"-Meetsinurtl of each month ~ Camp Elam, S O S â€"Meets second ( Wednesday R '1‘ of Temperanceâ€"Meets first V 0; each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday mbuch Public bemry and lleuJLug Roor Tuesday. Thursday and Sunuruav eveniz Enworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Friduy Wheat, white, per hush. Wheat. red. per bush Wheat, goose. per bush Outs. per bush ..... Peas, per bush r. Burlev. Der bush , Turkeys. per lb “ Dressed Hogs. per cw . . Geese, per lb .............. Chickens. per pair, Ducka.per pmr Butter, in pound rolls. Eggs. fresh ............... Potatoes, per 1mg ‘ Apples. per bbl . Hay,clover ..... Hay. timothy . Straw Sherri. Church of Eug‘ W. HEWlSON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS ’ COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending a sketch and (165ch Hon may nulckly macerth our upznion free w ether nu inventmn is probablypalentnble. Commumca- lions strictly conudcmlul. Handbook on Patents sent free. 0|dest agency for securing pntenu. Patents taken l‘urouuh Mann & Cu. receive :pajal notice, “12mm. chm-ca. In the “' .A.-..f.AAA POST OFFICE NOTICE A handsomaly illustr culation of any scion year: {our moguls. s year: tour moncus. u. out“ u, u.- “w. MUNN & 60.36'Bmdwav- fiewggk Branch Office. 625 F St“ Washington. . Deermg Binders}; RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL. Between Toronto and §E§3§ififi€ “Emmy: falls from a distance promptly attended to. BFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 Village DirectorY~ PRICES AT FARMERS' w.\GunNs. momma Enzu'hris. 91y illustrated ;veck1y. Largest cl?- any scieuufin journal. Terms. 63 a months. $1. Sold by ulll‘zlawsdanlm'? G OIN G NURT {landâ€"Services at 3p All kinds of Repairing PromptIy Done. "Churchâ€"Services on alter- n,.m. mu} 10.30 a. m. n~â€"Sarvicos 211110.30 a. m :16 L Luvuu A 0 1“ ~Meets second and {3.10, 10.30 a. m SE5 AT 7.30 P M M. TEEFY . Postmaster. 9.55, 11.55 a. m Meets second and foulth 'â€"-Meebs fourth Tuesday Newmnrket. keep on hand in their shop, opposiu Bmders, mowers & twine of the ab as repairs for all kinds of machinery first Wednesday 2, 3.15 M â€"â€"Meets Mon- gut 11 a. um. find Prayer moenng deherul prayer mmm 000 10 R0 ownâ€"Open l) 1" l 11.30 a. m 152.20, 2.20 SOLD BY 30 111. every of every 071 000 000 wwwMBM%m 80100004 I? 16 1 NO \The church a}? One. Gray & Sons,Bou.d Wagon, us One, Grav 8: Sons, light covered _ .. .. , AAA». is wuu. Ohe, Gray 85 Eons, stauhope. 1 times. $90. One Road wagou,2nd hand. F. J. GALLATx The next meeting of the Council 0 0! Markham will be held at UL Tuesday, July 17th The Epworth League have freezers to rent. One “Ideal.” in 3 minutes; the other, "W1 wgl freeze in 10 minutes. Rent May be seen at Mrs. Trench’s. On Friday, July 6, 1900, 5 8111‘ Thropshire lambs and 4 Cotsm or were taken from the premir: sighed. luv 19, con. 2, Vaug‘u givmg information which W11] 1‘ covery will be suitably rewara‘c Strayed or “ Irma-J :' a e L. 5m; W’orshipping at Sherw mence an evening meet?! of June next, at 7 o’clocl Rein of Toronto, will meeting on that, occam are to continue during A cox-dial invitation to u EMONEYI Received in Saving ment and intert RICHMON HEGHEST CUBE General Banking For other particulars GLéEE OFFER}: 93 Yonge StreeL, . (a rm . A huge amount 0! prn' Improved tum pmpun s teresn. Easy terms fur 1 mission charged 011105;!” A. G. F. LXW'I Or at Richmond 5x Notice of withdraw sal'y. All depmi ‘ 0n donut: Clerk’s Noting 51-tf 33m Qavtttistmm‘: Capit: Rest FOR We guarantee PC T0 RENT J. F. Row all A‘ 11 o'clock a. m DEPOSITS Transaatsdu £115? RENT BEES. $l9900£90 77 L AND 1C Ink 11 1 1:3“: . T. F. MoMAHO‘N. ICanada. Cycle 8:: Motor 00., Limited, 300 hQE 0 com Toronto l 1.0i Mat-Aw ENT nk gazihe { Ball The Bramfem “ Red. Eiréé ” knowledge of bicycle construction have demonstrated, aw and appliances could reduce to practice. “ Red Bil-d " thesv mnphasizvd points, look into them : Reduced weightâ€"special deSignsâ€"uniqno huhsâ€"imprv perfect handle but udjustmentâ€"strengthenod forksâ€"ideal new overhanging sprocketâ€"combined coaster and brake. W. A. SANDERSON. {Janada Cycle & Momr 00., Limited, Agents everywhere. % H.- A. NICEOLLS. {Smack 657019 86 Mater 60., Limited, Tm Masgeyv 3513 mg . If you want proof of the stnune-lmess of this splendid Canadian-made wheel it is only necessary to state that the Victorian Government of Australia recently purchased a number-of them for use in its cycle postal departmentâ€" \gap "at about the same time the New South \Vales Govern- , . . ment purchased American and other makes for similar serviceâ€"and Government statistics show that 1t cost over twenty times more for repairs on the American collectlon than for the MasseytHarris wheelsâ€"DOES THIS CONVINCE You ?. Never pplls outâ€"it’s a useful improv- ementâ€"51mple and easy to remove. All the features of the Sle‘vemnd Bicycies FOR 1900 Agents everywhere Agents everywhere. Are good ones, and the ball head spoke not the least in importance. Head office, Toronto, Canada. Head office, Toronto, Canada. Head office, Torcnto, Canada. Local representative, ocal Representative, ocal representative, . hunul - gnsâ€"upiquo hubsâ€"improved crank brzu u , . _L “A”; €.\h.1 Is built simplic fllllIL‘SS that‘s Is built on the principle of the greatest, simplicity without sacrificing the use- fulness m- tho strength of the wheelâ€".- thut‘s the aim in all the high-grade wheels tn-dny. The makers of the “ Rut] Bird " have been quick tu note and adopt such features and improve- ments as hai‘e been proven to he desir- able, useful and suhstantinlwimprm‘e- ments that experience and a wider , . . . . , g. . u «n Write for catalogue. “évipm-ience and a 'widm- mash-Med, and which skill. capital “ Red Bird“ models for 1900 have Write tor catalogue. seat post, fastenerâ€" rite tor catalogue ‘Vhich we We 11mm in stuck kinds of LII-9551 Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Buses, Farm Gates, Etc. \Ve also have for sale two old build- ings, size 21x60 ft., two stories high; one stable, 20x55 ft, ltwo stories ; also one small office building, 9x16 ft. These buildings are in good repair and the lumber and timber in them is good and sound. Is running every just got in best This com is sweet and dry and makes the best of mm]. Call and see it, and you will not fail to buy. L. INNES & SUNS, On the premises, Richmond Hill. a. thoroughbred Short-horn bull. Tex-ms $1.00 cash. 32-tf T. LUDFORD Richmond fin]. i H. PRENTICE (0f Lhe firm of Eckardt 85 Prentice). agent for the Massey-Harris Labor- Saving Machinery, Wagons, Plows, Scufl'lers, &c.; also the Szuvyer & Massey Engines and Threshers, the Brantford \Vind-Mill, and the Upâ€"tu- Date Toronto Fanning Mill. All Massey-Harris repairs kept by H. A.a Niclmlls. Richmond Hill. Business solicited. THE SUN Life Assurance Co. Assures on all the modern plans. and is qne o! the most prosgerops qud progressxve compunles m exxscence. Premiums low. policies unconditional and, uonfurfeituble. Take a. policy with the district. agent, LIBERAL OFFICE. Is successfully used momth b over 0,000Lad1es. Sale,efiectual. Lad ease]! your dru gist for cook‘s Cotton Root Om and. Take no or er, as all Mixtures. pills and mutations are dangerous. Price. No. 1, :1 er box' No. 9. 10 degrees stronger.” per box. 0. 1 or 5, mailed on receipt. of price and two a-cens stam s. The Cook Company Windsor Ont 05. 1 and 2 soldand recommended by W responsible Drugglsts in Canada. [.5' No. 1 and No. 2 sold in Richmond Hill by W A. Sanderson Druggiat. ELGW POINTS. F93; SERVICE Plow Points for all the principal plow: at Half a. miie west of Richmond Hill. Binders and Moweis Repaired on the shortest notice. Sixty cents a hundred allowed on, wrought or cast iron. Shop open any night until 8.30. FEED GQRN. Mager’s Euundw, fill? 853%? SHINGLES LUMER,‘ Strictly (it'sl-cl:1ss,1-mdy for use. cnnveniontflur- able, beautiful, wasin applied, economical and m. el'V variety (If shade. 0111’ 01 ROBERTSON’S ()1 dc PAW .Oook’s Cotton Root Compound Unionville, READY-MIXED F1 MCMAHON. every dL‘SCI‘lpth tel-1m- and ink cm-utimx. Druggist. Richmond Hill. s will sell on a margin for cash OF CANADA. ichmond Hill Mills. FOR SALE BY GUABQRTE '9 for Sule‘ two old build- 1) ft., two stories high; :55 ft., (two stories; also fice building, 9x16 ft. gs are in good repair and md timber in them is ARRIWED SANDERSON ’L'R} £11 full line of 2111 issed and rough day, and we have a out load of N0. 2 MIXED “.7. M .XGER, Prop. .md No. RICHMOND HluI: Richmond Hill. very close

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