: ham. l Through Storm and Sunshine CHAPTER XXXVI.-Conrtinned. “ Undo the wrong,“ he said quickly. IWither than sudden your life.“ "No. l have thought it over welL IlshaJl never undo that. It must re- main as it is. but I will do my best to make amends. I will do all the good that lies in my pmVelr. I will. spend the princely revenues of Lance- wood in charity and benevolence, but I will not restore to the child of the strolling player the right that should never have been his.†"And you will never marry ?" he interrogated slowly. “ No. I shall never marry. plied. " What will become of Lancewood. them l“ he asked. “Dt will pass to the other branch of the Neslies. I know themâ€"they are simple. loyal.,honeslt people. I shall send for their eldest son in a. few years' time and make him my heir. At n she re- least, I shall have a gentleman to succeed me. Lancewood will not be the prey of Lady Nestle and her friends." " It is a cruel decision,†said Gerald. A-adly. " I have done cruel wrong,“ she re- plied. “ And now. Gerald. we have to discuss your departure. I have told you this only to show you that you will not suffer alone." It was some days before Gerald left, and to him that parting had all the bitterness of death. Yet he saw that it must be. He saw thlat Vivien would never feel happy or at ease with him again. The sound of his voice. the sight of him blrought an expression of pain over her faceâ€"her voice took quite another tone in speaking to him. All the intimacy of their friendship was at an end. Between them lay the shadow of sin. He must go. He had imperiled his soul for Lancewocd, but Lalncewlood was no longer a home for There was great wonder expressed on all sides when it was known that Gerald Dorman was going to leave Lemcewood; but it was generally un- derstood that Miss Neslie did not re- quire his services, as she preferred [to keep the management of matters in her own’hands. Mr. Greslton thought It rather a pity that Miss Neslie nhlould lose such a valuable and trustworthy friend, {but did not in- :erfere. So the day came when Gerald Dor- ma'n left all his hopes of happiness behind him. For long years after- ward the memory of that parting re- mained \vilth himâ€"it broke his heart .11 the end. He had made all arrangements rboult the sending of the money to his brother for the care and education of .ilttle Oswald. and Gerald had deferr- :d the parting with Vivien until the last moment, he dared not trust him- self with her, but, when the carriage stood at the door, and his luggage was III placed within it. he: {went in search I )f Miss Neslie. . she was waiting for him in the lib- rary, where they had spent so many hours together. \Vithout a word he Jeld out his hands to her, she clasped Lhem in her own. He tried to speak to her, but his lips quivered. and tears hat were no disgrace to his manhood ltood in his eyes. "You are going, Gerald " she said ndly. "My faithful friend, Ishall find “ You refused to marry me before." he said, “ because you could not leave your home; that was the sole rea- son.“ "I had no other, Adrian." she re- plied. “That reason no longer exists. You know how much I would do to please you. I am perfectly willing to live at King’s Rest for six months of the year and to spend the other six months at Lancew-ood. I will help you to take care of your home. Its interests and its welfare shall be dear to meâ€"nay.‘ dearer than my own.“ “Jlt is not that,†she replied. “I know that you would do just as you say; butâ€"believe me. Adrian. I can- not marry you." “ My beautiful, capricious, darling." he said, laughing, " I shall believe no such thing. \Vhy should I? I know you love me, and I shall listen to no reason, no excuse, no scruple. I SIMIII never cease praying and pleading until you are my wife. You say ‘ No’ this time; Ishsll come again. You may say ‘ No ’ the next time; I shall come even after that. \Vhat is to be done with such a determined lover I†“I cannot tell," she replied; “but you will find, Adrian, that I mean whalt I say.†“ So do I, my darling. and I would wage-r my whole fortune that you are Lady St. Just before long. I will not take ‘No’ for an answer. unless you tell me that you have ceased to love me. Is it so? I know you speak true- ly when you do speak? Have you ceas- ed to love me l" “ No," she replied. “I have not." “ Will you tell me why you refuse to marry me l" he asked. “I cannolt: but the reason is a grave one,†she replied sadly. " I shall come again," said Lord St. just. “ You love me, and you will mar- ry me in time, I am sure of it. These recent terrible events have startled and unnerved you. Vivien. my queen, give you a year to reflect your deci- sion, and after that period has elapsed I shall come again.†He wernt away, and she was left alone to do the best she could with her life. She did the best she could have done. She spent no time in idle lumenltation and mourning. An ill deed had been done. She would not undo it ; but she would do her best to atone for it. From that hour she commenced a life that was given up to doing good. Never had the honor of Lancewood been upheld as it was now. As first she directed every energy . to the reforming of abuses. She sent for all the old servants whom Lady NeSIie had dismissedâ€"she placed the household on the same footing on which it had been during her father's lifetime. Order, punctuality, neatness, regularity, and method once more reigned within the house. Once more the bell rang morning and evening for the servants to assemble for prayer in the hullâ€"a proceeding at which “miludi†had laughed scornfully. Once more Lancewood took its proper posi- tion; it became the leading house in the countyâ€"the house to which all others looked up. Once more the owner of Lancewood becth the great county magnate; carriages stopped beâ€" my darling, I will be generous; Iwill. residents as they had been accustomed to do. It was a work of time. but Vivien accomplished it at last. It seemed to lher that the traces of her ladyship's lresidence at the Abbey could never lbe effuced. The pictures had all been ‘removed and changed; th- mugnlfil-eut :UIII oakell furniture. so thoroughly in lkeeping with the grand old walls. had :been exchanged for modern [rifles '-that appeared out of place. i When the old Abbey looked once ‘more like itself. Vivien began her outâ€" ‘ofâ€"door reform. She \volked inces- lsantly that she might have no time for ltlluught. She filled her (toys with good deeds that the hours might not, ‘as they passed, remind her of her sln_ She was not happy; every one remark- ‘eld how changed she was. She had 1grown thoughtful, sad, reserved. If any one found her alone, there was a ‘strange nervousness in her mannerâ€"a. ‘hnlf buried fear, as though she expect- ed something unwanted would take place. She was kinder, more patient. more considerateâ€"she forgot herself in attending to others. l A few months passed. and there was no one left uncured for on the estate. ‘The sick, the aged, the poor. were all relieved. People, speaking of Miss lNeslie, said that she was especiallyI kind to children. She never passed ‘a child without thinking of little Oswald. A little scene that occurred in the Hydewell .RJUild struck her once like a blow. She was driving along when she saw two boys fighting. One was much older, much bigger than the other. Vivien could never, without rernoustrating, puss anything of that kind. She stopped the carriage, and inquired what was the matter. "He has taken threcpence from me!" sobbed the little boy. “Is that true I" asked Vivien‘ of the elder. “Yes, it is true enough," was the reply. "but Iam his eldest brother." "\Vhy have you taken his money from him i" ask-ed Vivien. "Because he would have spent it all on acake, and. have eaten it. I shall buy something that will last.†The children wondered at the ex- prelssion that came over the beautiful, sorrowful face. The words struck her like a blow. VVh-at could she say? On a larger scale, this was just‘ what she had doneâ€"taken her brother's in- heritance because she could put it ton better use. Then she sat-d to herself that her motives were noblerâ€"so noble ‘indeed that they justified her almost in what she had done. :She drove on quickly, and never staid to see how the combat ended. :Time pa:sed on, and the beautiful lord-er in which the Llnrewood estate gwas kept was noticed by every one. »There seemed to be no poor. The laborers were well paid â€" they had decent hnlu<es to live in. Schools were ‘built for the children, almshouses for the aged. From between the tufted )trees one saw the spire of a new and {beautiful church. The farmers Were ’not asked to pay a rent that was ruin, lous. People thought themselves for- ltunate in being under the rule of Miss ‘lNeslle. She would never marry, it was said; she was devoted to Luncewood; she in‘ :tended to spend her-life there ill doing fgood. Those who saw her, beautiful, lrich, the mistress of a large estate, Ithe worshipped head of a larg> house- hold, said to l hcmselves that she, above all olhers, was to be envied; they lit. ‘tle knew what was hidden undvr the ict-l-Iln, proud beauty of her face. lo one to take your place.†" No one ever will," he answered. loarsely; " no one will ever love you s I do; no one will ever be so ready 0 life down Life 'and love for you as . am.†'I know it." she said. “ You have neen one of the truest of friends to no; but we must part that we lnayt .ry to forget. Gerald. will you Lr‘II me vhere you are going I" l "Yes." he replied; “I slllll go [0 ny brother in America. I .shilll not toy in England; and, Miss Nestle. lromlse rueâ€"Ave none. of us know whur . he future holds for Itsâ€"that if you mm a friend you will send for mm", “ I promise," she said; and bending she touched his bowed headl with her lips. He would have suffered twrce as‘ nuch for such a l’ewlrd. , " Good-bye. Heaven bless you} Youl lave been my greatest friend. Ihavel reen your worst enemy. Good-byeâ€. And the next moment Gerald Dor-l nan had left Lancewood for ever. ‘ Iown. CHAPTER XXXVII. Adrian St. Just refused to accept the decision of his beautiful, imper- ious lady-love. 0n the receipt of her letter he went without loss of time to Lancowood. .fuch Very hl Earnest Are the People Who Testify Below to the Bene- ï¬ts Derived From the Use of the Famous Reme- dies of Dr. A. W. Chase. Both the Re-‘ipe Book and the great Frllnily Itt‘lut‘llt-‘s of Dr. (‘hzlSe attest his it'll'nt‘s‘llles‘s Lilli sincere llewire to benefit his falloutâ€"beings. Ills just re- “ lrd is IOUII'I Ill lllt’ gl‘itefu. upprecia- tion of his gran-l work by persons who thi‘ been llr’llr'fllt‘tl. Hole in: three ‘ER‘II‘neSL letters :â€" BAD CASE OF PILES. Mr. \V. E. Sheppard. travelling ex- cursion agent, Sutton \Vest. York County. Ont., \\'rlte<:â€"“l must send-1 word of commendation for Dr. CIl-l\€-3 Ointment. I was badly used up with piles, and in misery must of the time. when I heard of Dr. Chase‘s Oin m ‘n'. The first application had such good re- suits that I Continued using it until thoroughly cured." SICK HEADACHE. Mrs. Don. 850 James street north, Hamilton, Ont., sayszâ€"“I have been a martyr to sick headache. Though I tried numerous remedies, none seemed to bring relief. At times Ifound my- self on the verge of desp'lir: nothing met my (use. I recently plflcured :1 box of Dr. l‘lllw‘i Kidneyâ€"Liver Pills, and am thankful to say that at last I have found the right medicine. At onoel obtained relief. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver l’ill: have unrkurl won- ders for me. andlshlll always rerom- mend them.†, HEALTH FOR OLD AGE. )Il‘s. Mll‘gul‘ol Il'nll. Tower Hill, N. B., \\'I‘lt€\2â€""l)l’. t‘lllse's Norw- Food has done me a world of good. I was 5) work that Icoulul not walk l\\'l(’t3 the leuth of the llauw. )Iy lllnlls trellllllel ~o tilll I\.'UUIII not carry a pint of water. I was too nervous to sleep. .lnl unable to do work of any kind. "Since using Dr. Chase‘s _\'ul\'e Food [have been Cdlllpluielï¬â€˜ I'e‘Illl‘é-‘I. I can will; -1 mile without any inconvenienve. TI) lurh Ti )‘C'Il’< nil 'lan quite fleshy, I do my own house work. and consider- able sewing. knitting 1111i reading be- sides. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Il'lS prorel of inestimible value to me." Imlt'Hors of Dr. (‘nase‘s Remelies do not dare to reproduce his portrait and sigllltul'e, uhivh are every box of hf< EPIILIII]* relnu lies. At ‘all (IO‘IIeI‘S. or Edinlnson. Bates & Co. “Toronto. found on ‘ fore its gates, people looked up to its A year passed, and Adrian St. Just But this time she refused to receive him: she went away to ll seaside to avoid him. and he had to return without. having seen her. She. told him frankly why lshe had done so; it was because seeing him gave her more pain than pleasure lâ€"-:~he would have had to say "No," to him againâ€"it was better to avoid the lllvclillg. Ulll his lordship did not ‘givo up hopeâ€"he said to himself lhclt the task of his life would be winning this belutiful. woman, who seemed so resolutely to flee from all love. He wrote to her, telling her that he should return the following year, and every your in fact until she smiled upon him. "I shall unmarried for your dell r silks." he said; "and while I I shall never despair." She was not happyâ€"perhaps in all the length and breadth of thn land no one was more unhappy than she. There were hours when she could not endure the memory of her sinâ€"when her proud, noble nature recoiled from it, and she hated herself wit h an intensity of hatredâ€"when she could not endure IIlw‘ sight of the sunshine or the song ml: the birdsâ€"when she dreaded the llighl of rlay and the darkness of night lâ€"xv’llell life was a torture, and the memory of her sin a terrible burden that seemed to grow heavier. There were times when, kneeling, with con- trite tears, she begged of Heaven to lparrlon her, and repented with her ‘whule soul; but the day never came in which she was willing to undo what she had done, or restore what she had unjustly taken. So far as human life could be perfect. hers was perfect. with the exception of one blot. With tears and sighs she owned to herself that above all others it was the sin of her life-time; ycL she would not undo it or wish it undone. came again. llllllle . . live live To be Continued *â€" POKING FIRES FOR A LIVING. Canoui Occupant)“ of Home People to Earn :1 lecllhoml. The trades of LOIIIILIOID are many, and some of them seem very strange. }Oue Occupation by which a score of ‘Brllttms are said to earn their liveli- hood is that of “poking fires." It is thus described by a London ex- .ch-lnge, and whatever else may be thought of the story, it speaks well for the Jews of England as faithful keepers of their law. By the Rxlbbihicul law, no Jew is alâ€" Lowed to kindle o-r mend any fire on the Sabbath; and IJD certain places in England, where Jews are very num- erous, this prohibition makes it nec- essary that pelrsons shall be employer] from sunset on [Friday to the Slllll‘ hour on S‘lturduy, in going from house to house lighting fires and lamps, and attending to theum Olte womln in th0 East End olf Lon- don often has as mlny as fifty houses to (lit't‘lnltl to. and drums small fees from each of them. It is not long since :1 lnzllc “fireâ€"poker†in IhEIl quarter died worth more than three hundred pounds, which he had savr’d out of his earnings. It often happens at the East En] thlt a strict Jew goes out into the sure-ell and says to some Christian plsaserâ€"by, “Would you be so kind as lto come indoors and light my lamp? The ‘iiu‘e-prker’ has failed me." Many :1 tilp do the police constables got for servi..~.es of this kind. One of Illtllll suild thlt h- hill received scores of small presents for putting kettles on tho fire. -â€"â€"¢â€"â€"â€" ONE LANGUAGE. "1 (1|qu lln~ (Inc l‘or [he Eye (Hill :I Hundred I'or III\‘ lizlr. Chinese has a written and m.llly 1spoken languages. One Slys: “L'liilla .hzh one language for the eye and about u bundled or so for the car." This refers to the tones and local changes of \ilJlt‘CE. la uguagc for IJUUks‘ and many for spec-ch 1.1le93 the (ICQUISIIIULI of this peculiar lingua e.\cc-~zllllgly difflcult, The colloqutll .l'l lleel. is known as the Miudariu and is lhu IUIIIL‘IAI language. l The Wenâ€"ll is the lite-l Ily style. uutivu dictionaries show ll collectlon of 4434:) characters or hieroglyphics, They are iloogluphic, pictorial and phonetic. The langulge his neither alph‘lbet, inflection, \IBCIUIFIUD nor conjugation, and calblsrs of AM or DUO Spike“ nlollosylllllles \r. 114711 have (lit- fclct meaning“. The weuullng IO intona- tion and connection. Time, number, gender, etc†are expressed by using more words. The characters are written or printel in vertirull column, Zor beginning at the right hln-l [up Iglw.‘ ner of the p'lge. OIIJ can I‘PIII lclassics with a knowloige of lchzlrncters. the 5,000 The fact that there n ono‘ YEARS OF PAIN. The Experience of Mr. Wllllam Smith. of Hawkesbury, Who Suf- fered for Many Years From Kidney Troubles. From the Post. Hawkesbury, Ont. Everybody in Hnwkosbury knows Mr. William Smith. He came here when the town was yet in its villzlga days. as one of the lumber company's staff of mechanics. In 1881 Mr. Smith was appointed town con- stable. and filled that position until very recently. As is well known to many of Mr. Smith's friends. he Ins suffered much from kidney troublq for quite a number of yours p'lrlt. and at times the pain in his back was sq great that he was almost physically incuplble of exertion. He doctored a great deal, sometimes getting teu1< porary relief. but the cause of the trouble was not removed. and soon the pains, accompanied alternately by chills and lover, returned. At lasl he came to look upon his condition as one which no medicine could per- manently aid. Indeed his condition might still have been one of much suffering had not Mrs. Smith ultim- ately prevailed upon her husband to give Dr. VVilliams' Pink Pills a trial. “It seemed," said Mr. Smith to a reporter, of the Post. "thlt it was a useless experiment, and yet; I was willng lo do almost. anything that would bring relief. [had not used the pill long before there was unâ€" doubted relief. more lin fact than I ’had obtained from any other mediâ€" cl~ne. I continued their use, and soon allsymptoms ofthetroulhle that had in [do my life oneto'f much. m'sery for mlny years was gone. [feel I’hat I am oureld, and have no heSIlflllIO'l] in saying that the cure. ls duo to Dr. Willizlms‘ Plnk Pills, and I never lose an opporlunlty of recommendlng the pills to neighbors who mly be all ing." Dr. IVilllIums' Pink Pills cure by go- ing to the root of the dlsease. They renew and build up lhe blood, ‘llld strengthen the nerves, thus (Ierng dlseuse from lhe system. If your dealer does not keep them, they will be sent postple at 50 cents a box. or six boxes for $2.50, by addressutg the Dr. W'illlums' Medicine Co.. Brock- ville. OOllt. ____._ LASTING QUALITIES. 'l'llc ("him-ac “'nuld Accomplish Much [I 'l'urnl-cl to “null. 'lh~ (h'llesx h Va many traits wh l-h. if properly developed. would muse thun to assume a leading place among the nations of the globe. The peoâ€" ple are industrious, hospitable, tem- perate and devoted to learning. They are strong and wiry. They have lusting qualities. The Chinese can live anywhere, eat everything and be- lieve anything. They outwear the tribes of Southern Asia. are more conservative than the Japanese and less poetiuil than the Hindoo. They are possessed of much common sense Their religions and superstitions en- ter; into everything, even their cheat. ing and lying. Gambling is the na- tional sin. The little children on the». street throw dice for the candy with the salesman. 'l'he missionary from the OC(‘.:(II‘DIC, outnumbered by the opiuln venler and the whisky ped- alâ€, 1118 been unable to keep the vines of the \Vest from being intro- duced along with the virtues, and, afâ€" ter five centuries of contact, the Caucasian has done the Mongolian more harm than good. ‘4 .â€" QUEER CUSTOMS. The Chinese eat rice lhree times a day. They ply their chop sticks as (lcxterously as we do knife and fork TIII‘V say our uw of the knife is bar- )Ien SII‘IV“ their hvarls and Drums. grow pigtails. The "pigluil" is the bulge of smrvilulle forced on the Chi-nose by their l-lmquerol's. the )I‘ln- virus. \Vlrmun, Ill‘ll are married pull Tout III" Il'llzl‘ over lhr- fl'll‘l‘Il“*'HI. Some tilnger nulls arr- six Ill"II-’5 lung. and are protected by bllnbm :ln'l silver ltubos generally worn owr the third finger. A (wi‘flu l> :l 'IIIIP present to lr-ithmr I'ILIIF‘I‘ or inolhnr. It is often .kwlpt in the» lwllrmm. Inwuse burns larnunrl it nlglt‘ InlI dry to keep away evil Lnlluonn'm'. When a person dies, : the bnly is olllmrzltely dressed Hid 1;»le money is piled in the (‘OIIIIL J'lbis plys the way to Nirvana. + AHEAD OF SOME OF THEM. I regret to say that my daughter 'cnn‘t sing a note. , But does she think she can? No, >h4‘ knows she can't. I Then there‘s no reason why you. 'should regret it. If she doesn't be- come a social favorite I‘ miss my lgucss.