\Vm. Ellis, 100 yds. gravel . . . . , ‘Geo. Stewart, nails . . . A . . _ . . . . . Geo. Miller. 2 days’ work . . . . . . Geo. Robertson, hauling. &c. . . . May &. Son, lumber . . . . . . . . l . . \Vm. Mellile building culmrts. “ labor . . . . . , . . . . . . . “ building bridge “ labor and spikes . . ‘Robt. Rumble, operating grader “ 47 yds gravel .... Edwin Langstaï¬â€™, 34 yds. gravel Henry Marsh. lumber. &c . . . . . . Mrs. Gamble, 73 yards gravel .. Jas. Kaiser, hauling gravel . . . . . . Chas. McNeil “ . . . . . . Geo. Hugill “ . . . . l . \Vm. \Vatson “ . . . . . . \Vm. Hutchinson “ . . . . . . Arch. Brownlee “ . . . . . . 'W'. Puterhaugh “ . . . . . . Thos. “'itty “ . . . . 4 . Jos. Loretmsliovelling in pit. . . . 5 David \Vright. “ “ 1 \Vni. Turner “ “ 7 John Ring-land “ “ 3 Ed. J arrebt. overseer i . . . . . l . . . . . 17 Ed. Hutchinson, levelling road . 11 Ed. Jarrett, hauling timber ... . Jas. Kaiser, repairing road . . . . . . 1 Geo. Hugill “ “ . . . . . . 1 John L. Card, material . . . . . . . . . 34 Yonge St. Account, 3; to be paid Markham. Michael Conley, breaking stones; 5 H’ni. Ness, 2 tuise of stone . . , . . 12 “7111. E. Ness. 1 toisc of stone .. 6 Ach. S. Boyle. “ ‘ ‘ i 5 D. w. Gluliine, 12% days‘ work. 12 'VVni. Chatterley, l7 day’s work. 17 Vaughan township cuuncnl met at the Town Hall, Vellm-e, on Tuesday, July lOLh, at 1 o‘clock p. m. The reeve in the chair. Members present: Messrs. Bnyle, \Vutson and Miuutes of last meeting wand and conï¬rmed. \Vatsonâ€"Mallnyâ€"(hat the treasurer 5- ay the following accounts: - {ob’t Topper, 85 yds. gravel 5 95 ‘Alex. Black, 1 day’s work . . . . . 1 ()0 Jas. Huson, 8 cedar posts . . . . . . 1 12 “ 384 ft. lumber . . . . . 5 57 “ building breakwater. 58 ()1) ‘Sam McClure.labu1- . . G 00 The ree present : Malloy. Boylv~â€"\Vatsonâ€"That the treasurer lie authorized to pay Robb. Rumble, Sanitary Inspector, for one ofï¬cial vlsit to Thm‘nlxill the sum of $2.00. By-Lzuv No. 717 was then passed making a. general assessmmt to the seven] schools in the township as pm- vided by the statute. lnuncil adjourned to meet at the Town Hall on Tuesday, Aug. 14th at 1 o’clock p. m. \Vhilo helping to drive a beast to slaughter one dgiy last, week, Lloyd “700d met with a. painful accident. The animal ran against him, breaking his left leg below the knee. There is considerable complaint be- ing made about. boys going into neigh- bor‘s gardens and picking the fruit. Parents should gee thjitthis is stopped. Geo. G00. G eu. May \Vm \V. A large number from here attended the b:11-n~raising on Mr. J. H. Kirby’s farm in York Township, last 82: turduy afternoon. Tho: captains were Mr. R. Bumble and Mr. M. Ramsay, buth sides ï¬nishing at; the same time. AbonL 200 pal-took of Mrs. Kirby‘s 1105pitality. The football teams of this place and Sherwood placed a match last Sutur- day evening at the lattel place, which resulted in a. draw. Mrs: J. Anderson and daughter Laura, of Bracehridge, made a visit at Mr. T. Cousins‘ the fore part of the week. The Misses Hill and Parkhillof Deer Park, and Miss Annie Thomas of Hope. spent, Mnnday afternoon with Miss Bumble, M1. and Mrs. Gus Zrid of Turbhtn, were visiting thb frlends here over Sunday. RICHMOND HILL. July 19. Changeâ€"H. C. Changeâ€"Jerry @119 ï¬iheml. New Vaughan Council Advertisements. Bailey. Smith. Maple :u‘el (i 5 00 2 ()0 6 00 5 00 00 8'3 ()0 On the 12th of July the Shann-ock lacrosse team of Toronto Junction, on their own grounds, defeated the Tal- agoos of Newmarket, by ten straight games, the visitors winning the eleventh game one minute before the time was up. Have you tried Clark’s roast beef, put up in 1 lb. tins and ready for use, it is delicious, 16c. per tin. Atkinson & Switzor. Lieu t. Borden, 23 years of age, only son of the Minister of Militia, was kill- ed in the Bom- war near Pretoria on Monday of this week. Flour ! Flour lâ€"VVe have good fam- ily floor at $4 per hbl., suitable for bread or pastry. Naughton Bros., Elgin Mills. Edwin C. Hamhlv, of SunnV Am‘os Fax-m, Vaughan Township, died at, his late residence on \Vvdnesday, July 11. Interment took place at; Laure-l Hill Cemetery, Bolton, Friday afternoon. Our men’s furnishing department is always lively on Saturday. “‘hy ? Because we always have something new to Lake the eye of our customers. Atkinson 8: Switzer. Tu Junior Fourthâ€"Mabel 1mm, Emily Boyle. Tn Senirr Thirdâ€"Neda 1 Florencb Chapman, “Eu-1'01) Arthur Ball. To Junior 'I'hirdâ€"Murgum-ih Annie Chapman. Gale (‘1' Emma VVeldl-ick, Cum XV Ame Lollintt and Randell 1* trial. Mr. E. A. James snilvd from 1 real on July 11 for a ï¬vt‘ ww-I-zs‘ day in Scntlzmd and England. many friends wish him a p10 voyage and a safe return Thu I-vsidonts of this Warp vivinity seem to he quitn in the h for excursions and pit-1m: pax-tir‘s AL the lust meeting of King Cmmcil James Sloan was appuintvd pound- kvoper in the village of Schmulwrg in place of N. J. Harris. Tha suhsm iber would respectfully intimate to the public 2.1m having rebuilt the choppmg mill at N'IAPL E Langstufl’ school 11 mm‘ list for June: FOL]! Lh Classâ€"Morgan Boyle, Flossy Cusely. Senior Thirdâ€"~Mub01 Gundorluuu, Emily Boyle. Juuiur Thirdâ€"Florence Chapman. Medâ€. Clubme, Arthur Bnylu, \Yéu-ron Page. Senior Semndâ€"â€"Annie Chapman, Marguerite Buylv. Juno Chapman, Cora. \Ve‘ldrick, Emma \V'vldrick. Junior SPCdeâ€"Otto James. Senior Pan-t, Secondâ€"Boutriro Flav- elle. Ernest Richards, Herbie Luvshy. Junior Part Secondâ€"Boyntun \Yold- rick, Lmne Gundcrlmm, Myrtle \Veld- l‘i( l'ic :ll'P lmund to he in tho sw lwr “mm, to Lake \Vilcu) day and spvnt a plvnsn Preshytm-ians r-mltmnplu Niagara Falls in the Hun- Trinity Church Sunday made arrange-ments fm : over the Metropolitan aw Bond’s Luke nox'l Tuesdm Grand Lodgv, A. F. & I sossiun in Lnndun, Unt, numbm- of (lthgutos fmm the province. The 1'0 fmui 0m“ local lodge are . J. Drury and R. ’J‘hompm Mr. \ 'ill Mundey, fox-n place, has been ill, and g; his Nu market Something new and nout~string ties in royal blue with white pin and polka dut, good silk, 25c. Atkinson & Switzm'. He is also still keeping ALL KINDS OF LUMBER on hand and in a few days will be Drelimrei to supply DRESSED LUMBER of all Rim 8 and do PLANIN‘G AND MATCHING of all kinds at. lowest price& Patronage solicmed ; satisfaction guaranteed Senior Part Firstâ€"I'er Ethel Flaw-111», Gm-lund Lu! Junior Pal-t Firstâ€"A] Emma Chapman. Little Foiksâ€"Josephvno Irene Chapman. To Svnior Secondâ€"v To Juninr Secondâ€". Ernest Richards. Hm LOTTIE \VAL EHPPENG Ami doubled its capacity. he will during the busy chopping season and until further notice chap place, has been illflmd ;; f.» was taken to St. Michael for treatment. Monday. “'odnesday and 5:1!- ul‘daay of each week. Mr. H. C. Bailey‘s new tin shop has been completed. It isn m-ut looking structure, and was planned by Mr. Brown of McKees ort, Pu. Mr. Row is moving in am will carry on his business there. ' Mr. Edgar Richardson, (1 fUI‘llH‘l' teacher here, and who now has a school in Edmonton, N. \V. T.. is spending partof his vacation renow- ing acquaintances in the village. Hon. \Vm.‘Mnlnck has had 6?; inc xscent lights with mots-1- plum‘d 5 North York residence 1: "V Henry Marsh. News News Thor-uh 'ROMOTIO' stafl 0H1 Bent i‘lll ll) rx-icv Fl: Luvshy Iâ€, Teac Alice From Mont “'00 ’ huli IllH'S @542} ’9 Boyla hupmznn Clu model‘ Bnyh 111’. H'Ls of la nvcs [Vt he: nine, ’agv, :1an unm- (-11( mt in J. T. amamw, 3-. , . \ lpackages g..aram, (d to on re. a Iorms of Sexna Weakness. all effects of ntu. . or excess, Mental Won-y. Excessive use of To bacoo. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receip‘ of pripc, one ackage $1. six. :5. One will plaza aimed; cure. nmphlets free to any addrees. The Wood Company. Windsor, 0111’ Parties requiring pasture for stock apply to 47-6 THOS. COOK, Carrville Iv in“. N n (muss-navw-uuw‘, The Great English Remedy}. Sold and recommendt’d by a} druggista in Canada. On) rel! nble medivino discovcre . SE , . . \ kages guarantmi to cure. a! A! annn \Vnnbnnqq, n1] m‘l‘oots Of “bur! '5? W001 Hill by W ï¬L‘Sï¬SEA FLEUR??§€§ PASLLS. Hanchester, of London,Eng., It would 'do us no goo a lot of harm, to treat a: with anything but the ; est consideration. ‘ hurts you hurts us. If), our customer once its “. Bread †policy to make 3 permanent customer.‘ GORE , ()F GALT. 0f Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany fur the farmers of York Co. Business Solicitcd. 105. HALL, A. MOODIE, Rafa Fe. Afler. Any Flour will u) will g1 Depends upon our work that will give our tomch perfect :‘atisfacti {9:53 Riclnnond 11in. Made to suit. the people and .51 at a; reasonable pnco. Agent for the fnlIGwiua stuck Insurance Companies, viz an“ ads :. make more broad, lighter bread and bread that will keep moist longer, and better flavor-- ed bread with loss lub- m' than any other flour. Grade Family Flam In is strictly NAU (3 “TON BROS BRITISH AMERICA, OF TORO‘STO, CANADA. â€"ALSOâ€"â€"- YORK MUTUAL, PAgTURE A First-class Cash Mutual. Wood's P‘kxosphc:aims ï¬i â€"A,NDâ€"* SELL IT. make Broad, but, we guarantee EEUE JERRY '1 in Richmocé 11 your hm 1Ԡ\\! YOU :nJ Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent†sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, WELKENS £5 Evans Building, pan 1613 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street;1 Toronto. Japan Teas have advanced ‘N 0 [TAB {I'OUHIHU to iUUi 6 inch, only Hay Rakes, (“I ’1'" WELKENS & 00.. ,1 St place to VICTOR J. EVANS & 00., 3 .tumma mas-m (Patent Attorneys,) maths, 5 l‘kf OI 3’ (Cali ET EDI" 3ND THEâ€"- A TE ) AGENT 1 )l‘.‘ 3C uxd DC; scy! tter Sca and CHI All fule 1n pn are Paris Green The best, 312115181: Twine kt less than can-load pflces. ted “ Victor Chop †H). in ï¬ve 17 uud lots. Eziachine Gil WASHINGTON, D. C. EV! MAPLE. Kc E“) {)NAIJD tion unbia Bicycies only hmond Hill only -10 cents a 25 cents. nd otbe'. teed 1t prices. [165* t0 supp“ :llon.