Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jul 1900, p. 1

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VOL. XXIIi. nus LIBERAL PRINTING 3. PUB! RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY MORNING-i , DR. LANGS’ $I per 211 Oddfe DR. T. A. Office Gmduato or the with diploma. i: Dental School. wx’ Friday of each v 2mm 1 to 3 1). m. Diseases of hors ed animals treats m. 1552'. Gael} getter, DEN‘TIST Disqwses d ed ammuls< proved mob Telephone 3368 for appointment. I“ VETERINARY SURGEON Romode One of c F, J. GALLANOUGH Cor. Bloor :unl Spadina Tomato. ficc Every 30“ V I’A L .0011} TIT/“11.: (Sucpcssor to Dr BUSINESS 0 VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, fitting lowest VETERINARY SURE THORO IS PUBLISUI 1‘.McMAHON.i ECHBEC‘ED HILL ill b Hours : p m WW“. Roqcvs DITOB HMOND IIILL U0}; nnum, m adv toc th, prices “Inn: Efiicaiml. wtta‘ritmrg UGHLY mfiks’t , £93132“. ictor n'nhill. C ) Uhiii 6:035”: 10 a. m.; 12 to 9 p. m. .Isn rep Good w smith me,mxammcflstsgm W ut Veleri O ntzu‘i that, NV“ ARDF fiSHiNG HOUSE n, 001‘. ‘omn to Hill 1 Trotter Toronto. GEUN NW 111cc ‘nde 1! Puhl u p PH T. HE EnetT 8 Am 'i’lmrui 25 KIN ISSU 9.)] uite LIBERAL Ofi 0H “HIS JANE )HNSTON, ROS FALCOEBRIDG YA RY Ecktu‘dl COURT OF JUSTICE, 62c i Auct 3r STRE ntc ,Offi oodbrld Leach We R MARRIAGE 03D HILL POST OFFICE sonnbs rates Swims and 1d 78 Freehold Loan Build 1r. Adelaide and Victoria. Sbreets, Toronto. )mptly athendefi to at rem Gouldmg, Newton Brook BUILDIN< N EVVT é (30M & Sf fice, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. Solicitcr. Notar; T W ‘ont‘ Mr . Grnnt's rusi a: P: entice for the Cot noun. Gen madman, 'EACDOEAE Smith. '1 on tha 51.01195 P. 0. address k the ' (:he C latrou: Enough. in}: [1' NECEWME. ciis'fiicrs. .‘ “mmâ€".7, _....a......g.. "PUB LICENSES, LICGIlSSS. ite mm TOY J. B ‘elert W a E???) HILL, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1900. f Yorlm‘eâ€" 1 friendly E N GE 1:055 {ENTICE uvnle f Ymk Hales of souanle agent Ideas M d \thn the citizens of Richmond Hill make up their minds to get up an at- ‘ tractivc progi'annnc and carry it out 3 successfully, they are not/likely to fail. l and the successful effort last Thursday was no exception to the, rule. The ex- cursion and picnic to St. UchiU‘illt'S' was a success in every particular, and , everybody who took the trip seemed ‘ to enjoy it to the full. Three electric I ears carrying 217 passengers left the. village at ($.30, and arrived at Yongc St. wharf shortly before 8 o’clock. Besides our own citizens quite a large numher came in from Oak Ridges, King City, Maple, Victoria. Square. {eatiford and surrounding places, and on the way down the cars stopped to talus on excursionists at Thor-nhill and ‘ otherintermediatepoints. In Toronto they were joined by fortyâ€"two other friends, making a total of 259 wlun boarded the boat. A little disappointment was felt a when it was learned that the excur- sioni ts had to cross the lake. by the st ncr Lincoln, which is not. a uni- versal favorite, but when they were assured that they would return by the Lakeside, they made up their minds to make. the best of it. The. trip was delightful, although it was a little chilly crossing Lake Ontario. and the steamer rolled more than was enjoy- able to a gmvdiy percentage of the pa: engers who apparently were. anna- teurs in the art of sailing. Of course no one. was seasickâ€"such a weakness could not he admittedâ€"but a number were accompanied by mal de inner, and spent much of their time watching for fishes on either side of the boat. The mouth of the Old \Velland Canal was entered at Port Dalhousie, where quite a number went through a lock for the first time in their lives. The sail up the canal was delightful. as there are many spots of heautyand pointsan interest on the way. The points of interest, on the w; c.L_V of ‘t. Catharina was uhuut, 11.31}, when some nf tile p.u-t.y went tn the \x'eH-equipp for dinner, wlzik' mixers swim in the park, which is an ideal picnic p?‘{‘UPS. After dinner various little. parties bruncth off in dim-rent directions to vie-w some of the leading features and “ do up the town," which, though not a Toronto, possesses many attractions which are worthy of note. The city has some fine l‘t’Sldt’nthl‘l streets. and the many cozy homes and well kept lawns and grounds are a credit to the owners. Of course the great attrac- tion of the afternoon was the league. lacrosse match between the St. Cath- arines and Richmond Hill teams. A hard game was expected, as our boys had defeated these opponents 2| couple of weeks before. by H. score, of 6 to 5, and it, was well known thth St. Kits would endeavor to retrieve their lost honors, while the visitors were equally determine-(1 to retain what they had fairly won. At 3.05 the tennis lined EXCURSION T0 ST. CATHARINES A GREAT SUCCESS. fem-1y wun. A up as follows erybody enjoy it Is can-yi Stars. 1 \Vatson . . . . . . . . . Goal. .. McNulty . . . . . . . Point. . Devlin . . . . . . Cover Poi: Harding . . . . . Timmons}. . . . Defence- Lo“ e . . . . . . . . Cameron . . . . . . . Centre. Eccleston . . . . . ] Bnumann Home{ Flack. . . . . . . . J Dixon . . . . . . . . . Outside Ham-is . . . . . . . . . . Inside. J. Gates. . . .Field (‘apm A. Eccleston. . . .Umpin J. Cameron. .Time-Koey Refereeâ€"C. M. Rain The play was fast f and during the first hall cidedly in favor of the l spectators, hulfo who! Richmond Hill and \‘ici enthusiastic, and until i he rough it, was much 9 The Sun-5’ coinbinutir good, and they threw t other with \wmdvil‘ul they were a little- slou a: nd they lacked judg $1015 on goal. Tho \' was almost. impregth end of half tinm the su mnnd Hill, 2; St. (lath W hen play was Hg.- n‘ {‘ifizons‘ Pioasant measures. Alluwir sirukes and (11115105 um- boys were unme and left, the field lite cuts and bruises. goal keeper. was In incapacitated for 50! uu the forehead. ( badly gushed, cht reivgd a. deep: I, CIVIC HOLIDAY. in Non-Essentials, Liberty d, and \V.‘ CliEux ... .Outside . . . . . . ‘ . . . . Inside. . . . “ Field Captain“? 1. . . .Umpire. . .V . . . .Gnal . . . . . . . . . F . . .Point . . . . . . . J‘ Cover Point. . . .‘V }D f r .F. ‘ e (Inc-91 . . . . . 1 an- again 1'0: but furk L fmm tl mlf time ' 0 Hill 1m) mm [mile icinity. \vl i1 the pluj 1 gnjoyud inn the Richmond Hill . . . . . . . F. Sims . . . . . . J. Glass nt....\V. Glass (.141. Gmingvri . . . . . G. Sims 1 B. Glover! ll'll sit 1%: sh J . 3 . \VI. ()IEI nt bull to u I‘m'ou \V as md M( isiun, but dvlivering in tin-ix- 's’ defence nd at the Loud Rich- re-ac hm! pleasurt Zdlm d (h E. \V mned it I .I - l;- Konzw Trench Kenzie Glover L‘litfi u-d got to )y all. {V 5 (10- The from Leis m‘n tau-t, tun i and thvy( | ing which heavy om; time the b and the I favor. the rye necessitated twn stitches by a. doctor. Our buys stuck to their usts till the match was ended. but t‘hegight men on homo couldn’t score again, and thvy could not stand the pound- ing which was heinginflictx'd by their heavy opponents. In the second half time the Stars scored two moregamos, and the match ended 3 t0 2 in their After the match the excursinnists Wondod their my to the wharf where they hum-(led the Lakeside and started on the return juumwy, reaching T0- rnntn shortly after 9 u‘cluck, and Rich- mond Hill about 11. The excursion was a success financially as it was in every other l'ospvct. After paying all expenses the committee representing the Sons of Scotland, the Ancient, Foresters and the \Vorkmen lodges, lmmlvd the balance, $45.63, over to the lacrosse (-luh. * Lonnnand. Inund about the xn-(lvl' (If battle. La.- nmndchrn'gvd Izzard with being too slzm'. The quarrel grew so hot he- twven the two officers that they drew swords, but their aids separated them. Lamond callvd the other officers aside and asked if they would break or dis- ohey orders. They said Nol Izzurd was thvir HiperiOr officer and they wnuld 0be him as long as he was in Lamond said he would then. He placed his soldiers in proper quarters and left for \Vashington. 'I‘l 3 LAIQ‘I'L‘ lw presented his complaint and : winter quarters in Toronto. prmnisvd if promoted to take up his He came _l:-ar:k Izzaxd’s surcvssor. “My duty was to take care of the Colonel’smarkoe or tent, at responsi- bility not very great when properly attended to. At Buffalo Col. Bissle kept company with one Capt. Camp. They seemed to he very intimate friends and spent their evenings t0- gothm‘. “During this period I had much time to myself, and in talking to others I was often asked where I came from, What relation was I to my master, was I hired or u slaw». I said that I was a slave. They told me that Richmond Hill and Vicinity then. 1 quarter: There I; pmmisv wink-r ( hunk 12-: n ‘i‘v “ Almut this time war broke out be- tween Great, Britain and the United Statesâ€"the war of 1812. Col. Bissle and his company were ordered to the front. I noticed that the American army were it long time getting to- gvmm', and when a number were-in camp there were perpetual disputes among the ()fiicvrs. in their s01 mcnt‘s, owin unanimity. dispute :11'09 mum! about nmnd churgl I Was in a free state, that my master could not; hold me if I did not. choose to permit him, but at the same time iinfonnedme that there was no use asserting my rights there as they would only send me fm-therlmck to the slave states to secure me. The knowledge I had obtained I kept to myself, determined to escape across to Canada the first opportunity. Some- !thing in my actions, however, made the Col. suspicious, so to try me he lsainl. Lomy, you must. get yom‘solf ready to g0 with the sun often brong I have no 01) blin from ore tn k nwncm )l'LvUUH he in ail things, Charity. 1‘1 518$ IN 71159:: the cfmnniLtv Sons of Scotland asters and the \V‘ Iffulo 0t ‘My' fellow n named S Cum rui ‘y to go home. Home! sum 1. 1 the same imprudent-e which had n brought me into trouble before, ve no objections to go home, but lust, not be out of York State. 19 immed iater became very angry. t night I was staked at; the gum- g table and lost. Captain Camp now my master, antl I was taken n he markee to his house in ,e 21 large fUI'CQ “we now (1 under Izzzu'd, Scott. Brown :(31' (:fiicoIN and active steps lken to invade Canada. The ms somehow were very un- t9, hPing m-quonlly defeated L“ sortie-s and minor engage- mving, I think, to their lack of ily. I was in camp when a. arose IIPme-n Izzzu-d and La.- hnut the m-dvl‘ of battle. La.- hrlrgvd hand with being L00 The quarrel grew so but be- he two officers that they drew “50:11 tlu \YM. HA R then 1 CONTINUED. l< would 11. Sam his \vlmlt |ur waste RISON aow-Travelior. man who had many :huructer, hut trout. f duty with gran! st st that he \vu: mts sol-dim :lde m nuwn l me Home \VPI'E bov m seemed by whom )b, on the the gum- iu Camp 'us taken house in ing Loo but be- ‘y drew d them. as aside or dis- it’fel-ence to 011101- ;vd with :t up bo- nut 0111 lit ffully The (‘ZI‘PL DJ 3‘ th'e ' and do the same again. He really de- served all he got. I could not help 1 pitying him. I had frequently to 1 dress his hack, to draw the shirt, out . of tho furrows made by the lash. (‘19:! n 3 off the blood and hits of flesh whipped up, and grease the Shltt to prevent it i sticking to his raw shouklei's. I said I to him one day, Bob, it is certainly :1 t very -sti-:xnge thing that you act as you do when you might have hotter times by being hotter, and wound up with the ronnu-k that I could tle him off both fore ordered *0 g( As I went ‘ about my he; had unhuckle but while 1( suserimls. Atter regained strength Spavinsfiinglggnfs{Spaints Bh‘ Ask your drug “A Treatise or in: a. 1.7KVENDALL comm", museum: nus, v1. Curbs; and-All Forins of Lameness Yield to [Single copies, 3 cts. but ’0 BE CONTINU rm {or Kendall’s Spnvln Curr. also the “one,” the hook (me, or nddreil

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